Death Progress Bar

Chapter 30: dream


Rong Zhouzhong finally sat next to Xiang Aoting, and together with Shi Weichong sandwiched Chen Qing in the middle. At this point, Lian Jun’s dinner with old friends was completely disturbed.

After confirming that Lian Jun was basically safe, Shi Jin accepted it when he saw him, and quietly quieted down very wittily, and returned Xiang Aoting's down jacket to him, and then took out the box by himself with the excuse of adding tableware to the brothers, and found a hexagram. two.

Gua Er leaned on the side of the round table, saw him leaning over with a serious face, raised his eyebrows and asked: "What's the matter, have you been bullied by your brother?"

"No." Shi Jin approached him and said in a low voice, "When I went to pick up people, I found that there were people in several boxes around, but the waiter said that the second and third floors were empty today. I think it's a bit strange, we are the most Pay more attention."

Gua Er's eyes flashed, and he said, "Today there is indeed no one on the second and third floors. Mr. Chen said that considering the special status of Young Master Jun, he had reserved the second and third floors in advance. Which box do you see with people? How did you find out? of?"

Shi Jin felt that his reaction was a little wrong, too calm, looked at him suspiciously, and replied, "There seems to be people in the two next door. I just took off my third brother’s hat and scarf in the hallway after a joke, and then I heard some faint human voices coming from the originally empty box..."

As he talked, he saw that Gua Er’s expression became more and more weird, and he gradually recollected it. He reached out and grabbed Gua Er’s clothes, gritted his teeth in a low voice, and said, "You know there are people in the two boxes next door?"

"I know." Gua Er touched his nose, trying to laugh and held it back, and stretched his finger to the ground. "The people sitting in the lobby on the first floor are all official people. Otherwise, how could Young Master agree to let him? You come here, so relax, eat, drink, and when the sky falls, there will be tall guys against it. By the way, why did your brother all come one by one, and you called it? Also, you just boasted so much. Your elder brothers saw that Mr. Chen was wrong, deliberately? You are too keen, right? How come your mind grows."

"... No, I'm just playing with it." Shijin squeezed out between his teeth and let go of him. Suddenly feeling so tired, he called Xiaodie in his heart, "I feel like a fool."

Xiao Death was silent for a short while, pale and comforted: "It doesn't matter, I am more stupid than you."

Shi Jin: "..."

Shi Jinsheng returned to the inside with the tableware irresistibly, slumped beside Lian Jun without speaking, completely stunned.

"What's the matter?" Lian Jun asked.

Shi Jin glanced at him, then at Chen Qing, shook his head, silently moved his chair to Xiang Ao Ting, and decided to unilaterally break off friendship with Lian Jun for a few minutes to ease today's excessively fluctuating mood.

Lian Jun took a look at the widening distance between the two of them. He closed his eyes and didn’t ask any more. He rang the bell and called Gua Er in. He asked for the menu again and added a few dishes. One of them was Shi Jin once said he thought about it. Roast whole lamb to eat-the young version, roast lamb.

Shijin had fallen into the abyss of self-abuse, and had not noticed Lian Junbao's menu.

Xiang Aoting also noticed the changes in Shijin's mood, and was very satisfied with his "keep a distance" with Lian Jun. He reached out to help him move the tableware a little here, and asked, "Hungry?"

Shi Jin shook his head, looked up at him, and asked quietly, "Fourth brother, did I look so stupid when I introduced you?" I knew that Lian Jun was prepared for this trip, so why did he bother about it? In the field, just sit down and eat.

After a thousand words, he was still too young.

When Xiang Aoting saw him lingering, his eyebrows softened, he was about to speak for comfort, and Rong Zhouzhong, who was sitting next to him, spoke with a strange tone: "When are you not stupid? Some people have grown to 18 years old," But IQ still stayed ten years ago. It’s impossible not to be stupid. It’s impossible in this life. You’re a big man and show off your brother, not ashamed.” The last sentence was relatively quiet, almost just a whisper on the lips. .

