Death Progress Bar

Chapter 90: Three days


After getting in the car, Shi Jin quickly grabbed the complex expression in front of Shi Weichong, looked at Gua Yi in the passenger seat, and asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

He nodded his head, gestured to the entrance of a convenience store diagonally across the road, and said, "The car with the license plate ending in 99 belongs to Xu Jie."

Sure enough, he followed. Shi Jin's heart hung down slightly.

When he asked Xu Chuan to contact Xu Jie before, he deliberately asked Xu Chuan to tell Xu Jie that he might have grasped some things in the past, and planned to contact Shi Wei Chong and others to tell them the "truth".

Xu Jie’s biggest support and reliance now is Shi Wei Chong. Knowing that he may contact Shi Wei Chong at any time and tell Shi Wei Chong some "past truths", he will definitely keep an eye on Shi Wei Chong's movements. , Once we find that Shi Wei Chong has signs of meeting him, she will definitely be unable to sit still and follow up. And as long as Xu Jie followed, he could think of a way to stimulate Xu Jie again, forcing Xu Jie to become hot-headed and act quickly.

Xiao Di reminded in good time: "Jin Jin, your progress bar has gone up to 930, just after you hug Shi Wei Chong."

Shi Jin regained his senses, glanced at the progress bar, and was very satisfied-it seems that the stimulation he just gave was very useful. Xu Jie saw the person she wanted to kill the most and hugged her most important son, which would be estimated The manager's wisdom has collapsed.

He let Gua Er drive, and after the car left the visible range of the hotel and convenience store, he continued to ask, "How long has Xu Jie been here?"

Gua Yi replied: "For more than twenty minutes, she tried to enter the hotel after she arrived here, but was blocked by the person in charge of the hotel. After that, she stopped and waited outside without moving."

After more than 20 minutes of fear and anger, Xu Jie probably not only collapsed in reason, but also went crazy.

Shi Jinying said that he knew, leaning back in his chair, looking at his progress bar, and let out a faint sigh-Xu Jie would definitely be unable to stop Shi Weichong after he left, asking them to be here. What did we talk about at the second dinner, and when Shi Weichong saw Xu Jie, he would definitely be suspicious and dissatisfied with her because of her "tracking" and the truth at the dinner table. The two of them were on the verge of rage. One is at the limit of endurance, and there will definitely be disputes.

Noisy, the more quarrelsome the better.

He slowed his breathing and closed his eyes.

When Xu Jie had no quarrel with Shi Weichong, the last powerful helper and backing, he would be able to clean up her without any worries.

At the entrance of the hotel, Shi Wei Chong watched Shi Jin's vehicle drive out of view, raised his hand and pressed the position of his chest, his eyes gloomy.

Waiting for his call, but how does he dial this call? After all, it belongs to him...

"Wei Chong!" Xu Jie, dressed in a light-colored long skirt and dressed very intelligently, walked quickly across the road, wearing a kind and friendly mask for many years, now showing signs of shattering, her eyes full of anger. As soon as he approached, he grabbed Shi Weichong's arm and asked, "I just saw Shijin talking to you, why did you come out to eat with him again? What did he tell you!"

Although Xu Jie is old, she still looks good. Her skin is well maintained, her figure is well managed, her hair is meticulously twisted, her makeup is exquisite, her pearl jewellery and long skirt match up very well, at this moment, she still looks like she is angry about quarreling with others. It's beautiful. But Shi Weichong, who knows her character well, can easily tell that there is actually a trace of fear hidden under her current questioning and anger.

Fear? What are you afraid of

Shi Weichong looked at Xu Jie's angry eyes, and his heart sank bit by bit. Isn't this response justified by the side.

He didn't get away from Xu Jie's hand, but looked at her seriously with a rare expression of coldness, and asked, "Mom, what have you done?"

Xu Jie looked at his resisting and suspicious expression almost carved out of the same mold as Shi Weichong. Before his brain could react, he lifted his hand first, and slammed it down into his face.


