Death Notice

Chapter 66: Undead princess


"Clang!" The iron lock slammed on the solid corridor, making a loud noise, which startled many intruders in this vice castle.

"Hey, quickly open the iron fence. After checking the last floor, we will go out immediately. The mayor is still waiting for everyone." A middle-aged townsman frowned and covered his nose, "This place really stinks!"

Many ferocious beasts were imprisoned in the vice fort of the prison, and there were few doors and windows, and animal feces and body odors were everywhere. Although the main fort and four sub-forts of Albert Castle have been invaded by townspeople, the prison sub-fort only has all kinds of filthy cells and instruments of torture. Ordinary townspeople just checked the lower floors and stopped going deep, and directly exited the sub-fort. fort.

The townspeople who are still staying in the vice fort of the prison and insist on checking all the cells are the security teams led by the sheriffs of the various towns. Their task is to prevent ordinary townspeople from harming innocent people in the castle, minimize damage to Albert Castle, and collect evidence and antidote of the Albert family's disease.

"Hey, look! What is this... a wolf? Isn't it... too big?" Opening the fence of the corridor leading to the iron prison on the top floor, the few townspeople who entered first looked at the iron prison in front of them in shock. creature.

"I'm afraid this is the magical creature that Saint Healer Totti said..." The two sheriffs of the security team looked at each other and swallowed a mouthful of saliva as they watched several majestic werewolves.

"Let's be gentle, these werewolves are probably anesthetized, don't disturb them!" The sheriff gently instructed all the townspeople.

"Sir, there are living people here!" A townsman who walked to the end of the iron prison area suddenly suppressed his voice and waved to the two justices.

This is the innermost cell, which contains a human being whose limbs and neck are locked by an iron collar. The man was kneeling on the ground with his head bowed, his face covered by messy hair, but judging from his body shape and exposed skin, he should be a young man.

"Sir, he's still alive!"

"Go open the cell door and get him out!" The two sheriffs looked at the prison with angry expressions on their faces. "The Albert family really has a secret!"

The exorcist family raised magical creatures. Although the two sheriffs who knew the inside story of the exorcist were a little unhappy, the Odia region was the front line against evil creatures after all, and they could understand this practice.

However, if a living person appeared in the cell, the nature would be different. The imprisonment and trial of living people should belong to the secular government. This is equivalent to the Albert family violating the jurisdiction of the two sheriffs, and of course it will arouse their anger.

Several townspeople struggled for a long time, and finally used a crowbar to break open the iron collar that locked the young man, and helped him out of the cell.

"Hey, why does he look familiar to me?" A security officer brushed back the young man's messy golden hair, and turned to look at his companion in surprise.

"... who are you?" The young man suddenly opened his eyes and asked hoarsely.

"We are the sheriff of Odia, and we are collecting the crimes of the Albert family!" Another sheriff squatted in front of the young man, and comforted him softly, "Young man, you are safe now, tell me, how did you get murdered by the Albert family?" Baron Burt is privately imprisoned, who are you?"

"Collecting the crimes of the Albert family? Who am I?" A look of pain suddenly appeared on the young man's face, and he fell to the ground with trembling hands covering his head, "Albert... who am I?"

"Hey, he... I know who he is!" The sheriff who had been frowning and thinking suddenly widened his eyes, and pointed at the young man as if he had seen a ghost, "He is... the eldest son of Baron Albert , Stephen Albert, I attended his funeral!"

"I am... Stephen Albert?! My Nina... no, Mary! Little Le..." Hearing Stephen's name, the young man suddenly stopped trembling, muttered to himself and straightened his upper body, his originally confused eyes Slowly clear up.

"I remembered... I remembered it, haha, so I'm still alive, that old guy is not willing to kill me?!" Stephen's face showed ecstasy, "It's a pity Nina... Hehe, what's the matter, Mai Aren't there other witches in Ya Forest?"

"Stephen, since you are Stephen, do you still remember what happened more than a year ago? Is there an antidote to the undead plague developed by Baron Albert?" The two sheriffs looked at each other and asked in surprise road.

"What happened more than a year ago...has it been more than a year? No wonder I'm so hungry!" Stephen glanced at his thin hands, looked up at the two sheriffs and several other townspeople, showing a meaningful look With a big smile, "I don't know what the undead plague is. I only know that I am very hungry. Really... Thank you for letting me out!"

Under the dim light in the corridor, Stephen's shadow cast on the wall grew rapidly, and rushed towards the sheriff.

"Ah! You... What are you? Help... Help!" The screams of the sheriff and the townspeople were faintly heard from the top floor of the vice-prison castle.

