Death Progress Bar

Chapter 3: slip


Shi Jin panicked around the room.

Xiao Di was so anxious that he gnawed his nails in his head.

"Why don't you go and put the inheritance next?" Xiao Death made an idea.

Shijin collapsed very much: "In the original plot, the Shi family’s elder brothers were completely chilled after learning that the inheritance was actually given to his brother by Shi Xingrui. Shijin was so painful to kill him! The progress bar is not 998.5 when the inheritance is connected. It's 999!"

Knock knock knock.

The two stopped their movements and looked towards the knocked door.

"Little master, the eldest master is calling."

The housekeeper's voice came from outside the door, Shi Jin's eyebrows jumped, and he whispered: "Murderer number one is calling, can't you answer?"

Xiao Di trembling: "Will you hang up after receiving it?" The 0.5 death reprieve is not enough to toss.

Shijin hesitated and asked, "Will I die immediately after the progress bar is full?"

"Will not."

Shijin's eyes lit up.

Little Death felt like crying, and added: "But you will lose control of your body and watch yourself go to death with the development of the plot."

This is more terrifying than just dying!

Shi Jin was mad, his eyes turned around in the room, and suddenly he walked to the desk and pulled out the utility knife inserted in the pen holder, ejected the blade, and pointed it at his wrist.

The blood rushed.

The little death went crazy: "Ah, what are you doing!"

"Of course I saved myself. I couldn't answer this call. After I answered it, if I confessed and said a wrong sentence, causing Brother Shi's murderous intent to rise again, then we are all over." The crisis was approaching, Shijin calmed down instead. After cutting his wrist, he quickly found the documents and cash of the original owner, picked up the cucumber pillow on the bed, and walked to the bathroom to fill the bathtub with water.

Xiao Death was already about to be stunned by his actions, and asked: "What are you doing with the water?" Cut your wrists and add a bathtub. Isn't this a standard feature for suicide!

Shijin was already lying in the bathtub, enduring the dizziness caused by the loss of blood, carefully opened a little edge of the cucumber pillow, stuffed all the documents and cash in, and hid him, leaning against the bathtub with the pillow, and closed his eyes. : "Retreat to advance, delay for a while... Longtan Tiger Den cannot stay, we have to find a chance to slip."

The youngest of the five elder brothers of the Shi family is nine years older than the original owner. They are all full-fledged and supported by their mother. On weekdays, through the illusion of pampering the original owner, Shi Xingrui is paralyzed. In the past, Shi Xingrui company and Shi Jin buried a lot of nails beside him. In his current state of lack of strength and no communication, it is impossible to fight against him. The most urgent task is to save his life.

The water in the bathtub was quickly stained red with blood. If Xiao Di was a human, his face would definitely be pale, and he trembled and said, "Go in, go in..."

"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure." Shijin comforted. He vaguely heard a little movement of the door being opened. He felt relieved, and asked Xiaoshou to hold onto the cucumber pillow with his body, and then fainted at ease. .

The smell of disinfectant filled his nose, Shijin opened his eyes in a daze, and vaguely saw a tall figure sitting by the bed.

"Hold your pillow in your arms. After the news of your suicide spread, the progress bar retreated to 997. Sitting next to the bed is Shi's eldest brother Shi Weichong." Xiao Death reminded him in time.

Shi Jin was relieved, tightened the pillow in his arms, looked at the man beside the bed, weakly calling out, "Big Brother."

The man looked sideways, as if Shi Xingrui's narrow eyes were full of disapproval and worry, but his tone was gentle, and he asked, "Xiao Jin, why?"

Shi Xingrui's genes are very good, and the children he gave birth to are more handsome than the other, and the little fat boy Shijin is considered an outlier in it. At this time, Wei Chong was Shi Xingrui's eldest son. He looked exactly like his father, with handsome eyebrows, thin lips and a straight nose, a square face and a calm temperament. He was a mature handsome man who was in line with the traditional aesthetics. Apart from Shijin, he is the only child in Shi's family who is allowed to follow the stallion father Shi Xingrui, and he is also the elder brother who seems to be the most favored Shijin on the surface.

Shi Jin lowered his eyes to avoid his sight, pinched himself in the quilt secretly, his nose was sour and his eyes were red, and he whispered, "I know my brothers don't like me."

As soon as this remark came out, the air stagnated.

Shi Weichong didn't speak, his eyes were slightly reduced when he watched Shi Jin, implying inquiries, as if he was judging whether his words were really sentimental or tentatively acting.

"998! Go in!" Xiao Death screamed in panic.

Shi Jin’s eyelashes trembled, the tears gathered in his eye sockets were shaken by the noise, his lips tightened, and Shi Wei Chong’s gaze was met again, tentatively holding his hand, and said, “Big Brother... If there is another life, I’ll change it for me. Be the elder brothers... I will give you back what I owe you..."

"Xiao Jin." Shi Weichong took out the hand he was holding and tucked his hand back into the bed. "Don't talk nonsense, brother will always be your brother."

"It's 998.5! Death has been slowed down again! Jinjin oooooooo, Jinjin you don't die!"

There was no dripping. At this time, the eldest brother was more difficult to deal with than expected.

Knowing that Shi Jin was not good, he decisively dismissed the idea of softening Shi Wei Chong with words, closed his eyes pretending to be tired, and whispered: "Big Brother, I'm tired..."

Fortunately, the progress bar did not go up this time, Shi Weichong helped him pull the quilt and left the ward.

In the next two days, Shi’s eldest brother came several times, and several other brothers of Shi’s who were not here also made a lot of calls here. Shijin remained silent, did not speak or answer the phone, and stayed in the ward all day. Looking out the window stupidly, like a puppet that has lost its soul.

