Death Progress Bar

Chapter 59: explode


The episode of Shi Weichong was soon tossed by Shijin, and the share documents he left behind were also thrown into the bathtub filled with water and turned into a pile of waste paper.

Three days later, the official liaison staff was in place to help. There were three people in total, two men and one woman. Among them, women who were more than half a hundred years old and looked very kind were the lawyers who were sent by the government to contact Fei Yujing and help the ghosts. His name was Wen Baozhu, and he was a great man with a lot of honor.

She and Fei Yujing obviously knew each other. After seeing Fei Yujing, they took the initiative to greet him and called him by his name directly. They did not call Fei Yujing as lawyer Fei like other people. They were very familiar and kind.

Facing her, Fei Yujing was very polite and respectful. He politely called her teacher and gave her a personal introduction. He was very considerate and considerate.

Because everyone was holding a meeting to discuss matters, Shi Jin was also there. He looked at Fei Yujing’s caring appearance in front of Wen Baozhu. He remembered that Fei Yujing usually "the whole world is scum, and only interests are relatives." Daddy's behavior, shaking with abhorrence, rubbed his arms.

Are the children of the Shi family full of some weird skills, such as face changing, acting, such as meeting people, talking about people, talking about ghosts, talking about ghosts, etc.

"Cold?" Lian Jun noticed his movements and asked with concern.

Shi Jin quickly shook his head and said no. He retracted his gaze looking at Fei Yujing and Wen Baozhu, flipped through the information in front of him, and asked, "Now the official people are also here. When will we leave for the Southeast?"

Lian Jun closed the document and replied: "It will take three days at the earliest. The official side will need time to sort out the materials and establish contact with the southeast region. It will take a while."

Shijin nodded to express his understanding. He was very satisfied with the schedule, and said happily, "Then I should be in good health by then, and I can follow you well."

Lian Jun looked at his self-sufficiently silly look, stretched out his hand and held his hand-obviously it is not a safe place to go, how can he be happy and stupid because of this kind of thing.

In the next three days, Shijin began to cooperate more actively with the treatment, and finally succeeded in being marked "healed" by Uncle Long on the day he set off to the southeast area.

When boarding the plane, Shi Jin saw Long Shi.

His hair was shaved to a flat head, his face was a little haggard, and he was wearing basic casual casual clothes. The overall appearance was very inconspicuous, but he wore a weirdly drawn black metal necklace with diamonds around his neck.

Probably noticing Shijin's sight, Long Shi, who had been bowing his head, suddenly raised his head and looked at Shijin's side. His expression was gloomy, and he looked particularly oozing.

Xiao Death reminded angrily: "Go in, your progress bar has gone up, after seeing you in the Dragon World, he wants to kill you!"

Shi Jin glanced at the progress bar that he had risen to 550 in an instant, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Long Shi calmly, then bared his teeth, raised his hand and shook his ears, compared to the shape of two small round bumps. .

Long Shi’s expression changed, he was obviously thinking of something not so good. His eyes were hateful and a little scared. He couldn’t help but say to the Gua Yi walking beside him: "Don’t believe me, Shijin is really Monster, he will eat you sooner or later!"

The hexagram ignores him and treats him directly as air.

Long Shi was unwilling, and casually pulled a passing person, and said seriously: "Shijin is really a monster, don't be fooled by his illusion, kill him soon! He will kill you!"

The person held by him was Fei Yujing. Fei Yujing looked at him sideways, his eyes hidden behind the lenses were indifferent, and he directly blocked his hand with a briefcase and patted the sleeves that were pulled over. Step away.

Long Shi's expression was distorted by Fei Yujing's obviously dirty attitude. Yu Guang saw Shi Jin sitting next to him, who seemed to be Lian Jun. His emotions were instantly uncontrollable, and he shouted: "Young Master! Shi Jin will be harmful. You, I am the only one who is really good to you, Master Jun... Hmm!"

Gua Yi directly covered his mouth and dropped the anaesthetic, and the world was quiet.

Because it’s a chartered plane and everyone on board, no one expresses objection to Gua Yi’s behavior. Everyone looks like a stranger. Even Wen Baozhu, who looks the most kind and most likely to say something, is just Frowning, did not speak rashly.

Seeing the excitement, Shijin sat back in his chair and saw that his progress bar had dropped back to 500. He sighed in his heart for the carelessness of Long Shi, then he abducted Lian Jun next to him and asked deliberately. : "Young Master, what if I am really a monster, you are not afraid that I will eat you?"

Lian Jun was looking through the information, and without raising his head when he heard the words, he stretched his arms over and said, "Eat."

Shi Jinmei smiled, holding his wrist, bowed his head hard, and leaned over to read the information with him.

