Death Progress Bar

Chapter 100: Additional training


When Shi Jin heard the footsteps of Xiang Aoting following, he wanted to turn his head and he was worried about the students behind him, so he walked to the corner without looking back before turning around, standing still and standing in his military posture, looking at Xiang Aoting. say.

Xiang Aoting stood opposite him with his back to the crowd, stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder, and said, "Don't be stretched, your arms will droop naturally, and your middle finger will stick to the seam of your pants."

Really familiar lines. Are military training instructors in every world saying this set of words

Shi Jin glanced at Aoting's serious expression, silently followed suit.

"Back straight, legs close together." Xiang Aoting went around him again, patted his back, and stretched out his leg to gently kick his side of the foot.

Shi Jin couldn't hold back anymore, and when he came back, he immediately glared at him-that's enough, he had been in a police school in his last life, and standing military posture is a basic skill, Xiang Aoting is now picking bones in an egg!

"I think I'm standing well?" Xiang Aoting looked at him with that kind of condescending eyes, raised his hand and patted his hat on his head, and said, "I face Aoting's brother, the standard of standing military posture is acceptable. Don’t just be good, do your best, understand?"

The police academy’s hat has a brim. When Xiang Aoting patted it like this, he directly patted Shi Jin’s hat on his head crooked, covering his eyes. Shi Jin looked straight ahead and could only see blackness, and down his eyes could only see Xiang Aoting's feet and legs, he had to speak, and honestly shouted a report.

A little smile appeared on Xiang Aoting's face, as if he was amused by the honest student like Shijin, but he quickly grabbed his expression again and said, "Say."

"Sir, the hat is blocking my eyes. Please allow me to sort it out. I want to see your heroic posture more clearly and listen to your teachings!" Shijin gave a serious flattery, just wanting to end this painful Instructor-student conversation.

Xiang Aoting sternly refused: "The report is invalid, stand honestly, don't move!"

Shi Jin: "..." You are avenging your personal revenge. How can you stand in a military posture with a crooked hat!

Not far away, over the student queue, secretly paying attention to the students who are here. Seeing Shijin was beaten and disciplined by the instructor like a grandson. Even if his hat was beaten, he couldn't move it. He felt refreshed and sympathetic. .

The young master is really miserable, and being taught individually in front of so many classmates, it really loses all the face.

A group of people were in sympathy on the surface, and Xiang Aoting, who was standing in front of Shi Jin, suddenly seemed to have eyes behind his back. He turned his head and looked over. His expression was serious and his eyes were sharp, and his gaze pierced certain schadenfreude. The obvious person raised his jaw and said loudly, "The fifth and sixth in three vertical rows! The third and fourth in vertical four rows! I saw you escaping and not listening attentively, you Today’s training has all doubled for me!"

Hiss-so fierce! The eyes are poisonous!

The innocent students who hadn't been beaten up by the society were shocked by Xiang Aoting's momentum, and were immediately obedient as a quail. They dared not look at Shijin's excitement anymore, turned their heads to look at the head of the military district who was speaking in front, and listened obediently.

Now he was gloating when he changed the time. He was just an ordinary person. He has been looked at with strange eyes since the report. He is nothing on the surface, but he still cares a little bit in his heart.

Well, just a little bit.

"Happy, they are not sensible, so you have to follow along? Those people are your classmates and comrades in the next four years. If you are on the battlefield, they will be your back, and your mentality must be right." Xiang Aoting didn't know. When he turned his head back, raised his hand to help Shijin put his hat straight, and met Shijin's gaze when he looked up, his expression suddenly eased, and touched his head with the motion of wearing a hat, and said, " Congratulations on entering the school, I am proud of you."

Shi Jin was stunned, and the scene of the original owner being rescued from the kidnapper by Xiang Aoting in his previous life suddenly flashed in his mind, and his heart became inexplicably hot, and said: "I am also proud of you. You are my hero."

Xiang Aoting paused with the hand on his head, fixed a glance at him, then carefully arranged his hat, adjusted the epaulettes and the student number on his chest, and then said, "I am very happy with you. Choosing this profession, I am also very happy that you look at me like this, and I will try my best not to let you down."

Shijin struck the iron while it was hot, and asked, "So how did you change from the Air Force to the Army? You also became my instructor. Did you go through the back door?"

Xiang Aoting replied: "It's not going through the back door, just moving normally."