Shijin became angry and glared, raising his fist at him.

Rong Zhouzhong glared at him and ignored him.

Sandwiched in the middle, Xiang Aoting was a little helpless, and some wanted to laugh—for too long, this kind of scene of brothers fighting and getting along with each other warmly has not appeared for too long.

After all, today’s meal is Lian Jun’s home. The brothers of the Shi family came uninvited, so while waiting for the dishes, Shi Wei Chong wittily called out with the excuse of having something to say to a few brothers alone. The waiter opened another table outside and took a few brothers outside.

Shi Jin also followed. Lian Jun didn't stop him. He only asked Gua Eryi to ask the waiter to send all the additional dishes to Shi Weichong's table.

The bustling private room quickly turned deserted. Lian Jun personally poured a cup of tea for Chen Qing, put it on the table and turned it in front of him, and said without a word: "Shijin has a keen sense of danger."

Chen Qing was pierced by the word "danger", and he reached out and took the hot tea that Lian Jun had turned over, and said dryly, "Yes, is that right? He seems to be young, you took it. Newcomer?"

"Yes, he grows very fast." Lian Jun leaned on the wheelchair and scooped himself a bowl of soup. He stirred slowly and said like a chatter, "Shijin is very knowledgeable and very Caring, never being too rude to people who meet for the first time."

Chen Qing listened, sweating slowly on his forehead.

The two have known each other for many years, and Chen Qing claims that he doesn't understand Lian Jun by seven points, and he should have five points. Jun Lian never said meaningless nonsense on inappropriate occasions, but now Lian Jun suddenly boasted about a newly acquired subordinate without end, and showed that this subordinate who had just appeared high-profile and bluffing on weekdays Li knows how to measure, and combined with the previous sentence "Shijin is particularly sensitive to danger", Chen Qing almost immediately understood what Lian Jun meant-I know that you are not right, not only me, but even me. The receiving subordinates have seen your problem, so you'd better seize the opportunity to take the initiative to confess before I tear the last touch of warmth mask.

"Jun Lian..." Chen Qing opened his mouth, trying to say something, his mouth opened and closed, as if he had been drawn away, and he collapsed on the chair and gave a wry smile, "Jun Lian, you are still like this. … I remember you used to not drink soup."

"People can change." Lian Jun finally raised his eyes to look at him and asked, "Is the pot of rich bamboo that I gave you back then looks good?"

Chen Qing was taken aback, chewing on this secret signal that he hadn't heard for a long time, his eyes were in a daze, and his eyes suddenly turned red. He raised his hand and wiped his face as if he had made some determination. He sat upright and looked at Lian closely. Jun's eyes replied, "It's pretty good. Three new shoots have been sent. Unfortunately, one of them was scratched by the cat. The other two were moved to a new basin by my wife. I don't know if I can save them."

The meaning of this sentence translates to: Since we separated, I have three new family members. One of them was injured and the other two were arrested. It was my wife who was injured and my child who was arrested. Please save them. .

Lian Jun raised his eyebrows, seeing Chen Qing looking at him nervously with expectation, nodded at him, and replied warmly: "It will be saved. Have some soup. Today's soup is good."

After receiving the promise, Chen Qing's body suddenly relaxed, with a crying and laughing expression on his face, as if the stone that had been pressed in his heart for a long time had finally loosened a little, and he silently said thank you to Lian Jun, and took the initiative to talk about other topics. .

Outside, the atmosphere at the dinner table of the Shi family brothers was also not very peaceful.

Shi Jin sat alone, and the three elder brothers sat opposite him. In the middle were all kinds of delicacies. The fragrance of the dishes was permeated, but no one moved the chopsticks. The battle was like a trial in three halls.

Shi Weichong went straight to the point and said, "Xiao Jin, we are here this time to talk to you and Lian Jun."