When they interacted, there was no intention to cover up or avoid others. Both the official and Fei Yujing noticed the unusual intimacy between them. The official was slightly surprised. Obviously, they did not expect Shijin and Lian Jun to be like this. For the relationship, Fei Yujing looked thoughtful, his eyes turned back and forth between Shi Jin and Lian Jun, and then quickly recovered.

After the plane flew smoothly, everyone lay down and forced themselves to sleep. They wanted to reverse the jet lag on the plane. After all, when the boundary of the southeast region was reached, they would be nervous and busy.

During this period of time, Shijin’s work and rest were adjusted very regularly because of his injury. After falling asleep, he woke up shortly after falling asleep. Several attempts to fall asleep again to no avail. He almost woke up Lian Jun and didn’t fall asleep at all. He turned sideways. Helped Lian Jun pulled the blanket, got up gently and went to the pantry.

Surprisingly, there were people in the pantry, and Fei Yujing was not asleep either. He was sitting at a small table in the pantry, beating on a computer.

The brothers stopped moving together and looked at each other briefly.

"There is brewed coffee in the coffee pot."

For the first time, Fei Yujing spoke first, and his attitude was barely okay, at least there was no obvious targeting and coldness, just like an ordinary strange colleague.

"Thank you for reminding." Shi Jin also put on a polite manner, instead of moving coffee, but poured a glass of milk, turned and sat in the corner on the other side of the pantry, took out the tablet and started rubbing mahjong.

Fei Yujing heard the faint sound effect of mahjong, and the act of typing on the keyboard paused for a second, and then continued.

On one side is the crackling keyboard sound, on the other side is the faint mahjong sound effect.

I don’t know how long I have been busy. Fei Yujing finally sorted out all the materials he needed. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. He raised his eyes and looked at another corner, only to find that there was no one there anymore, and on the table. There is a jug of hot milk in the thermos jug

[Get along with Xiaojin more, you will understand what we have missed all these years. 】

Suddenly what Shi Weichong said that day flashed in his mind, Fei Yujing frowned, got up and looked at the jug of milk disgustingly for a while, and sneered-what is this, playing emotional cards? That's how Shi Weichong was coaxed by Shi Jinzhi, right

Thinking of this, Shijin, who thought he had already left, actually walked back. He glanced at Fei Yujing who was standing on the side of the stage inexplicably, and greeted him casually: "It's over." Then he squeezed him away and took out. A cup of hot milk was poured into a cup, and another hot porridge was taken from the microwave and carried it out on a tray.

Fei Yujing heard Lian Jun's voice in the cabin sharply. It was obvious that Shi Jin had prepared this jug of hot milk for Lian Jun.


Sometimes more embarrassing than being explicitly targeted is sudden self-love.

Fei Yujing felt that she was probably too tired, so she didn't look at the jug of hot milk again, and poured herself a cup of coffee without adding any sugar.

Mature men should drink the most bitter coffee, and children will like milk.

The plane landed in Country L in the southeast. Shijin pushed Lian Jun off the plane. After leaving the comfortable air conditioner, he was almost knocked down on the spot by the hot and humid weather unique to the southeast.

Obviously it should be the most comfortable time in April and May, but country L is hot and stuffy, and the ground is still wet. It should have just rained. The distant buildings were distorted by the steaming water mist, and people stood outside. It's almost like standing in a steamer.

"I really hate coming here." Gua Jiu whispered, her baby face wrinkled into an old grandmother.

Shi Jin felt the same way. He didn't dare to let Lian Jun stay in such a sultry environment for too long. He hurriedly followed the guidance of Gua Yi, pushing people toward the airport's external vehicle.

There are quite a lot of people in their group. If you arrange a small car, it is estimated to be scattered and divided into several. Gua, for fear that the personnel are too scattered, it is inconvenient to move, so let us arrange a bus disguised as a travel agency vehicle. Everyone stuffed it up.

When I arrived in the car, the air conditioner was blowing, and everyone felt relieved. After a short break, they immediately went to work.

The first is Wen Baozhu and Fei Yujing. Together with other official liaison personnel, they have to contact the official personnel stationed here, and the two parties cooperate to claim that citizens from China who have entered L country to do business have disappeared for no reason and are suspected of being taken. Reasons for kidnapping, establish contact with local government;

Secondly, Lian Jun's side, the most important thing to save people, has to look at them, Gua 2 and Gua 3 have been prepared here for a week, Lian Jun must pay close attention to the situation here and take over the following things;

In the end, it is the official support. Because the official can't show up, it has to find all kinds of excuses and disguise, and all of these have to be arranged quickly.

The phone keeps on for a while in the car. Everyone has a lot of things to be busy. Only when he is idle, there is no way. Who will let him be just a newcomer who hasn’t been in the business for a long time? Fighting him is good, this balances the overall situation He is completely blinded by the work that needs to be approached everywhere.

