Death Progress Bar

Chapter 86: Breakthrough


The plane landed M to save time, and the sky was completely dark.

Shi Jin walked out of the airport dazedly, and as Gua Er got into the car that was here, he closed his eyes and slumped in the back seat of the car.

"Let you stop staring at the densely packed words, now it's alright, I haven't seen Xu Chuan yet, you are messing up yourself first." Gua Er took out a bottle of water from the small refrigerator in the car to his forehead On the last post, I asked, "Are you energetic?"

Shijin was shaken by the ice, hurriedly shook his head and shook off the water bottle on his forehead, and said weakly, "I don't want to be like this either. Xu Chuan is clever, cautious, and his mouth is still tight. I won't think of a breakthrough sooner. He, when I really meet him, I'm afraid I will return without success."

"What are you afraid of? I think you are thinking about things too complicated. Xu Chuan is now the ant in our hands. You can see you whenever you want. Yes, don't worry too much." Gua Er soothed, retracted the water bottle and unscrewed it, and then passed it to him.

Shi Jin thanked him for taking it, raised his head and took a sip of water, looked at the roof of the car, and sighed in his heart. But Jun Lian was still waiting for him to go back in City B. He didn't have so much time to spend with Xu Chuan, so he still had to find a way to make a quick battle.

The car drove into a hotel opened in M province, and when Gua Er gave him a presidential suite, he arranged for him to live in.

"Gua Wu and I will also live on this floor. All the staff on this floor are the protection personnel transferred by Jun Shao. Safety can be guaranteed. You can rest assured." When Gua 2 was sent off, he entered the house and explained. condition.

After hearing the words, Shi Jin glanced at the tall cleaners passing by in the corridor, his eyebrows twitched, and after thanking Gua Er, he entered the house with his luggage, closed the door and dialed a video call to Lian Jun to inform him of safety.

The call was still answered in seconds. After the screen appeared, Lian Jun first took a look at Shi Jin's complexion. Seeing his faint expression on his face, he frowned and asked, "What's wrong, I'm tired?"

"No." Shijin hurriedly rubbed his face to refresh himself, and replied, "I have over-exhausted my mind. When I came, I kept thinking about how to pry open Xu Chuan's mouth. Can't think of a clue."

He has too little information about Xu Chuan. He seems to know a lot of things, but it is very likely that Xu Chuan also knows those things. After all, Xu Chuan is Shi Xingrui’s confidant. After experiencing those things firsthand, he must have more things than him. He came this time to get some information about Xu Jie and the past from Xu Chuan. If Xu Chuan adopts the policy of silent resistance, like when he was arrested, then his trip would be a waste of time.

Seeing him so distressed, Jun Lian pointed his finger on the armrest of the wheelchair, and suddenly said: "During your departure, I carefully looked at the information of Shi Xingrui, Xu Chuan and Xu Jie."

Shijin was taken aback, and instinctively glanced at the desk table in front of him. Seeing that there were a few unread documents on it, he raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Why do you think about these? You still have a lot of documents that have not been approved. Woolen cloth… "

After returning to City B, the others rested more or less for a while, only Lian Jun was still busy with files every day. Although he didn't ask much about Lian Jun's work, he could guess that Lian Jun must have been under pressure recently. The situation on the road is now turbulent due to the disintegration of Nine Eagles and Ghost Mythos. There may be conflicts at any time. There is not much time left for Mianwen's transformation. Before all conflicts erupt, Lian Jun must find a way to complete the transformation.

Every time he went to the study, Lian Jun had work waiting to be processed, and now Lian Jun still had to spare the morning time for treatment and exercise, and the time became more and more insufficient. Now that Lian Jun spares work time and helps him read the information again, then he must be working overtime again at night.

"There are not many documents sent here today, don't delay things. And now as soon as the Gua comes back, he can help me share a little." Lian Jun saw through his thoughts, eased his voice, and then took the information in his hand. I got up and said, "The so-called authorities are fans, and the bystanders are clear. I will say a little bit of my guess. You can use it as a reference. Of course, I am not going to interfere with your private affairs, just to try to see if I can help you."

