Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 541: 540. Minority instruments? Tribal instruments? (Subscribe please)


Everyone in the audience was instantly excited again.

Those who support Wang Qian are looking forward to his wonderful saxophone performance.

As for those who still have some resistance to Wang Qian in their hearts, they hope that Wang Qian will be in trouble at this time, and it would be best if Wang Qian could be ruined!

Hans Lawson and the middle-aged man who suggested that Wang Qian play the saxophone both stared at Wang Qian nervously.

There were many people at the scene who actually knew nothing about the saxophone. Many had never heard a saxophone performance, and some even heard of this instrument for the first time today.

In this world, the saxophone is not one of the more popular instruments and is considered a niche instrument.

The discussions in the audience finally appeared again.

"It finally started. I've wanted to see him play the saxophone for a long time. Whether he succeeds or not, I think he will fail in the next two instruments. Because no one can do it..."

"It may not necessarily fail. Maybe he will choose someone he is familiar with to choose the instrument?"

"That's shameless."

"Can music and art be taught to be shameless?"

"Anyway, I'm going to raise my hand later, and I'm going to take out the musical instrument from my hometown and let him play it. I don't believe he can play the musical instrument from our hometown. Only a few people in our hometown can play this kind of instrument. No one else in the world can play it..."

"Haha, I think so too. I'll raise my hand too. I'll also take out the musical instruments from my hometown and let him play them."

"Let's take a look at his saxophone performance first!"

“To be honest, this is the first time I know about the saxophone.”

“If he can play a complete song on such a niche instrument, it will be considered a success.”

"Indeed, his piano playing is almost the best in history. We can't be too demanding of him..."

"Man, we're not the ones who are being harsh on him, he's the one who says we're all garbage..."

In the audience, everyone who knew Wang Qian was filled with worry.

Max, Dawson, Hoffman, Taylor, Qin Xuerong, Qin Xuehong, Juliet, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, He Chaohui, etc.

A pair of eyes full of worry looked at Wang Qian.

He Chaohui asked her daughter Jiang Yu, "Have you ever seen him play the saxophone?"

Jiang Yu frowned slightly and said truthfully: "I haven't seen it! But he didn't say he couldn't do it."

Murong Yue nodded: "Well, he is so talented and can play so many instruments, it is normal that we don't know about him."

He Chaohui smiled bitterly and said, "Our Central Conservatory of Music is so big, but there are no more than five people who can play the saxophone! As for saxophone players who can play their own music, there is currently no one. There may not be many such people in the entire Chinese music industry..."

Sisters Qin Xuerong and Qin Xuehong were filled with worry after hearing this, but looking at Wang Qian's calm and confident expression, they were inexplicably full of expectations for Wang Qian.

It seems that Wang Qian has never let them down.

On the podium.

After Wang Qian finished speaking, he let the people at the scene discuss for a while, then looked at Max and said, "Professor Max, can you find me a new saxophone instrument?"

Max immediately stood up and said, "Of course no problem, I'll arrange it for you right away."

As one of the top classical music schools in the world, Juilliard School naturally has most of the musical instruments. Although the saxophone is a niche, it is not that niche in the field of classical music. There are courses specifically designed to teach this instrument at Juilliard School.

Max personally got up and went to arrange musical instruments for Wang Qian.

Wang Qian looked at everyone in the audience, still with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile: "It just so happens that we have time now. So, how about we decide on the next instrument first?"

Everyone at the scene was slightly stunned, and then the atmosphere became high again.

In an instant, thousands of hands were raised high.

Even among the top art masters and top wealthy celebrities in the front and middle rows, several raised their hands and expressed their desire to participate in the project.

The most people raised their hands in the middle and back rows.

Almost everyone Wang Qian knew raised their hands.

Qin Xuehong and others, Dawson and others from Curtis College, as well as Sophie, Marlon, Jennifer, etc., and Liu Shengnan, Chen Xiaowen, Yu Jingruo and others behind!

They all raised their hands and stared at Wang Qian expectantly.

Everyone wants to be chosen by Wang Qian and then propose the name of the next musical instrument to Wang Qian.

At this moment, the whole world is paying attention to this class, wondering what Wang Qian will choose.

The television images transmitted this scene with incredible clarity to every country and region in the world. Basically, it could be seen wherever there was a television signal.

Far away in Los Angeles.

The main members of the World Championship program team had not left yet and were still in the conference room, thinking about watching the whole class to see if Wang Qian could replicate the miraculous ratings of the World Championship.

And seeing this scene where everyone raised their hands.

The voice of the North American representative immediately rang out in the conference room: "He will definitely choose someone that the program team has arranged in advance, and then propose an instrument project that they have agreed on in advance!"

"I think we might be able to do something about this."

The North American representative said with a hint of coldness in his tone.

He still couldn't accept that Wang Qian could attract so many people, maintain such high popularity, and have such strength and talent, almost flawless!

It would be a great pleasure to destroy such a perfect work of art with your own hands.


Oni immediately said, "Be calm. Don't forget that we are still partners with the program crew and TV station. We will continue to cooperate on the next new program. Moreover, the advertising share of the world game has not been settled with us yet. If you fall out with them now, it will definitely affect our subsequent cooperation!"

If it is a script that the program crew, TV station and Wang Qian had discussed in advance, then exposing it now will inevitably affect the subsequent profit. For a commercial TV station, if you affect their profit, then you are the enemy who killed your father. You don't know when the next time will be, and you will definitely lose more.

Zhou Qinghua’s status in the program team has risen a bit now, so he said: “I don’t think this is a script that Professor Wang Qian and the TV station had discussed in advance. He is an artist, he would not do such a thing.”

