Death Notice

Chapter 97: Infect


This Paris police station is not big, and the house is relatively old-fashioned, with only three floors in total. When everyone went upstairs carefully, something unexpected happened. The upstairs was quiet, and there was no one there, not even the wounded.

"Everyone, come here... There is someone here!" Just as everyone was confused, Lisa's call sounded from the corner of the corridor.

Jonathan was the closest to Lisa, walked to the front of the room in three steps at a time, and pushed open the door of the procedure room. I saw a mess in the office, and a policeman was slumped on the ground, leaning against the wall. Due to the angle, they could only see the side face of the policeman. His eyes were closed, his face was pale, and he held a pistol in his right hand and put it on his knee.

"He seems to be dead!" Knife walked into the room, pulled the policeman's fingers, took off the pistol, and pulled out the magazine to see that there were only four bullets left in it.

"There was only one body, and the police left no wounded..." There was a hint of doubt on everyone's faces.

If the police were defeated by phantoms in the police station, there should be more corpses. If it is not defeated, then the wounded should be left behind. After all, the streets are full of people, and it is definitely not a good time to escort the wounded to the hospital.

"Huh, something seems wrong?" Xiaodao suddenly called out, turned the policeman's body over, and faced them.

"Bang!" Seeing the appearance of the other half of the corpse, the knife shuddered, hurriedly pushed the corpse away, and fell to the ground himself.

"Ah!" Lisa turned her back in horror and grabbed Jonathan's sleeve tightly.

The flesh and blood on the other half of the corpse was dry, and a dark red luster similar to Katoashigaru appeared under the cracked skin. Half of the face lost moisture, and the skin was as close to the skull as a skeleton.

Qin Lun squatted down and observed carefully, the smile on his face disappeared immediately.

"Doctor Qin, how are you?" Hill asked with a serious expression.

"His fatal injury was in his ribs, where the mutation was the most severe, and it seemed that he died after half of the mutation!" Qin Lun said with an ugly face, "Judging from the condition of the wound, he died less than half an hour... "

"Half an hour, so the wounded will become phantoms within an hour!" Hill's face changed, and he murmured, "Damn, these phantoms are actually highly contagious!"

"Lu Kuang, did you mention this kind of situation in the Ghost Warrior game?" Qin Lun asked cautiously.

"No, no... I don't know!" Lu Kuang was a little dazed, and his words were wrong. After the phantom appeared, this young man with fantasy finally began to realize the cruel reality little by little.

"What do you mean you don't know? Our original plan was formulated based on the information you provided." Xiaodao shouted a little angrily.

"Kang, calm down and think about it!" Jonathan pulled the knife away and patted Lu Kuang's shoulder comfortingly.

"Onimusha is a role-playing game, and the player's perspective rarely leaves the protagonist. In the opening animation of the game, there is no mention that phantoms are contagious! I really didn't know!" Lu Kuang scratched his scalp in frustration, his face There was a smile uglier than crying.

Everyone fell silent, and it was useless to blame Lu Kuang now. Although his information is very biased, at least it is not useless to let everyone know the general situation of the phantom world.

"What about the plan we discussed just now?" Xiaodao asked with a sullen face.

Qin Lun and Hill looked at each other and frowned slightly. When they were downstairs in the lobby, they discussed a way to complete the main mission one. First find the wounded in the police station, obtain the weapons in their hands, and then use the gunshots to attract the phantoms, and use the terrain and obstacles of the police station to defeat them one by one.

Now there are faint gunshots everywhere in the city, and the Paris police and armed forces are fighting phantoms again. There should not be too many phantoms appearing near the police station at the same time. Trust that there are restorative foods and weapons smeared with holy water, and it won't take much effort to complete this plan.

As long as the main mission is completed, these new reincarnations may not be satisfied with staying in the police station. Coupled with a little actual combat experience, they will naturally regain their courage to participate in side missions.

At that time, this rookie team will have a high chance of encountering other reincarnated teams, and Qin Lun and Hill's alien mission will be settled.

However, the accident that phantoms were contagious greatly interfered with this plan. There was only one corpse left in the police station, maybe the wounded turned into phantoms and left. More importantly, once the phantom is contagious, the Paris police and armed forces may soon collapse. Whether the entire city can persist until tomorrow is a question.

In this way, this rookie team might not even be able to stick to the police station. The entire Paris region has a population of more than 10 million. Even if only half of the citizens have turned into phantoms, there will no longer be a small safe place in the city.

Never wait to die in the police station! Qin Lun and Hill quickly reached a consensus.

