Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 119: 119. It’s my turn to ask questions now! Just having hands is enough. Is learning useless? (Please subscribe!)


The blackboard used by Wang Qian was placed on the steps in front of the first row of seats.

At this time, many people carefully examined every word written by Wang Qian!

After a careful look, I found that these few words already have the style of all the masters, as well as their own unique style and charm!

Chen Xiangdong, Tang Hepeng, Jiang Xing, Cao Wenfang, Fang Guoshu and other people in the front row all fixed their eyes on the blackboard.

Each and every stroke of those chalk-written characters in the Thin Gold style seems to reveal a vigorous and sharp edge, truly like silver hooks and iron paintings, and there is also a contradictory sense of thinness and fullness.

Jiang Xing whispered in shock, "What a good handwriting!"

Cao Wenfang: "It has the style of a great calligrapher. This is a type of calligraphy I have never seen before."

Lu Chunhu was even more direct. He walked forward himself, picked up the blackboard, and moved forward again, almost reaching him, staring at every word on it!

Cao Wenfang said dissatisfiedly: "Professor Lu, we can't see you like this."

Lu Chunhu laughed and said, "You guys don't practice calligraphy, so it's useless to watch!"

Cao Wenfang glared: "So what did you see?"

Lu Chunhu's eyes were still fixed on the words on the blackboard, and he said softly: "I have seen a whole new field of calligraphy."

No one around spoke.

Everyone felt Lu Chunhu's inner excitement and love from his words!

Everyone knows that Lu Chunhu loves calligraphy. He still practices calligraphy for at least two or three hours every day, and sometimes he even writes for half a day.

This is also proven.

Wang Qian’s calligraphy may really be not simple.

Therefore, many people who are interested in calligraphy looked sideways at the blackboard in front of Lu Chunhu!

And at the same time!

More people were looking at Wang Qian on the podium.

Because Wang Qian was writing.

We can learn more about Wang Qian’s calligraphy from the way he writes.


At this moment, there were exclamations from the whole audience.

Tang Hepeng stared at the blackboard, clenched his fists excitedly, and his eyes widened: "What a good poem, what a good poem!"

Lu Chunhu, Jiang Xing, Chen Xiangdong and others who were paying attention to the calligraphy on the blackboard then looked up at the blackboard on the podium.

Then I found out…

Wang Qian has already written lines of words on the blackboard.

And the scene.

Exclamations and discussions followed one after another!


Everyone was a little excited.

Lu Chunhu also immediately began to read in a low voice the words on the blackboard.

"The water is bright and beautiful when the weather is clear,"

"The mountains are misty and the rain is strange."

"If we compare West Lake to Xi Shi,"

"Heavy makeup or light makeup always looks good."

Lu Chunhu also immediately widened his eyes and recited it again in a low voice!

All around, the voices of reciting these four lines of poetry continued to ring out.

We are all experts. After reciting them several times, we have already thoroughly understood these lines of poetry and comprehended the meaning they express.

Cao Wenfang said excitedly: "What a good poem! It is indeed a good poem! This poem is one of the best ancient poems describing West Lake that I have seen in history. The last two sentences are the finishing touch, comparing West Lake to Xishi, one of the four beauties. This boy is really surprising."

Tang Hepeng also said excitedly: "I think Wang Qian's attainments in ancient literary works may be unique in our modern times. Who in modern times can be compared with him in the field of ancient literary works? Once this poem was published, his position in the field of ancient literature has been further established."

The people around heard this, and although they remained calm and did not express their opinions, it was impossible for them, the seniors in the circle, to promote a young man.

In the field of literature, seniority is the most serious. Even if you publish many good works, if you are not old enough, your status in the circle will not be very high. There will be a lot of people above you who have no works but are very old and will suppress you. They will use all kinds of words to bully you, and you can't refute them. Unless you don't want to be recognized by the circle, you have to endure it and serve them respectfully.

However, they all agreed with what Tang Hepeng said in their hearts.

after all!

In recent decades, the Chinese literary world has been vigorously promoting modern poetry, modern prose and other modern literary works in order to popularize education.

Ancient cultural works have almost become a lost type of research.

It has been a long time since there have been works of ancient literature that have been so eye-opening.

Until recently, Wang Qian appeared.

Snap, snap…

Tang Hepeng was the first to applaud.