… How could there be such a considerate person in this world.

Shi Jin looked at the appearance of Lian Jun lowering his head and pumping information, and felt soft in his heart, wishing to hug Lian Jun through the screen.

Every time, as long as he encounters difficulties, Lian Jun will actively or secretly help him, and Lian Jun helps him, but he acts very appropriately and never interferes with his decision or his affairs. Point your finger.

Suddenly, I really wanted to go back to Lian Jun. If there were no such incidents, it would be fine.

"I miss you." He couldn't help but said, his expression crumbled.

After drawing the information, Lian Jun saw his expression, his voice became more and more low, and he said with a slight comfort: "Me too."

The two were silent for a while, Shijin adjusted his emotions, and then said, "I will go back as soon as possible."

Lian Jun waved the information in his hand and said with a smile, "I will help you come back as soon as possible now."

So Shijin laughed, and the exhaustion on his face was wiped out, and he walked to the sofa and lay down, found a bracket to put the tablet up to face him, and said: "Then you said, I listed a list. In the afternoon, the time lines are all big. You can help me develop my ideas."

Lian Jun looked at him lying down comfortably, relieved, put down the information and said: "I have three guesses: 1. Although Xu Chuan and Xu Jie are relatives, Xu Chuan should not be regarded as Xu Jie's long-term ally; 2. , Xu Chuan has been doing things for Shi Xingrui, but there may be a crisis of trust between him and Shi Xingrui, and Shi Xingrui is prepared for Xu Chuan; third, combining the above two points, I suspect that Xu Chuan does not know you at all The relationship between mother and Jane Jinwen."

Shi Jin couldn't lie down anymore. He sat up and said dumbfounded: "How did you come from these conclusions? There is no information in the materials." He now just because he didn't know how much information Xu Chuan had, he said. It is forbidden that Xu Chuan and Xu Jie's cooperative relationship is strong, so that they have been unable to determine the starting point of the conversation. If Lian Jun's guesses are true, then what entry point does he want to do? Just bomb Xu Chuan with information.

Lian Jun looked at him with a silly expression with wide-eyed eyes, and explained in detail: "Changes in interests will not deceive people. I not only looked at the survey data, but also looked at the various interest-related materials of Ruixing from its establishment to the present. Judging from the shareholding changes and income distribution of Swiss Bank, the period when Xu Chuan and Shi Xingrui absolutely trusted each other was from the establishment of Swiss Bank by Shi Xingrui to half a year after Xu Jie gave birth to Shi Wei Chong. Shi Xingrui’s interest partner and lawyer became a mere lawyer. In layman’s terms, Shi Xingrui was carrying Xu Chuan in business before this point of time, and the two of them were mutually beneficial. At this point in time After that, Shi Xingrui hired Xu Chuan and paid Xu Chuan a salary in a purely superior status."

Swiss Bank's information

Shijin was surprised, and then suddenly realized. How could he forget that Ruixing, as the center of interest that everyone is staring at, can carry many secrets. He had only paid attention to the investigation data before, but ignored such a large information provider.

He patted his head, condensed his thoughts and thought about Lian Jun's words again, focusing on one of the points-six months after Xu Jie gave birth to Shi Wei Chong, isn't that the time when Shi Xingrui abandoned Xu Jie

When he reviewed the survey data in the afternoon, he discovered that if he really cares, Xu Jie can actually be regarded as a special one among Shi Xingrui's many women. Except for Yun Jin, the other women Shi Xingrui abandoned her after she was pregnant with a child, and then came back to take a look after she gave birth. Only Xu Jie was different. Shi Xingrui even seemed like Shi Xingrui after she gave birth to Shi Weichong. Like an ordinary family of three, they lived with Xu Jie for half a year.

He had never doubted this before. He felt that Shi Xingrui was like this because he was a father for the first time and he still had such a conscience in his heart, so he showed a little "long love" to Xu Jie, but now it seems It doesn't seem to be.

