Death Progress Bar

Chapter 77: See the light to die


The information of Jian Jinwen is not long, only two short pages.

The first sentence at the beginning of the material is that Jian Jinwen is a child adopted by Jian Chenghua.


When the hand of turning through the information stopped, it was a bit unexpected, and it seemed that this was more reasonable. Although Jian Chenghua is also fat, his facial features are very ordinary, and there is no similarity to Jian Jinwen. From the appearance of the two, they don't look like a father and son at all.

The information was too short. After a short pause, Shijin scanned the contents of these two pages in less than ten minutes.

Jian Jinwen, an orphan who was abandoned when he was born. His father was unknown to his mother. He grew up in an orphanage until he was two years old and was later adopted by the infertile Jian Chenghua. He grew healthy to twelve years old, and then suddenly became ill and went to the hospital.

His illness is very troublesome and will not cause death immediately, but it cannot be cured. He must be hospitalized for a long time and be given regular hormones.

The originally beautiful young boy quickly gained weight because of hormones. He couldn't go to school anymore, and he couldn't do intense sports. He could only stay in the hospital every day and endure the boring and painful life of treatment.

Jian Chenghua is very kind to this adopted son. He gave Jian Jinwen the best treatment environment as much as possible. He also acted as a teacher. He teaches Jian Jinwen every day, reads books and newspapers, and guides Jian Jinwen to study by himself.

This situation has continued for many years. Jian Jinwen’s physical condition has not improved, but he is very optimistic. Not only is he active in self-study, he has also cultivated a small hobby of writing. Sometimes when his body can stand it, he will go to Jian Chenghua’s event. Funded public welfare activities to help children in orphanages or mountainous areas, telling stories to children younger than him, and teaching them to read and calligraphy.

I have to say that Jian Chenghua is a very good educator. Under his guidance, Jian Jinwen, who was tortured by illness, has not become depressed and withdrawn, but has grown into a very gentle and kind person. He would donate his pocket money to buy stationery for the children in the orphanage, write comfort letters to the abused children reported by Jian Chenghua, and play with other sick children in the hospital to encourage them to comfort them.

He is like a warm little sun, tenderly treating everyone around him.

It is a pity that such a gentle person has not received the gentle treatment of fate.

When Jian Jinwen was 19 years old, his condition suddenly deteriorated and he had to be transferred to a big hospital in City B. Also in the same year, Jian Chenghua quit his job in the city newspaper and went to the big newspaper office in City B.

After going to City B, Jian Jinwen underwent a major operation and stopped the use of hormones. Under the torture of the illness, he quickly lost weight. After spending a few years in this way, Jian Jinwen finally exhausted his vitality, passed away regrettably, and ended his short life.

Shi Jin retracted his hand to read the information, feeling a little bored and a little bit confused.

Jian Jinwen must be Shi Xingrui's white moonlight, this is absolutely not wrong, but looking through Jian Jinwen's information, he can't see any trace of Shi Xingrui's contact with Jian Jinwen. Leaving aside the possible correspondence, the trajectories of the two people's lives are like two completely parallel lines, never intersecting.

This is also too strange. Given Shi Xingrui's dedication to this Bai Yueguang, he thought that Shi Xingrui would have a deep sadomasochistic relationship with Bai Yueguang. But judging from the information now known, Shi Xingrui and Jian Jinwen don't even talk about dating, and it is a question of whether they have met formally.

How is this going? Didn't Shi Xingrui love this white moonlight very much, then why has he never been in contact with this white moonlight? Jian Chenghua’s employment information is so transparent, even if Shi Xingrui had temporarily disconnected from Jian Jinwen because Jian Chenghua took Jian Jinwen to B city for treatment, but then Shi Xingrui also went to B city, didn’t he? It should be a breeze to find Jian Jinwen along with Jian Chenghua’s information.

When it was so easy to find someone, Shi Xingrui didn't look for someone. There was only one possibility anyway—Shi Xingrui didn't want to find Jian Jinwen, and even deliberately avoided contact with the other party.

But if this is the case, the situation becomes even stranger. Like each other, but avoid each other? What a strange logic is this.

Fearful crush? Was Shi Xingrui so emotionally embarrassed

Shijin was at a loss, the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't figure it out, only that there must be some hidden information that was not written in the information. After all, Shi Xingrui's later behavior of trying to find a substitute to give birth to a child is really crazy, and his behavior of refraining from looking for Jian Jinwen in the early stage is too far apart.

