Death Progress Bar

Chapter 21: fight


The security of the villa area in Rongzhou is very strict. Visitors are not allowed to enter casually. Shijin’s phone calls in Rongzhou is not answered for a long time, and text messages are not returned. Climbed in.

Gua Er was speechless: "How do you know that this is a blind spot for surveillance?"

"I've turned it over before." Shi Jin opened his eyes and said nonsense, patted the dust on his body, recognized the lower position a little, and walked towards the corner of the villa area with Gua Er.

Gua Er didn't doubt that he was there, and asked as he walked inside, "If Rong Zhouzhong doesn't answer the phone, will it be that he is really not at home?"

"Not there, let's come again next time." Shijin was very bachelor.

Gua Er raised his eyebrows: "Climb the wall again?"

"If he still doesn't answer the phone, then he can only crawl again." Shijin replied.

Gua Er gave him a thumb.

Walking all the way to the cleanest and most remote area of the villa area, Shi Jin stopped in front of a villa with a small courtyard and rang the doorbell on the courtyard door.

It took a while for someone to answer the doorbell, and the video phone on the courtyard door lit up, and Rong Zhouzhong's voice came out: "Who?"

Shijin put his big face close to the camera on the phone.

There was silence on the phone for a few seconds, and he hung up directly, and then the courtyard door clicked and opened from within.

Shi Jin opened the door and walked in. Gua Er took a step slower, and first looked at the surrounding environment before stepping forward.

The door of the villa is also open. Rong Zhouzhong is wearing a nightgown sitting on the sofa facing the entrance. His hair is a bit messy. He should have been sleeping before, with a lazy expression. He came in when he saw him and asked in a very bad tone. Said: "What are you doing here?"

Shijin's attitude towards him had long been predicted, and he didn't have any special reaction when he heard that. He sat on the sofa opposite him, put the cucumber pillow on the coffee table, and said, "I'll pay you back."

In the original plot, Rong Zhouzhong is the one who has changed the most clearly in the style of his brothers. When Shi Xingrui was still there, although he would appear to care about the original owner, he acted very carelessly. He only knew that he would spend money to give gifts to the original owner. He usually found various reasons not to answer the phone of the original owner. After Shi Xingrui died, he first removed his disguise, and no longer concealed his impatience and dislike for the original owner. As long as he had the opportunity, he would put a knife in the original owner's heart, and his mouth was particularly poisonous.

Rong Zhou glanced at the pillow and asked, "What do you mean?"

"When you gave me this, you said that you wanted me to see this more, eat more vegetables in the future, don't be picky eaters, and said that I won't be handsome if I get fat." Shijin's face was expressionless, and his tone was deliberately hard. "Now I have figured it out, no, you just sent this just to respond to me."

Rong Zhouzhong raised his eyebrows, looked up and down Shijin, and suddenly laughed, not very kindly: "It's really unexpected that you have a pig-like brain, and there is still a day to become smarter. The boss is right. You are indeed right. It used to be different."

When Shi Jin heard this, his heart moved—the information came, and Shi Weichong had talked about himself with Rong Zhouzhong.

"I was indeed a pig before. You and your eldest brother were so perfunctory and false that I didn't notice it at all." Shijin laughed at himself, continued to be expressionless, and his tone became harder. "Fortunately, it is not too late for me to wake up. ."

Rong Zhouzhong had an expression of "I think you are going to make a moth again", and motioned him to say something quickly, his eyes were condescending, with a little pity in his disgust.

Shijin raised his eyes to look at him and asked seriously, "Have you really never regarded me as a brother?"

Rong Zhouzhong sneered, as if he had heard some big joke.

Shi Jin frowned and continued to ask: "Then those gifts you gave me in the past..."

"The boss asked someone to help pick it." Rong Zhouzhong was unexpectedly frank and frankly stabbed Shijin's heart. "I only picked one gift, that pillow. As for the reason for giving it, you already know. ."

Shi Jin: "..." Suddenly I felt that Rong Zhouzhong was a little bit owed.

"You're done asking? Go away when you're done asking, I don't have time to play with you any boring game that you asked me to answer." Rong Zhouzhong got up and wanted to leave, and didn't forget to put his pillow into the trash can beside the sofa before leaving. .

Gua Er, who had been quietly watching, his expression sank when he saw it, and Shijin felt it was worthless, and wanted to move forward as soon as he took his steps. Shi Jin unexpectedly took out his weapon and pointed it at Rong Zhouzhong, and said in a cold voice, "Sit down, I haven't finished the question yet."

Gua Er stopped and looked towards Shi Jin, seeing his expression tense, frowning, and then quietly stepping back, and by the way, he helped him close the curtains of the villa and locked the door of the villa.

Rong Zhouzhong moved his stepped foot back, looked sideways at Shijin and the gun in his hand, and smiled sarcastically: "What a great promise, such a toy, who do you want to scare?"


Shi Jin exploded the trash can by the sofa without blinking.

"It's interesting." Rong Zhouzhong sat down again, smiling on his face, but his eyes were cold, his chin raised, and the uncle said: "You ask, I want to know how much you have changed from before."

"It hasn't changed much, it's just that I've almost become another person." Shijin took the gun back and asked in his heart, "Small death, has the progress bar gone up?"

"It hasn't risen, it's still 900." Xiao Death replied.

Doesn't it rise like this

Shi Jin was a little surprised. Rong Zhouzhong was notoriously stingy. He threatened him with a gun. He didn't even kill him yet? Is it because the thighs are too strong

He couldn't figure it out, and simply decided to do something more ruthless.