During this period, Shi Jin tried to self-mutilate himself with a fruit knife again. The nurse found out that the nurse told Shi Wei Chong about the incident. Shi Wei Chong acted like a normal brother, behaving anxiously and violently. Scolded.

Shi Jin twisted his thigh, and in the face of Shi Wei Chong's anger, he cried silently.

"Xiao Jin." Shi Wei Chong felt helpless, bent over to get close to him, pressed his shoulders, and asked in a gentle voice, "What's the matter with you? You see you are thinner."

Shi Jin squeezed a smile at him-he liked to hear these words, and it was worthwhile that he had missed several meals.

When Shi Weichong looked at his smile, the emotions on his face suddenly and slowly receded, turning into a blank expression that made people unpredictable.

This is the first time that Shi Wei Chong showed this expression in front of Shi Jin. Shi Jin couldn't laugh anymore. He lowered his head and hugged the pillow tightly, and his heart hung up-here comes, Shi Wei Chong is about to tear off his cordial mask. .

"Xiao Jin, my dad's lawyer called me today, saying that the inheritance has been divided, and it is divided into five parts according to your wishes, without yours." Shi Weichong said, his tone of voice was flat, unlike the previous face of Shijin. Timely gentle.

Shi Jin looked up at him, and there was no smile on his face--he couldn't squeeze it out, and said, "I said, I want to give you all that I owe my brothers."

Shi Wei Chong looked at him deeply and said: "The change in the distribution of the estate requires your signature."

Shijin nodded: "I sign."

There was another room of silence, Shi Weichong said nothing, turned and left.

After dinner that day, Shi Weichong brought a few documents over, but Shi Jin didn't look at them, so he signed them directly, and then shrank himself in the quilt.

Shi Weichong stood by the bed for a while holding the document, and asked, "Why?"

"I just want to make my brothers happy." Shijin replied, still clutching his last trump card, cucumber pillow.

Shi Weichong moved his gaze over, scanned the dried blood on the pillow, and asked, "Why keep holding it?"

Shi Jin's heart tensed, he squeezed his thigh again, his eyes flushed to Shi Wei Chong's sight, and his voice was barely audible: "This is the last gift my brother gave me... I can't lose it, I lost it. … Is gone."

Xiaosao applauded vigorously in Shi Jin's brain, praising him for his wit and acting skills.

Shi Weichong obviously did not expect to hear such an answer. He stared at him for a few seconds, frowned, and suddenly felt unable to look directly at his trustful and dependent eyes. He tilted his head slightly and said, "You rest, old man. Second, they are already on the plane and will be there tomorrow."

This is really bad news.

Shijin bowed his head in sadness, buried his face in the quilt, and responded in a low voice.

Shi Weichong turned around, took a step and then stopped, turned back and touched Shijin's hair that was exposed outside the quilt. After a brief change in his eyes, he got cold face inexplicably, turned around and left cleanly.

Xiao Death is a bit weak: "Just now the progress bar took a ride on the roller coaster, and it suddenly dropped to 900, then suddenly rose to 950, which scared me to death."

"It's down to 950?" Shijin was pleasantly surprised. He lifted the quilt and got up from the bed. He flipped out the progress bar and looked at it. He was delighted, "The legacy is done, it's time to slip away."

Little Death was puzzled: "Like? Don't keep up, the other brothers of the Shi family are about to arrive."

Shijin said in a faint voice: "You think the progress bar with 49 points left is enough for me to say a few wrong words with those cruel brothers."

"..." Little Death was speechless, full of worry, "What if a few brothers in the family suddenly burst into murderous aura after discovering you slipped away."

"I'm not afraid." Shijin said in a positive tone, and he got out of bed, checked the documents and cash in the pillow, and replied: "The progress bar means that if the lethal factor decreases, it will retreat. The distance to the five brothers of the Shi family should be considered reasonable. A lethal factor, if I hide in a place where the five brothers of the Shi family can’t find it, do you think the progress bar might still be full?”

Of course, if they were dissatisfied, no one could be found. Even if the five brothers of the Shi family wanted to kill their younger brother, they couldn't make plans and actually do it when they couldn't find anyone. They were missing the most critical part of the lethal conditions. And as long as the progress bar rose up and was dissatisfied, they could slowly ponder the follow-up actions where the five brothers could not find it, lest they could only respond to the knives that might fall on top of their heads at any time, and still have no freedom.

Xiao Death gave a thumbs up and pinched his throat to speak: "Jinjin is so smart, the Lun family loves you so much."

"… you shut up."

After imitating the original owner's handwriting and leaving a piece of paper saying "My brothers will be happier without me, Xiaojin hopes my brothers will be happy." Shijin hugged a cucumber pillow and asked Xiaodie to help him hide. People who have been in the hospital, stepped on the night and left the hospital silently.

Ten hours later, Shijin stood on the land in City B of China, still wearing a hospital gown, still holding a cucumber pillow in his arms, and only a little cash left after buying the ticket.

"I hate that rich people don't like the habit of bringing cash." Shi Jin burst into tears.

Xiao Ze was frightened: "It's over, the progress bar has begun to ride the roller coaster again. The five brothers of the Shi family must have discovered that you are gone. I'm so scared to enter."

Shi Jin's chrysanthemum tightened, and then he looked at the progress bar that was going up and down frantically, his eyes widened.

980... 990... 930... 990... After a frantic change, the progress bar stopped at the value of 910, and there was no change.

Shi Jin breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the ground outside the airport.

"It seems that distance is indeed one of the fatal factors." Xiaosei's tone relaxed and asked: "Go in, life is temporarily saved, what should we do next?"

Shijin looked at all his belongings, his face was full of vicissitudes: "Let’s find a job to support yourself..."