Shi Jin had already guessed that Shi Weichong and Rong Zhouzhong mostly called to Ao Ting, but I don’t know why they came. Seeing that Shi Weichong’s expression was so serious, he couldn’t help but tighten his scalp and asked, "You want to talk. what?"

"Talk about your stay or stay." Shi Weichong replied, frowning slightly, and said with a deep heart. "Lian Jun said that your stay or stay is up to you. Xiaojin, I hope you will go home with me."

It turned out to be talking about this.

Shijin relaxed a little, but still cruelly refused: "Brother, I'm sorry, I don't want to go back."

"Xiao Jin." Shi Weichong said disapprovingly, "I thought we had solved the misunderstanding."

Shijin had long wanted to have a good talk with these brothers who had already ruled out the suspicion of the murderer. Seeing that the time was right at this time, he sorted out the language and said seriously: "Big brother, third brother, fourth brother, I did I have some misunderstandings with you, and this time is too willful, which made you worry about me. I’m sorry. I don’t want to lie to you. I didn’t want to go home before. There was indeed a part of your reasons, but now I don’t want to go home, but just because I want to stay in the night, I like it here."

Shi Weichong frowned.

"After all, the situation in our family is different from that of an ordinary family." Shi Jin continued to explain, sighing, "You each have your own lives and careers, and you have your own relatives to take care of. My status is embarrassing. It’s just to live back in that big empty house, get out of school and leave school alone, and wait for you to contact me occasionally... I’m not accusing you of anything, I just want you to understand that compared to the previous lifestyle, I I like the current life better. Staying with Jun Lian, I can learn a lot, no worse than at school. Gua Yi, they are teaching me very carefully, I like them very much. You just think I’m here with Jun Lian. University, it’s just that the things I learned are quite different... I'm an adult, so you trust me once, okay?"

Shi Weichong frowned, Xiang Aoting's expression tense, even Rong Zhouzhong put on an expression of "what are you saying stupid?", silently telling Shi Jin their answer-no, how could it be good? , How can your brother agree to go to the underworld to go to some shit "university", do you think life is too happy

Xiang Aoting shook his head and said, "Xiao Jin, this is not a question of trust or distrust, but you may encounter dangerous problems by staying with Lian Jun at any time."

Shi Weichong added: "Xiao Jin, have you ever thought about your future? You are cutting off your back."

"I know, I thought about it." Shijin looked at them and replied firmly, "But even if it's dangerous, I want to stay. Brother Si, if I tell you now, it's dangerous to fly a fighter plane, and I want you to retreat. Would you like to choose a safer and gentler department?"

Xiang Aoting frowned and stopped talking.

Shijin looked at Rong Zhouzhong again, and asked, "Brother, if I say that being a celebrity is very dangerous and I will be harassed by illegitimate meals from time to time, I have to face the ubiquitous paparazzi and want you to live like ordinary people. Live, or retreat behind the scenes, are you willing?"

Rong Zhouzhong sneered: "If you like to die, you will die. Take my analogy. Then put the vase title of'star' on my head, and I will twist your head off."

Shi Jin: "..."

Shi Jin chose to ignore him, and turned to Shi Wei Chong again.

Shi Weichong raised his hand and interrupted what he was about to ask. His eyes were a little complicated, as if he had met him again, and said: "I understand what you mean, although I have ten thousand ways to tell you to stay at Lian Jun. The dangers around you are fundamentally different from the dangers that other professions may encounter, but you probably won’t listen. I will just ask you now, do you really have to stay with Lian Jun?"

"Yes." Shijin answered without hesitation, still not forgetting to flatter, "I also believe that I will not have a back road, you are my back road."

This flattering was quite good, Shi Weichong and Xiang Aoting's expressions almost immediately eased, even Rong Zhouzhong stretched his eyebrows a little, sneered, and did not refute his words.

"Why must it be Lian Jun not?" Shi Weichong asked.

Of course it's because of the grinning little fairy like the progress bar.

Shi Jin replied in his heart, but said in a sincere and affectionate manner: "Because he is very good, I want to follow him. Brother, just follow me once, and I want to do something I want to do."

