Death Progress Bar

Chapter 48: Nine


In the end, the Gua Jiu Gang came in and escaped. He stretched out his hand and patted him, motioned to the sea in the distance, and said, "Nine Eagles are here."

Hearing this, Shi Jin immediately turned his head and looked over, and took the vertical middle finger back, pretending that nothing happened just now.

On the distant sea, the figure of Nine Eagles really appeared. The Nine Eagles ship is very large, and the top of the ship has a golden flag with an eagle painted on it. It is very easy to recognize.

People from other organizations also noticed the arrival of Nine Eagles one after another, and the deck that was still quiet immediately commotion.

"It's Nine Eagles."

"Nine Eagles are coming more and more late."

"I heard that some of them can't be controlled by Mie."

Various whispers and discussions came from different corners, Shijin heard these words clearly because of the little death's hearing buff bonus. He looked at the big ship of the Nine Eagles, his eyebrows were slightly closed—the Nine Eagles had already affected the deterrence of the destruction on the road, which was not a good thing.

"Pretend to be." A woman with short hair who was about forty years old and dressed very socially suddenly disdain to make a noise. Her voice was not loud, but she was noticed by many people because of her special hoarse voice.

Everyone looked over.

The woman had already retracted her gaze and stopped watching the finale of Nine Eagles. After greeting the meeting host Zhang Zhuoyuan, she took someone to the large conference room connected to the deck first.

"She is the leader of the tarantula, her name is Lu Shan, and she is very old and hot, and she is an old acquaintance with Jun Shao, but on the bright side, she is in a state of evil with Jun Shao." Gua Jiu whispered in Shi Jin's ear.

When Shi Jin was surprised, he took a look at Lu Shan, and determined the location of the tarantula ship, and silently marked the tarantula with a friendly green dot in his heart.

With the effort of the two talking, the Nine Eagles boat had already moved closer, and it moved outside the group of boats that had already formed a circle, and finally actually squeezed a few outlying boats and stopped to the other side of the destruction, and Together with the ghost ship, they clamped up the destroyed ship.

Xiao Death was too scared to breathe, and said, "Go in, and the baby's progress bar has risen to 900, just after the Nine Eagles' ship stopped next to the baby's ship!"

Shi Jin frowned fiercely, watching Nine Eagles ship unhappily—the progress bar rose so sharply, the purpose of Nine Eagles stopping the ship was obviously impure.

Gua Jiu's expression is also ugly. The baby's face is stern, and there is a rare trace of disgust on his face: "The leader of Jiuying is afraid that he doesn't want to live anymore."

Anyone who knows a little bit knows that Jiuying’s seemingly ordinary stopping action is actually provoking Xiang Mi, so they all look at Lian Jun who is still sitting in the middle of the deck and staring at everyone on board with Zhang Zhuoyuan, wanting to see him. What will be the reaction.

Lian Jun was also looking at the direction of the Nine Eagles ship, his expression remained unchanged, and he took out his phone to check the time, and said to Zhang Zhuoyuan, "It's nine forty-five, ready to start the meeting."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhuoyuan retracted his gaze to look at Jiuying, and did not ask what to do with Jiuying who hasn't built the bridge yet, or wait for them. He nodded towards Liu Zhenjun who was standing outside the cockpit on the third floor, so Liu Zhenjun waved. The soldiers waiting at all corners of the deck moved together and directly raised the deck fence that was lowered for the purpose of building the bridge, spreading them at a fixed distance, and enclosing the deck.

The leaders of the organizations on the deck moved their eyes when they saw it, and the smarter immediately guessed that the official should be dissatisfied with the arrogance of the Nine Eagles, and the stupid one could also detect that because the Nine Eagles were late, most of them had to be shut down by the authorities. Up.

Everyone moved to the meeting room connected to the deck with thoughtfulness. When the door of the meeting room was reached, all the people brought by the leader stopped. Only the leader entered the meeting room. Before, the leader followed the leader into the meeting room and waited for the meeting to start. The people also consciously started to go out.

Soon, all the leaders of the organizations on the deck entered the conference room, leaving only their subordinates to stay outside.