Lian Jun was quickly contacting Gua Er. Shi Jin sat next to him and listened for a while. He realized that Gua Er was really busy this week. Not only did he need to mobilize the people in the southeast, he also sent people to stare at Jiuying. Looking for Zuo Yang’s whereabouts in the entire southeast region. In addition to these two things, he also needs to stare at the gunfire and the downline organizations that have colluded with Jiuying. The whole person is so busy that he is almost schizophrenic. Up.

Gua 3, who came in the same batch as Gua 2, was too busy. They had to find out the specific location of the ghost quilt with the old ghost one by one, and sent people to investigate the small community hospital where Long Shi was hiding and behind the hospital. Organize, and send people to help the ghost to clean up the business that was scattered by Nine Eagles, one person can't wait to be used as three people.

Listening and listening, Shijin found out in a bad mood that the mess caused by the conflict between the ghost and the nine eagles was actually much bigger than he initially thought.

It seems that not only country L, but the surrounding countries N and T are all trapped by ghosts, and the status of the gunfire colluding with the nine eagles in the southeast is similar to that of the country in China. It is even more brutal and reckless than Mie. It is very difficult to save people across multiple countries from his hands.

The reason why Lian Jun and others chose the first stop of landing in L country is because the small hospital where Long Shi hides is in L country. The relationship between the official and the government here is also relatively good, which is more convenient for the operation of later economic cases. .

All in all, as far as the current situation is, if you want to successfully rescue people back to the country, you must first find a way to rescue all the ghosts and gather them in L country, so that the official can cooperate with Wen Baozhu and Fei Yujing in the economic case. Operation, extradited all people back. This is completely different from what Shijin thought at first that he only needed Lian Jun to cooperate with the official pressure to suppress the local organization a little bit.

At this time, the bus just reached a relatively remote section, Xiao Death suddenly said: "Go in, the progress bar of you and your baby suddenly started to rise, there is danger nearby!"

Shi Jin was taken aback, pulled back his thoughts and looked at the progress bar in his head. He saw that his and Lian Jun’s progress bars had suddenly risen to 700 and were still rising at a constant rate. He frowned and looked at Gua Yi who just hung up the phone. , Asked: "Gua Yi, where are we going now?"

"Go to the place where the ghost mythical creature arranged for us, the old ghost said that he would send his deputy to pick us up. There is a little closer to the office area of the government of L country, so that lawyer Wen and the others can move." Gua Yi explained.

Where did the ghost mythical deputies arrange

Shijin continued to ask, "Is there anyone from us over there to pick it up? Or is it just the ghosts?"

Gua replied: "If there are people with us, Gua San is rushing here to join us."

Come to join us, that is to say, Gua San didn't stay with that ghost mythical deputy at all, nor did he check the security of the ghost mythical residence and the road along the way

Xiao Death reminded in a panic: "Go in, the progress bar has increased faster, it's 850!"

There must be a problem ahead! Never go any further!

Shi Jin's thoughts turned around, his face turned into constipation in seconds, he held Lian Jun's hand sideways, and said in a deep voice, "Junior, my stomach hurts and I want to go to the toilet. Can we stop the car?"

Little death: "..."

Lian Jun paused and talked to Gua Er on the phone. He waited for a while. He turned his head to Shijin. When he saw Shijin, his expression was distorted and looked like he couldn't wait. He silently touched his hand, Zhao Gua 1. Give a hint.

The corner of Gua's mouth twitched, and he got up and went to the driver.

The bus stopped when the progress bar of the two of them reached 950, Shijin quickly rushed out of the car, swayed outside, swished and rushed back, acting exaggeratedly and said to the driver: "Master driver, it seems like this neighborhood There is no public toilet. Can you go around and find a toilet for me?"

The driver is a man who lives in L country and is very familiar with the local road conditions. Hearing this request, he directly started the bus, turned the steering wheel and turned his head and said: "There is actually a public toilet nearby, but the text here is twisted. It’s normal if you can’t recognize it. I’ll take you to a bigger public toilet. It’s at a fork in the road you've walked before. The sign is very big and easy to recognize."

Shi Jin's eyes brightened when he heard this, and he praised the driver severely in his heart, hurriedly thanked him, and apologized to the people in the car, expressing that he was so sorry for the delay.

Only then did other people in the car understand why the bus suddenly stopped and why Shijin suddenly rushed down. Seeing Shijin said that, of course, it means that there is nothing wrong with people. People have three urgency. Everyone doesn't care about waiting in the car for a while.

After only two people in the car knew the reason for the parking, their expressions became unfriendly. One was Long Shi who was locked by Gua Yi and left his hands and feet at the back of the bus after landing. Fei Yujing. The former has a mocking and hateful expression, while the latter has a cold and disgusting expression.

