Death Progress Bar

Chapter 36: Sniper


On a lively New Year’s Eve, in a small square not far from a residential area, a brown doll bear with a bow tied around its neck came out of the public toilet in the corner, carrying a backpack in his hand and looking around. Very cute.

The people who came to the square to accompany the New Year’s Eve quickly noticed his presence and turned their heads to look over. The restless children even couldn’t help screaming, shouting "flaming, flaming", and pulling their parents to this place. While walking, I want to come and have a close contact with the doll bear.

However, before they could get closer, the silly doll bear suddenly stopped turning around and ran towards the street vendors around the square, and then stopped at an old man with a strong purpose. In front of the balloon stall, he made a gesture, and finally took out a large amount of pink banknotes from his backpack and threw it into the old man's hands boldly.

With a touched expression on his face, the old man bent over to thank the doll bear, then picked up his plastic stool and the suitcase with money, dropped the small tricycle with a bunch of balloons, and left.

In the next second, the doll bear put his backpack on the small tricycle full of balloons, stepped into the car, skillfully rode the small tricycle out of the vendor group, and walked along the roadside shop stalls... and started shopping while riding.

Onlookers: "..." Hey, is your style a bit wrong

"Candies, mischievous fireworks, lanterns, New Year banners... There are so many patterns. Isn’t it such a lively New Year’s Eve outside?" Shijin hid in a doll's clothes, looking very relaxed and relaxed on the outside, but in fact, he was almost lost in his heart. The progress bar that is still slowly increasing is driving crazy.

The little death who had been silent since entering the square finally made a move, and said excitedly: "Located! The baby hasn't entered the residential area yet, and stopped at the gate of the community!"

Shijin’s eyes lit up, and he threw out a few red tickets and bought out the mischievous fireworks on a certain booth. He piled things into the car, rode on the car, and carried a car full of balloons and candy toys. The square, drove towards the residential area.

Onlookers: "..."

The kid who is about to come over: "...Wow! Xiong is running, I want Xiong!"

The community where Chen Qing invited Lian Jun to dinner was called Tuanjie. It was an older community with a small area, chaotic greenery, narrow roads, and few parking spaces. The gate was facing a lively old street and could only accommodate two cars side by side.

Gua's car parked at a corner of the street some distance from the community, observed the surrounding situation, and said: "The buildings here are too mixed, and there may be Tibetans everywhere. Once they are ambushed, it is difficult to get out."

The second hexagram sitting in the co-driver added: "The community is too old and the internal structure is small. It seems that there is no elevator. Is the leader of Black Rose crazy? Let Chen Qing fix the place to eat here, are we afraid that we will be suspicious?"

Lian Jun listened to their discussion, glanced at the crowds on the street, and asked, "Has the staff been arranged?"

The Guasan sitting on his left hand pressed the tablet off, and replied: "The rescuers on Chen Qing’s family are ready and ready to move. The official and our people have also successfully ambushed around the community, and they are now touching the row. The suspicious people and vehicles around, the internal situation of the community is unknown, and they are still waiting for feedback from the early investigators."

Lian Jun nodded to express his understanding, took a look at the time, and dialed Chen Qing.

Gua Jiu, who was sitting on the other side of Lian Jun, immediately began to locate Chen Qing's specific location.

The phone was quickly connected, Chen Qing’s voice was as usual, and he asked: "Lian Jun, are you here? My last soup is almost out of the pot. You have to taste my craft this time. I have this soup. According to the statement, the materials are sufficient, and the materials have been selected for more than half a month."

More than half a month.

Lian Jun extracted the important information, looked at the New Year's blessings on the glass of the shop on the street, and the appearance of a snowman who was in high spirits appeared in his mind. After shaking his mind for a while, he quickly returned to his senses, and followed his words: " Then I must taste it. I have not yet arrived. The road conditions here are not good, the road is narrow, and the snow on the roadside has not been completely cleaned. My car is not easy to get in, and it is estimated that I will arrive later."

