Death Notice

Chapter 80: Sly Beluces


After the demon Beluces welcomed more than ten apostles, he led them out of the valley.

As everyone walked out of Calabash Valley, the panorama of the scorching plain unfolded before everyone's eyes. Unlike in the Moonlight Forest, in the scorching plain, the apostles felt the "hell" atmosphere here more closely.

Compared with the dryness and hotness of the Red Gobi, the scorching plains covered with active volcanoes do not feel hot. There are harsh cold winds blowing everywhere, and the climate is a bit like a mountainous plateau with a very high altitude.

The ground of the scorching plains is brown, dry and cracked, with barely visible wet soil. There are often traces of blue smoke rising from the cracks, with a pungent smell that makes people want to vomit. The closer the ground is to the active volcano, the darker the color of the land. In some places, you can even see the fiery red magma flowing deep in the cracks.

Except for the demons, the smoke drifting in the wind on the plain made the apostles feel extremely uncomfortable. Although it did not harm everyone's body, the pungent smell even made the exposed skin feel a little tingling .

Compared with Moonlight Forest, this place is really terrible! Although I haven't seen the apostle city "Devil's Horn", judging from the body language of the apostles, some people may have regretted leaving the Moonlight Forest.

"Master, I feel bad!" While Qin Lun was looking around, the little goblin behind him staggered and fell to the ground.

Qin Lun took two steps forward, helped the little guy up, and found that his eyes were closed tightly, his face was pale, and there were big drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

"The smoke in the scorching plain is poisonous. Apart from demons and apostles, creatures of other races have a hard time adapting to it!" A kind voice came from behind Qin Lun, "Let me see!"

Qin Lun turned his head and saw the demon leader Belushis walking towards him.

"I'm sorry to trouble you!" Qin Lun smiled, and let the little goblin lie on his knees.

"Little guy, take a deep breath!" Beluses took out a small metal canister similar to an asthma respirator from his arms, and let Didi hold it in his mouth.

Didi took a deep breath according to his words, his face turned red quickly, he opened his eyes again, and stood up.

"I'm sorry, master, to trouble you!"

"Little guy, you are different from your master. It's better to wear the mask those elves gave you." Beluces pointed to the mask in Didi's arms, the flames in his pupils flickered slightly, "This mask can Filtering poisonous breath is a must-have item for adventurers. Everyone needs to wear it when it comes to the devil's horn!"

Hearing Belushis' meaningful words, Qin Lun's heart moved, and he put on the mask again. He suddenly realized a problem. Although the Apostle City and the Moonlight Forest are both floating cities, they are obviously very different.

There are only a few hundreds of apostles in the Moonlight Forest, and most of them are preparatory apostles. With its armed forces, it can deter evil-minded apostles and keep the entire city stable.

But the city of apostles is different, there are tens of thousands of official apostles, many of them high-ranking apostles. The demon clan and the management council are just managers and service providers, and they have no power to forcibly restrain these apostles.

Those who maintain the stability of the Devil's Horn and formulate the rules should also be the apostles, and perhaps the joint law enforcement of some high-level apostolic teams.

However, the apostles were apostles after all, and their attention was never focused on worldly affairs. As long as everyone does not violate the rules on the surface, they should not be suppressed and restrained.

In other words, there will definitely be bullying of the weak and the strong preying on the weak in private. If there is no conclusive evidence, I am afraid that the law enforcement apostles will turn a blind eye.

This is hell for the law-abiding, heaven for prisoners! Qin Lun suddenly grinned, couldn't help but glanced at Belushis, and said meaningfully: "You are right, Devil's Horn is indeed an adventure park for real men!"

"Jie Jie, it seems that you have thought of it!" The flames in Beluces' eyes jumped, and he smiled tacitly, "The manager cannot interfere in the affairs between the apostles, but a strong person like you with potential Should have been warned beforehand, those elves are so incompetent!"

Qin Lun smiled and said nothing, no wonder the demon clan sent Beluces to receive the new apostle, this cunning monster is really cunning and cunning. While selling well for yourself, you never forget to add insult to injury to your opponents.

In fact, Beluces just hinted in a rather veiled way just now, if he didn't react, it wasn't even a reminder. The intelligent race of the Shattered Starry Sky has experienced the great destruction in ancient times and the race wars in the Middle Ages, and the creed of the apostles will no longer change.

Pay attention to the help of the apostles, but cannot rely on the apostles, try to absorb the apostles, but do not interfere with the affairs of the apostles. This is the iron rule for intelligent races to survive and reproduce in the broken starry sky. Even the demon race also abides by this principle.