"Someone must know all the truth." Lian Jun suddenly spoke, drawing Shijin's attention back.

Shi Jin looked at Lian Jun, blessed his soul, and said, "You mean Jian Chenghua?"

Lian Jun nodded, took out his mobile phone, and asked: "I remember that Jian Chenghua settled in City B after retiring and invested in an orphanage by himself. Do you want to talk to him?"

Hearing the words, Shi Jin instinctively raised his hand and touched his face. He struggled for a while and nodded back: "Let’s talk... But don’t let Jian Chenghua see me. I look too much like Jian Jinwen. I’m afraid of him. Seeing me think of Jian Jinwen, I feel sad."

Lian Jun stretched out his hand to touch his face and nodded: "Okay."

The two went out together after lunch, and went straight to the orphanage opened by Jian Chenghua.

After half an hour's drive, the car stopped at the gate of a relatively small orphanage. Gua Er, who was dressed as an ordinary white-collar worker, adjusted his collar and greeted Lian Jun in time, got out of the car with his bag, and entered the orphanage.

Shi Jin watched Gua Er leave and sat in the car waiting for Gua Er's news.

About half an hour later, Gua Er unexpectedly returned home.

"Jian Chenghua is inside, telling stories to the children. I talked to him in the name of donated books, but he probably didn’t want to talk about things in the past. No matter how I guide him, he won’t answer the conversation. Fearing that it would cause him to be suspicious, he found an excuse. What should I do now, do I go in for another person?" Gua Er asked, his expression helpless.

Lian Jun frowned and looked at Shijin.

"I'll go." Shijin hesitated and said, reaching out to open the door.

Gua Er quickly took the "props" out of the bag and said, "Wait, I will give you the donation list. You can pretend to be my assistant..."

"No need." Shijin waved his hand and refused, pushing the door open, "My face is the best stepping stone."

Lian Jun moved to the car and exhorted: "Call me if you have something."

Shi Jin nodded towards him, let out a shallow sigh, and walked towards the orphanage.

The orphanage is not big, there is only one building. When I entered the building, following the guidance of the orphanage staff, I came to the small classroom where the children usually play games and saw Jian Chenghua sitting at the front of the classroom.

Jian Chenghua is over 70 years old, with all white hair, but he is very energetic and has a good complexion. He smiles like a Maitreya Buddha and looks very kind and amiable. The children should like him very much. They sat in a circle beside him obediently and listened to him telling stories with eyes full of admiration.

The staff member who brought in Shi Jin called Jian Chenghua, and Jian Chenghua turned his head to look at him. After seeing Shi Jin, his casual expression changed immediately, his smile froze, his eyes widened a little, and then he almost lost his attitude. The book got up, walked around the children to Shijin, reached out and grabbed Shijin's hand, and said in a trembling voice, "You, you are..."

"Dean Jane, I'm Shijin." Shijin introduced himself, settled, and said honestly, "I am Shi Xingrui's child. I have some questions about the relationship between him and Jian Jinwen."

Jian Chenghua's expression was dumbfounded, as if he suspected that he had heard something wrong, the gaffe on his face gradually receded, his eyebrows slowly wrinkled, and he carefully checked Shi Jin's appearance, holding Shi Jin's hands unconsciously tightened, and asked with difficulty. : "Who are you talking about? Whose child are you?"

Shi Jin sighed in his heart, took his hand comfortably, and replied: "Shi Xingrui, my father is Shi Xingrui."

Jian Chenghua’s expression can almost be described as dumbfounded. He looked at Shi Jin for a long time, and suddenly returned to his senses. He grabbed Shi Jin’s hand with his backhand and glanced at the staff of the orphanage next to him with a serious face, and asked him to take a good look. He took the child, and then led Shijin to walk towards the dean's office.

Shi Jin watched him grasping his hand tightly, without pulling it out, and obediently following his pace.

The two were seated in the dean's office. Jian Chenghua let go of Shi Jin's hand and was a little reluctant. He looked at Shi Jin for a few more times. Then he personally took the cup to Shi Jin and poured a glass of water. He sat opposite him and said with a complicated expression. "You... You look so much like Xiaojin. By the way, you just said what your name is, time, time..."

"Shijin." Shijin answered.

