Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 537: 536. Piano performance that rises to a philosophical level. (Please subscribe!)


I saw Wang Qian finally started to explain his piano piece!

People from the Juilliard School, such as Max and Sophia, and people from the Curtis School, such as Dawson, Hoffman, and Taylor, breathed a sigh of relief.

He Chaohui, Qin Xuerong and others also relaxed.

I feel that Wang Qian has finally started teaching normally.

After all, in the eyes of most of them.

The thing Wang Qian is best at and has achieved the most is the piano.

Therefore, everyone instinctively believes that Wang Qian has done the most in-depth research on piano.

This time, Wang Qian also wants to use the piano to prove his status as a great musician.

So, when they saw Wang Qian start talking about piano, many people who supported Wang Qian instantly relaxed, thinking that in the field of piano, Wang Qian is actually the world's number one, and what he lacked is some fame and accumulation of knowledge.

Then, no one could stump Wang Qian on the piano.


After Wang Qian wrote lines of notes on the blackboard.

Max, Dawson, Marlon, Melon, Sophie, Taylor and others all frowned slightly and looked puzzled.

Because what Wang Qian wrote was obviously not the nocturne he performed on the world stage.

Many other musical artists quickly spotted this, and even performers of other instruments were able to read the score immediately and naturally recognize the difference in the piece.

However, everyone remained quiet and waited for Wang Qian to start.

Squeak, squeak, squeak…

The chalk in Wang Qian's hand quickly moved across the blackboard, leaving behind a series of friction sounds, and each note was also quickly and accurately left on the blackboard.

Without the slightest hesitation.

There is no alteration.

Just keep writing notes one by one.

Such a quick and confident look.

This made all the knowledgeable people show a hint of admiration.

Taylor whispered beside Dawson: "Professor Wang's understanding of this music score may have penetrated into his soul! He is really a great musician."

Dawson and Hoffman nodded at the same time, but did not say anything. They just stared at the blackboard without blinking, staring at each note written by Wang Qian.

The same is true for other top piano artists such as Max, Mellon, Malone, etc.

Each of them is a master who has played and studied piano and music for a lifetime, and they know very well that it is very difficult to write down a piece of music as quickly and accurately as Wang Qian.

Even they can't do it.

If you ask them to play a few familiar songs with their eyes closed, they can do it easily, but if you ask them to write down the score of a song so quickly and accurately, they really can't do it.

However, European and American music artists such as Meilon, who had prejudices and boycotts against Wang Qian, still disdained this and felt that it was meaningless to be so fancy.

“There’s no point in showing off!”

A middle-aged man muttered something beside Hans Lawson.

Many people around nodded in approval.

Wang Qian had already quickly written down the first piece of the nocturne, the B-flat minor nocturne. He put down the chalk, turned around and looked at all the quiet people behind him, and said softly: "This piece of music is the first piece I wrote when I was conceiving this series of music. I call this series Nocturne!"

“Because, when I was conceiving, it was a relatively quiet night! My mood at that time was exactly the same as the surrounding environment, so the music I wrote down felt the same way.”

Wang Qian's words had just fallen.

Many people at the scene immediately raised their hands and stared at Wang Qian.

Wang Qian looked at those who raised their hands and said, "If you have questions related to this piece of music and the piano, you can ask them. For other questions, please put them aside for now and wait until I finish my 40-minute talk on the piano."

Next moment!

A small half of the people put down their hands, but the majority, more than a hundred people, still held their hands up.

Wang Qian was used to this kind of situation and had expected it. He pointed at a young man and said, "It's you. Stand up and introduce yourself."

The young man stood up and said excitedly, "Hello, Professor Wang Qian. I am Nick from the Piano Department of the Manhattan School of Music. I like all your piano works very much. What I want to ask is, since you said this is a series. So, I want to ask, how many pieces are there in this series?"

"What are the unifying and special features of this series of songs? What is the unifying core expression? Also, have you completed all the works in this series?"

“That’s the question I wanted to ask, thank you.”

After saying that, Nick, who came from the Manhattan School of Music, one of the world's top music schools, quickly sat down.