So something must have happened at this time node that caused Shi Xingrui to abandon Xu Jie and "downgrade" Xu Chuan, but what happened was definitely not too serious and did not touch Shi Xingrui's restricted area, otherwise Shi Xingrui Rui left the two of them a long time ago.

What will happen... He thought, and couldn't help but raise his eyes to look at Lian Jun.

Lian Jun waited quietly for him to finish thinking, and when he saw that he raised his eyes again, he explained, “As for the relationship between Xu Chuan and Xu Jie, there is no difference between Xu Chuan’s attitude towards Shi Weichong and the other brothers. He obviously had the opportunity to act on Shi Xingrui’s will, but he has been inactive. Judging from the situation that he and Xu Jie should have only been in a certain period of time, because the relationship between relatives and interests has cooperated several times, and the long-term collusion must be It doesn’t exist. Xu Chuan is loyal to Shi Xingrui in business. Leaving aside what we don’t understand in the early stage, if Xu Chuan does cooperate with Xu Jie now, then this cooperation must be at Shi Xingrui’s death. Established later."

Shi Jin was immediately taken away from his thoughts by what he said. He recalled what Xu Chuan had done over the years, agreed with his guess, and said: "Indeed, Xu Chuan has been working hard for my dad before he was alive. "

"But Shi Xingrui doesn't fully trust Xu Chuan." Lian Jun said in a positive tone. He took out a few more documents and pointed them to Shi Jin. "Xu Chuan is not only an excellent lawyer, but also an excellent businessman. During the expansion period, Xing had undergone many industrial structural transformations. Shi Xingrui obviously had Xu Chuan on his hand to use it, but he didn't use it. Instead, he chose Xu Tianhua, who was obviously ill-intentioned, as his deputy. In the later period, Ruixing stabilized. After that, Shi Xingrui only gave Xu Chuan some pure benefits and false status, and did not give him rights. If this is the case in business, then in Shi Xingrui's most persistent emotional and personal affairs, he will definitely not get over it. Disclose more information to Xu Chuan."

Shijin looked at the information in his hands full of various income statistics charts, the soul of the scumbag appeared, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt dizzy, he hurriedly looked away, and said, "So you come to the conclusion that Xu Chuan should not know me. What is the relationship between mother and Jane Jinwen?"

Lian Jun put down the information and nodded, and said, "Well, but all this is just my guess, not a determined result."

Shi Jin felt that his speculation was likely to be true, lowered his head and closed his eyes, his thinking continued to diverge.

The relationship between Yunjin and Jian Jinwen is too secret. Shi Xingrui takes Jian Jinwen so seriously. After experiencing the stimulation of repeated failures to find a substitute, he will definitely feel that Yunjin is still young and there are too many unknowns. The perfect stand-in pays special attention to it. As a subordinate of Xu Chuan who had been "stained", Shi Xingrui would definitely not tell him the true situation of Yunjin.

When drawing the timeline in the car this afternoon, he once came to a conclusion—Xu Chuan should have really made Jian Jinwen a friend during the years when he was in contact with Jian Jinwen. This is from Xu Chuan seeing him After losing weight, the overly intense reaction can be inferred. Even a hypothesis emerged in his heart—whether Xu Chuan would also like Jian Jinwen. However, he was a little uncertain about the latter point. After all, he had never heard of a man who would continue to help his rivals after the death of the person he liked.

But if all the above information is true, Xu Chuan has no idea about the relationship between Yun Jin and Jian Jinwen. Xu Chuan even has other thoughts on Jian Jinwen in his heart. The cooperative relationship between Xu Chuan and Xu Jie is not as good as he initially thought. Reliable, then if he tells Xu Chuan directly that he is Jian Jinwen’s nephew...

He couldn't help but smashed the sofa cushion hard, and looked at Lian Jun excitedly-what breakthrough point is he looking for? Just use information to defeat Xu Chuan's line of defense!

