Death Notice

Chapter 92: Task


"If we act together with you, what do we need to pay?" The student-like young man gritted his teeth and asked.

"Half of the mission harvest! In addition, you must obey our arrangement, otherwise, we will not bring you burdens." Yoshida Junko said lightly, "If you agree, then sign a space contract with us now. After this time, we will no longer accept midway joins!"

"Signed a contract with you, will you protect us?" the beautiful girl asked hesitantly.

"Protection? Hehe, in such a world, no one can guarantee the safety of anyone, even us!" Matthew said calmly.

"We will only give you the necessary guidance to increase your chances of survival. Whether you can survive depends on your own efforts. Of course, we will help if conditions permit. After all, if you die, we will There will be no mission benefits in the contract!"

"Damn... half of the quest income!" The student-looking young man stuck his thumb into his mouth and bit his nails fiercely.

"I, I'll go with you!" While the others were still thinking, the young woman in the crowd hugged the baby girl tightly and was the first to agree.

"Sorry, our proposal is only for them, you... are not included!" Matthew glanced at the baby girl in the young woman's hand, and said calmly.

"What?!" The words of the big black man shocked everyone on the rooftop.

"Why, why? I... I am willing to pay all the rewards of the mission, all of it!" The young woman's complexion changed drastically, and she bent down and begged bitterly.

"Sorry!" Matthew sighed and shook his head regretfully.

"I'll go with you!" The middle-aged fat man's face changed for a while, and finally made up his mind, and walked towards the three of Matthew.

"I... I'll go with you too!" The coquettishly dressed girl gritted her teeth and also walked out of the crowd.

The middle-aged man in the sanitation suit had a complicated expression, sighed, and whispered to the young woman holding the baby girl, "I'm sorry, I also have a son, I can't die here."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man seemed to have unloaded a heavy burden, and was the third to walk out of the crowd.

"There are only three people!" Matthew frowned, and smiled at the rest of the people, "Then I wish you good luck!"

"Please wait!" Seeing Matthew and the others turn and leave, the young man dressed as a student called to stop Matthew again.

"Changed your mind?"

"You... can you leave me a pistol, the most common one is fine, treat it as an investment!" When the young man first opened his mouth, he was still a little hesitant, but after a few words, he seemed to have found his confidence, Boldly said, "After I complete the task, I will pay for the pistol with double the credits..."

"Hahaha! Matthew, I found that entering the world of complex tasks is not without benefits, at least I can always meet some interesting new people!" Joate couldn't help laughing, "Boy, you are so interesting, I really want to See your expression before you die! Invest... hahaha!"

"Jot, don't say a few words, let's go!" Matthew smiled, and even the cold Japanese woman gave the young man a strange expression and shook her head.

Looking at the backs of Matthew and the others, the young man blushed, let out a breath with difficulty, clasped his trembling hands, and whispered fiercely: "You will regret it, you will definitely regret it!"

"Okay, those senior people are gone, we seem to have a discussion about what to do next!" Among the people left behind, the blond young man in a suit and leather shoes smiled wryly and spread his hands, "Introduce yourself first." Come on, my name is Jonathan, Jonathan Cabble!"

"My name is Lu Kuang. Don't worry, we can complete the task without those three seniors. No one will know the world better than me!" Give yourself a pep talk, "They're going to regret it!"

"My... name is Lisa, and my daughter's name is Amy!" The blond young woman said helplessly, "Thank you for staying!"

"My name is Qin Lun, and I'm a doctor!" Qin Lun smiled friendly.

He didn't want to stay at first, and it would be much faster to dig out the plot of the mission by going with the three seniors. It's a pity that he doesn't even have a mission, so where does the mission benefit come from? As soon as he signs the contract, it is estimated that others will immediately find out that something is wrong.

"Hill, a Catholic priest, may the Lord bless us!" Hill crossed himself solemnly.

"...Lin Bin, my brothers all call me Xiaodao!" The young man with a fierce expression rolled his eyes and said coldly, "Compared with the names, I want to know why you stayed. Wouldn't it be better to follow those three seniors?" Okay? You don't have to worry about babies!"

"I can't do it, even if I die because of it, I can't just sit idly by! Besides, the main mission only requires escape, and at most I don't want the rewards of the mission, just hide with them!" Jonathan looked at Lisa's mother and daughter for a while. wry smile.

"... Me, me too!" Lu Kuang turned his head away and muttered in a low voice, "But I don't think we need to hide!"

"The Lord will not abandon every one of his people!" Hill nodded with a smile.

"I'm the same as everyone else. Besides, we have one more person than them. It's too early to give up the mission, isn't it?" Qin Lun showed a charming smile, "Then what about you, Xiaodao, what do you think?"