He really couldn't bear the tremendous pressure brought by the thousands of strange and oppressive eyes around him, especially since there were many familiar faces among them, and they were people he usually had to look up to.

After just standing up for a minute or two to ask questions, sweat began to appear on his forehead.

Looking at Wang Qian who was standing on the stage casually and easily, Nick felt admiration for Wang Qian for the first time.

Like Hans Lawson, he personally experienced the pressure that Wang Qian was under, and only then did he realize how powerful Wang Qian was.

After Nick asked his question, some people still raised their hands.

Wang Qian did not answer Nick's question immediately. He looked at the people who raised their hands and pointed at a middle-aged man: "You go ahead..."

The middle-aged man stood up and asked, "Professor Wang Qian, can you play this piece? I think it will give us a deeper and more intuitive feeling."

After saying that, the middle-aged man quickly sat down and took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

There were still people raising their hands, but Wang Qian ignored them and said, "I will answer the questions of these two gentlemen first. Of course I can play this piece, so don't worry. As for Nick's question, I don't know how many works there are in this series. Because I haven't finished all of them. For now, I have only completed about three or four. There are still some ideas left, but they haven't been turned into works yet."

"The unified logo and core expression of this series. I won't go into detail about this because I think that those who can come here are all top music artists, or talented students, or enthusiasts who have a deep love and understanding of music art."

"If I explain everything to you in too much detail, I think it would be an insult to you."

“The beauty of music needs you to discover it yourself!”

After Wang Qian finished speaking, he walked towards the only piano on the podium: "Now, I will play this piece of music first."

Sit down gently.

There was a hint of anticipation in the eyes of many people at the scene.

Even people like Hans Lawson and Meilon, who had a resistance mentality towards Wang Qian, couldn't help but show their anticipation.

And many other people who support Wang Qian are even more looking forward to it.


Whether you like Wang Qian or not, you cannot deny the excellence of Wang Qian's works and the wonderfulness of Wang Qian's live performances.

Whether it is a live performance of pop music or a live performance of classical instruments.

In everyone's eyes, it was an absolutely historic performance.

It is a place not to be missed.

If you miss it, it will be a huge loss.


The scene became extremely quiet again.

Everyone cooperated and didn't make any sound, listening to Wang Qian's performance.

Wang Qian sat down in front of the piano, and his whole body became restrained and quiet, just like a quiet night, even the wind was so gentle.

Close your eyes gently.

Wang Qian's hands danced softly on the piano keys like dancing elves.

The sounds flow out one by one, just like a river flowing at night, making people feel that their hearts become clear and quiet.

A soothing, soft and hazy feeling grows in everyone's heart.

It was as if I was in the quiet night described by Wang Qian.

However, there is no overly sad mood, instead there are some beautiful and sweet melodies, as if something wonderful happened in the night.

The rhythm is also very free and romantic, just like chanting a touching modern poem.

Just this performance.

Almost everyone at the scene was mesmerized by it.

Even those who were most critical of Wang Qian would have to admit it at this moment.

Wang Qian's piano playing is truly superb and fascinating!

It has transcended the scope of simple instrument performance and has become a true musical art.

It's easy to bring everyone into a range of emotions...

This level of performance.

In today's world, it is truly unique.

Many other top ten pianists in the world can only perform at this level a few times in their lifetime, and each performance becomes one of their masterpieces.

However, Wang Qian can perform at this level every time.

This is proven once again.

Wang Qian's piano playing level is indeed one level higher than the top ten pianists in the world today.


With the ears and feelings of world-class piano masters such as Max, Dawson, Mellon, and Malone, they can quickly and intuitively feel that the core emotional expression of the song Wang Qian is playing now and the song he played on the world stage before seems to be really consistent, as if it is the prelude to that song.

There are some similarities in the rhythm of the songs...

However, Wang Qian’s performance has just begun, and there are only these two pieces in this series, so it is difficult to make an accurate judgment.

However, there were some surprises in the eyes of Max and Dawson, Taylor, Sophie, Marlon, He Chaohui and others!

Wang Qian's performance continues!

The rhythm is still free.

The quiet atmosphere is still filled with sweet melodies that make people intoxicated.