Then, Lu Chunhu, Chen Xiangdong, Jiang Xing and others also clapped their hands.

The people behind naturally did the same and clapped along.

Xu Xiaoxiao and Qin Xuerong clapped their hands with all their might, and the applause was very loud.

Xu Xiaoxiao said to Xu Wenwen beside her: "Professor Wang's poem describes West Lake very well. Sister, where is the poem you tried to write last time?"

Xu Wenwen blushed unnaturally, then shook her head: "No, I thought it was not well written, so I threw it away."

Xu Xiaoxiao didn't dwell on her sister's previous works. She looked at the two works on the blackboard and said, "Guo Zhuangzhuang's modern poem is barely acceptable, but compared with Professor Wang's ancient poem, it is completely not on the same level. Just like what Professor Wang said, his modern poem is really too long-winded, and it's all meaningless nonsense."

Xu Wenwen nodded: "I think so too!"

Many people at the scene felt this way at the moment.

Comparing Guo Zhuangzhuang's work with Wang Qian's poem, to put it bluntly, it's simply garbage, not even a doggerel.

Good and bad need to be compared.

Where there is comparison, there is hurt.

Even Guo Zhuangzhuang, who was standing on the podium, couldn't stand at this moment. The calm and confident look on his face could no longer be maintained. He became a little stiff. He looked at Wang Qian, shock was written on his pupils, and his face felt hot!

You guy...

I just wrote an ordinary modern poem.

If you want to beat me, just write something better than mine...

You don't have to write a work that can compare with the classics handed down by ancient literary masters that are included in textbooks to slap me in the face!

The beating was too harsh.

Guo Zhuangzhuang felt that he had no power to fight back.

Wang Qian still didn't say anything. Facing the applause from the audience, he just smiled gently and then made a gesture of invitation to Guo Zhuangzhuang again!


It's your turn to continue performing.

What else are you prepared!

Keep taking it out...

A layer of sweat had already appeared on Guo Zhuangzhuang's forehead.

The applause from the audience gradually died down.


Everyone looked at Guo Zhuangzhuang with some sympathy.

If they are equally talented, no one will feel sympathy for each other, but instead will feel excited and happy, which will make both of them appear to be very talented.

However, the gap is now too big to be calculated.

Then I can only sympathize with Guo Zhuangzhuang.

I want to go on stage and show off and prove myself.


Now it seems to be developing in the direction of Shabi.

Moreover, Guo Zhuangzhuang is their alumnus after all, and is one of their own, so naturally they will sympathize with him.

If it were someone else in society, or someone from another school, there might be some contempt and ridicule now.

Guo Zhuangzhuang no longer dared to look the audience in the eye. Instead, he looked at Wang Qian, then at Wang Qian's work, still feeling powerless.

He did have an ancient poem prepared in his mind, but if he were to bring it out now, it would be embarrassing!

When there are already excellent works, bringing them out again, isn't that just an attempt to embarrass yourself

Guo Zhuangzhuang smiled to hide his embarrassment: "Haha... Today I saw your literary talent, Professor Wang. It is really amazing and unrivaled in our time. The level of your couplets and ancient poems are the best I have ever seen. Amazing."

Guo Zhuangzhuang changed his address from calling him Wang Qian by his given name to Professor Wang, and said that Wang Qian's literary talent was the best of his time. He deliberately praised Wang Qian so that his defeat would not seem so ugly, and at the same time he also wanted to attract more hostility to Wang Qian.

Of course, this is also a disguised admission of defeat and submission, acknowledging Wang Qian's talent and status.

As he spoke, Guo Zhuangzhuang felt uncomfortable all over and turned around, wanting to go off the stage and change seats. He felt embarrassed to stand there, and he also felt embarrassed to continue sitting next to Liu Shengnan.

Wang Qian spoke for the first time, saying loudly: "Wait!"

Guo Zhuangzhuang was startled, and knew that Wang Qian might counterattack. He stopped and looked at Wang Qian: "Professor Wang, do you have any other advice?"

Everyone in the audience also looked at Wang Qian.

Guo Zhuangzhuang has already admitted defeat, which has brought shame to many Zhejiang University students and teachers present.

After all, Guo Zhuangzhuang graduated from here.

Wang Qian has nothing to do with this place. He is just an outsider who came here to exchange ideas and give lectures.