Shi Weichong was beaten to the side of his head. After several seconds, he came back to the side, looked at Xu Jie, and suddenly asked, "Mom, how did you know that I was eating here and you bought my assistant?"

Xu Jie shook her fingers, her expression hardened, and forced herself not to look at the red marks that gradually appeared on his face. It's for you." After speaking, he let go of his hand, turned and strode towards his car, his expression was gloomy, and his eyes were full of ruthlessness.

Shi Jin, Shi Jin again, every time Wei Chong meets with him, he will definitely feel like being bewitched afterwards, either giving him benefits or coming to quarrel with her. We can't let that wild species get close to Wei Chong anymore, we must get rid of him, we must get rid of him as soon as possible! Yunjin had already snatched Shi Xingrui from her, and she would never allow Yunjin's son to come and snatch her son again!

Shi Jin just closed his eyes and rested for a few minutes, and then a reminder of a small death sounded in his mind.

"Go in, the progress bar has gone up again, 950."

950, there is not much from a reprieve.

Shi Jin opened his eyes, lowered his head and took out his mobile phone to find Shi Weichong's phone. After hesitating for a few seconds, he turned off the mobile phone and closed his eyes again.

For three days, he could afford to wait.

When Shi Jin returned to the clubhouse, it was already late. He gently opened the door of the room and looked inside, and saw that Lian Jun had finished washing and leaned on the bed, showing a smile, opened the door lightly, and pulled out the papers in his hand.

Lian Jun was taken aback for a moment, then noticed that he was back, took a look at the time, and asked: "Why are you back so late? There is a traffic jam?"

"Well, blocked for a while." Shi Jinjian didn't scare him. He sat down on the side of the bed a little boringly, flipped through the files in his hand, and saw that it was full of data that he didn't understand, and he was dizzy. He slipped it back into Lian Jun's hand and said, "I can only read this one again. When I finish washing it out, I want to see that you are already lying down."

"Okay, this is the last one for today." Lian Jun spoke very happily, reached out his hand to touch his face, and asked, "How is the talk with your brothers, how is it going?"

"It's going well." Shi Jin grabbed his hand and kissed, without concealing his emotions, he sighed and said, "Shi Wei Chong should have already realized who I really want to deal with. , I didn’t want to play emotional cards against him, but his strength is good and I don’t want to be hostile to him, so I chose to be mean again. As for whether he will choose to help me in the end, to be honest, I’m not very sure, in fact, I I hope he won’t ask me for information. I can’t say a word of forgiveness to him without obstacles. He probably can’t treat me as a person who wants to hurt his mother in a normal way, so it’s better for me and him to be strangers. People, everyone will feel better in this way."

"It's good to have a clear conscience." Lian Jun squeezed his face and asked, "What is the attitude of your other brothers?"

Shijin's expression relaxed a little, and he replied: "Their attitude is still very clear. They should not interfere in the fight between me and Xu Jie. I only hope that Xu Jie will not let me down. solve."

"Yes." Lian Jun replied affirmatively, leaning over and kissing him, and said, "Go take a bath, it's late."

Shijin restrained his emotions and hugged him as a gnaw, then stood up and stretched out to temporarily put aside these annoying things, picked up his pajamas and walked towards the bathroom.

Lian Jun watched him leave. After the bathroom door was closed, the gentleness on his face faded. He picked up the phone on the bedside table and called Lu Shan.

He picked it up soon, his tone was a little impatient: "Your kid is endless, don't you know if a woman wants to take a beauty sleep?"

Lian Jun is very cold: "In my eyes, you are a man."

"Fuck you, brat." Lu Shan gave a quality greeting. Seeing that Lian Jun never responded, he calmed down and frowned, "The woman you mentioned did indeed have a trustee to contact the tarantula in City B. The person in charge of the branch wants to place an order for Shijin, but do you really want me to take this order? Do you know that once I check Shijin, even if it’s a fake, Miehe Tarantula is still there. My face is torn on the bright side. You don’t want to think about what is going on now. Once the stalemate on the road is broken, the pressure on your side will definitely be great, and you can’t bear it anymore?"

