Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 23: 23. You have stumped me in the musical confrontation…


"Wait for me!"

Qin Xuerong quickly got into the car, shouted at Wang Qian's back, and drove out to chase him.

Then she saw Wang Qian get into a taxi and leave.


He stepped hard on the accelerator.

The sports car caught up easily.

Qin Xuerong pouted and gripped the steering wheel tightly: "I don't know what you are going to do!"

The phone rang.

"I once dreamed of traveling the world with a sword..."

It is Wang Qian’s singing.

Qin Xuerong took a look, picked up the phone and answered: "Jiang Yu, are you there?"

"Yeah, the airport."

Beep, the phone hung up.

Qin Xuerong didn't take it seriously and immediately called the company, asking the driver to pick someone up at the airport. Then he still followed the taxi all the way to Zhou Xuehua's record company.

Zhou Xuehua personally came to the company gate to pick up Wang Qian. Seeing Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong coming in a car, he laughed and said, "Wang Qian, do you have a new song?"

Wang Qian nodded gently: "It's not really a new song, it's a song I wrote before, but I haven't released it yet. I'm going to participate in a show this time, so I want to try singing this song on the show."

Zhou Xuehua's eyes lit up, and he looked at Wang Qian and asked speculatively, "Is it a good voice?"

Wang Qian smiled but did not answer.

It is stated in the contract that no information about the program can be revealed before the show goes on stage, so that the audience can have a sense of anticipation.

Although there is no one from the program crew here, he will also abide by the contract.

Qin Xuerong stopped the car and chased after him. When he heard the words "The Voice", he said excitedly, "Wang Qian, are you participating in The Voice? With your ability, you will definitely become famous if you participate in The Voice."

She hopes Wang Qian can do what he wants.

Wang Qian did not answer Qin Xuerong's words, but looked at Zhou Xuehua: "Brother Hua, have you arranged the musical instrument for me? The price is not a problem! If possible, we may cooperate for a while in the future."

Zhou Xuehua nodded and glanced at Qin Xuerong: "I helped you contact a few good players I know. But later, Xue'er changed two people, and they will be here soon. They are all top in the industry, you can negotiate the price with them."

Wang Qian: “No problem.”

The three of them walked into the company.

This record company is still deserted.

Wang Qian tried out his voice in the recording studio.

After a while.

Several instruments arrived.

Two men and two women!

Keyboards, guitar, bass, drums.

The two men are both older and were hired by Zhou Xuehua. They are He Fulin, who is responsible for guitar, and Zhao Wei, who is the bassist.

The two women looked younger, about the same age as Qin Xuerong, and could be said to be high school students. They were responsible for the keyboard and drums, which was extremely inconsistent with their appearance!

Qin Xuerong pulled the two girls to his side, hugged them on the left and right, and introduced them to Wang Qian and Zhou Xuehua: "These are my two childhood friends, Jiang Yu and Murong Yue. Jiang Yu graduated from the piano department of the Central Conservatory of Music, and is a top-level player. Murong Yue graduated from Berklee, and although she didn't major in drums, she has been practicing drums since she was a child and has a heart for rock and roll. She is definitely a professional! What do you think?"

Jiang Yu is taller than Qin Xuerong, and is almost as tall as Wang Qian when wearing flat shoes. He is wearing ordinary casual clothes, a T-shirt and jeans, with a ponytail. His facial features are three-dimensional and delicate, and he looks very heroic. He has no makeup on, and just stands there, allowing Qin Xuerong to hug him with an expressionless face. He just nodded to Zhou Xuehua and Wang Qian without saying a word.

Murong Yue seemed shorter, about 1.6 meters tall, wearing a long white dress that covered her feet. She looked very elegant, with a delicate and graceful face. She bowed slightly to Wang Qian and Zhou Xuehua and whispered, "Please give me your guidance."

Wang Qian looked at Murong Yue's palms. They were very thick, with obvious calluses on them, while Jiang Yu's fingers were long and white, looking like works of art.

He didn't know whether what Qin Xuerong said was true or false.

To be honest, he didn't want to use these two people.

The reason is simple.

Because they were found by Qin Xuerong.

The reason for being more professional is that they are all too young and may not have that much experience.


I thought of the scene of this girl bringing me breakfast in the morning.

He couldn't help but feel softened.

How long has it been since someone brought you breakfast


About six or seven years ago.

He Fulin and Zhao Wei shook hands with Wang Qian respectively.

He Fulin smiled and said, "I really like the two songs 'You in the Past' and 'Ordinary Road'. 'Alive' is also very good and very real. When I heard Lao Zhou said he wanted to work with you, I rushed over immediately. I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation!"

Wang Qian: “It’s a pleasure to work with you.”

Zhao Wei didn't seem to say much, just said: "Your music is very good."

The two are veterans who have been working in the industry for many years. They formed their own band in their early years, but after rock music gradually became a niche, their band disbanded. Now they are trying to make a living everywhere. With their professional level, they are not short of work.

They only regard Wang Qian as a client, and a client they admire and who has real strength.

Wang Qian looked at Jiang Yu and Murong Yue beside Qin Xuerong: "Can they really do it?"

Jiang Yu glanced at Wang Qian, turned around and walked towards the door.

Qin Xuerong hurriedly grabbed Jiang Yu's shoulder and said, "Xiaoyu, why are you so anxious? I don't know how great you are. Just ask what's wrong?"

Jiang Yu looked at Wang Qian and asked coldly, "Have you ever studied music?"

Wang Qian nodded: "How many vocal lessons have you taken?"

Jiang Yu: "Can you play the piano?"

Wang Qian nodded: "Yes."

Jiang Yu: "Have you ever performed?"