"Phantoms are contagious. The police and armed forces in Paris may last until dark at most. After dark, their defenses will collapse, and we only have half a day to complete the main mission one!" Hill said in a deep voice.

"Now we have only two options. One is to find Zhizhi Zuomajie or Michelle as soon as possible, complete the main task one with their help, and then find a place to hide." Qin Lun said lightly, "However, this plan We need to cross half of the city to reach the Arc de Triomphe and Notre Dame Cathedral that were originally planned!"

"No, this plan is too risky. It will be very difficult for us to deal with two swords. If we encounter other high-level phantoms, we will definitely die!" Jonathan sighed heavily, "We missed the best preparation Time, you shouldn't sleep last night, if you have a night of preparation... "

Hearing Jonathan's words, Lu Kuang's face quickly turned gray.

"Then we have only the last choice!" Qin Lun smiled, and suddenly shut up in the middle of speaking.

"Doctor Qin, just speak directly!" Seeing Qin Lun's appearance, everyone's hearts sank, only Hill still had a smile on his face.

"Actually... it's not a bad thing for phantoms to be contagious!" Qin Lun narrowed his eyes slightly, and said lightly, "It's really dangerous to kill a Katashigaru face to face, but killing a phantom that has been bound long ago is not a bad thing." It's easy!"

"Bound Phantom?" Everyone was taken aback, but only Hill's face flashed a look of surprise, and finally looked at Qin Lun with a tinge of fear.

"Doctor Qin, you are referring to the bound Phantom..." Jonathan asked with some puzzlement.

"It didn't take long for the phantom to descend on Paris, and it directly covered the whole city from the air. I believe that many Parisians have no time to evacuate, at least there are many people hiding in the buildings near the police station." Qin Lun said and paused, " As long as we start to arrange from now on, capture a Kazugaru alive, and then lure those hiding citizens into the police station one after another..."

"You..." Jonathan's face changed drastically.

"Qin Lun, you know they can't do it, why did you give them such a suggestion?" Hill walked to the room and leaned against Qin Lun, and the room was filled with other people's arguments.

"Why can't it be done? It's the safest way for them!" Qin Lun smiled lightly.

"Why do you ask knowingly? Although they have become reincarnations, they are still ordinary people in essence. If you want them to turn living people into phantoms by themselves in such a short period of time, how can they accept it?" Hill said calmly. shook his head.

"It seems that you are also opposed to this suggestion?" Qin Lun shot all his eyes and dismissed Hill.

Hill was silent for a while, and then said softly: "Yes, I do not agree with this plan!"

"Why?" Qin Lun looked back at the shepherd with great interest.

"I'm different from you! I never gave up my belief in the Lord. The people I killed were just lost lambs." Hill took a deep look at Qin Lun.

"Really?" Qin Lun shrugged indifferently.

"Do you know, before I became an apostle, I had a special ability!" Hill said to himself, "I can hear other people's heartbeats, and I can tell a person's personality based on the sound of his heartbeat .

No one's heartbeat is static, even a battle-hardened veteran like disciple Hansen will have emotional fluctuations. Only your heartbeat never changes, like a living corpse. Maybe you don't care about the end result of the proposal at all, you only care about what choice they will make. "

"Isn't that right?" Qin Lun asked in surprise, "Don't everyone have strong curiosity?"

Hill took a deep breath, he was right, among all the prisoners who entered the Broken Starry Sky, Qin Lun was the most dangerous one! The dissecter has neither conception of good nor evil. In the youth's mind, all that remained were pure curiosity and the most obsessive interests.

"As an apostle or a reincarnation, your suggestion is not wrong, but you must have certain principles in life!" Hill shook his head with a wry smile.

"Aren't you and I both murderers?" Qin Lun said lightly, "It's not surprising that they disagree. If you disagree, don't you think it's hypocritical? Is cannibalism a principle?"

"I don't intend to justify my behavior!" Hill lowered his head and said calmly, "Any absurd behavior has a reason. Even if it is cannibalism, it does not mean that there is no humanity! Just learn to respect every aspect of food. If you don't waste a single bit of it, it's not murder!"

"Human nature?" Looking at Hill's back, Qin Lun slowly fell into deep thought.

After a long time, Qin Lun shook his head mockingly and stopped thinking about it.

During the last mission, he experienced two strange emotions. It is also because of this that he no longer wants to experience it. It is better not to approach others, just to observe, to observe.

"Doctor Qin, I've let you down, I'm afraid we can't do what you suggested! Everyone has decided, let's go to the Arc de Triomphe or Notre Dame de Paris!" Jonathan walked out of the room and said sadly.