Shi Jin was skeptical.

Xiang Aoting's expression was stern, and he stepped back and said, "Student Shijin, you must first call a report when you talk to the chief. What are your rules?"

Shijin immediately yelled a report in full earnest.

Xiang Aoting wanted to laugh but held back, and said, "Say!"

"Report to the sir, I was talking to my fourth brother just now, not to the chief to Ao Ting, shouldn’t I have to behave with my brother when talking to my elder brother?" Shi Jin was pouring in ecstasy in a serious manner, speaking out the wrong reason in a very sincere manner. .

Xiang Aoting still couldn't help but smile, stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and said: "You can't be so noisy in the barracks... I stand for half an hour, and I will accept it in half an hour." After that, he patted him on the shoulder again and turned away.

Shi Jin watched him leave, and his depression of leaving Lian Jun temporarily dissipated. He looked at the police academy students who were not far away, and he was a little bit emotional—friends and backs... When talking to Ao Ting like this , Really looks like a professional instructor.

After the morning episode, Shi Jin became famous again. He was cheeky and pretended that nothing happened, and when he returned to the team, he acted as if he had been scolded, and ignored anyone who spoke.

The training only started in the afternoon. In the morning, it was just a simple assembly and allocation of dormitories. Shi Jin followed the army to the dormitory that the military camp arranged for students to live in, received various necessities, and then went to the dormitory assigned to him to sort out the housework.

The accommodation provided by the military camp is worse than that of the school. There is a room for ten people, all with bunk beds, eat in the canteen, take a bath in the big bath, brushing and washing are all in the public bathroom, there is no private space, no privacy at all.

"I heard that the instructors will check the house regularly. Those who are unqualified will be given additional training. Some of us in this room may not have their own quilts so long. I am afraid that the history of the morning will repeat itself." He Shi A certain classmate who entered into the same room was talking coldly, with a little gloat in his tone.

Shijin's bed was on the upper bunk, and after hearing that the quilt was spread, he jumped off the bed directly, stood in front of the person, and looked at him condescendingly.

That person might not have thought that Shijin would come up directly, looked at Shijin with a little anger, and said with a stubborn neck: "You, what are you looking at me doing, do you want to fight?"

Xiang Aoting, who led people past the room, stopped when he heard the words, and signaled that the instructor who was going to stop the students from making trouble behind him stopped, and looked sideways into the room.

Because of the blocking of the bed frame, the people in the room did not see Xiang Aoting standing at the door. There was the next room and the passing students noticed the movement here, and because of Xiang Aoting's expression was too ugly, he dared not approach and make a sound.

As everyone watched, Shijin nodded his chin at the person who was making trouble, and asked, "Which bed do you sleep in?"

The man moved his butt uncomfortably, and said, "It's off, what's your business?"

"Is this the one where you are sitting?" Shijin ignored his uncooperative attitude. After asking the other people in the room, he confirmed that the bed was indeed the speaker's bed, and he stepped forward and gave him the folded quilt directly. Shaked away.

The speaker immediately exploded and stood up and said, "Hey! What are you doing, I just say you, you have to—"

Shijin refolded his quilt in front of him three times and put it back where it was before. Then he straightened up and looked at him, saying, "I hope you have any doubts about me in the future, you can come face to me. Please verify, we are in the same class, and we are the ones who will hand over each other's backs in the next four years. I don't want to have some unnecessary misunderstandings between us. My name is Shijin, your name?" He reached out to each other. hand.

The man had been confused by Shijin's operation, stupidly stretched out his hand to shake Shijin, and said, "I, my name is Luo Donghao."

"It's nice to meet you." Shi Jin smiled at him, and continued to ask, "To be together at lunch?"

"Yes, yes." Luo Donghao replied, looking at the smile on Shijin's face, his face was inexplicably hot-this, this person seems to be a bit different from the rumor, and is kind of kind...

Shijin released his hand at the right time, and said with a smile: "You are the first friend I know besides my roommate in the police academy. I hope we can get along happily."

Is this a friend

Luo Donghao was a little dizzy, and always felt something was wrong. He glanced at Shijin’s sincere expressions and felt that all the developments were right. He nodded and said with a squat, “It’s definitely possible... Shi, um, Shijin, I'm sorry just now, I don't always talk to the door."

"It's okay." Shijin laughed more heartily, as he poured the Ecstasy soup desperately, "I think your frank temperament is very cute, I like it very much."