Many people think that since Guo Zhuangzhuang has admitted defeat, the matter is over. This shows that they treat Guo Zhuangzhuang as one of their own and they even feel a little sympathy for him.

Everyone still has some aversion to Wang Qian!

Now it seems that Wang Qian is even more aggressive.

The scene fell silent.

Some of the older generation of Zhejiang University graduates looked at Wang Qian with a slightly unfriendly look.

No matter what Guo Zhuangzhuang is like, he is their man...

Wang Qian didn't care about that.

He just thinks, you can't be the only one setting the questions, right


He picked up the chalk and continued writing on the blackboard, saying, "Some time ago, when I was playing in West Lake, I lost something. I just remembered an upper couplet, so I'd like to share it with you and everyone here."

Guo Zhuangzhuang stood behind Wang Qian, staring at Wang Qian's words.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on every word Wang Qian wrote on the blackboard.

Many people are holding back their energy.

If Guo Zhuangzhuang doesn't match up...

Well, they came right!

Guo Zhuangzhuang can lose.

But, Zhejiang University cannot lose.

The expressions of Chen Xiangdong, Tang Hepeng, Jiang Xing, Lu Chunhu, Cao Wenfang and others all became extremely serious. They no longer studied Wang Qian's calligraphy carefully, but really paid attention to Wang Qian's first couplet itself.

A line of neat thin gold script appeared on the blackboard.

"Visiting West Lake, carrying a tin kettle, the tin kettle fell into the West Lake, how sad it is to see the tin kettle."

Wang Qian put down the chalk, looked at Guo Zhuangzhuang with a smile, and also looked at everyone present, and said: "This is an upper couplet I came up with by chance. If anyone here can come up with a neat lower couplet, please give me your advice!"

Guo Zhuangzhuang stared at every word carefully, still feeling shocked in his heart.

So many homophones, and homophones!

This was the first time he had seen such a difficult couplet in modern times.

Before, he had seen couplets of this difficulty in some ancient poems.

Others at the scene also fell silent.

The whole place suddenly became extremely quiet.

Every student currently studying at Zhejiang University, as well as many alumni who have already graduated, is watching every word, trying to come up with a neat second line on their own to bring honor to the school and to save face for themselves.

Several minutes passed.

Still quiet!

After Guo Zhuangzhuang looked at it for a few minutes, many words and phrases came to his mind, all of which had the same pronunciation, but it was impossible to form a coherent and meaningful second line!

Guo Zhuangzhuang looked unhappy and whispered, "Professor Wang, do you have a neat second line? If it is an absolute, then it is normal that we can't match it, right?"

Many students behind nodded.


If you come up with an absolute for which you don't even have a second line, it would embarrass everyone.

Wang Qian shook his head and said confidently, "Not absolutely. I have already thought of several neat couplets. Why, do you want me to write them out for you to see?"

Wang Qian looked at Guo Zhuangzhuang.

Guo Zhuangzhuang suddenly felt guilty and shook his head hurriedly: "Professor Wang, you don't have to write it. I can think about it myself, but please give me some time, Professor Wang!"

If Wang Qian were to write it out, wouldn't that be like admitting defeat

His loss is not a big deal, but the school's reputation is a big deal.

Guo Zhuangzhuang didn't dare to embarrass this man in front of so many fellow villagers.

Just put it off for now, think about it slowly later, ask someone for advice, you will eventually figure it out - right...


It has to be correct.

Otherwise, Guo Zhuangzhuang would never dare to go back to school or attend alumni gatherings.

In the audience.

As the deputy director of the Department of Literature, Chen Xiangdong was the most anxious.

Today's open exchange class was brought together by him and Tang Hepeng.

If Zhejiang University loses face in the end, he as the department head will also be responsible!

Although the fundamental reason is that your skills are not as good as others, many people don’t care about that. After all, you have lost the reputation of the school.

So Chen Xiangdong hurriedly asked the younger Jiang Xing: "Jiang Xing, how is it? Do you have any ideas?"

Jiang Xing shook his head gently: "Not yet. This first couplet is considered to be a rare couplet in the history. It requires special opportunities and inspiration to come up with a second couplet. It is impossible to come up with one in a short time. I suspect that Wang Qian is deceiving Guo Zhuangzhuang. Maybe he himself doesn't have a neat second couplet."