Lian Jun also couldn't bring his subordinates into the conference room. After reaching the door, he waved his hand to let Gua Yi stay outside, and then took a look at the location of Shijin and Gua Jiu from the corner of his eye, and found that Shijin was not looking at him. Here, he frowned, but he quickly gotten into the meeting room with Zhang Zhuoyuan.

At 9:55, the door to the conference room was closed. At the same time, all the floor-to-ceiling curtains that blocked all the conditions in the conference room were raised, and large glass windows were exposed, clearly showing the scene in the conference room.

After the curtains were raised, the subordinates waiting familiarly looked through the glass window towards the positions of their respective leaders. The leaders of the organization sitting in the meeting room looked like a group of monkeys being watched. .

Shijin: "..." This seemed to be different from what he thought was a secret meeting.

Gua Jiu explained: "These glasses are specially made and bulletproof. The leaders who enter the meeting room can't bring weapons, but their subordinates can bring them, so that even if there is a conflict between people outside, the meeting room will not be injured. People inside, and if there is any change in the meeting room, people who are outside can quickly rush in to help. This is the result of compromise between the official and us, and it has been maintained for many years."

Shijin can only do it again: "..."

The table in the conference room is rectangular. Zhang Zhuoyuan sits in the first place, and there are a few assistants beside him, who should help with the paperwork. Lian Jun was the first one on Zhang Zhuoyuan's right hand, and Lu Shan started. The position opposite him is empty, depending on the situation, it should belong to the late leader of the Nine Eagles.

The leader of the ghost has no real name, only a code name—Lao Gui. He sits diagonally opposite Lian Jun and is fourth on the left. In the first echelon, his position is not very good.

At ten o'clock, the meeting started on time, and Zhang Zhuoyuan's assistant began to distribute materials and equipment.

The people outside couldn't hear the sound inside. When Shi Jin saw Lian Jun holding a pile of materials and began to look at it, he withdrew his gaze and looked at the Nine Eagles ship.

The people of Nine Eagles were taking the gangway and the cross bridge. They arrived too late. Although they stopped at a place close to the official ship, they had no choice but to circumvent the ladder because they were not planning to help him with the ladder. Do it yourself.

Objectively speaking, Nine Eagles was able to build the ladder very fast, but they arrived too late. By the time the ladder was completed, the meeting had already started for more than ten minutes.

Liu Zhenjun went down to the deck and watched as the leader of the nine eagles came along the cross bridge, and then was blocked by the deck fence. He said sternly, "Please go back. Once the fence is closed, you will have to wait until the meeting is over. In the afternoon, Please be early for the meeting."

The leader of Nine Eagles is a young man about the same age as Lian Jun. He looks pretty good. He looks ridiculous. He raised his eyebrows and said, "So... Call me a name, it is very boring, then you are busy, I will go back first, bye.

Liu Zhenjun watched him leave with cold eyes, then turned and returned to the cab.

Shi Jin didn't expect that the leader of the Nine Eagles was such a style, and he was a little speechless. He asked, "Is he always so arrogant? The same is true for official people?"

"He's useless." Gua Jiu commented, his tone was very disgusting, "Isn't it too late to take the ladder, won't you come by boat? The boat will definitely make it to the beginning of the meeting. He is a good face and mindless, so blatantly offending the official, probably I think things are going too smoothly."

Shi Jin heard what he said, but felt that the leader of Nine Eagles was so arrogant that it didn't seem to be brainless. On the contrary, it seemed that he was holding a handle that would never be targeted by the authorities or be overthrown by other organizations, so he was very confident.

"Shi Jin." Gua Jiu suddenly turned Shi Jin.

Shi Jin returned to his senses, looking at him in doubt: "What's the matter?"

Gua Jiu gestured to a certain direction of the deck and said, "That person has been looking at you, as if he knew you."

Shi Jin turned his head and looked over, and he was not surprised to find that the person he was looking at was Fei Yujing, who was deliberately ignoring and ignoring Fei Yujing. His eyebrows jumped, and he resolutely chose to retract his gaze, facing the sea sideways, and replied: "That It's my second brother Fei Yujing. I want to pretend that I don't know him, so you can cooperate."