Hi, like? !

Luo Donghao looked at Shijin's beautiful smile, and listened to his beautiful voice that seemed to have magical power, his heart almost flew out.

This, this person seems to be really—


Xiang Aoting Quzhi knocked on the door twice, and asked, "What are you doing?" He fixed his gaze on Luo Donghao who was flushed, and looked up.

As if the curse was broken, Luo Donghao was seen by Ao Ting's sharp gaze, and his heart fell back to the original place. He couldn't say anything at all—finished, finished, was the picture he entered when he was just provoking all the devil commander? See it? Is he going to be taken out alone to be punished

"Report sir, I don't know how to fold a quilt, Luo Donghao is teaching me." Shi Jin turned to face Xiang Aoting's gaze, and spoke a serious lie.

The instructor who stood behind Xiang Aoting and watched the whole process couldn't help but smile, and the look in Shijin's eyes was much more cordial than before.

Xiang Aoting frowned, took a deep look at Shi Jin, and said: "Don't make any noise, go downstairs after finishing the housework, and prepare to gather to the cafeteria." After finishing speaking, he gestured to the instructor who followed, and stepped forward to the next one. Check the room and go.

"The young student's mind is very flexible." One of the instructors couldn't help but teased Shijin. Shijin reported with a confused look in his acting skills.

A conflict disappeared invisibly. After this conflict, the atmosphere in Room 103, where Shijin lived, eased inexplicably. Everyone exchanged their names and got acquainted briefly. Luo Donghao again solemnly asked Shijin to apologize and thanked him for his help. Shijin said that there was nothing wrong and said that everyone was friends.

Luo Donghao looked at Shi Jin’s beautiful smile, and inexplicably an old father-like worry arose in his heart-this rumored young master who was spoiled and despised, wouldn’t he be silly and sweet in nature. This kind of character, I’m afraid it will be repaid in the future. To suffer a lot.

Shijin didn't realize the thoughts of this "favorite tool" at all. He exaggerated his death in his heart and rewarded it for the buff that he brushed well just now, which made his image in the eyes of his classmates a little more positive.

Xiao Di was very happy to be praised, and his heart was a little swollen, and couldn't help but replied: "No thanks, this is what my dad should do."

Shijin's expression froze, and once again he drove him into the small black house cold palace, let him calm down.

After lunch, the military training officially began. The instructors of the various teams were finally separated, and Shi Jin's team was taken over by Xiang Aoting without any surprise.

All the students who have seen Xiang Aoting enter the screen during the morning training, when they saw Xiang Aoting walking straight towards his team, they couldn't help taking a breath-it was him, it was over.

The morale of the team was like an eggplant that had been beaten by frost, and it wilted visibly.

Although Shi Jin was tired, seeing everyone like this, he couldn't help but said: "Don't do this, we made it, okay? Look at the rank of the instructor, he is the highest rank among all instructors."

Because it was the first day in the barracks, everyone was not wearing training uniforms suitable for training, but regular summer uniforms. Xiang Aoting's military rank was printed on his epaulettes, which could be seen at a glance.

The people standing around Shijin were taken aback when he heard the words, Qi Qi looked towards Ao Ting who had already approached, and then after seeing his rank, he couldn't help but breathe in again.

Damn, why do people of this level come to serve as military instructors for these new students? This is unscientific!

"Where are you looking, stand up!" Xiang Aoting yelled, and the students who had been standing loosely frightened all unconsciously stood up straight and looked ahead.

Shi Jin looked at Xiang Aoting's current appearance, a little bit novel, and a little bit sighed—Looking at Xiang Aoting's attitude towards the students, he was completely treated as an emperor.

After thinking about it, he had already introduced himself to Ao Ting and started to reorganize the team. When Shijin was all over, he raised his hand and patted Shijin's hat to remind him to regain his senses.

Shi Jin was a little embarrassed, so he coughed and withdrew his thoughts, obediently found his position according to his height.

After finishing the team sorting out, Xiang Aoting took the roster and ordered the next name, and then probably taught the military posture norms, and said something that made everyone feel cool: "Stand in the military posture for an hour, one person is unstable, the whole team Additional training!"

Damn it! The classmates are all stupid-one person is unstable, the whole team trains, this is too hard to even sit! Instructor, are you the devil!

