Death Progress Bar

Chapter 65: Morgue


Any floor.

Shi Jin thoughtfully, walked out of this very simply decorated office, and observed the surrounding environment for a while, and found that the location of this office is really good, near the stairs, next to the elevator, but located in the whole building In the corners, if it weren't for people passing by to look here, almost no one would notice the movement here.

And because Lishui Hospital has only one door exit, people who are hospitalized are used to using the stairs and elevators close to the door. The stairs and elevators here are few and far between, and almost no one uses them at ordinary times.

However, although the location of this office is good, there is a very obvious shortcoming-this corner office is diagonally separated from the warehouse of Lishui Hospital, and the distance is very far. Transporting goods from here to the warehouse is definitely a stupid choice. After all, elevators and stairs can only move up and down, not hidden.

So where did the group of people in the pharmacy deliver the goods here, where are they going to transfer the goods

Is there actually another hidden warehouse in Lishui Hospital? And this warehouse is only connected to the pharmacy, independent of the warehouse of Lishui Hospital, is the reason why Long Shi is really hiding here

Shi Jin felt that he had discovered the truth. He first walked to the elevator and recalled the overall layout of the upper and lower floors of Lishui Hospital. He didn't find anything big enough to be the second warehouse. He turned his eyes around, and then turned to the place. A place that is hard for others to think of-the morgue.

Morgues are not available in every hospital, but Lishui Hospital does. On the first basement level, you can only go down through the stairs and elevators at the doctor’s office. There are two rooms, one for corpses and the other for sundries. Usually there is only an old caregiver guarding them, and there is no point that can attract people to investigate.

But now, Shi Jin feels that this morgue is worth a visit.

He stretched his hand to open the elevator, and talked about his guess to Gua Er.

Gua Er considered it for a while, and said that he would let him play freely.

The thin and tall man had been paying attention to Shijin's movements from his side. When he saw Shijin suddenly opened the elevator, he hurriedly raised his voice and called, "Captain Shi?"

Shijin had never been yelled like this before. It took two seconds to realize that the thin and tall man was calling himself. He looked back at him and a few other team members. After thinking about it, he said, "I'm going to look elsewhere. , Come with me from the 9th to the 12th, the remaining two people are free to move around, pay more attention to the movement around here."

So everyone took their orders and entered the elevator from 9th to 12th, leaving the other two people outside.

"Where are we going?" The thin and tall man asked after entering the elevator.

Shi Jin pressed the button on the basement floor and replied, "Go to the morgue, what are your names?"


The thin tall man was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly replied: "Just call us the number, my number is 9, they are 10 to 12 one by one, so it's easier to remember."

The remaining three also agreed and introduced their own numbers.

Shi Jin remembered one by one, looked at the elevator floor display, and found that as the elevator went down, noises began to come from the earphones, frowned, and called Gua two for several times, but he didn't get a response.

"The underground signal isn't good, right." The thin and tall man, No.9, said when he saw it, and pressed his earphones, and said, "I don't have any signal anymore."

Shijin put his hands down and said, "At that time, everyone try not to disperse and follow me."

Everyone should be.

As they spoke, the elevator had stopped. The ladder door opened, revealing a dimly lit corridor outside.

Shijin took the lead to go out, observe the situation in the corridor, fetched out the weapon backhand and held it in his hand, and walked along the corridor to the only two rooms at the end.

The corridor is a bit long, and the walls along the road are painted with some super-scripts and patterns native to the country of L, which looks very weird and gloomy. The thin and tall man swallowed his saliva, took a look at it and walked ahead, Shijin seemed completely unaffected by the environment, and he was a little admired in his heart.

This young man who looks younger than him has really good psychological quality.

The two rooms at the end are dark, with no lights on, and the doors locked.

Shi Jin went straight to open the lock with two shots violently, and then, regardless of whether there was anyone inside, tear gas entered the room.

After the operation, the utility room was still quiet, but there was a commotion in the morgue.

"There are people in the morgue, everyone, be careful." Shi Jin reminded him in a low voice, and moved towards the morgue first.

The thin and tall man was almost terrified by the gloomy and quiet atmosphere. His head was full of pictures of corpses and haunts, and he was a little bit afraid to go, but during the few seconds he was delayed, there was a intensive gunfire. stand up.

-Not only are there people in the morgue, but there are also a lot of people, and they are attacking outside.