Jian Chenghua stopped talking, his expression changed, and suddenly he sighed and said, "I didn't expect it to be like this... What do you want to ask, ask, I will tell you. The person who wanted to donate the book before You know it too, right?"

Shijin nodded awkwardly, and said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I asked him to talk to you. I'm afraid I will show up directly and you will be sad. After all, my face..."

"It looks so much like Jinwen." Jian Chenghua changed his name to Jian Jinwen, sighed again, and didn't know what else he thought of. Wu spontaneously froze, and then suddenly returned to his senses and took a look at Shijin. Said, "I probably know what you want to ask... Jinwen and your dad do know each other. They passed letters for a long time when they were young, but they are definitely not the kind of relationship you imagined. I don't know what Shi Xingrui did. I will give you such a name, and you still look like... Alas."

"I'm looking for you this time just to figure this out." Shi Jin looked at Jian Chenghua, pondered his tone, and said, "If you can, can you tell me more about how my father and your son met? I know this request is a bit presumptuous, but I..."

Jian Chenghua waved his hand to interrupt him, looked at his face, and said, "I understand. You will be curious about these things when you grow up like this. Actually, I don't quite understand... It's all old things. It’s nice to have someone chat with me."

As he said, he poured himself a glass of water and put on a posture of long talk.

Just as Shi Jin guessed based on various materials, Shi Xingrui and Jian Jinwen did become pen pals for a long time, and the person who contributed to this friendship was Jian Chenghua.

"I know when Shi Xingrui was just a primary school student. At that time, he submitted more than a dozen articles to the newspaper and described the difficult situation at home, which attracted everyone’s attention. Jinwen had just entered the hospital at that time. Probably it was empathy. When I saw Shi Xingrui described himself so difficult in the letter, I thought I could help, squeezed the page, hired his manuscript, and wrote him a copy. Letter of encouragement."

Jian Chenghua recalled the past, his eyes slowly drifting away: "After Jinwen enters the hospital, he can't go to school, and he has no children to play with him. I'm afraid he is lonely, so I talk to him about newspapers every day and read to him. Read the contributions and letters from some young readers. That’s how Jinwen knows Shi Xingrui. He has been softhearted since he was a child. He heard me say that Shi Xingrui’s family situation is not good, so he took a part of his pocket money. My letter of encouragement was sent to Shi Xingrui, and a little note was left for Shi Xingrui."

When Shi Jin listened, he also sighed, Jian Jinwen is really a very kind and very good child, but it's a pity that God doesn't care for him.

"After Shi Xingrui received my letter and the pocket money for the article, he politely wrote me a thank-you letter, and by the way, he submitted the next manuscript to me and said that he would donate the manuscript fee for this manuscript to me. Orphanage. I thought at the time that this child was really sensible and righteous, and a good seedling worth cultivating."

Jian Chenghua said that he wanted to laugh a little. After a short laugh, his expression dimmed again: "That is, at that moment, Jin Wen's illness was diagnosed and he started to take hormones. He was in pain, and I wanted to divert his attention. Li, it just happened that he paid more attention to Shi Xingrui during that time, so I asked him to try to write to Shi Xingrui. After writing the letter, I sent the letter to Shi Xingrui's newspaper to ensure that Shi Xingrui would definitely be able to I see. Shi Xingrui’s child is also kind-hearted. After receiving the letter of the paper, he will reply to the letter every time he submits the paper. It’s just like you come and go, and the two are connected through me."

When Shi Jin heard this, he inexplicably had a very subtle thought in his mind—at the beginning, Shi Xingrui and Jian Jinwen established a relationship. It should not be kind, but he looked at Jian Chenghua’s identity and wanted to stabilize Jian Chenghua as the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. , It’s more convenient for you to publish your manuscripts and earn manuscript fees.

But thinking of Shi Xingrui's age at the time, he felt that he was biased. A ten-year-old child, how can such a deep scheming.

He shook his head, gathered up his thoughts of running away, and continued to listen to Jian Chenghua's words.

The alternative correspondence between Shi Xingrui and Jian Jinwen has been maintained since it was established. The communication frequency between the two is not high, and basically coincides with Shi Xingrui's submission frequency.