Lian Jun leaned back in the chair and waited quietly for him to finish thinking. Seeing his eyes brightly looked over, he tugged at the corners of his mouth and asked, "Can I have a good night's sleep today?"

"You can get a great night's sleep!" Shijin rushed over to the screen with a slightly exaggerated sip, and said happily, "Baby, you are so smart!"

Lian Jun raised his eyebrows: "Baby?"

Shijin replied shamelessly, he just turned his question into a statement, and then changed the subject and said: "You are not allowed to work overtime today to approve the document. You can save it until tomorrow if you can't finish it. You must go to bed on time."

Lian Jun glanced at the time and stopped teasing him, but instead he ordered: "Then you have to rest early."

"No problem!" Shijin agreed, chatted with him again, and then hung up the phone reluctantly.

As soon as it was dawn, after having breakfast the next morning, Shijin got in the car to the M Provincial Prison.

Seeing him with a relaxed face, Gua Er was even in the mood to play mahjong. He was shocked and asked, "Are you not worried about talking with Xu Chuan anymore, and abandoning yourself?"

"What kind of self-defeating, I have found foreign aid, and I have been able to get through the two channels of Ren and Du." Shi Jin answered without raising his head, he touched a new card with great momentum, and then went straight.

Gua two knew who the foreign aid was in Shi's import without thinking. He rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair, muttering in a low voice, "Isn't it all right to ask for help earlier? You have to support yourself, knowing that your brain is not bright..."

Shi Jin's ears cocked, and when he lifted his leg, a Foshan Wuying foot passed by.

The prison is on the outskirts of M Province. After about an hour's drive, the car stopped in front of the prison.

Gua Wu took out his cell phone and made a call. It didn't take long for a person in uniform to walk out, personally lead them into the prison, and lead them to the visiting room.

"The prisoner Xu Chuan is very strange. Since he came here, he has been alone, not communicating with other prisoners, not accepting visits, not answering incoming calls, not accepting incoming letters, and resisting the once-a-week network opening activities... In short, he refused all things related to social interaction. He became very silent, and he was reading when he was fine, and he always read the books, which is very easy to manage and very difficult to approach." The prison guards walked. Explain, his brows kept frowning, "This time he was forced to accept your visit. He himself acted very resistant. You'd better be psychologically prepared. He will never cooperate with your conversation."

Shi Jin didn't expect Xu Chuan to be in such a state in prison, frowned, thanked the prison guard for his reminder, looked at the visitation room that was already in sight, reached into his pocket, and touched a few photos inside. , Let out a sigh of relief.

The iron door opened with a creak, and Shi Jin stepped into the visitation room and looked at the only figure in the room.

Xu Chuan raised his head when he heard the opening of the door, his eyes were in a daze after seeing Shi Jin, and he quickly recovered his clarity, lowered his head and looked at his handcuffed hands under the table, and said: "It is said that the winner is the king, and the loser The one is Kou, now you are looking for it again, do you want to whip the corpse?"

Shi Jin walked over and sat across from him, and replied: "I have no hobby of whiplashing corpses, and I don't hate you. I am here this time to clarify something and also want to tell you something."

Xu Chuan didn't even look at him, and replied coldly: "There is nothing to say between you and me."

"If I said Jian Jinwen was my uncle, would you still think that there is nothing to say between us?" Shi Jin was straightforward, staring at Xu Chuan's face at the same time, observing his expression.

Xu Chuan froze for a moment, then raised his head for a moment, and tried to stand up, and asked in shock: "What did you say? Whose name did you just say? Who did you say is your uncle! You are not qualified to call him." Name, you are a fake-"

Shi Jin took out two photos and pushed them over, saying: "These two people are called Wei Ming and Guan Jiajia. They are the biological parents of Mr. Jian and my mother. This is a photo of Mr. Jian when he was a child, and this is a photo of my mother when he was a child, Xu Chuan, if it weren't for blood relationship, do you think there would be two people who looked almost exactly the same when they were young?"