Gua Jiu was surprised and speechless when he heard it, and he coordinated with him to look sideways at the sea, and asked: "I remember your second elder brother is a lawyer. How could he appear in this kind of occasion?"

"I don't know, he came with the ghost boss." Shijin replied.

Hearing the words, Gua Jiu nodded to express his understanding, and took out his mobile phone to report the situation to Gua Yi.

So when Lian Jun pretended to look around the corner where Shijin was in the gap between the meetings, he found that Shijin was actually looking at the scenery with great enthusiasm and didn't care about his employer who was in the "wolf den" at all.

"Is that your new subordinate?" Lu Shan, who was sitting next to him, said in a low voice by flipping through the information.

Lian Jun retracted his gaze without a trace, and made the action of turning over the information, and replied: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

"Tsk, the more you grow up, the less cute you are." Lu Shan frowned dissatisfied, and moved the stool to the other side obviously, as if she didn't want to get too close to Lian Jun.

Others quickly noticed their movement, and saw that Lu Shan moved her chair away from Lian Jun, and withdrew their gazes.

The older the organization, the more enemies. Both Mee and Tarantula are big old organizations. After so many years, the hatred accumulated between the two for various reasons is probably deeper than the sea outside, but the officials arrange for the leaders of these two organizations to sit there every year. Together, I don't know what the intention is.

The morning meeting was simply a summary and counting, and it ended on time at 11:30. The afternoon meeting will start at two o'clock. That is the highlight of the day.

The family members picked up their leaders at the door of the meeting room, and after Liu Zhenjun sent people to lower the deck fence again, they dispersed.

Shi Jin watched the sea for more than an hour, and was stared at the back of Fei Yujing for more than an hour. He was totally exhausted. Seeing Lian Jun came out, he hurriedly rushed forward and grabbed his gua and pushed the wheelchair. He asked: "Young Master, are you tired from the meeting?"

"I'm not tired of seeing the scenery without you." Lian Jun replied, his tone and expression were light.

Shijin nodded very straightforwardly, rubbed his eyes, and replied: "It's tiring to look at the scenery, and the blue of the sea water will swell over time."

Lian Jun's hands on the wheelchair tightened, his expression lightened, and he said, "Then you can see something else this afternoon."

"I am also preparing to watch something else in the afternoon. Although the mobile phone on the sea has no signal, the stand-alone mahjong can still be played. I am going to play mahjong in the afternoon." Shijin was very happy to share his happiness and suggested, "Jun Shao you during the meeting. You can also play stand-alone games and relax. I brought a power bank, do you want one?"

Lian Jun decided not to talk to him for the time being, fearing that he would be so angry that some flaws would be revealed by those people.

Without a response, Shi Jin wanted to ask again. Gua Yi finally couldn't help it. He held his shoulder and pulled him back, took over the task of pushing the wheelchair, and handed Gua two a look of "look good on him". Pushing Lian Jun to leave first.

Gua Er took advantage of the situation to catch Shijin and covered his mouth.

Shi Jin felt that he had been targeted, so he went backhand into Gua Er's eyes.

The group talked about being noisy and prepared to go to the restaurant on the next floor for lunch, when the boss of the ghost suddenly chased up from behind and called Lian Jun.

Lian Jun waved his hand to stop the Gua, and turned his head to look at the old ghost who was fast-walking with Fei Yujing. He stopped his eyes on Fei Yujing, and asked, "What can the old ghost ask me for?"

"I want to have lunch with you." The old ghost replied simply, but he compared the number "9" in his hand.

"9", nine, nine eagles.

Lian Jun understood his hint, nodded, and replied, "Let's come together, this one?"

"Fei Yujing, the lawyer I hired. Recently, several businesses under my name had problems, and several deputies were trapped. He came to help." The old ghost replied and introduced Fei Yujing. " This is Jun Lian, the leader of Mie."

Fei Yujing proactively stretched out his hand to Lian Jun, with a very formulaic and polite attitude, and said, "Happy meeting."