After Shi Xingrui graduated from elementary school, it was very difficult for the family to collect the tuition fees for junior high school. Shi Xingrui didn't tell Jian Chenghua about this. He only mentioned in his letter to Jian Jinwen that his parents had been working hard recently. After seeing Jian Jinwen, he took it seriously, fearing that he would really not be able to go to junior high school, so he went to Jian Chenghua.

After Jian Chenghua learned of this situation, he happened to have a job editing tutoring materials in his hand, so he easily recommended Shi Xingrui's article to the people in the studio.

There was actually a long period of time between the acceptance of the article and the distribution of the manuscript fee. Jian Jinwen was afraid that Shi Xingrui could not wait, and generously contributed a wave of his pocket money. Upon seeing this, Jian Chenghua took the initiative and paid Shi Xingrui the manuscript fee first, so that Shi Xingrui got the money early.

After this episode, the relationship between Jian Jinwen and Shi Xingrui became better, and Shi Xingrui's frequency of submissions to the city newspaper increased, and Jian Jinwen's reply to Shi Xingrui became thicker. The two teenagers grew up slowly, and when Shi Xingrui was about to graduate from junior high school, Jian Jinwen put forward the idea of wanting to meet Shi Xingrui.

"The two had planned to meet each other, but unfortunately, Shi Xingrui's mother had an accident after his high school entrance examination, and the meeting was delayed." Jian Chenghua sighed, with regret, "It's also because the two have no fate. After that, the essay situation deteriorated a bit, and he was transferred to another place. When he returned, Shi Xingrui had already taken the entrance exam to the provincial high school, which was far away."

After the meeting plan went bankrupt, the two continued to communicate, but Shi Xingrui's communication gradually changed, and there were more emotional expressions between the lines. Jian Jinwen knew that he was sad because his mother had passed away, so he always comforted Shi Xingrui in the letter very carefully.

At that time, Xingrui was probably really uncomfortable. The manuscripts submitted were all things written before, and letters sent to Jian Chenghua. Three out of five pages were written to Jian Jin. The content was very negative.

Jian Chenghua frowned when he said this, and said: "It was also at this time that I found out that Shi Xingrui was actually very hostile in his heart. He followed up in large sections to describe his anger and pain, and wanted to avenge his grandpa. Grandma, I wanted to question my uncle and aunt, and wanted to beat my brothers and sisters. He was full of hatred and there was nowhere to vent, so he poured into the article. He suddenly became stranger, and the cruel and violent language in the writing was seen by me as an adult. It feels terrible. I am beginning to worry that Jinwen is too soft in temperament, and I am afraid that he will be hurt by Shi Xingrui."

Shi Jin couldn’t help but frowned. At the same time, he knew that this was the transition of Shi Xingrui’s feelings for Jian Jinwen. After the stimulus of his mother’s death, Shi Xingrui, who had nowhere to vent his emotions, began to confide in Jian Jinwen. Really have a heart with Jane Jinwen.

Jian Chenghua continued to say: "I try to persuade Jinwen to break the connection with Shi Xingrui for a while. I am just a selfish father. I don't want to have a bad life after entering the text, and then be brought into negative energy by others. But Jinwen refused. He said that Shi Xingrui did this because he had entered puberty and was unable to adjust himself well. If he does not comfort Shi Xingrui, Shi Xingrui may be psychologically distorted by the pain of losing his mother. Went astray. He persuaded me, and I agreed to their continued contact."

Throughout the first year of high school, Shi Xingrui was dumping emotional rubbish on Jian Jinwen. Jian Jinwen was like a piece of filter cotton. He received all the rubbish, then filtered it out by himself, and then returned his gentleness and patience to Shi Xingrui.

Shi Xingrui's mood slowly adjusted back. He stopped submitting old manuscripts and started to write new things. During the summer vacation when he was in the first year of high school, he took the initiative to propose meeting to Jian Jinwen.

Shi Jin's heart moved when he heard this—a summer vacation when he was one-year-old and two-year-old? This time point is very important. He remembers that Shi Xingrui cut off all submissions in the first semester of high school and began to concentrate on his studies.

Could it be what happened to the meeting this summer

Shi Jin looked at Jian Chenghua.