He looked at Rong Zhouzhong and continued the previous question and answer: "You sent the dancing video on purpose? Did you recognize me at that time?"

Rong Zhouzhong didn't seem to expect that he actually wanted to ask this. He looked at his expression and replied boredly: "I just suspect that I want to collect more live videos on Weibo."

"How did you recognize me?" Shijin asked. This is what he can't figure out the most.

Rong Zhouzhong sneered: "I just thought you were smart, but you were stupid again. Shi Jin, don't you know how much you look like your mother?"

The original owner's mother? Actually because of this

Shi Jin was stunned, frowning slightly. The original plot has very little description of the previous generation of the Shi family. Shi Xingrui hung up at the beginning. The mother of the five elder brothers of the Shi family has always been a transparent human existence, while the mother of the original owner was not long after giving birth to the original owner. She died. There was no photo of her at home. The original owner really didn't know what his mother looked like, and Shijin, who inherited the memory of the original owner, naturally didn't know.

But Rong Zhouzhong said that the original owner is very similar to the original owner's mother. Has he seen the original owner's mother

Shi Jin thought so in his heart, and asked the same.

Rong Zhou's expression faded when he heard the words, and he looked a little daunted, and replied: "Of course I have seen it. In fact, everyone in the Shi family has seen it except you. Shi Xingrui is just like a dog and likes a woman. At the time, I wish I could bring it to everyone... Have you finished asking, just go away, I have to make up for it."

Shijin felt that he hadn't finished speaking, and seemed to be avoiding something. He wanted to inquire again, but when he saw that he was impatient, he silently suppressed the idea and said according to the original plan: "Brother, you are jealous of me."

"What?" Rong Zhouzhong heard something like a fantasy, and his melancholy appearance disappeared. He frowned and looked at Shi Jin, as if he was seeing a neurosis.

"I was jealous that my father loved me and kept me by his side. I heard the old housekeeper say that before I was born, you were my father's favorite child, the third brother, it feels uncomfortable to be taken away by me? You need to please me. It’s even more uncomfortable to win the favor of my father? I’m spoiled by my dad, and you still need to work hard in the entertainment circle by yourself. You are already so famous, but you never get a right eye from your dad. When the media introduces your past, the father is always unknown. Do you know how your black fans laugh at you?"

Rong Zhouzhong sat up, obviously moved, and said, "Shijin, you better shut up!"

"Why should I shut up? You acted as a good brother in front of me for more than ten years. You put my sincerity on the ground. Why do you want me to shut up now!"

Shi Jin stood up, leaned over and grabbed Rong Zhouzhong’s collar, looked into his eyes, and said bitterly: "Every time I call you to care about you, are you laughing at me? I try my best every year. For the birthday presents you prepared, did you throw them into the trash can like the pillow just now? I am looking forward to your coming, looking forward to your call, looking forward to your words, but you are united behind your back , Lie to me, laugh at me, calculate me together. In Rong Zhou, people’s hearts are grown in flesh, but yours is not. You have knives in your hearts and murderous in your stomachs, but you dare not face the person who really betrayed you. Thorn, I only know that the cowardly points at me again and again, you are all cowards!"

"What do you know!"

Rong Zhouzhong was really angry. He firmly grasped Shi Jin's hand that was pulling his collar, and forced him to pass, "Shao TM put gold on his face! I really am not a good brother, but you are a good brother. Already? Don’t call yourself so pitiful and noble. Don’t you think people don’t know how that bastard taught you? "The five people are not your brothers, they are just the people your dad trained. You don’t need to be too pitiful. Take them seriously and just do a good job on the surface.' This sentence is not familiar to you? Do you remember that "daddy, I know" you answered?"

After analyzing the original plot and the memory of the original owner, Shijin Wenyan immediately remembered the time of this dialogue, and did not dare to believe it: "What a nine-year-old kid said, you take it seriously? Do you want to be so vengeful and stingy! "

"You still remember!" Rong Zhouzhong seemed to grab the handle and wanted to open Shijin, and said angrily, "You get out of here! I really broke my mind when I let you in today!"

Shi Jin had practiced, and of course he couldn't open it. Seeing that the progress bar hadn't risen, his heart was cruel, and he punched Rong Zhouzhong's handsome face and shouted, "You stingy! What am I? When I thought of you as a subordinate, it was obvious that you were always above the top and ignored me!"

Rong Zhouzhong was beaten for a while, then furious, and hit back with a punch: "Shijin, you are looking for death!"

The two of you punched me with one punch. The battle was fierce, but there was no skill at all. It was pure venting. Gua Er looked at from a distance, very speechless, just pretending to be a wall flower to watch the show.

This fight lasted more than ten minutes. Rong Zhouzhong couldn't beat Shijin who had practiced. He was mad, and finally was crushed on the floor by Shijin. He lost all his image and said angrily, "Shijin, I Must kill you!"

"You kill!" Shijin turned him over, put his gun in his hand, stretched his neck over, and said, "You kill, here is the heart, here is the trachea, come, do it, do it!"

Rong Zhouzhong was forced to hold onto the robber, staring at Shijin, his teeth clenched, he suddenly turned his hand and threw the gun out, pushed Shijin away, gritted his teeth and said, "Shijin, you are a lunatic! Get out of me! , Don’t let me see you again!"

Shijin fell on the floor and did not move, and asked Xiao Di: "How is the progress bar?"

Xiao Wang was almost scared to death by Shijin's Hu Lai, his voice was trembling, and with a trace of confusion and disbelief, he replied: "Jin Jin, the progress bar has dropped and it has become 890."

Shijin: "Huh???"