"By the way, have you obtained my information?" The devil's words just now aroused Qin Lun's vigilance.

"Hehe, it is impossible for the intelligent race in Broken Starry Sky to have the detailed information of the apostles. However, when the apostles in the floating city transfer to the apostle city, the intelligent race in that floating city will submit their evaluation of the apostles to the apostle city Report." Beluces said with a smile.

"The elves speak highly of you, and it is specially stated that you have obtained the soul seal of the apostle when you were preparing for the apostle, and you have completed the first alien mission, and you have gained a lot!"

"The information given to you by the elves?" Qin Lun raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise.

"Jie Jie, I know what you are wondering about! Although the elves have prejudice against us demons, they will not hide this kind of matter. In other words, no intelligent race will cheat on the evaluation of the apostles It is not a big deal to affect the judgment of the hostile race, but if it indirectly arouses the apostle's bad feelings, it will not be worth the loss!" Beluces said lightly.

"I see!" Qin Lun nodded silently, he understood a little bit the complex feelings of the intelligent race towards the apostles.

Turning his head to look at Beruces' demonic appearance, Qin Lun suddenly felt a little strange, and couldn't help asking: "Your Excellency Beruces, don't you demons have wings?"

"Wings?" Beluces frowned, and said with a dry smile, "The winged members of the Demon Clan are all great demons, and they have basically lived in seclusion, and few people even within the Demon Clan know of their whereabouts. What are you asking this for?"

Qin Lun saw Belushis' embarrassed expression, his mind flashed like lightning, and he immediately understood. Great demons are high-ranking creatures. To the apostles, their whole bodies are treasures, and even their bodies are excellent equipment materials. It's no wonder they dare to appear in front of the apostles. Even if Beluces knew, he would not tell him.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, please forget what I just said, I'm just curious about your demon clan, and I don't mean anything malicious!" Qin Lun spread his hands and apologized to the demon.

"We have many types of demons. The main demon race on the scorching plain is the Bahrain demon, and there are also some small demon races. For example: sly demons like me, succubus, Balrog, etc." Beluces He introduced without any concealment, "The way to distinguish demons is very simple, mainly by looking at our magic horns and skin color."

Under the introduction of the old cunning demon, Qin Lun also knew that the demon guards surrounding the apostles were basically Balin demons, whose main features were brown skin and curved horns similar to goat horns.

There are other demons in the floating continent, as well as demon races with black skin, dark red skin, spiral magic horns, and bifurcated magic horns. Compared with the elves, the demon race has more types and is more complicated.

"Of course, in the eyes of you humans, all demons look the same!" Beluces said with a smile.

"Hehe, you really can talk!" Qin Lun asked with a smile, "Your Excellency Beluces, can you tell me about the specific situation of the Devil's Horn!"

"After each new apostle arrives at the Devil's Corner, there will be a dedicated person responsible for guiding and introducing them!" The flames in Beluces' eyes flickered slightly, and he said calmly, "However, since you asked, let me give you an introduction." Let me introduce you first!"

"Thank you, I will remember your favor!" Qin Lun glanced at the old devil and said lightly.

"It is my honor to be able to serve you!" The fire in Sly Mo's eyes suddenly blazed, and he said meaningfully.

The two looked at each other tacitly, feeling very satisfied. Although the Devil's Horn will have an official guide, it is an official statement, and it is absolutely impossible to explain the unspoken rules and secret information of the city to the new apostle.

Qin Lun hinted that Beluces would introduce him, naturally hoping to obtain some secret inside information and unspoken rules, so that he could adapt himself to the apostle city as soon as possible. The intelligent race will not intervene in the affairs between the apostles, but this does not mean that they will not trade information.

Qin Lun is now using a potential favor to exchange this kind of information with Beluces. For the old cunning demon, this is a personal friendship between the two, and has nothing to do with the demon clan, nor the apostle city, just like Mafa's private investment in Qin Lun.

In the following introduction by Beluces, Qin Lun also had a rough impression of the Devil's Horn.

There are five major management races in Devil's Horn. Since the apostle city itself was first built by the demon race, the demon race occupies the largest management authority among them. The other four management races are the Wind Elemental Clan, Rakshasa Clan, Dwarf Clan and Elf Clan.

When Qin Lun heard about this racial combination, he smiled wryly.

No wonder the moon night elves were excluded in this apostle city. There were either races from the chaotic evil camp or the chaotic neutral camp. The moon night elves are lawful and good, and the horn of the devil itself follows the law of the jungle where the weak eat the strong, so it is strange that the elves can eat it well.

According to Belushis, if the new apostle wants to gain a foothold in the Devil's Horn, he only needs to follow one principle...