Jian Chenghua had fallen into the memory, and did not notice Shijin's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Jinwen also wanted to meet Shi Xingrui, a pen pal who has been with him for many years, and readily agreed to meet... But Shi Xingrui missed the appointment. That day, Jinwen waited for a day at the agreed place, and he never waited for Shi Xingrui. Xingrui disappeared and couldn't get in touch anymore. From the initial disappointment and loss to Jinwen, he became worried and anxious later. Probably his emotions affected his body, and Jinwen's physical condition suddenly deteriorated, so I had to turn him. Went to the big hospital in City B.” Jian Chenghua said this, his expression became a little tight, and his words faintly blamed Shi Xingrui. “Although reason tells me that Jin Wen’s physical deterioration is caused by objective reasons, I I still can't help but blame Shi Xingrui. He said he wanted to meet, but why didn't he come, playing such a essay, how sad it should be to enter the essay."

Shi Jin was dumbfounded, and soon realized one thing-Shi Xingrui might not have missed his appointment at all, but "dead to the light" of Jian Jinwen.

This situation often occurs when making pen pals and online dating. If you look at this from Shi Xingrui’s perspective, it is that Shi Xingrui started to befriend his pen pal after graduating from junior high school because of the death of his mother, and then after a year of dating, he became emotionally dependent on his pen pal or A certain kind of sentiment was born, and then he happily asked to meet, and went to the agreed place with anticipation and shyness, only to see an ugly big fat man, so he just ran away!

This makes perfect sense when Xingrui suddenly changed! How could Shi Xingrui, who is so proud, allowed the person he likes to be a big fat man, so he ran away, disappeared, strangled the crush on his own initiative, and broke the connection with the crush.

This is really... a simple and true truth.

In order to verify his guess, Shi Jin suppressed the galloping horse in his heart, interrupted Jian Chenghua's memory, and asked, "Well, did my father exchange photos before meeting your son?"

Jian Chenghua was taken aback by his question, and then nodded and replied: "It has been exchanged, but it is a relatively early stage. I am not relieved. When they first started to communicate, they asked them to exchange photos once. Wait a minute, the photos are me. Keep it, I'll find it for you."

Actually exchanged it

Shi Jin was also stunned, and began to suspect that he had guessed wrong.

Jian Chenghua pulled out two palm-sized old photos from an old photo album, and handed them to Shijin, saying, "It's these two. The kid who is Jinwen is embarrassed. I picked the photos I sent."

Shi Jin took the photo and looked down.

The above photo is by Shi Xingrui, and the corners are not very flat, as if it was cut from a group photo. Shi Xingrui in the photo is about ten years old, and his facial features are still not fully developed, which is quite different from that of adulthood.

He quickly moved Shi Xingrui's photo and looked at the next one, and then he was dumbfounded.

The following photo is obviously much clearer and better quality. At first glance, it was taken with a good camera. The picture is also a child in his early ten years old. He is very good-looking. He is sitting on a hospital bed with scissors and paper cut in his hand. His hair is a bit long and has passed his a girl with short hair.

Really, if he hadn't known that Jian Jinwen was a man, he would have thought that the person in the photo was a girl if he only looked at this photo! She is still a beautiful girl with a gentle temperament and a very high-quality young goddess version!

Shi Jin only felt that a big thunder smashed from the sky, hitting his head, making him dizzy and trembling, almost unable to speak.

Shi Xingrui may not only experience the death of seeing the light, but also the cheating of the goddess turning into a male god... He was a little depressed, looked at Jian Chenghua who was still sighing and sighing, and said, "That, I Can you read your son’s words, I’m just a little curious..."

This request is very strange, but Jian Chenghua didn’t think much about it. He was happy to share his son’s excellence with others. He was very talkative and took out a very well-preserved notebook, and said with a little pride: “Of course you can. The child Xijing has started to practice calligraphy since he was a child, and his handwriting is very good."

Shi Jin took the notebook, looked at the writing on it, and was silent.

They all say that the characters are just like his own. Jian Jinwen's characters are just like his people. The brush strokes are round and round, there are no edges and corners, and the characters are rounded, very a girl's character.

If he was a young Shi Xingrui, after seeing such a picture of a pen pal and such a beautiful font, he would definitely think that his pen pal is a girl, a very beautiful and gentle girl.

He raised his eyes to Jian Chenghua, and wanted to ask the other party whether Shi Xingrui and Jian Jinwen had confirmed each other's gender during the correspondence, but he swallowed it again when the words came to his lips.

How to ask, this question is too mentally retarded. After the photos have been exchanged, who would have thought to check the gender of the pen pal again? There was no such thing as a women's clothing elder in those days.