The devil Xiang Aoting had no expression on his face, his hand had already patted the back of the first student in the first row, and he said: "The back is straight! How did I teach it just now, I didn't remember it?" The second person in the first row.

Everyone shook their bodies, remembering the ferocious appearance of Xiang Ao Ting's slapped Shi Jin's hat in the morning, and hurriedly gathered his thoughts and stood obediently, waiting for the devil's inspection.

Everyone stood in the most standard posture, and was criticized and corrected by Xiang Aoting one by one. It was obviously a hot summer, but his heart felt like a cold winter.

It was terrible. Although the instructor didn't say anything ruthless, but the look in his eyes was enough to blow people to death.

Shi Jin stood obediently in front of him, Yu Guang saw Xiang Ao Ting approaching his side little by little, and unconsciously straightened his back.

Xiang Aoting finally stopped in front of Shijin, and the brothers stared wide-eyed.

"You, stand at the forefront." Xiang Aoting said suddenly.

Shijin: "???"

"Move up." Xiang Aoting frowned.

Shi Jin regained his senses, and hurriedly responded, stepping out of the queue and walking to the front of the team, standing alone in front of everyone, and sneaking at the villain Ao Ting in his heart-it was too much to play public punishment for him...

"Look at his movements. The middle finger is sticking to the seam of the pants, the legs are straightened together, and the body's center of gravity is kept on a horizontal line." Xiang Aoting stood beside Shijin, raised his hand and pressed Shijin's shoulder, using him as a benchmark. I taught everyone the military posture again, and then scanned the students who had corrected the movements before, and said, “I only trained him once in the morning, and he remembered the essentials of the movements. Look at you, I just gave How long you have corrected, how many of you have been beaten back to the original."

Shi Jin was stunned, a little surprised-Xiang Aoting actually praised him

"Just as I praised you, I changed my body's center of gravity, don't be distracted, stand still!" Xiang Aoting lowered his voice to train him, and patted him on the back again.

Shi Jinmang stood up obediently, and for the time being he didn't rush to Ao Ting villain in his heart.

Xiang Aoting continued to use Shijin as an example to give the students to the end of the get out of class, and then went back to the team to correct the actions again for everyone. After barely satisfied, he stopped next to the team and stopped moving.

Shijin, who was still standing at the forefront of the team: "???"

No, why didn't you let him go back? It's weird for him to stand here alone, okay? And everyone looked at him, he didn't even have the opportunity to be lazy.

The students in the team also muttered a little in their hearts, glanced at Shijin who was standing in the front, and then glanced at Xiang Aoting, who was slowly walking to the diagonally rear of the team, with a little sympathy—

This young master was stared at by the instructor. Although the instructor praised his actions, but let him stand alone, just like a public sentence, it was really tragic.

When time passed, everyone didn't dare to turn their heads to look at Ao Ting. They could only obediently look ahead and watch Shi Jin standing upright and regular, unconsciously shifting their attention to it. He was secretly worried.

I don't know how long this young master can last, but don't fall down too early, otherwise everyone will have to be trained again and again.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour, forty minutes... Some students shook their feet one after another, and then they were pointed out by Xiang Ao Ting, which then gave the team more time to stand in the military position.

Everyone gradually moved their attention away from Shijin, who was always steady and still, and settled back on the team-but don't let anyone move around. I'm so tired and want to rest.

The one-hour time to stand in the military posture slowly arrived, but because of additional training, everyone had to continue to stand.

After more than ten minutes passed, the teams of other classes have begun to rest for the first time. Everyone was affected by the cheerful rest atmosphere around them, and their mentality gradually became impetuous, and more people were shaking. So he trained again, Xiang Ao Ting was too selfless, everyone was desperate, and even resentful.

"If you want to be better than others, you must work harder than others." Xiang Aoting suddenly turned from the back of the team to the front of the team, and when he reached Shijin's side, facing all the students, he said, "If this is a battlefield, every time you move, you will A companion sacrificed, do you dare to move again?"

Everyone frowned, their expressions tense.

"People who haven't moved, do you think that those who have moved are a drag, and he caused you to train here?" Xiang Aoting glanced at the crowd, saw some of them expressionless, and suddenly said, " Those who have just moved, all sit down and rest."

Everyone was taken aback, then their expressions all changed.

"Sit down!" Seeing that no one moved, Xiang Aoting yelled again.

The people who had been named before were all frightened and sat down hesitantly.

