Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 539: 538. You are the worst class of students I have ever taught. (Please subscribe)


Under the watchful eyes of thousands of people in the audience and nearly two billion viewers around the world.

Wang Qian wrote the entire score on the blackboard.


He did not go into as much detail as many expected.

After Wang Qian finished writing the score of this nocturne in E flat major, he turned around without saying a word and sat down in front of the piano with a calm expression.

Under everyone's slightly puzzled and surprised gaze.

He didn't give any explanation or comment on the piece, he just sat at the piano and started playing.


Everyone at the scene had already downloaded the song from the Internet and had listened to it more than once.

Even those artists who study music have listened to it more than ten times, and have transcribed the score themselves, and can play it skillfully.

To many of their musical artists, this song is very simple.


When Wang Qian's hands slowly and gently danced on the piano keys.

The notes floated out one by one, and instantly brought the whole audience back to the quiet night atmosphere created by the previous song.

A poetic mood is created in just a few notes.

Everyone present had a look of intoxication on their faces.

The eyes of those top music artists were filled with shock and disbelief.

Precisely because they had all listened to this piece of music more than once, and had also played and studied it privately, they understood more clearly how huge the gap was between Wang Qian's performance and their own.

As the internet saying goes.

Sometimes, the gap between people is greater than the gap between people and dogs.

To be more precise.

The gap in piano playing art between Wang Qian and the world's top music artists is greater than the gap between them and ordinary people who are tone-deaf.

Only by experiencing it yourself can you truly understand the difference.

There is absolutely a world of difference between the same piece of music played by a beginner and a master.

Now, several world-class piano masters have this feeling when listening to Wang Qian's performance. In front of Wang Qian's performance, they are just like piano beginners.

Dawson said to Taylor beside him: "Professor Wang Qian's piano playing has improved! To be honest, this is very scary. He has reached this level and can continue to improve. This is unprecedented in history. In terms of piano playing skills and level, he can almost be said to be the undisputed number one in history."

Dawson's face was full of admiration and shock, and then he closed his eyes and listened carefully, as if he was enjoying the moment.

Taylor's eyes were also fixed on Wang Qian's figure, not wanting to leave for even a second, as if Wang Qian would disappear if he left for even a second.

Hoffman, who was standing next to him, nodded slightly and said softly, "Today, all the pianists in the world are far inferior to him. In the art of piano playing, he has created a new historical peak! He has set a higher standard for those who come after him."

Several people from Curtis College spoke very highly of Wang Qian.

Of these, most are of course relatively manageable reviews, but some also contain some private messages.

After all, Wang Qian is now also a member of Curtis College.

The higher Wang Qian's achievements, the more honor and heritage Curtis College will enjoy in the future.

Malone also whispered to his daughter Sophie: "He has improved again. He seems to be born for music. Originally, there was a little gap between him and me, and now the gap is even bigger."

Sophie said calmly: "You shouldn't think about the gap, but how to improve yourself."

Hearing his daughter's rude words to him, Ma Long smiled bitterly, sighed that girls cannot be kept away when they grow up, and then continued to listen carefully to Wang Qian's performance!

Meilon, who was sitting in the second row, also had a serious expression on his face at this moment. He stared at Wang Qian, as if he wanted to dissect Wang Qian with his eyes to see what was inside Wang Qian.

This song!

It’s not difficult and everyone has heard it many times.

Listening carefully again to the performance of Wang Qian, the original creator, many people gained a deeper understanding, as if they were hearing it for the first time.

Later, Aisha beside Red said in admiration: "What a great pianist. Uncle Red, I have decided that I must buy a piece of Wang Qian's work for my collection. Even if he cannot become a musical master in the future, the mere fact that his performance level surpasses that of any pianist in history makes all of his works worth collecting."

"Once he becomes a musical master or has higher achievements, all his writings and things will have greater collection value!"

"Uncle Red, I have to say that you have a very forward-looking vision."

Lei De said calmly: "His piano playing is indeed the most wonderful enjoyment. I invested in him just to dig out and collect a national treasure with my own hands."

Elsa nodded in understanding.

In fact, it's not just Red, her father also wants to get a collection of Chinese national treasures in his lifetime.

However, neither of them has been successful so far.

They have been running the collectibles business for many years and have accumulated a fortune in the billions of dollars.

As I got older, I stopped looking at things from a businessman's perspective and started looking at things from a collector's perspective, so I wanted to collect a valuable, world-renowned collection even more.

Such collections basically have owners. They are either collected by super-rich people, who can show them to you but you can't take them away; or they are in national museums of various countries, who can also show them to you, but it is more difficult to get them.

Elsa's father had given up.

However, Red changed his mindset. Instead of purchasing existing world-class national treasures, he tried to explore things that were not yet national treasures but had the potential to be appreciated as national treasures in the future.


Reid now placed his hopes on Wang Qian.

After careful consideration and after listening to Wang Qian's two piano performances live, Elsa had a very high recognition of Wang Qian and believed that Wang Qian would definitely be extraordinary in the future!

But in fact.

She knew that with Wang Qian's current achievements, even if he remained where he was in the future, his things would still have considerable collection value.

You know, Wang Qian is now known as the God of Rock, the world's number one guitarist, the world's number one pianist, and so on.

Wang Qian has almost monopolized the pop music sales charts in various countries around the world.

Such an existence can almost be said to dominate the entire music field of this era, including the fields of pop music and classical music art, which are almost all dominated by Wang Qian!

Such a person has never existed in the history of the world. Naturally, he is qualified to be included in the historical records of countries around the world and become a prominent figure in history books.