Xu Chuan looked down at the photo on the table, his eyes widened, and his handcuffed to the chair struggled desperately, trying to pick up the photo.

"Not only the photos, but I also have the detailed birth information of Mr. Jian and my mother. If you want to see it, I can show it to you." Shijin reached out and took all the photos on the table back, and deliberately took the photos of Jian Jinwen. Stay at the end and take away.

Xu Chuan looked at Jian Jinwen's photo almost nicely, his eyes a little scary.

Shi Jin felt very complicated when he saw this, and he sighed clearly in his heart-sure enough, Xu Chuan's feelings for Jian Jinwen were also different.

"Now, do you still think there is nothing to talk about between us?" Shijin deliberately calmed down, holding the photo face down and holding it to his hand, looking at Xu Chuan, who moved his gaze, and pointed to his face. Said, "When we met last time, you said that I didn’t deserve to have this face, and that the place where I resembled him the most was my lips. At that time, I thought that “he” you said was actually “she”, referring to my mother. , Think about it now, it's actually referring to Mr. Jane."

Xu Chuan looked at his face, his expression tense, his body shook, and suddenly he fell back on the chair and said, "I have nothing to say about you... Even if you are related to Jinwen, what about you? Not him, never will be."

Shijin frowned, knowing that he was going to die.

"Of course I am not Mr. Jane, and I will never be Mr. Jane." He leaned back in the chair, folded his hands on his abdomen, and his posture had some shadow of Lian Jun. "But I am Mr. Jane’s nephew, It’s his last blood relative in this world. To be honest, when I checked the information, I went to see Mr. Jian’s adoptive father. He was a very kind and great old man. He has always been very grateful to you. , But he doesn't know that you are actually a liar, a liar who helps the devil monitor Mr. Jane."

Xu Chuan shook his body and clenched his palms firmly, but still did not speak.

"I promised him to help him find out Mr. Jane’s life experience, figure out the relationship between my mother and Mr. Jane, and promised that if the final result of my investigation is that Mr. Jane and I do have a blood relationship, then I will Go and tell him the truth personally, and go with him to give Mr. Jian a stick of incense."

Xu Chuan suddenly raised his head to look at Shi Jin, gritted his teeth and said, "You are not worthy."

Shijin sneered and stood up, asked Xiao Death to buff himself, and said, "Why am I not worthy? My mother is a victim. I haven't done anything to apologize to Mr. Jane. Of course I deserve to call him uncle! Go! Give him a stick of incense! But you are different. You are a liar who approached him with purpose, an accomplice to help the devil imprison him, and you are the one who is really unworthy! You even want to help others kill me, Kill Mr. Jane’s last blood relative in this world! Let me think about it, if Mr. Jane knew that your friend wanted to kill his relative, how would he react? Disgusted? Hate? Oh, no, Mr. Jane. A kind-hearted person, how could he have such negative emotions, he will probably only be disappointed in you, and he will be so sad that he will never want to see you again."

Xu Chuan’s expression became more and more terrifying as Shi Jin’s speech speed accelerated. He looked at Shi Jin’s aggressive appearance, and he was in a daze as if he saw Jian Jinwen looking at him disappointedly. His heart tightened and he tried again. Pulling up the handcuffs on his wrists, he shook his head and said, "No! No, I don't have one, I—"

"Shut up!" Shi Jin interrupted him sharply, looked into his eyes, and said in a low voice, "Xu Chuan, Mr. Jian's adoptive father is already old and can only live for another ten years at most. Ten years later, You are in prison. The only person in the world who can go to sweep Mr. Jane’s grave and offer incense to him is me. Do you really want me to die?"

Xu Chuan's pupils shrank suddenly, his chest was up and down, looking straight at him for a long time, suddenly raised his head and took a deep breath, sat back on the chair, and said in a dumb voice: "Photo... I want a photo with a text in my hand. All of his photos were taken away when he was in prison."

Shi Jin's eyes moved, he sat back in his chair, turned over the photo on the table, pulled out Jane Jinwen and pushed it over.