"My fate can only be controlled by myself!" Xiaodao's fierce face twitched slightly, and he gave a completely different reason from the others.

"Thank you, thank you everyone!" Lisa said gratefully, hugging her daughter.

"It seems that at least we are more united than those people. However, we don't know whether everyone's tasks are the same. Maybe it's better for everyone to get to know each other, what do you think?" Qin Lun glanced back and asked with a smile , "Also... Brother Lu Kuang, what did you mean when you said 'you know the world very well' just now, don't you mind explaining to us?"

"This... well, I'll explain it to you after everyone has informed each other about the mission!" Lu Kuanglue hesitated, then nodded in agreement.

Main task 1: Survive for a week in the Phantom World of Ghosts and accumulate three lowest Phantom Orbs. Mission reward: 1500 credits, mission failure, obliteration!

Main task 2: Join the Oni Clan faction and raise the faction reputation to 1000 points. Task reward: 3000 credit points, 6 skill points, 2 free attribute points. Mission failure: At the end of the world mission, 10,000 credit points will be deducted, and those with insufficient credit points will be obliterated!

Side task one (C level, optional): Rescue Jacques Brown's son Henry Brown. Task reward: Raise the reputation of the Ghost Clan by 2000 to Respect. Mission failure, no penalty!

Sub-quest 2 (C-level, optional): Kill the female phantom Kapidana. Task reward: Raise the reputation of the Ghost Clan by 2000 to Respect. Mission failure, no penalty!

Sub-quest 3 (B-level, optional): Kill the Chief Scientist of the Phantom Clan, Gildanstein or Senranmaru. Task reward: kill one person, raise the reputation of the Oni Clan by 3000 to Respect. (Kill the two together to increase the reputation of the Ghost Clan to 6000 reverence. If the task fails, there will be no penalty!)

Side mission 4 (level A, optional): Kill the phantom king Oda Nobunaga or Hashiba Hideyoshi. Task reward: Any kill can increase the reputation of the Oni Clan by 10,000 to worship, and at the same time get a random bloodline item in this world. (If two people are killed at the same time, the original reward remains the same, and the extra reward is: a random career promotion item. If the mission fails, there will be no penalty!)

World Exploration Quest: There are many hidden plot missions in the two camps of the ghost world. Every time you complete a hidden plot mission, you will receive a world exploration reward, which will be settled when you return to the space.

Tip: Every time the reincarnation accepts a hidden story mission, it will increase a certain amount of time in the world. Just complete one of main mission 1 and main mission 2. If you complete two main missions at the same time, you will get extra rewards!

Tips: Side missions 1 to 4 can be completed selectively, and the reputation rewards in the missions will be obtained after the missions are completed and confirmed by your own camp! Side quests can be completed with Onimusha, depending on the participation of Onimusha, the task difficulty and task rewards will be weakened.

Reminder: Extra Magic Orbs other than the main quest can be exchanged for Oni Clan reputation points. Faction reputation points can be exchanged for special items of the Ghost Clan in the dimension of the Broken Mirror. The exchange of reputation points does not affect the obtained reputation level, and the broken magic mirror is only visible to the reincarnation.

Looking at the task content submitted by others, Qin Lun pondered for a moment, and a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes. Although he doesn't understand the difficulty of these plot tasks, nor the specific value of credit points, but one thing is certain.

Among the information displayed by these missions, there is a huge trap hidden!

Shall I tell them? Qin Lun raised his head, just in time to meet Shang Hill's gaze, and saw the shepherd shaking his head slightly.

"Don't worry! Onimusha game, I am a hardcore player. I remember every step of the strategy clearly. It is their own loss that those senior players are gone. We will definitely be able to complete all the plot tasks!" Lu Kuang said triumphantly to the others, "Maybe we can still find out a lot of hidden plots!"

I'm afraid it's useless to say it now! Looking at the high-spirited Lu Kuang and the other people who were doubtful, Qin Lun sighed and suppressed the thoughts in his heart.

"Lu Kuang, just based on the names that appeared in the mission, can you be sure that this is the world of Onimusha?" Xiaodao asked sullenly.

"Of course, when we first woke up, I turned around on the rooftop a little bit. The angle we were standing at was blocked by the water tower and the high-rise buildings in front of us. Turn to the west side of the rooftop and have a look!" Lu Kuang smiled. said.

Everyone obeyed and turned to the west side of the rooftop. Everyone's eyes widened immediately, looking at the huge iron tower soaring into the sky in front of them. From this iconic building, they immediately knew where the city was under their feet...

"This is not only one of the two scenes at the beginning of the mission story, but also the hometown of one of the protagonists, Jacques Brown!" Lu Kuang pointed to the Eiffel Tower in front of him and said, "Welcome to the fashion capital—Paris!"