"This is not a question of intolerance, but a question of choice. The person who entered when he wanted to place an order not only contacted domestic organizations, but was also looking for foreign organizations. For Mie, it is better for you than for foreigners. The power is more relaxed. As far as the domestic situation is concerned, fighting in a nest is more convenient to deal with than letting outsiders come in and stir up." Lian Jun answered extremely honestly, but Lu Shan was mad at his honesty.

"I really don't know what to say about you. Your little lover looks so honest, how can he cause you such a big trouble, or you can pick him up, and find someone to worry about." Lu Shan sincerely recommends.

Lian Jun replied coldly: "Impossible. He didn't cause me trouble. Sooner or later, I and you need to face each other. Now he gave me such a good excuse, and he still helped me."

Lu Shan rolled her eyes and said, "I think you are fainted by male sex, forget it, you are right, you and I will get into trouble sooner or later, so that you can make trouble earlier to avoid instability in the road. There will be even greater disasters. Then wait for the news, and I will let someone take the list."

Lian Jun's expression relaxed a little and said, "Thank you Auntie Lu, you'd better negotiate with Xu Jie for a few days. A week, I need a week to arrange things."

"At this time, I know I'm calling Auntie... Hang up, don't bother me to sleep at night." Lu Shan hung up the phone with disgust.

Lian Jun put down the phone and exited the call interface. He looked at the photo of himself and Shijin in a couple costumes under the Ferris wheel on the phone desktop, and couldn't help reaching out and touching it.

Lu Shan still didn't understand, where in this world is there a lover who is more worry-free than Shijin.

When he woke up, Shijin found that his progress bar had risen by 3 points, which was really 3 points. An abrupt mantissa was stuck in the back, and he was guilty of obsessive-compulsive disorder, so I really wanted to raise it to a whole number.

"These three points are rising at a uniform rate, and should sooner or later they will rise to a whole number." Xiaodie was not soothingly soothed, and his attitude was rare and calm. Shijin was very calm about the increase in the progress bar this time, which made it too nervous. It was clear that the progress bar had increased to a value that it would definitely scream when it had seen it before, but it didn’t feel Shijin at all. There will be danger.

Probably because there is a baby, it thought secretly.

Shi Jin forced himself to withdraw his attention from the progress bar, looked at Lian Jun, who rarely slept beside him, gently leaned over, and touched Lian Jun's leg with his hand under the quilt.

The moment Lian Jun came up with his hand, he rolled over and pressed him, stretched out his hand and pulled his face, opened his eyes and asked, "Want to do something bad?"

Shijin feels confident: "What if I do something bad to my boyfriend, can't it?"

Lian Jun didn't speak, bowed his head and kissed him, touched his waist, and answered him with action.

After finishing the morning exercise, Shijin sent text messages to the common email accounts of Fei Yujing, Rong Zhouzhong, and Li Jiuzheng, and packaged the prepared information and recordings together and sent them to them.

The materials and recordings have been processed, and all the parts about the brief essays have been blurred or edited out. Shi Jin’s original intention was to let everyone know the truth, instead of exposing the innocent Jian Jin’s essay to more people. Anyway, everyone only needs to know that Shi Xingrui is looking for a child because he wants to replicate a child like Bai Yueguang. That's enough. As for who Bai Yueguang is, it doesn't really matter.

Shijin did not wait for the feedback from Fei Yujing and others on the same day, so Shijin had arrived early. The information contained in those materials is too explosive, and it takes time for everyone to digest, and time to verify with their respective mothers.

Unexpectedly, Xiang Aoting didn't even call Shijin to ask for information that day. Shi Jin was a little confused, but didn't panic. He instinctively told him that Xiang Aoting and his mother didn't want him to be evil, and Xiang Aoting would call him sooner or later.