"It's okay. I'm not good. I just thought about meeting you and forgot to consider the road conditions here." Chen Qing calmed down, and the sound of a spatula and a TV in the background sounded, very homely real , "Then you drive slowly, call me when you are almost there, and I will tell you which building it is."

Lian Jun took the opportunity to say: "After the meeting, you can come out and meet me directly. I will wait for you at the gate of the community."

Chen Qing was quiet for a few seconds, and then said as usual: "Anyway, you come here first, and then call me when you arrive. I'm going to cook the soup here. Hang up first. Come here soon." Hang up the phone directly.

Gua Jiu stopped dancing with his hands on the computer keyboard, frowning, and said: "It can be roughly determined that the phone signal is indeed coming from the area of the community, but it can't be accurate to which building. The call time is too short. "

"Make sure that the person is in the community." Lian Jun put down the phone and looked at Gua San on the left. "Black Rose has prepared this meal for more than half a month, and it is likely that the residents in the community have undergone a major exchange of blood. Let those who enter the community to investigate the situation be careful."

Gua three nodded, and immersed himself in sending messages to his men.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the people who entered the community to investigate returned a message-everything was normal, in other words, the people who entered the community did not find out anything. To be more precise, Lian Jun’s guess is mostly correct. Black Rose is likely to exchange blood for the residents of the community. The residents who are active in the community now are probably all Black Rose’s people posing.

Everyone frowned, Lian Jun fingered his knees, told Gua Yi to drive closer to the community, and at the same time dialed Chen Qing.

The call was quickly connected, and after Chen Qing answered, Lian Jun said that he had arrived at the gate of the community and asked Chen Qing to come out to pick up people. Chen Qing was very embarrassed to refuse, saying that he had a sudden stomachache and was solving physical problems, and then reported the specific address of his room, saying that he had opened the door in advance and asked Lian Jun to find it directly.

Everyone in the car: "..."

"What should I do now, wait or go in?" Gua Er asked.

Gua San answered: "If you wait, I guess Mr. Chen will call and say that he is constipated later."

Gua Jiu also followed: "If you can go in, we will go straight into the tiger's mouth."

Everyone moved their eyes to Lian Jun and waited for him to make up his mind.

"Wait." Lian Jun replied with a positive tone and a calm and indifferent attitude. "Black Rose wants to lead us into the trap. If we stay still, they will definitely compromise. So wait, Chen Qing will come out and the community can't enter. The situation is unknown, just go in and deliver food."

After hearing this, everyone was certain, and waited quietly.

Three minutes, five minutes, ten minutes... Chen Qing did not call for a long time, and Lian Jun was also very stable, and did not call Chen Qing.

The situation was virtually stalemate. Outside the car was an old street with a strong year-end but few pedestrians. Inside the car was silence. A window seemed to separate the two worlds.


In a room on the second floor of the shop opposite the community, Black Rose leader Wang Mei couldn't help taking off his earphones, smashed the table violently, and shouted angrily: "This Lian Jun is too slippery. He is so cautious to see an old friend!"

The deputy sitting next to him didn't expect Lian Jun to be so careful. He didn't see Chen Qing, and he didn't even want to enter the gate of the community. He frowned and said, "Then Brother Wang, what should we do now? "

"Fart! Lian Jun is the most desperate person. He has seen more traps than we have made in this life. If we consume it, do you believe that he can just break the contract and turn around and go back to his lair to hide?" Wang Mei choked out angrily. She walked to the window with a calm face and looked at the car where Lian Jun was sitting at the gate of the opposite community. She gritted her teeth and said, "Go! Let Chen Qing call Lian Jun again and try to coax Lian Jun into it. In the community, if you really can’t fool around, let Chen Qing come out to pick you up!"

The deputy was a little worried when he heard the words, and said: "But what if Chen Qing comes out, but Lian Jun still refuses to enter the community, and even asks Chen Qing to go elsewhere for dinner?"

This worry is not unreasonable. With Lian Jun's cautious level, it is really possible for him to make an old friend to give up a feast that he cooked by himself and instead go to his place to eat.