Lu Chunhu shook his head: "Wang Qian doesn't look like he's lying. He should really have a neat second line. I'm old now, and my thinking can't keep up. I can't think of it right away."

Tang Hepeng also shook his head: "I don't have any ideas right now, I need some time."

Cao Wenfang smiled bitterly: "It's true that a couplet of this difficulty cannot be matched in a short time. Wait a minute, the exchange class has just begun, isn't it all right for us to match it before he leaves?"

Chen Xiangdong nodded, and immediately said to the professors, teachers and alumni of Zhejiang University who were standing behind him, "Then you should think about it quickly. You must confront Wang Qian before he leaves, otherwise Zhejiang University will lose face today!"

Everyone looked serious and solemn, and started thinking quickly.

Among the famous domestic universities, alumni culture has gradually formed. Everyone attaches great importance to the reputation of their alma mater, because the reputation of their alma mater is their own reputation.

When they face alumni associations of other schools in the future, they will be ridiculed for this matter, and they will not be able to refute it!

Writing couplets is not like writing poems or essays. If it doesn’t match, it doesn’t match.

When writing poems or articles, one can use far-fetched excuses to elevate oneself.

If you can't match the couplets, you really lose and there is no room for excuses.


How many modern literati pay attention to couplets

At this moment, everyone was suddenly embarrassed and had no idea where to start.

On the podium, Guo Zhuangzhuang had already walked off the stage with a slightly awkward and lonely look, picked up a small stool and sat in a remote corner, without returning to sit next to Liu Shengnan.

Guo Zhuangzhuang looked towards Liu Shengnan and saw that Liu Shengnan was not paying any attention to him. She chatted with a girl who had just sat down next to her, and then looked at Wang Qian. She didn't even look at him and didn't care at all that he didn't go back and sit down!

Guo Zhuangzhuang smiled bitterly, knowing that he had failed miserably today.

After calming down, he continued to stare at the first couplet that Wang Qian had specially written on the edge of the blackboard, thinking quickly in his mind. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and sent the first couplet to several of his friends in the literary circle, asking them to help think about it.

Rely on yourself

Even plagiarism can be argued!

It’s just a pair. Asking for help is the most basic operation for Guo Zhuangzhuang.

Anyway, since I don’t care about my face anymore, what am I afraid of? I don’t have any psychological burden in doing anything.

There is such an episode right at the beginning!

The pressure in Wang Qian's heart was relieved a lot.

Because he found that he seemed to be able to cope with it.

So, next, his demeanor became more relaxed and at ease, speaking from his heart, and he exuded a kind of confidence in his knowledge and talent.


Reach the pinnacle!

Wang Qian continued to explain the seven-character quatrain poem he had just written.

There are already thousands of analysis articles on this ancient poem on the Internet, which have been analyzed extremely thoroughly word by word, so there is actually no need for Wang Qian to explain anything separately.

It’s just that as the original author, his personal explanation has some special significance and is more authoritative, so he will talk about it.

There was frequent applause.

After the explanation by the original author Wang Qian.

Each of his published works seemed to come alive, and the various meanings they represented seemed extremely clear and present.

Almost everyone present had a deeper understanding of his work and reached a higher level.

A serious lecture.

It lasted for more than an hour!

In addition to the ancient poem about West Lake just now, as well as every other work, Wang Qian explained them in great detail.

The blackboard is filled with one word after another!

Chen Xiangdong and Jiang Xing acted as laborers, personally changing the blackboard for Wang Qian constantly, not allowing Wang Qian to erase any word. Every blackboard he wrote on was preserved and stacked under the steps in front of the first row.

Lu Chunhu kept looking at the words on the blackboard, comparing them with Wang Qian's writing. He also imitated the movement of holding a brush with his right hand, slowly imitating Wang Qian's writing technique.

Everyone around who knows Lu Chunhu knows that this old man is going to be possessed again.

On the contrary, the words written by Guo Zhuangzhuang had long been erased without any trace.

Wang Qian took a sip of water and looked at the quiet classroom. His aura and calm confidence were no less than that of an authoritative professor who had been lecturing on the podium for decades. He said, "Okay, I have almost finished explaining these pieces of my works. If you still have any questions, you can raise them now and we can discuss them! If not, today's discussion class can end here. Everyone should be tired."