Wang Qian still had his eyes closed, his hands flowing across the keys, as if he was not playing the piano, but talking to the piano. The sounds of the piano appeared one by one, as if the piano itself was making the sounds.

This kind of harmony is integrated with the piano, and the playing state is indistinguishable from each other.

This is the vigilance that all pianists on the scene are striving for.


There are almost no people who can do it!

Only a few top masters, at their peak moments, have occasionally achieved this, and each of them has become the most classic masterpiece of their lives.

No one else has ever done it.

Among all the piano artists in the entire history of music, there are only a few who can do this, and among the great musicians, only one or two can do it.


Everyone at the scene watched Wang Qian's performance that blended with the piano, while listening attentively to the music that seemed to come naturally. This was the most perfect enjoyment.

Just a few minutes!

To many people, it seemed as if only one night had passed.

When Wang Qian's hands slowly left the piano keys, the music seemed to have a long lingering sound, echoing in everyone's ears.

Many people were stunned for a while.

Wang Qian also sat there quietly, glanced at the audience, then stood up gently and walked to the center of the podium. He just looked at the thousands of people on the scene, staring into the thousands of eyes that had not yet come to their senses, without saying a word.

After more than a minute, most people came back to their senses and woke up from the musical mood.

When the eyes were fixed on Wang Qian, they came into focus, with shock, surprise, and disbelief in their eyes.

Many people at the scene were attending Wang Qian’s lectures and live performances for the first time, so these people felt the most incredible.

Is there really someone who can play music to such a level

There is no doubt that everyone present can see that this piece of music is not difficult at all in terms of pure technique, and everyone present who has learned piano can play it easily.

However, everyone also understands that the more perfectly one can play simple things, the more powerful and incredible they become.

Meilon, Hans Lawson and others stared at Wang Qian with strange and complicated emotions, including admiration, shock and surprise, as well as a hint of resistance and a little bit of fear!

Because Wang Qian's piano playing is so beautiful.

So that scares them a little bit.

This caused them to doubt themselves for a moment, wondering whether they should resist Wang Qian.

If I continue to boycott Wang Qian mindlessly, wouldn’t that go against my own musical and artistic pursuits

So what is the purpose of his life

Is it to pursue musical art, or simply to boycott Wang Qian

Are you living for music, or for Wang Qian

This is a very complex philosophical question.

However, their previous opinions and emotions towards Wang Qian, which were caused by prejudice, began to waver, and Wang Qian's image became more lofty.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Wang Qian bowed slightly to everyone and said with a smile: "This Nocturne in B-flat minor is the first piece of music I composed when I had this idea and feeling! Thank you for appreciating it..."


He hasn't finished speaking yet.

There was immediate applause from the audience.

Max, Sophia and other people from the Juilliard School were the first to stand up and applaud loudly.

Then, Dawson, Hoffman, Taylor and other people from Curtis Institute also stood up and applauded.

He Chaohui, Qin Xuerong, Qin Xuehong and many other members of the Chinese delegation also quickly applauded...


Thousands of people in the audience stood up and gave their warmest applause to Wang Qian.

Wang Qian calmly faced the thousands of pairs of admiring eyes, accepted the warm applause calmly, smiled and said softly: "Thank you..."

The applause lasted for nearly a minute.

Many people's faces were full of admiration.

As the applause gradually died down, everyone sat down one after another, and each pair of eyes looked at Wang Qian with anticipation.

Are we looking forward to whether Wang Qian can continue to bring them such wonderful musical and artistic enjoyment

Wang Qian said again: "Thank you!"

Then, he turned and walked towards the blackboard, picked up the eraser and wanted to wipe off all the notes written on the blackboard, and then continued to write the second song...


Max, who was well prepared, immediately stood up from his seat and said, "Professor Wang Qian, wait! Don't wipe it, we have prepared a replacement for you!"

As he spoke, Max waved his hand hurriedly, and several students from the Juilliard School immediately ran up to the podium, including Sophia, who quickly wrote down the full blackboard and replaced it with a new one.

Wang Qian did not stop them and watched them finish changing.

Max went out with several students and watched them put away the blackboard that Wang Qian had written all over with notes. Then he came back and sat down to continue watching Wang Qian's lecture.