The expressions of other people became more resentful, and the eyes that looked at Xiang Ao Ting were full of hatred, thinking that he was very unfair.

"In the next time, everyone who has shaken can sit down and rest, while the rest are responsible for completing the additional training tasks." Xiang Aoting ignored their eyes and commanded coldly, and then stepped back to the side of the team again.

The atmosphere of the team changed in an instant. All the standing people began to look at the people sitting around, and their expressions were obviously hesitant and struggling-whether to carry on with other people's mistakes, or to give up and rest directly. What to choose? Which one to choose

"Sorry." A chubby male voice couldn't help being the first to speak, and after an apologize to the remaining human beings, he took off his hat and sat down, lowered his head in shame and started to rest.

There were one or two. Someone shook them one after another either obviously intentionally or pretending to be unintentional, and then sat down on the spot. There were fewer and fewer people standing, and the atmosphere in the team became more and more depressing. Those who had already rested did not see a relaxed look on their faces. Instead, they all lowered their heads in silence with ugly expressions.

Finally, for the entire team of forty people, only Luo Donghao and Shijin were left standing. At this time, they had stood in a military posture for almost two hours, and their clothes were already soaked. The other teams around had already finished their rest and started training again.

"Instructor, I have a good rest and can continue to complete the additional training." Someone couldn't help but reach out to report, wanting to go on top and change for Luo Donghao and Shijin to rest.

Xiang Aoting glanced at the student and said, "On the battlefield, there is no way for people who have been'dead' to be resurrected."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, their heads lowered more and more, and some people couldn't help but clenched their fists.

Luo Donghao, who almost fell with his legs, gritted his teeth and stood up straight. He looked at Shijin who was always straight ahead, and tightened his face-don't... lose to this guy!

Twenty minutes later, Luo Donghao's calf trembled and he fell in embarrassment. Finally, there was only one person left on the court, and he stood in front with his back to everyone, probably without knowing that the entire army behind him was wiped out.

As time passed, someone couldn't help but say: "Instructor, let's start other training for the whole team. Everyone has enough rest."

Xiang Aoting was indifferent and said, "Shijin is still insisting, are you going to give up for him?"

When everyone heard the words, they only felt like they were slapped in the face, and they pressed their lips and stopped talking.

As time passed, the surrounding teams were training in full swing, but this corner was deadly silent. Everyone looked at Shijin in silence, their expressions serious and tense. Those who fell the first time had rested for more than an hour, their physical exhaustion had long since dissipated, but their mental exhaustion was getting heavier and heavier.

A few dozen minutes later, at the end of this afternoon, Xiang Aoting finally walked back to the front of the team, holding Shi Jin’s shoulders, looking at the people sitting, and saying: "There are forty people in the team, thirty-nine. People fell, and each person had three minutes of extra training, which was nearly two hours of extra training. Shijin has all been completed. It is Shijin who insisted on'saving' you, so remember the feeling of'rest' just now. Go back and think about it. If you are on the battlefield at this moment, what does your choice mean, disband!" After speaking, move your hand down, tap Shijin's back lightly, and then stretch your arms to catch Shijin's suddenly soft body and bend over. Put him on his back, turned and walked out of the training ground.

Shijin finally stood in the military posture for too long, freed from his stiff body, lying on Xiang Ao Ting’s back, pulling on his back collar, gritted his teeth and said, "Four brothers, fighting. You give me the lesson and wait." See how I beat you down!

"I'm sorry." Xiang Aoting turned his body upside down, sent him up, and said, "I know you can do it... Xiaojin, after today, no one will misunderstand that you are a spoiled young master. , No one will bully you anymore. You are also my hero and are growing fast."

Shijin froze for a moment, straightened up and looked at the back of his head, and suddenly pinched his ears with both hands and tugged out, and said fiercely: "To prove that I have a way, if you want to do this, I will almost break my leg!"

Xiang Aoting was stunned for a moment, then looked at him stiffly, and said, "Yes, is that right? Sorry, I seem to have done something extra..."

"But thank you." Shijin leaned back on him, leaned his head on his shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Thank you for carrying me out. You didn't make me fall ashamed in front of the whole team, Brother Si." The instructor was even more embarrassed to memorize it.

Well... forget it.

Hearing this, Xiang Aoting was silent, clasped his hands tightly, and continued to walk towards the outside of the training ground, and said in a low voice: "You're welcome... I am your brother, I should."