Shi Weichong was silent, and after a while, he asked, "Do you like Lian Jun so much? Can you not even kill him for his sake?"

Shijin: "...Huh?"

Rong Zhouzhong sat up, his expression turned super ugly, and asked: "Boss, what do you say? Who? Who likes whom? This little bunny doesn't have all the fur. Who do you think he likes?"

Shi Jin was also stunned. Seeing Shi Weichong's painful expression on the young man who lost his footing, he suddenly realized what he was talking about. He almost choked to death before coming up. He turned his head and looked at the inside. The door, after confirming that the door is closed, he breathed a sigh of relief, and explained in a low voice: "Big brother, what are you talking about? What do you like or dislike? I just worship Young Master. Do you know that I want to become He is such a powerful person, you, you... your thinking is too narrow!"

Shi Wei Chong was stunned for a moment, frowned and looked at Ao Ting, fixedly looking at Shi Jin, confirming and asking: "You don't like Lian Jun?"

Shijin collapsed and asked: "Why don't you say that I like you." Although Lian Jun does look good, has a good personality, is good to people, and everything is good, but... his life is still hanging on the wire, talk about it. What do you like or dislike!

"Naughty!" Shi Weichong frowned, and finally realized that everyone seemed to have an oolong, and reconfirmed and asked, "Are you really just admiring Lianjun?"

Shijin nodded vigorously, nodding as if he was about to unscrew his neck.

Xiang Aoting couldn't hold back anymore, and couldn't help asking: "Then why do you care about him so much?"

"He is my boss. I have nowhere to eat when he is dead. Of course I have to care about him." Shijin replied naturally, with a look of "You are actually this kind of person, I saw you wrong". Looking at Xiang Aoting, his face was heartbroken—don’t think about it, today Shi Weichong’s misunderstanding was definitely caused by Xiang Aoting!

Xiang Aoting avoided his gaze awkwardly, his expression slightly embarrassed.

Rong Zhouzhong slowly leaned back in his chair, his eyes slid across the faces of everyone, his expression returned to normal, he pulled up his mouth and let out an unexplained laugh, and said, "You guys can really toss about this day by day. You can play like this. , Just follow me in the entertainment industry, and make sure the front page headlines every day."

Shi Weichong was silent, or was silent, and finally squeezed out: "So what you said you want to do is to become the boss of the underworld like Lian Jun?"

"What the underworld is not the underworld, brother, we are a legal organization, doing serious business." Shijin retorted seriously, and asked sternly, "You are allowed to be bosses and celebrities and fly planes again, so I don't allow me to think about it. The world, with the goal of helping the boss of a legal violent organization to become a hero of national salvation? How can you kill a young man's dream in this way."

Shi Weichong & Xiang Aoting: "..."

Rong Zhouzhong looked at him with a mentally retarded look, and sneered: "No, you are not a dream, but a delusion."

Shijin glared again and raised his fist at him. Rong Zhouzhong's face turned dark, and he stretched his leg under the table to kick him.

When Lian Jun finished eating and came out with Chen Qing, only Shijin was left in the outer room. Shi Weichong and others were gone. Shijin's expression was still a bit strange, and his eyes flickered. Something is wrong.

Lian Jun raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where are your brothers?"

"Something is going away." Shi Jin replied, remembering the content of Shi Weichong's confession with Lian Jun before he left. He only felt that he couldn't look directly at Lian Jun's face. He was so embarrassed that he was going to heaven. He wanted to explain, but he didn't know. How to speak.

Seeing that he didn't look at him, Lian Jun frowned more tightly, but didn't say anything for the time being. He just motioned to him to follow him, and slid the wheelchair to send Chen Qing out of the restaurant.

The meal ended unexpectedly. When everyone got on the return car and left the restaurant completely, Lian Jun's progress bar quickly dropped back to 500, which was completely safe.