At that time, Chen Qing was in Lian Jun's hands, what else would they sing

Wang Mei's expression became more ugly, and she looked at the car in which Lian Jun was sitting with dark eyes, picked up the gun placed on the cabinet, wiped it hard, and said: "You can't let Chen Qing follow Lian Jun, send someone Give him a good warning and let him remember who his child is now. If Lian Jun insists not to enter the community for a while, then let's kill him here! Go and ask Chen Qing to let him even if he can't trick Lian Jun into the community. The community should also trick him into getting off the car or driving the window to give the sniper an angle of attack, telling him that if Lian Jun does not die today, then his children should not live to see the sun tomorrow!"

The deputy was still a little worried, and said, "But..."

"It's nothing!" Wang Mei turned her head to interrupt him, and pointed her muzzle at him, "Or do you just let Lianjun go with your shameful preparations? You know, I don't keep any cowards."

The deputy was so frightened that he shut up and didn't dare to say anything more. After a few words along with him, he picked up the phone and contacted the subordinates in the community.

Inside the car, Gua Yi looked around and said, "There are five suitable sniper positions nearby. The nearest one is on the second floor of the opposite shop and the second floor of the shop behind the vehicle. You can't see clearly when you turn off the lights in these two places. The indoor situation, one turning on the light and pulling the curtains, is suspicious."

"Find someone to infiltrate." Lian Jun ordered, rubbing his finger on the phone, and suddenly asked, "What time is it?"

Everyone was taken aback, and happened to be looking at the tablet computer's Gua San, glanced at the time, and replied: "It's half past six."

They set off at about five o’clock and spent half an hour around here. Then they tried to delay for almost an hour. Now the sky is dark and the number of pedestrians on the road is gradually decreasing. It is a good time to do something. .

Lian Jun nodded his head to express his understanding, and ordered: "Send someone to approach here slowly, and be ready to make a diplomatic fire at the gate of the community. Let the official find a way to clear the street, so as not to accidentally hurt the innocent."

Gua three nodded to express understanding.

The phone ring suddenly rang, attracting the attention of everyone in the car.

Lian Jun glanced at the phone and said, "It's Chen Qing's call." Then he pressed to connect.

Chen Qing called to ask why Lian Jun hadn't arrived yet. Lian Jun said that he was buying fruit outside the community because he thought it would be bad to go empty-handed during the Chinese New Year. Although everyone is friends, you should be polite wherever you are. Asking if Chen Qing is free, it means that the arrangement of the buildings in Tuanjie District is too irregular, and he doesn't know the way, and needs someone to pick him up.

Chen Qing laughed and teased him a few more, then found a few excuses, pointed out the way in detail, and still hoped that Lian Jun could come in by himself.

Lian Jun continued to lament his road idiot, saying that he just couldn't find the way.

The two acted tacitly with each other, and the tone of a good friend was about to meet in harmony, but Wang Mei, who overheard, wanted to vomit blood more and more, and frantically scolded Lian Jun for pretending to be lies.

As the boss of Despair, when did his Lian Jun learn the sophistication between ordinary people? He also buys fruits. He Lian Jun grew up so old, do you know where the door of the fruit shop opens? The lie is the same as the truth. If you have the ability to buy fruit, then why don't you get off the bus!

"Don't wait! Let Chen Qing come out to pick up people, everyone is ready to look for opportunities to ambush Lian Jun, and drive a few cars over by the way. Once they succeed, everyone retreat immediately!" Wang Mei finally couldn't listen, and fell after giving orders. On the phone, he personally set a gun and aimed at Lian Jun's car.

Chen Qing came out to pick up people in the end, alone, dressed very thinly, and wearing a funny apron, very eager to cover up.

He walked to Lian Jun’s car, and when the people hiding in the dark couldn’t see his face, he made a mouth shape towards Lian Jun in the car, and said silently: Someone is lying in ambush at the gate of the community. There are guns, there are snipers nearby, don't get out of the car.