Wang Qian also shook his head expressionlessly: "No."

Murong Yue nervously grasped Qin Xuerong's hand and whispered, "Will they fight?"

Qin Xuerong was also a little nervous.

The atmosphere between Jiang Yu and Wang Qian seemed a bit tense.

Jiang Yu looked at Zhou Xuehua: "Is there a piano?"

Zhou Xuehua pointed to the room in front and said, "Yes, please come in!"

Several people came in and found several rooms filled with all kinds of musical instruments.

After all, it is a professional record company. It has basically everything it should have, and it is very clean. It is obvious that someone comes to clean and maintain it regularly.

Jiang Yu walked directly to the piano and sat down. He tried a few notes, opened the back cover and adjusted it a little. Then he looked disappointed and said, "It works just fine. Your name is Wang Qian? Xiaoxue's boyfriend?"

Qin Xuerong's expression changed and she looked at Wang Qian in fear.

Wang Qian shook his head: "My name is Wang Qian, but I'm not Qin Xuerong's boyfriend. We are just ordinary friends."

Jiang Yu nodded, not caring about it: "I will play a piece of music now. After that, I will ask you a few questions. If you can answer them, you are qualified to cooperate with me. If you can't answer them, even if you are Xiaoxue's boyfriend, today ends here. I don't have time to waste!"

The atmosphere is tense.

Zhou Xuehua, He Fulin and Zhao Wei all watched the show quietly without saying a word, but their eyes were filled with anticipation.

According to Qin Xuerong, Jiang Yu is a top student who graduated from the Piano Department of the Central Conservatory of Music and is definitely not weak in his professional field.

Then, her requirements for Wang Qian must be high.

There must be something mysterious about this piece of music.

This musical confrontation.

They hadn't seen each other for a long time and were both a little excited.

In today's pop music circle, the professional quality of most young singers is so low that it is disgusting.

If it weren't for the purpose of making money, He Fulin and Zhao Wei wouldn't want to work with those young and handsome singers, as they felt it lowered their own standards.

Qin Xuerong pulled Murong Yue to Jiang Yu's side and whispered, "Xiaoyu..."

Wang Qian looked at Jiang Yu with admiration and said with a smile: "Okay, I don't have much time, let's start now. If you are not satisfied with your performance..."

Jiang Yu sat down and said calmly: "If you are not satisfied, I will turn around and leave!"

After saying.

Jiang Yu sat quietly in front of the piano for a full minute without saying a word or moving his hands. He sat there with his back straight, like a tree.


Jiang Yu's ten fingers on both hands began to dance on the piano keys.

A song flows out.

Just a beginning.

Wang Qian, He Fulin, Zhao Wei and Zhou Xuehua's eyes lit up at the same time.


An expert can tell whether it exists or not with just one look.

He Fulin couldn't help but give Zhou Xuehua a thumbs up to express his admiration for Jiang Yu's piano skills.

No one spoke.

Everyone looked at Jiang Yu's back quietly and listened to the piano sound like flowing water.

Wang Qian, who was standing on the side, looked at the ten fingers dancing on the piano keys like elves with admiration.

Jiang Yu had already closed his eyes, with a look of enjoyment on his face!

Nearly half an hour had passed since the song ended.

No one in the room said a word, and everyone listened quietly for half an hour.

Ding ding ding…

The last three notes fell.

Jiang Yu slowly withdrew his hands, like an old man who had just finished practicing Tai Chi. He sat there for another full minute before he spoke, "Three questions."

Wang Qian nodded and said nothing.

Jiang Yu: "The simplest ones are, first, the name of the song, the author, and the year it was created."

"Second, I deliberately played a few wrong notes in this song. You have to tell me how many there are and which ones they are!"

"Third, I want to see you play this piece again!"

Everyone looked at Wang Qian, wanting to see how he would respond.

As an industry insider.

However, it is a rock song, so neither He Fulin nor Zhao Wei could name the song.

Because piano as a profession is really profound and extensive, and there are countless piano pieces. Many of them don’t even have names, but are just named after the number of etudes. Non-professionals have no idea of this!

As for how many notes you played wrong

He Fulin and Zhao Wei looked at each other, both feeling a little ashamed.

After listening to it, they didn't know what they had done wrong, they just felt it was played very well.

Of course, this is also because they are not familiar with this song.

Qin Xuerong glared at Jiang Yu fiercely, thinking that Jiang Yu was bullying Wang Qian, and then looked at Wang Qian worriedly.

Murong Yue immediately raised her right hand, her pretty face full of eagerness to try, and tapped her feet, as if to say, "Hurry up, hurry up, I know the answer."

Seeing Murong Yue cooperating with him so well, Jiang Yu glared at the girl and said, "I was testing Wang Qian, so you should be serious."

Wang Qian looked serious, frowning as if he was thinking, and then said, "Tell the truth."

Everyone looked at Wang Qian expectantly.

Wang Qian continued a little embarrassedly: "To be honest, I can't answer any of your three questions. Because I have never heard of this song."

Jiang Yu said "oh", stood up and prepared to leave.

Wang Qian: "However, I admit that your piano skills meet my requirements. Now, can you listen to me play a piece? It's not too late to leave after you listen!"

Jiang Yu thought about it, stood aside, and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation.

Wang Qian nodded to a few people, then walked to the piano and sat down, saying something that shocked everyone.

"Actually, you don't have to play some obscure songs to test me. Just playing a random piano piece is enough to stump me. Because I'm not interested in other people's music."

"I am only interested in my own music."

“I only sing my own songs.”

"I only play my own music!"

"I wrote this piano piece when I was bored. Please listen to it and give me some suggestions for improvement."

In the room.

Several pairs of eyes were wide open.