In the afternoon of another day, Fei Yujing, Rong Zhouzhong, and Li Jiuzheng, the first batch of people who had read the information, finally gave feedback one after another. Fei Yujing made a direct call. During the phone call, he bluntly stated that he would not interfere with Shi Jin and Shi Wei Chong and Shi Wei Chong’s mother, but if Shi Jin wanted to get back the inheritance, he could help. .

This is actually a relatively clear standing team Shijin, Shijin was very surprised, at first he thought Fei Yujing would choose not to help each other, and look on the wall with cold eyes.

"I'm not helping you." In response to his accident, Fei Yujing explained his attitude, "I just think that you deserve the inheritance. In addition, if possible, my mother would like to meet you face to face. Have a talk."

Shijin frowned: "Your mother? Did you tell her what?"

"Yeah." Fei Yujing replied, and suddenly said, "Shijin, I never regret what has happened and the choices I have made, but now I am going to make an exception. Market trading is the stupidest thing I have ever done, sorry."

Shijin was silent, not knowing how to answer his words. He is not the original owner, he has no stand to say anything, and there is an old saying that says, if an apology is useful, what do you want the police to do

Fei Yujing knew his attitude from his silence, and didn't talk much witty. He apologized because he thought that it was the other person's kindness to forgive him, and if the other person was unwilling, it was his right to be retaliated and treated coldly, and he could accept it.

"You can contact me at any time if you encounter difficulties." He said, and then hung up the phone.

Shi Jin put down his phone, recalled these words Fei Yujing had said, and fell on the sofa with a long exasperation.

Fei Yujing is really surprisingly easy to understand. When he is unfamiliar, the relationship depends on his interests. After acceptance, the relationship depends on his own preferences... He is really self-willed. He has no conscience when he is bad. , Do not ask for a response when admitting mistakes, people have nothing to say.

After that, as if they had agreed, Rong Zhouzhong and Li Jiuzheng all sent text messages to Shijin to show their attitudes. The content of the text messages in Rong Zhou was still full of gunpowder. He scolded Shi Xingrui from head to toe with various vocabulary without dirty words, and then ended with a "little bunny boy", which means that when the work is over, he wants to make peace. Let's talk in person again. Shi Jin accepted his invitation, saying that it was okay to meet, but he had to be in the clubhouse, and he didn't want to go outside.

The content of Li Jiuzheng's text messages is very gentle. He sent several messages in a row. The content is very fragmented. It can be summarized as: It turns out that your mother, like my mother, was cheated by Shi Xingrui. You see, among the six brothers, only you and I have lost their mothers. We are still so close in the rankings. This is all fate! I apologize for what I did wrong, and I will make up. Do you think we should cultivate our feelings

Shi Jin was stunned with his mobile phone. He couldn't understand Li Jiuzheng's brain circuit at all. He even felt that this person was too bullied by his mother since he was a child, so his mental age has not risen. In fact, his inner heart is the same as his appearance, he is sensitive and melancholic. Adolescent little girl... Oh no, little boy.

Finally, Shijin thought about it for a long time, and replied with a plausible "You go to bed earlier", which fooled Li Jiuzheng.

It was already the afternoon of the second day, and there was only one day left before the three-day time limit for requesting information. The progress bar of Shijin rose to 960, and it stabilized and did not move.

On the morning of the third day, Shi Jin finally waited for Xiang Aoting’s call. His tone was exhausted. The first sentence was: "I have talked to my mother. She said I should have had a sister, but she was drained. Shi Xingrui forced her."

Shijin didn't expect that he would postpone the call until now, because he went to his mother first to verify the truth of the year, and said, "Fourth brother..."

"Sorry, I only contacted you now." Xiang Aoting adjusted his status and said, "I did this, but I felt that part of the privacy of my mother should have been learned from her, not from the information... Xiao Come in, sorry."

Shijin has heard too many apologies these days, but even if he has listened so much, he still doesn't know how to respond.