Shijin was wearing a mask again, and he didn't need someone to cover him. With the door panel blocking him, he swish inward with just a few shots. After that, he didn't know how to judge, and suddenly he opened the door recklessly and turned inward on the spot. After rolling, he stopped behind an empty morgue bed, kicked the morgue bed upright to block him, and shot a few more shots toward the corners where people were hiding.

Screams and humming sounded, and then the world was quiet.


Shi Jin got up and turned on the light in the morgue. After the tear gas dissipated completely, he signaled the few people who were still outside to come in, and then stepped forward to check the injuries of the enemy shot.

There were six people in total, four of them were slightly injured, and two of them were seriously injured and had passed out of a coma.

Shijin was silent, and clenched his gun tightly. Although he knew that casualties would inevitably occur in a conflict with the enemy, but at this point, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

Killing is not a great experience.

He adjusted his emotions, ordered two people, and asked them to help tie up these people. If they could be bandaged, he would try to bandage them as much as possible, and then got up and searched the morgue.

Hearing his command, the thin and tall man's expression became a little weird.

Bandaging an enemy who has fallen to the ground is probably the strangest command he has ever heard since doing this. At this time, the captain was so efficient when he was doing things, as if he had experienced many battles and dealt with the enemy, but he showed a kind of compassion that a novice can only have. He was really a strange person.

Shijin didn't notice the mood swings of his temporary subordinate, and was carefully observing this small morgue.

Lishui Hospital is an old hospital. The decoration is very old, as is the morgue, with pale walls, unused morgue beds, some furniture and instruments that are old at first glance, and a row of built-in freezers that look like new ones added later. , There are only these things in the room, which can be read at a glance.

There seems to be no place to hide things, and there are no goods in the room. But these people stay here, they must be protecting something.

Shijin paid attention to the ground and the walls, and finally fell on the freezer containing the corpses.

The thin and tall man had been paying attention to Shijin's movements from his side, and seeing his eyes fall on the freezer, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

The next second, his premonition came true, Shijin suddenly stepped towards the freezer, and without hesitation, reached out and grabbed one of the cabinet doors and opened it directly.

The corpse of an old man was exposed. The old man should have just died. The corpse is still very new. It looks like a living person lying there, but his skin is paler.

The thin and tall man couldn't help taking a breath and turned his head away-very ashamed. Although he passed the training of Gua Qi, he has a big weakness, afraid of ghosts and corpses.

After seeing the corpse, Shi Jin's hand pulling the cabinet stiffened, and then immediately adjusted his emotions, said sorry to the corpse, closed the cabinet door, and opened the next one without any psychological pressure.

The thin and tall man felt that he was suffocating, he could almost make up for the scene of the corpse in the cabinet suddenly sitting up!

But the reality is obviously that there is no corpse fraud. Shijin smoothly opened the freezer after another, his expression was calm throughout, his movements were neat and simple, and finally, when he pulled to a corner of the freezer, he encountered obstacles. —This cabinet is locked and cannot be pulled.

Shijin stopped his movements, thought for a few seconds on the spot, and chose to shoot with his gun, regardless of whether there was a corpse inside.

Tall and thin man: "..." He decided to go to the temple to burn incense after the mission was over.

After a few shots, the lock on the cabinet door broke and damaged. When Shijin stretched out his hand again, the cabinet door finally moved, and not only one cabinet door moved, but the two upper and lower cabinet doors also moved, and they were not that. This is a straight-out and straight-in movement method, but a side-open movement method. The three cabinet doors are put together, and after the side-opening, an entrance that can accommodate one person enters and exits is exposed.

There is light behind the entrance, and there is clearly a room behind.

The lanky man stared with surprise.

Shijin's expression changed, and one swooped over, threw the thin man to the ground, took him to the ground, and at the same time reminded him loudly: "Be careful! Get down!"

Everyone got down quickly.

Bang bang bang.

The sound of gunfire came from inside the door, and someone inside the door was attacking outside.

Fortunately, Shijin reminded them in time, and none of them were injured.

After making sure that everyone was not injured, Shi Jin let go of the tall and thin man, quickly squatted up and came to the side of the small door, still the old routine, threw tear gas in, and then let the tall and thin men and others shoot outwards. After helping him suppress the enemy's firepower, he found the right opportunity and crawled in from the door flexibly.

That's right, it's crawling. Although the crawling movement is neat and handsome, it is really crawling.

Others who helped him cover: "..." This seems to be different from the training they received.

But all in all, Shijin finally entered the room smoothly.

The space inside the secret door is very large. There are many strange instruments and many shelves with bottles and jars distributed regularly. It looks like a secret experimental research base.