Finally, it’s time for communication and questions.

Guo Zhuangzhuang, who was sitting in the corner, was like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water. He immediately stood up and raised his hand: "Professor Wang, I have a question!"

Everyone looked at Guo Zhuangzhuang to see what else he could say, with some anticipation in their eyes. They hoped that the students and alumni of Zhejiang University would make Wang Qian suffer some embarrassment here, so that they would have something to brag about when they went out and that their school would appear powerful.

Wang Qian showed no disdain, still smiling, as if he was facing his own student, and stretched out his hand to Guo Zhuangzhuang and said, "Please speak."

Guo Zhuangzhuang stood up and said loudly, just like a student asking questions in class: "Professor Wang, may I ask how you usually learn and accumulate knowledge? Especially in the field of ancient literature, your works amaze us. However, we all know that this requires extremely deep accumulation to achieve."

"You are not that old either, younger than me. You didn't graduate from a literature school, but a performance school. I would like to ask you how you learned and accumulated this knowledge and then transformed it into works. I think this will be helpful to every student here."

Guo Zhuangzhuang raised the biggest question in this literary circle in a rather tactful way!

You are so young!

I'm not studying literature!

How do you think you can write so many good works

That is, the question raised by classmate Zhang Boheng when Wang Qian was in the car.

If you say.

Before meeting Wang Qian, everyone was still quite skeptical about him.

Now, people’s doubts are not so serious.

Because, Wang Qian has demonstrated his talent and literary background in more than an hour!

Not everyone can explain these works so thoroughly.

At least, Xu Wenwen knew that when she explained Wang Qian's works in class, her explanation was far less thorough and clear than Wang Qian's just now.

In addition, Wang Qian’s pantomime showdown with Guo Zhuangzhuang just now was almost a crushing victory.


They recognized Wang Qian's talent.

Well, there is still a problem!

How did you do it

Share it so that we can improve together


Is there any secret that cannot be told

Facing the curious, questioning, or doubtful gazes, Wang Qian was not at all nervous and remained calm.

Standing in front of the podium, naturally holding a piece of chalk in his hand.

Wang Qian waved to Guo Zhuangzhuang and said with a smile: "Okay, this student can sit down now."

Guo Zhuangzhuang smiled and sat down obediently.

There were laughters from the students at the back.

Wang Qian continued, "How did you do it? Actually, it's very simple. Read more, think more, and write more. There is nothing to hide, and there are no shortcuts. I love reading and thinking. When I have new thoughts, I will write them down. These thoughts may be a few poems, some music clips, or a few lyrics!"

"Whether it's just one sentence or several sentences, whether it makes sense or not, as long as I think of it, I will write it down. Then when I have an idea later, I will take it out and read it slowly, and continue to find deeper inspiration from it!"

"So I wrote some songs, some music, and some literature."

"Actually, you can do it, too. All you need are eyes, a brain, and hands!"

The scene was silent!

All pairs of eyes were still staring at Wang Qian.


Many people think Wang Qian’s words sound familiar…

Especially the many young students at the back remembered it very quickly.

Isn't this what's popular on the Internet

Just have hands...

One look and you’ll…

Just having brains is enough...


Everyone fails as soon as they start learning!

A bold boy at the back stood up and asked loudly: "Professor Wang, can you demonstrate it on the spot? For example, how can you write Jiang Cheng Zi and maintain such perfect rhyme while fully expressing the meaning?"

A poem, a lyric, or an ancient prose!


For ordinary people, perhaps there is no need to understand its meaning.

Just read it once and experience it for yourself, and you will get an intuitive feeling!

Ancient works pay particular attention to neat writing and the rhythm of tones!

When you read a good work, its neat writing and unique and regular rhyme will make you feel very refreshed.

Many classic articles and poems can give you a refreshing feeling when you read them, even if you don't understand their meaning at all, and you'll want to read them again and again.

This is a good work.

The Jiangchengzi poem published by Wang Qian also has such characteristics!

Even if you don’t understand it, it’s fun to read it when you first see it.

This is something that is difficult for modern literati who have been accustomed to Mandarin and vernacular Chinese since childhood to do.

Everyone looked at Wang Qian to see how he would answer.

But Wang Qian didn't say anything!

He took the chalk, turned around and wrote three words on the blackboard again.