Shi Jin breathed a sigh of relief and glanced sideways at Lian Jun, who was sitting next to him. He hesitated and hesitated, entangled and entangled. I thought it would be better to explain earlier, so he took the initiative to start the topic and said, "Well, Mr. Jun, listen. Say my eldest brother talked to you about something...?"

With a move of the fingers on his knees, Lian Jun retracted his gaze from the window, looked at him sideways, and signaled to the driving Gua Er to raise the baffle. After confirming that the environment is absolutely closed, he answered and said: "We did talk about something. , What do you want to say?"

Shi Jin felt that he was about to suffocate—he actually raised the baffle, Lian Jun must have guessed what he was going to say!

There really is no more embarrassing moment than now. His brother ran to his boss and said that he had an intention against the boss. He also used this to negotiate with his boss, and he still had to bite the bullet and explain himself to the boss. He didn't feel bad about the boss.

Really like a pig brother!

"... I'm sorry!" Shijin bowed his head and apologized. Although awkward, he still had to explain, "My elder brother is talking nonsense, and I promise you that I am loyal to you, and I have absolutely no disrespect. You believe me! "

Lian Jun put his hands on his knees for a while, slowly folded them, folded them on his abdomen, and looked out of the window with his head sideways, and responded with a low voice.

Shi Jin waited, waited, waited, before coming to the next, raised his eyes to look at Jun Lian, and tentatively asked: "Young Master Jun, don't you say something?"

"What are you talking about?" Lian Jun still didn't look at him, with an indifferent color on his exposed side, he asked, "If you say you dare not disrespect, you force me to drink soup when you eat, and call me baby when you are drunk, before leaving the task. Take advantage of me? Shijin, don't you do anything that is disrespectful to me."


Shi Jin was speechless, he had really done all of these.

This time, Jin couldn't speak anymore. Lian Jun looked at him and asked, "Do you want to say something more?"

Shi Jin opened his mouth, tearfully defending: "Jun Shao, I care about you."

"Yeah." Lian Jun nodded and turned to look out the window again, "Then I will care about you."

Shi Jin: "..."

Xiao Die weakly said: "Is the baby angry?"

Shi Jin leaned back in his chair silently, looking at Lian Jun's perfect profile, full of vicissitudes, and asked, "Do you think the answer to this question may be negative?"

Xiao Death was silent and replied in his heart: Impossible.

After returning to the clubhouse, Lian Jun immediately summoned all the people in Guayi and ordered one thing to go on-to trace the whereabouts of Chen Qing’s family, find out who is ambushing in the restaurant tonight, and take Chen as soon as possible. Qing's family was rescued.

Shi Jin realized that Chen Qing was actually involuntarily when he came out of Jun Lian. Before meeting Jun Lian, Chen Qing had always been in a state of being under control. Don't dare to talk nonsense.

If it weren't for a set of code words between Lian Jun and Chen Qing that they only understood, Chen Qing might not have been able to tell Lian Jun the truth.

Shi Jin frowned, and finally understood why Chen Qing's restless state came from, and felt a little sinking—he was able to dig out Lian Jun’s friends and set off Lian Jun through his friends. This time he hid behind his back and wanted to hurt him. The people of Lian Jun seem to have a lot of energy.

"... Gua Jiu is responsible for collecting information, so let's disperse it, hurry up." Lian Jun finished his order and signaled everyone to act as soon as possible.

Gua Yi and the others responded one by one, leading their respective tasks to be separated.

Shi Jin returned to his senses, seeing that there were only two people left in the study, he and Lian Jun, and asked in confusion: "Jun Shao, what about me, what am I going to do?"

"You follow me." Lian Jun replied, slid his wheelchair and prepared to leave, stopped when he passed by, and added, "Get a good rest, remember to go to the infirmary for the injury on your hand." After speaking, he went straight away.

Shi Jin watched him leave, and glanced at the scars on his hands that had turned from redness to purple. He was a little tangled. Looking at it now, Lian Jun seemed to be lifeless.