Surprised, stunned, puzzled, solemn... Many expressions appeared on the faces of the two groups of people facing each other in the banquet hall, but only the person accused by Qin Lun remained indifferent.

Elizabeth, who was called Albert's immortal princess by Qin Lun, wore a princess dress, and still kept a sweet smile on her round, snow-white face. The little princess played with her curly blond hair with her chubby fingers, and took two steps forward with the doll in her arms.

"What a wonderful reasoning! Doctor Stan, an exorcist like you, even in the last century more than three hundred years ago, is enough to be the chief of staff of the exorcist army." Elizabeth winked at Qin Lun playfully. Blinking, "It's just that I still have a question, can you answer me truthfully?"

As soon as Elizabeth spoke these words, all the exorcists were shocked. Although they already believed Qin Lun's deduction in their hearts, they still had a feeling of disbelief when they got the confirmation from the mouth of a young girl.

"My little princess, if you have any questions, just ask!" Qin Lun nodded enthusiastically.

He didn't mind procrastinating for a little longer. Although the main castle gate was very strong, it probably wouldn't last long in front of thousands of townspeople. His mission has been completed, and he has no interest in participating in the battle that is very likely to happen next. The best choice is to take advantage of the chaos and leave Albert Castle.

"Hee hee, Dr. Stan, you just said that you got another piece of evidence to rule out Laura's suspicion!" Elizabeth pouted, sucking her chubby fingers, and said with her big eyes twinkling, "Can you tell me, yes What kind of evidence? Little Elizabeth feels that she has disguised herself very well!"

"Oh? This!" Qin Lun frowned, spread his hands and said, "Actually, it's better that you don't know! Because... even if you don't have that evidence, your disguise is still very bad!"

"Speak! If you don't speak, Elizabeth will not let you go!" The girl flicked the doll angrily, and waved her small fist viciously.

"Okay, let's talk about the decisive evidence first!" Qin Lun had a smile on his face, "Do you still remember the first night I came to the castle, after dinner, I bumped into it on the parapet outside the castle?" Is it your turn?"

"Of course I remember, it seems to be raining one day!" Elizabeth tilted her head and thought for a while, "You don't think I'm undead because I got wet in the rain and didn't get sick?"

"Haha, of course not!" Qin Lun smiled, "It was only after I became an exorcist that I realized what was wrong that night! You told me the family motto of the Albert family to me that night, right? ?”

"A thousand years of duty, a thousand years of protection, and a thousand years of glory!" Elizabeth lowered her eyelids and said in a serious tone, "Is that the sentence?"

"Well, yes! You said it at the time, this is what your father said!" Qin Lun said with a glint in his eyes for the first time, with a serious expression on his face.

"After becoming an exorcist, I learned something about Stephen from Boni. It seems that in your impression, Stephen doesn't like fighting, and he has no interest in becoming an exorcist. Although Nina was more than a year ago She just exposed her identity, but as her husband, I believe Stephen should have known this fact earlier than you, otherwise, Nina wouldn't have taken him to the Maiya Forest!

And if Stephen learned of Nina's true identity a long time ago, then the problem will arise. He doesn't like fighting, he doesn't want to be an exorcist, and he even conceals the fact that his wife is a Maya witch. How can such a descendant of Albert talk about the family motto of exorcist? "

Elizabeth had a bitter face, her eyebrows were wrinkled, and she seemed to know what Qin Lun would say next. Sure enough, Qin Lun gave her a meaningful look, and continued to speak with a smile.

"Therefore, I suspected that your father was not Stephen Albert! And when I was in Albert's library, I saw a portrait of the first Baron Albert, and under the portrait After seeing that family motto, I will know who your father is!"

Qin Lun bowed gracefully to Elizabeth, "Please accept the tribute to your father from a progressive exorcist. Lorenzo Albert, the first Baron Albert, is a role model for all our exorcists!"

"You guessed it! Forget it, don't pretend to be polite anymore, I'm starting to hate your cleverness!" The smile on Elizabeth's face finally disappeared. She sighed helplessly and waved weakly. He waved his hand, "Others, is there any other flaws?"

"Yes, a lot! However, compared with this guess, they are all small details!" Qin Lun nodded honestly, "If you have finished asking, I also have questions to ask you! I don't know..."

"Do you want to ask me why I became an undead?" Elizabeth calmly closed her big eyes, as if lost in a distant memory, "It's okay, I will tell you! Father once said, if one day I am tired, I will You don't have to worry about the Albert family anymore, you can tell the world about it!"