Shijin became excited, knowing that he should have dug up the secret of Long Shi hiding in Lishui Hospital, took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down, and he dared not take it lightly. He distinguished the enemy’s position with hearing, and acted lightly. The block of the shelf approached the nearest enemy, and then put the opponent down with a single shot quietly.

There were not many people hiding in the door. With the help of the little death buff, Shijin easily managed them, and then found the signal shielding device in the room, violently removed it, and restored contact with Gua Er.

"Why did you suddenly lose contact, what's going on with you?" Gua Er asked quickly.

Standing in the center of this strangely furnished room, Shijin looked at a few people in white coats tied up and the mess on the table, and said with ecstasy: "There is signal shielding under the ground. Leave the warehouse alone. After the army was transferred, I found the secret laboratory of Hydra. They seemed to be researching new drugs."

Hearing the words, Gua Er was taken aback, his eyes lit up suddenly, he couldn't help but patted the steering wheel hard, and said, "I know you kid can! Wait, I'll transfer people over, Gua San has already got the Hydra headquarters. , Is also rushing here, I asked him to bring the official people of L country with him."

Half an hour later, a large group of troops arrived. The Hydra surplus in Lishui Hospital was taken away by officials of State L. All goods that had not been transferred were detained. Gua 3 and Gua 2 gathered in the mortuary of Lishui Hospital and confronted Shijin. Be stupid with the various drugs and instruments in the secret laboratory.

"What are these... what are they used for?" Gua Er asked confusedly.

Shi Jin scratched his face, and said awkwardly: "I don't know the characters of Country L..."

Gua San looked the most stable. He glanced at this laboratory, which looked a little rudimentary on closer inspection, and said, "We need professional help."

Gua Er immediately took out his cell phone and called Gua Qi—Uncle Long did not come with the team this time, they could only ask the doctor from the local branch of Gua Qi Tiao to come and help.

After another half an hour, a few doctors hurriedly arrived.

Shi Jin and others quit with interest, leaving room for the doctors, and staring at each other in the morgue.

"It's getting late, go to dinner?" Gua Erxin asked Dao.

Gua San scanned the gloomy morgue again, and looked at Shijin clearly remembering the situation in the laboratory, and said, "Let’s eat, it’s been a busy day. It should be too late today. We need to stay here. Stay overnight and wait for the doctor’s search results. Who will report to Jun Shao about the situation?"

"I'll go." Shijin regained his senses, quickly answered the conversation, took out his mobile phone and said, "I'll talk to Jun Shao and come back soon." After speaking, he walked outside, very fast.

Gua Er watched him leave and rubbed his chin: "This is the reality version of how one day is not like three autumns?"

Gua San glanced at him lightly and reminded: "Misfortune comes from the mouth, beware of punishment."

Gua Er stopped rubbing his chin immediately, glanced at him slantingly, and said, "Master Jun is not here anymore, don't you scare me." After that, he ignored him and went into the laboratory again.

Shi Jin returned to the van parked outside the hospital. After making sure that no one would be bothering him, he did not use his cell phone to make a call. Instead, he drew out a tablet and made a video call to Lian Jun.

The phone was immediately connected, and the figure of Lian Jun sitting in the study appeared.


"It's me." Shijin couldn't help but leaned his big face over, and carefully looked at Lian Jun's appearance, frowned, and said with certainty: "Your lips are so pale in color, isn't it just for lunch again? ?"

As soon as Lian Jun saw him, his eyebrows softened, and he covered the document in his hand, and said, "I didn't have to deal with it, but if you weren't there, I didn't have any appetite."

Still talking like this.

"Then you must have a good dinner, and eat a few more mouthfuls if you have no appetite. I won't be able to go back tomorrow." Shijin ordered immediately.

Upon hearing this, Lian Jun raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why is it tomorrow? Is the task not going well?"

"It went well. We found some new clues and we need to spend time searching and analyzing." Shijin replied, explaining the process of today's mission in detail, emphasizing the suspiciousness of the secret laboratory, and then guessed, "Long Shi has been hiding in Lishui Hospital for many years. He must have been involved in the research of new drugs for Hydra, and because of his personality, he will probably also study those mental poisons. So as long as we find the poison samples he has studied over the years, we will be able to Screen out more clues about the mother's parent, and you will get better soon."

Lian Jun listened carefully to what he said, looking at his messy hair and gray clothes, his eyes softened little by little, and he wanted to say a lot. At the end, he only said one sentence: "Shijin... Thanks a lot."