Lian Jun raised his hand and shook him, but he didn't answer his words. He just nodded his head as a response, and then motioned to Gua Yi to continue pushing him to the restaurant.

The old ghost was a little puzzled when he saw this. Lian Jun’s performance just now clearly showed that he was not too cold with Fei Yujing, but Lian Jun was by no means the kind of person who would be so rude to people who met for the first time, frowning. He lowered his voice and asked Fei Yujing: "Have you seen Jun Lian before?"

"No." Fei Yujing shook his head, keeping his eyes on Shijin, who was trying to pretend to be a stranger and a background board. After thinking about Lian Jun's attitude, he replied: "Mr. Lian's attitude should be because of something else. For personal reasons, don’t worry, you won’t be wrong."

The old ghost was still very confident in him, so he was relieved after hearing this, and did not continue to ask.

A group of people were seated in the dining room.

Shi Jin could feel Fei Yujing's eyes still falling on him from time to time, and continued to pretend not to notice, sitting at the end of the dining table with Gua Jiu and eating silently.

There is an old ghost, everyone is constrained, except for Lian Jun, old ghost, and Fei Yujing at the table, no one is talking.

After the initial greeting, the old ghost finally got to the point.

"There is something wrong with my business in the southeast region. Now it is determined that it is the ghost of Nine Eagles. The leader of Nine Eagles, Zuo Yang, is very ambitious. What he wants is not your position, but a higher status. As far as I know, he has caught up with some local organizations in the southeast region. This is why I will plant this time. The situation in the southeast region is getting more and more chaotic. Nine Eagles come to disturb my situation this time, and I am not prepared. I fight with him, but I don’t want the business, but I have to keep all the people. I can’t leave my brother behind."

Lian Jun clicked on the armrest of the wheelchair and asked, "So?"

"So I invited Lawyer Fei to come over, ready to show up, use economic cases as a guise, let the official side to put pressure there, and extradite my people through formal channels. This is the safest I can think of. There is a way to save people." The old ghost knows that he can talk and talk, and his attitude is very sincere.

When Lian Jun heard this, he probably understood his intentions and said, "Old ghost, you are not such a naive person. Nine Eagles and the local organization detained people together, and they crossed the border. The official hand can't reach that long."

The old ghost said, "I know that the official hand can't be stretched that long, but you can."

This is coming to beg.

Both Gua 1 and Gua 2 looked over, then withdrew their gaze nonchalantly, and continued to eat.

Lian Jun didn't reply, the atmosphere at the dinner table was a bit dull for a while, the old ghost was obviously a little anxious, but he barely stabilized on the face, and did not urge Lian Jun to reply immediately.

"I take the liberty to insert a sentence, may I ask who is this?" Fei Yujing, who has been quiet, suddenly said, looking directly at Shijin, who was immersed in ribs.

When the people on the table heard the words, they all went in and looked at the time, their movements were very neat and uniform.

Shi Jin was locked in by everyone's eyes, and the ribs in his mouth suddenly vomited, nor did he vomit. He glanced at Fei Yujing and Lian Jun with an innocent expression.

"He is my new subordinate, codenamed Gua Si." Lian Jun replied, looking at Fei Yujing, and asked, "Why, lawyer Fei is interested in my subordinates?"

Hearing this, Fei Yujing shifted his gaze away from Shijin, and replied indifferently: "I am a little interested. After all, I haven't seen such a'special' person like Chixiang for a long time, a bit long-sighted."

This is ugly when talking about turning around.

Shi Jin spit out the bones, took a napkin and wiped his mouth, tit-for-tat: "Unexpectedly, attorney Fei's experience is so narrow. I have never seen such a way of enjoying delicious food. I want to come here for dozens. The new year must have been very difficult. Young Master, it seems that my food has affected Lawyer Fei's meal. Do you think I should withdraw it first?"

"No." Lian Jun answered, his tone faint, "Gua San, let someone open a table for Lawyer Fei alone."

Gua San put down his chopsticks and got up and went.

The others immersed themselves in the meal, as if they had heard nothing.