The bus backed up, turned, turned into a fork in the road, and deviated from its original route.

The value of the two progress bars began to retreat when the bus was reversing, and when the bus turned into the fork, the value had dropped to 800.

Shi Jin breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back on the chair.

As soon as Gua frowned, he hesitated and said, "You can't hold back... Just solve it like this."

Shi Jin was taken aback for a moment, did not react to what he meant, and when he reacted, he rolled his eyes and stood up and pulled his pants very obviously to show his innocence.

Gu Yi was silent. Seeing Lian Jun looked towards him, he hurriedly changed the subject and said, "I'll call the ghost mythical creature and say that it will be late so they won't wait." After speaking, he was ready to go to the corner to call.

Shijin hurriedly pulled him back and suggested: "Let's fight with Gua San first, and ask him where he is. If he is almost there, let him come and meet us first. Let's go to the residence arranged by the ghost mythical creature." In this way, even if there is a real danger ahead, you are not afraid of accidents because of fewer people.

"It's okay." Gua nodded and motioned to the outside of the car, "That should be the public toilet, go. If you delay too long, I will let Gua San come and meet us first, just because you have nothing to ask him. ."

After hearing this, Shi Jin looked at the public toilet that was approaching outside the car, took the paper that Lian Jun intimately handed over, and decided to squat in the toilet for a while.

The environment of the public toilets is good, very clean, but still small cubicles. Shi Jin refused Lian Jun's suggestion to accompany him, got out of the car alone, found a cubicle near the door of the public toilet and walked in.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes... Ten minutes passed, Shi Jin received a call from Lian Jun and hummed a few vague words.

After a few more minutes, the team of Guasan finally found it based on the location of Gua Yifa. At the same time, Shi Jin found that the progress bars of both himself and Lian Jun had dropped to 700, which was barely safe.

He was certain that he just walked out of the cubicle and was just about to do something to wash his hands when he discovered that Fei Yujing was also in the toilet, just washing his hands.

Shi Jin stopped, and the two brothers looked at each other in the mirror, or Fei Yujing spoke first, with a cool tone, vaguely disgusted: "You don't actually flush the toilet?"

Shi Jin froze, and sneered: "Are you eavesdropping on people going to the toilet?"

The air was briefly quiet.

Fei Yujing's face turned black and went straight away.

Shi Jin snorted and washed his hands happily with the pride of winning.

Gua San came with a small team. There were a dozen modified jeeps parked in a row on the street, which seemed very popular and not easy to mess with.

When Shi Jin came out, Gua San was explaining to Lian Jun the reason for coming late, frowning and said: "I could go to the airport to pick you up today, but something happened inside the ghost last night and it was delayed, so I'm late."

Lian Jun listened to his report while sitting in Guasan's jeep. He walked in when he saw him, signaled Shi Jin to also come in, and asked Guasan, who was sitting in the co-pilot, "What happened inside the ghost?"

"A traitor came out and almost killed the old ghost. The old ghost was so angry that he rectified the internal situation last night. I stayed to help." Gua San explained, his expression a little ugly, "Old ghost planted this time. It's big, that traitor is an old man who has been with him for many years. Now the old ghost suspects that Nine Eagles could injure him so easily before because there is an inner ghost inside the ghost mythical creature."

Shijin quickly took the opportunity to answer and said, "Will there be a problem with the place that the ghost mythical creature arranged for us? Since there are internal ghosts inside the ghost mythical creature, maybe our whereabouts have been exposed long ago, and Zuo Yang may be ambushing in the L country. , Waiting for us to deliver food."

Gua San waved his hand to appease and said, "No, your residence today was temporarily arranged by another trustworthy subordinate after the old ghost found out the traitor. It should be no problem."

Shi Jinyouyou said, "In case that the old ghost's subordinate is also a traitor, the two traitors sang the double reeds, using one traitor to hurt the old ghost as a cover, let us relax our vigilance, in fact, the real goal is us. ?"

"..." Gua San looked sideways at Shijin, held back for a long time, and said, "You have a big brain." If it is really like Shijin said, then the old ghost is a bit too miserable, and there is so much hidden around him. traitor.

"But it's always right to be careful." Shi Jin answered, looking sideways at Jun Lian.

Lian Jun received his gaze, tapped his finger on his knee, and was about to speak. Suddenly a very loud explosion sounded from far away, and then thick smoke rose.

Everyone was shocked, Qi Qi turned their heads and looked over, the expression of Gua three changed a bit, compared the location of the explosion with the location of the residence sent by the ghost, and said: "No, the place where the explosion was arranged for us by the ghost. The ghost's deputy is still inside!"