Shijin corrected it with a serious face: "You should say that I miss you now, instead of saying that it's not hard, I'm not hard at all."

So Lian Jun's complex emotions were so amused by him, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he said, "I miss you."

"Me too." Shijin answered the conversation immediately, smiled and chirped on the tablet, and then said, "Should I go find Gua 2 and they have met, and then contact?"

Under the corner of Lian Jun's mouth, he forced himself to lift it up again, nodding in response: "Okay."

Shi Jin looked at his face again, then hung up the call cruelly, leaned back on the chair like he was relieved, and sighed: "Little death, I miss Lian Jun, I want to hug him."

The little death groaned and comforted: "You go to bed early tonight, and you can go back to see the baby after you sleep."

"But it will take a long time from today to tomorrow." Shi Jinsheng had no love, and he was paralyzed by himself for a while, and suddenly got up again, sat up and said, "No, I can't be so decadent. Just find something to do. The meeting will pass a bit faster, and I will help the doctor search the laboratory!"

Xiao Death wanted to remind him that you don’t even understand the words of country L, and you don’t know much about medical science. I guess it won’t be of much help, but remembering his current mood, he quietly swallowed the reminder and said: "Jin Come in and help you!"

So Gua 2 and Gua 3, who had been staying in the morgue, saw Shijin running out with their mobile phone, and suddenly rushed back like chicken blood, hurriedly greeted them and plunged in. In the laboratory, carefully searched the medicine racks.

Gua Er raised his eyebrows: "Jun Shao poured him ecstasy soup?"

"I think you will have to be punished several times sooner or later." Gua San glanced at him speechlessly, stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder, "Go, it's time to talk to the officials of Country L. Let's hand it over to Shijin here. , We will call him again when we eat."

Gua Er shrugged his hand, glanced at Shijin who was searching vigorously, nodded, and walked outside with him.

Facts have proved that love can't make people suddenly learn another language without a teacher, or suddenly become a doctor.

"Little death, I need your help." Shijin put down the medicine bottle in his hand and sighed.

Xiao Di was helpless, and said: "Jin Jin, I can only provide translation services, and I don't understand medical knowledge." It is not a very powerful all-round system.

Shi Jin hurriedly explained: "I don't need you to translate or understand these medical knowledge. I only need you to scan for me in this laboratory to see if there are any materials recorded in Chinese characters or general Y language. Long Shi has used these two languages since he was a child. Even if he learned other languages later, when recording things, he would definitely unconsciously use the words he was familiar with."

The little death came back to life immediately after hearing this, and said, "I can help with this. Come in and wait a while, I'll start scanning now."

Shi Jin found a small stool nearby and sat down and waited for Xiao Di's scan results.

A quarter of an hour later, Xiao Death suddenly uttered a voice in excitement, and said: "In the bookcase in the upper right corner, I found traces of Chinese characters!"

Shijin refreshed and hurriedly ran towards the bookcase.

The bookcase that Xiao Death pointed out was very old, the doors of the cabinets were broken, the materials inside were messy, and the materials were filled with debris. It looked like a useless cabinet used to pile waste.

According to Xiao Death's instructions, Shi Jin dragged out a notebook and a stack of scattered hard paper materials from the bottom of the cabinet, blew the dust on it, and opened it carefully.

The notebook was very small, with only a palm-sized. It was memorized in Y essays. Shijin glanced at it and found that they were all professional vocabulary and could not understand at all. So regrettably gave up and turned over the hard paper materials.

The information is not much, only a dozen pages. The first few pages also only contain some scattered professional vocabulary, and nothing useful is found. It was not until the sixth page that Shi Jin found something understandable in the information. .

It was a painting, which seemed to be a jellyfish. It was quite abstract. There was something marked with Y on the side of the jellyfish. The handwriting was a bit scribble and there was no trace of Chinese characters.

Shijin realized something faintly, and went through the information again.

The materials on the next few pages are all scribbled, with unknown species of snakes, strange-looking corals, and plants with gorgeous flowers. There are more and more Y words marked on them. On the last page of the materials, when Jin finally found a blurry handwriting that seemed to be written unconsciously and then erased again in the lower part of the paper.


That is a character for jun, even if it is obscured, it is obviously a character for jun.

Shijin's heart beat violently, and he soon realized the meaning of these paintings. He tightened his hands holding the materials, and little stars lit up in his eyes—this is the mother, it must be! It's not that he chopped off Long Shi's hand writing!