Lian Jun nodded his head to express his understanding, but said in his mouth: "Sorry, you must come out to pick me up."

"What's there to apologize for? I'm sloppy. I forgot that it's hard to find a place in this community." Chen Qing's tone was the same, with a smile on his face, but a little anxious in his heart.

He was very scared, afraid that Lian Jun would really take risks for himself. In fact, he had already accepted his fate a little. He only asked Lian Jun to save his child, and then sent his wife and child to a safe place. He didn't care much about his safety.

If you die, you'll die. People who have been on the road, even if they withdraw halfway, are already prepared to be drawn into the dark world again. He is already content with the life of ordinary people these years.

And if it wasn't for Lian Jun to protect him back then, he wouldn't have such a peaceful life, he didn't want Lian Jun to be injured because of him.

Thinking of this, he straightened up slowly, did not take the initiative to pull Lian Jun's car door as Wang Mei's instructions, but took a step back, using his eyes to signal Lian Jun to go quickly, leaving him alone.

Lian Jun frowned, shook his head at him, and then signaled that Gua Er was ready to open the door and pull Chen Qing into the car. The others were ready to cover up. They still did not forget to speak, so as to comfort Wang Mei, who might be eavesdropping on the conversation between the two: "You wait. Yes, I will get off the car now. The gate of this community is too narrow, and the car seems to be unable to get in."

Chen Qing thought he was really going to get out of the car, so anxiously he stepped forward and pressed the door, his movements were very obvious.

"Damn, what is Chen Qing doing! Why didn't he go to pull Lianjun's car door, but blocked the car door, he didn't want his child's life anymore!" Wang Mei was so angry that he exploded, wishing to hold Chen Qing's hand Go and pull Lian Jun's car door open and drag Lian Jun under his gun.

The deputy standing next to him suddenly put down his phone in a panic, and said anxiously: "Brother Wang, it's not good. There are people from the outside. Several teams of our brothers who are guarding the outer ring have lost contact!"

Wang Mei's expression changed suddenly, and she immediately realized that she was being rebelled by Lian Jun. The plan had already been revealed, her expression was ruthless, she changed a sniper, and aimed at Chen Qing beside the car, and prepared to clean up this useless waste first. .


He loaded the bullet.


Gua Er gently opened the door, preparing to drag Chen Qing into the car.

All the snipers hiding in the dark also aimed their guns at Lian Jun's car.

Time seemed to stand still. The Black Rose staff in the community and Lian Jun's subordinates who pretended to be pedestrians on the street were gradually approaching, all watching carefully the situation on the side of the car, the atmosphere was pulled to the extreme, everyone was waiting for a signal to start the war.


Shijin pedaled a tricycle frantically. Seeing Lian Jun’s progress bar suddenly soaring to 999.5, he almost suffocated. Seeing that a familiar vehicle finally appeared in front of him, it was just a sudden brake without thinking about it. He turned around and pulled out a prank from the car. Fireworks, let Xiao Di add a strong buff to himself, light the fireworks and throw them vigorously there.



The fireworks flew out in a parabola, slammed into the middle of the old street with a bang. After landing, they exploded a circle of ribbons with a bang, and then colorful smoke rose and spread rapidly, covering a part of the street.


After Shijin threw the fireworks, he stretched out his bear's paw and slammed the loudspeaker on the tricycle to maximize the sound.

"Congratulations on your wealth, congratulations on your wonderful... Selling balloons, you can like to see balloons... Please come over if you are the best, and walk away if you are not good..."

The distorted singing and chanting sounded alternately, piercing the night sky of the city, and blew everyone's ears.

what are these

Everyone was stupid, and then before they could react, there were a few more bangs, a lot of prank fireworks smashed over together, some fell to the gate of the community, and some hit the shops across the street. Some of the signboards were thrown directly into the gate of the community. There was the sound of exploding ribbons and colorful smoke flying everywhere, and the street instantly became hazy and dreamy.