The old ghost didn't expect things to suddenly turn like this. Seeing that Lian Jun really wanted to make a table for Fei Yujing, he hurriedly appeared as a peacemaker, and Shi Jin calmed down a few words, and he personally got up and acted to stop Gua San.

Lian Jun could embarrass Fei Yujing, but couldn't save the old ghost's face, so he took the opportunity to let Gua San come back, but his attitude became even colder.

Shijin stuffed another piece of pork ribs in front of Fei Yujing's face, which was full of provocation.

Fei Yujing looked straight at him, with no embarrassment on his face, but a thoughtful and deep look on his face.

During the rest of the meal, the old ghost kept trying to bring the topic back to the previous topic, but Lian Jun stopped answering and played Tai Chi with him the whole time. Probably it was really too anxious. When the meal was about to end, the old ghost suddenly became quiet for a while, and then said like a broken ship: "Master Jun, as long as you help me this time, I can help you get rid of Nine Eagles."

This is a great sacrifice. The ghost has always been low-key and never proactively cause trouble. Now that I say this, I almost promised to be a gunman for Lian Jun.

Lian Jun remained indifferent, and said, "I don't have any thoughts about Jiuying."

The old ghost was a little helpless, his expression was obviously impatient, but Fei Yujing suddenly spoke up at this time, still pointing to Shijin, and said, "Sorry."

Shi Jin was inexplicable, and then strangely found that his progress bar had dropped, back to 550.

Lian Jun glanced at Fei Yujing, and finally let go, and said: "Old ghost, I can help you pass the word to the official to let them cooperate with your economic case, but I will not intervene at will in the southeast. Your brother’s fate is fate, and my brother’s fate is also fate."

When the old ghost heard him let go, his expression was happy. When he finished speaking, his brows wrinkled again, and he was silent for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "I was targeted by Nine Eagles. Actually, there is another reason."

It's finally time to get rid of the bottom line.

The atmosphere on the table relaxed inexplicably, and Lian Jun also leaned back in the chair and said, "You said it."

Seeing his attitude, the old ghost didn't understand that he was being fought by Lian Jun. He sighed in his heart and said: "My subordinate found that Jiuying was investigating your doctor back then. A clue was found in the southeast area."

As soon as these words were said, the atmosphere on the dining table changed in an instant, and the people of Gua Yi and others couldn't help but straightened up and looked at the old ghost who was talking.

"Continue to eat." Lian Jun knocked down the table.

As a result, the crowd gathered their emotions one after another, eating, eating, chatting, it seemed that they had returned to normal, but in fact their attention was all on the old ghost.

Shi Jin also looked at the old ghost, frowning slightly, instinctively that the doctor mentioned by the old ghost was related to Lian Jun's body as it is now, and his heartstrings were a little tight.

The old ghost made his scalp numb by the strange atmosphere on the table. He simply explained everything he knew at once, and said: "After discovering the movements of the Nine Eagles, I ordered my subordinates to pay attention to them for a while and chase them. The trail found a small local hospital that is not well-known. This hospital is just a very old community hospital on the surface, but it is actually a place used by a local organization to stock up. The doctor who betrayed you has been hiding for years. Inside, he had a facelift and changed his status. If it hadn't been for the people of Nine Eagles to keep staring at him, I wouldn't find him strange."

Lian Jun quietly listened to him and asked, "Where is the other person?"

The old ghost grasped a fist and replied: "I was taken away by the people of Nine Eagles, after my subordinates tried to approach him."

The atmosphere on the table changed again. Everyone was not stupid. They couldn't understand what the old ghost meant. The approach in the old ghost's mouth was definitely not a simple approach, but an attempt to snatch someone from Nine Eagles. As for the purpose of robbing people, needless to say, it must be the same as Jiuying, wanting to use this person to do something against Mie or Lian Jun.

It's a pity that the ghost mythical creature is not strong enough to stop the person, but was bitten by the nine eagles. Now the ghost has been advancing and retreating in the southeast region for two years, and the old ghost has no choice but to come to Lian Jun who was planning to calculate for help. This method is also very disgusting. It's no wonder that he had been reluctant to tell the truth before. With such an antecedent, Lian Jun didn't kill him and it was considered good, so how could he help him save others.