"Don't talk about it, you can pass me a copy of the information. My mother actually knows the whole thing in the past. I want to know the whole truth."

Shi Jin hurriedly answered and said, "Then you send me a frequently used email address, and I will send you the information."


Reported the email address to Ao Ting, Shi Jin took a note, and then both of them didn't know what to say, and fell silent together.

"Xiao Jin, I want to see you again." Finally, he spoke to Ao Ting first.

Everyone wants to see him no matter what.

Shi Jin sighed and replied, "Yes, I will stay in the clubhouse until the beginning of school. If you want to see me, just come and look for it."

"Thank you." After Xiang Aoting finished speaking, he was silent for a long time, and finally said, "Xiao Jin, if time can come again... Forget it, let's contact again." After that, he hung up the phone.

Shi Jin heard the sadness in his last sentence, and his heart was muffled. If so, who wouldn't want time to come back again... He looked at Lian Jun behind the desk, and suddenly denied his previous thoughts.

No, he doesn't want time to come again, Lian Jun is here, he wants to spend his life with Lian Jun.

Lian Jun noticed his gaze, raised his eyes to look at him, and waved at him: "Come here."

Shi Jin regained consciousness, picked up his mood, and leaned forward.

After dinner, Shi Jin couldn't help but focus all on the phone, absent-minded at everything.

Lian Jun finished his work early and stayed by his side, and asked, "Why is this expression not saying that I don't want Shi Weichong to call you for information?"

"Although he said that, but..." Shi Jin wrinkled his face, but he couldn't show anything, he sighed and collapsed on Lian Jun, staring at Lian Jun's handsome face in a daze.

Lian Jun was funny, took out the tablet and said, "Then I will play mahjong with you?"

Shijin moved his gaze to the tablet, thought about it, and said, "It's okay, let's have a good time today!"

Knead the mahjong until almost ten o'clock, but the phone is still quiet. Shi Jin wilted again, pushing Lian Jun back to the room, washing up with him separately, and then lying on the bed together, counting the carving patterns on the ceiling.

"Go to sleep." Lian Jun hugged him and gently stroked his back.

Shi Jinhui hugged him and closed his eyes, forcing himself to fall asleep.

Ten minutes later, the phone rang suddenly.

Shi Jinshu opened his eyes, a carp sat up and touched the phone on the bedside table. Seeing the three characters "Shi Wei Chong" flashing on the screen, he breathed tightly and pressed the phone busy, picking up the phone to feed him. Scream.

"Information... Give me a copy." Shi Weichong said, his voice low and dumb, he could hardly be heard.

Shijin was startled by his terrible state of voice, frowned, and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"Nothing... Xiaojin, I don't want to do things in a muddle. I used to listen to my mother. I believed everything she said. Whether my second child or fifth child, too many people are caused by me and my mother. Affected... I'm a terrible big brother, right?"

He said this in a mess, Shijin frowned more and more, and couldn't answer this question, so he changed the subject and said, "Give me your email, and I will send you the information."

Shi Weichong hung up without warning.

Is this repentance

Shi Jin put down the phone in a complicated mood, and wanted to sigh—As a result, Shi Wei Chong chose not to use the information...

"Go to sleep." Lian Jun got up and touched his head.

Shi Jin smiled reluctantly at Lian Jun and said, "Sorry, I quarreled you."

Lian Jun shook his head and stretched out his hand to help him lie down.

As a result, their bodies just slid down a bit when Shi Jin’s cell phone rang again. Shi Jin quickly picked it up and saw that it was Shi Wei Chong who had sent a text message. The content was an email address. After breathing, his body suddenly relaxed. , Collapsed onto the bed.

Lian Jun leaned over to look at him.

Shi Jin stretched out his hand to touch his face and asked, "If I provoke you such a powerful enemy as Shi Weichong, would you blame me?"

"No." Lian Jun bowed his head and kissed the corner of his mouth, "I will never blame you, we are one, Shi Jin."