Wang Mei, who was about to pull the trigger, was silly, and there was a "faerie ethereal" in his vision. Not to mention the sniper, he was almost looking at things with ghosts.

Gua Er who was pulling the car door was also stunned, but he was stunned for a second and then recovered. Taking advantage of the chaotic situation, he pushed the door decisively, got out of the car half-step, pulled Chen Qing into the car, sliding the seat back, and stretched out his hand. Put Chen Qing down, help him put his leg into the car, and then slam the door vigorously. The action was done in one go, taking no more than five seconds before and after.

"Drive, retreat!" He said, and couldn't help turning his head to look in the direction of the singing.

Other people who didn't need to drive did the same actions as him.

Amidst the colorful smoke dancing with the wind, a doll bear was approaching on a tricycle, throwing candy and fireworks while walking, and occasionally taking two balloons and putting them in the air. It was like a living "bear kid".

"Fuck it! Whose kid, running this prank for the New Year's Eve, it's really... It's so cruel! It directly saved us a fight." Gua Er couldn't help but praise.

Gua San frowned and said, "He messed up Black Rose's plan, and he is likely to be retaliated against. Someone must be sent to protect him."

"Then send someone!" Gua opened his mouth and quickly turned the steering wheel. Before the black rose person could react, he reversed, turned around, sprayed his exhaust, and left the place of right and wrong without looking back.

However, Lian Jun raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes still locked in that piece of colorful smoke—I don't know if it was an illusion, he always felt that the doll bear's throwing things were a bit familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

"Lian Jun." Chen Qing, who was shrinking from the co-pilot, suddenly called him.

Lian Jun returned to his senses, turned his gaze back, and shook off the inexplicable thoughts in his mind. He looked at Chen Qing, who was full of the aftermath of the disaster, and calmly said: "Don't worry, your child has already been rescued, and there are not many guarding them. , Will be rescued safely."

Chen Qing nodded, followed the strength of Gua Er, got up, squeezed into the passenger seat, nodded gratefully to Lian Jun, and said, "Thank you, I thought I could not come back this time."

Lian Jun calmed him a few words, and suddenly felt a little flustered when he remembered Shijin who was still alone in the clubhouse.

At the gate of the community.

After Lian Jun left, the Black Rose members and Lian Jun pretending to be passers-by immediately fought and became a group. Officials were rushing here in large numbers. Wang Mei was unable to ambush and almost smashed the house with anger. In the end, the deputy was able to persuade him and pulled him to prepare to evacuate.

Until he got in the evacuated car safely, Wang Mei still felt unwilling and ruthlessly ordered: "Let the sniper not evacuate! Find the bear who lit up the fireworks and kill him!"

The deputy was shocked and said worriedly: "Now there are officials and people everywhere. It is too dangerous for us to leave people behind."

"Are you the boss or I am the boss? Do as I told you!" Wang Mei was so angry that he pointed at him and said viciously, "I said that someone must die today. You don't want the dead person to be Be yourself."

The deputy swallowed hard, shook his head, took out his mobile phone, and called the sniper in front of him.

Shi Jin was riding a tricycle on the old street and wanted to leave this street as soon as possible. He can see that there are no ordinary pedestrians on this street at all, it is full of underworld and white society, and if he does not withdraw, he is afraid that he will be caught in the flames of war.

"Go in, the progress bar has started to rise!" Xiao Death suddenly screamed.

Shi Jin was shocked, almost stepped on the pedal of the tricycle, and said, "What's the matter, didn't Lian Jun's progress bar start to drop!"

"It's not your baby, it's yours! Your progress bar is rising! Very fast!" Xiao Diepo called out, scared to death.

Shi Jin was busy looking at his progress bar, and seeing that it was actually racing up at a rate of 10 points per second, and now it had risen to more than 900, his heart sank, thinking of something, he turned his head around and looked around and quickly locked it. Several possible sniper locations, when the progress bar reached 980, let go of the tricycle, and after jumping off the car, it rolled on the spot and rolled towards the side of the street.


The bullet flew through the air and shot into the ground not far away.