Therefore, some of Wang Qian’s things that have special meaning will naturally have considerable value in the future.

Decades ago during the heyday of rock and roll, that number one guitarist was called the God of Guitar by people at the time. The performance guitar he used can now be sold for millions of dollars!

Wang Qian's heritage and value are definitely superior to that of the guitar god from decades ago, right


Elsa made up her mind again and began to plan her upcoming trip to China.

She didn't know Wang Qian's status in China and his literary achievements.

Otherwise, she might recognize the value of Wang Qian more.

A few minutes later.

The second piece of music played by Wang Qian ended again.


Wang Qian still didn't speak.

Many people wanted to applaud Wang Qian again for his wonderful and incredible performance.

However, Wang Qian ignored them. After the performance, he stood up and turned back to the blackboard to continue writing something.

Max looked at him in surprise, then quickly said, "Professor Wang Qian, wait a moment!"

Then, he stood up and waved his hand. Sophia and several students came over immediately, took down all the blackboards that were covered with writing, and put them together with the previous blackboards. Each piece was placed separately to prevent wear and tear caused by collision and friction with each other.

Then, a brand new blackboard was quickly installed for Wang Qian.

Many people at the scene have become accustomed to watching this scene happen again.

After witnessing and listening to Wang Qian's performance again, almost everyone at the scene felt jealous of the Juilliard School's behavior.

Anyone can see that Wang Qian's success is no fluke. His talent and musical level are simply one dimension higher than the rest of the world, and he will surely achieve something in the future.

Then, every word Wang Qian writes at this moment may become a precious historical memory.

Who wouldn't want to own such a precious thing

Even professors and students from top European music schools such as Melon were somewhat envious of the Juilliard School when they saw this scene.

Max smiled and looked at Dawson and Hoffman from Curtis College again, then sat down calmly, like a winner.

Dawson and Hoffman both looked indifferent and expressionless, as if they didn't see Max.

Red in the back whispered, “It would be great to buy a complete blackboard of a piece from Juilliard after this class.”

Elsa shrugged. "I want to, too, but I think it's very difficult, almost impossible. It's said that the Juilliard School made a lot of money recently because of the live broadcast of this lecture, and now they are not short of money at all. And, Uncle Red, what you said just now is very right. If something like this falls into the old-fashioned art school, it will basically be impossible to come out again."

Reid looked regretful.

On the podium, Wang Qian calmly watched Sophia and others change the blackboard, and was about to go to the blackboard to continue writing.

However, many people raised their hands at the scene.

"Professor, I have a question!"

One of them even shouted to Wang Qian, as if he was afraid that Wang Qian couldn't see him.

Dozens of other people also raised their hands but did not say anything, including Hans Lawson, Rodin, and the middle-aged man who had just suggested that Wang Qian play the saxophone.

Wang Qian glanced around and pointed at the young man who spoke: "What's your problem?"

The young man seemed to be a student from a top music school. He stood up and said very quickly: "Professor, you just played two pieces of music in succession. However, you did not explain the details and meaning of them at all... I think..."

The young man hadn't finished speaking yet.

Wang Qian interrupted him and said, "What are you thinking? Since you can think for yourself, why are you asking me? Which music school are you from?"

The young man was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Wang Qian to be so impolite. He subconsciously said, "Eastman College, Hank from the piano department!"

Wang Qian said calmly, "Is this the level of students at Eastman College? Don't they have their own ideas? Can't they think for themselves?"

“Who among those who can come to my class is not a genius?”

"I thought that if I explained it to you in detail, it might be an insult to your talent and genius. Because I believe you can see and figure it out for yourself."

"Now it seems that I overestimated you guys?"

Wang Qian's question made many people in the audience look unhappy.

It’s as if the teacher said in class: You are the worst class of students I have ever taught!

Especially the dozens of people who raised their hands to ask questions just now were blushing.

Hank stood up and lowered his head quickly, saying, "Yes, I'm sorry! I have some ideas, but I want to hear whether they are the same as yours, Professor!"

Many others held their breath, kept a low profile, and then carefully concentrated on thinking about the similarities and inner meanings of Wang Qian's two pieces.


That seems to be the core of it.

Wang Qian's voice spread throughout the audience again: "In fact, I don't plan to give too many explanations in this class. Because you, who are sitting here, are already the most powerful and talented group of people in the field of music and art in the world. If even you need me to give a detailed explanation."

“Then I will be very disappointed with the world.”

Hank's face was pale with shame and he said quickly, "Sorry, sorry, I guess I'm fine now."

After saying that, Hank quickly sat down, not daring to look at the classmates and teachers at Eastman College around him, feeling that he had brought shame to the college.

Max, Malone, Melon, Dawson and other top music artists in the front row felt a little strange after hearing Wang Qian's words.

Because Wang Qian's words were also directed to them.

At the same time, they became more expectant.

If Wang Qian didn’t give a detailed explanation in this class and just focused on releasing new works…


Today's class will sweep the field of European and American music and art.


With the speed and frequency that Wang Qian just played.

In this class, Wang Qian may release five or six works.

If these works truly constitute a successful series.


The world of music and art is about to change!

All the music and art masters present at the event, as well as teachers and students from the world's top music schools, have more or less thought of this information, and for a moment everyone's expressions became serious.

The atmosphere at the entire scene became solemn.


It's like something very sacred is happening here.

Squeak, squeak, squeak…


There was only the sound of the chalk in Wang Qian's hand rubbing against the blackboard.