The North American representative said disdainfully: "Aren't there enough cases of artists cheating?"

Zhou Qinghua said calmly: "Those you said are not artists. Professor Wang Qian is a true artist! He didn't even want to go to this class, and there was no need to cheat."

The North American representative scoffed, "So, you're saying that he really can play all the instruments? Do you think that's possible?"

Zhou Qinghua asked in return: "Who said this is impossible?"

Although Zhou Qinghua also felt that this was impossible, his current position was on Wang Qian's side, so he would firmly support Wang Qian.

International cooperation certainly makes money, and his status in China will also rise a lot, and he has become the number one variety show director in China. If it weren't for the fact that he didn't have any TV or film works, he might have been hailed as the number one director in China.

Therefore, he always knew clearly that his base was in China and his success depended on Wang Qian.

He will never shake his foundation!

Wang Qian!

Chinese market!

This is his greatest foundation.

It is also his firm foundation.

The North American representative said angrily: "If even God can't do it, how can Wang Qian do it?"

Zhou Qinghua still said firmly: "Because, he is Wang Qian! We just have to wait and see."


The North American representative snorted coldly and stopped talking.

He knew that there was no benefit in falling out with Zhou Qinghua now, so he just stared at the TV screen, trying to find evidence that Wang Qian's choice of musical instruments was based on a pre-arranged script.

On the TV screen.

Wang Qian looked at the thousands of people who raised their hands, and then glanced at the people in the front row. He looked at a man in the middle who looked like a minority by his hair, skin and clothing. He pointed at the middle-aged man with dark and rough skin, who looked like a tribal chieftain. "Sir, please stand up and tell me what instrument you want to hear me play?"

The middle-aged man who looked like a tribal chief stood up and looked at Wang Qian in surprise: "Professor, are you calling me?"

Although this middle-aged man who looked like a tribal chief was from a minority ethnic group and was not so fond of European and American instruments such as the piano, he was also impressed and shocked by Wang Qian's piano performance just now, so he sincerely called Wang Qian "professor" to show his respect for Wang Qian.

Everyone in the audience looked at the person who was lucky enough to be chosen by Wang Qian, and all their eyes were filled with surprise.


Almost everyone at the scene knew him.

Many people in front of the TV also know him.

In the Los Angeles office, many people in the World Championship production team knew him, including the North American representative.

Everyone who knew the chief was surprised and puzzled.

The same was true for the North American representatives and others. Only Zhou Qinghua didn't know the man. He looked calm and just waited for the follow-up. Seeing that the others looked strange, he asked curiously, "Who is this man? Do you know him?"

The North American representatives were silent, looking unhappy and seemingly deeply shocked.

Oni looked at Zhou Qinghua and explained, "He is the famous Indian music artist Ononga! Professor Wang Qian chose him, which proves that he definitely did not cheat with the program team."

Zhou Qinghua was surprised and asked curiously: "Why?"

Oni said softly, "Ononga has been famous for more than ten years and has been committed to the development of Indian culture! But he has never been very successful. At the same time, he is a real music artist, with an Indian band under his banner, and he often participates in performances! In the past, several TV shows invited them to perform, and the bid was very high, but they were required to cheat and create some program effects to increase the ratings and attention."

"But they all refused! Ononga said he would never make money by deceiving people. These things are well known in the North American TV circle!"

Oni glanced at the North American representative.

Since it was a well-known fact in the North American television circles, the North American representative naturally knew about it as well, which was why his expression was not so pleasant.

Just now he swore that Wang Qian would definitely cheat and that it was a pre-scripted program effect...

In the blink of an eye!

Ononga stood up and slapped him in the face.

If he still insists on his previous statement, insisting that Wang Qian and Ononga were in collusion.

That was really him slapping himself in the face, he couldn't even say that.

Because Ononga is really well-known in the North American television circle.

Previously, because of false hype, Ononga had a falling out with several TV program crews, and many gossip media reported on it.

Those TV stations naturally wanted to do some false packaging and hype about Ononga's Indian identity and the band to increase attention and topics, and then find some celebrities to join in the hype, and have verbal attacks with Ononga, etc., so as to cause conflicts and attention, and then they would definitely make a lot of money.


Ononga firmly disagreed, so he sued a TV station that had signed a contract with him, and eventually paid compensation to the other party because he did not fulfill his obligation to cooperate with the publicity...

It is impossible for such a person to collude with the TV station to cooperate with Wang Qian in acting.

At the same time, Ononga Indian traditional music has also achieved considerable success in the field of classical music art. It has been performed in many places over the past few decades and has been recognized by many music art masters.


They have never had any good classic representative works, so they have not attracted much attention worldwide.

at this time.

There was silence at the scene, followed by heated discussions.

"It's Ononga. This guy is not easy to deal with."

"This at least shows that Professor Wang Qian did not collude with the TV station."

"Let's see what Ononga comes up with. It will be fun if it's an Indian instrument. There are only a few people in the world who can play Indian instruments, except for his Indian band!"

"Indian musical instrument, hahaha, not bad, maybe Wang Qian can play it?"

"Haha, I just watched the show. His piano playing really shocked me, but I can't say anything about the other things..."

Many people at the scene looked like they were waiting for a good show, and at the same time they were puzzled as to why Wang Qian chose Ononga, who was obviously a representative of an ethnic minority. After all, the traditional musical instruments of ethnic minorities are generally very niche. Even among their own people, only a very small number can play their own instruments, and it is even more difficult to find anyone from outside who can play them.

Wang Qian has always lived in China and has never been abroad since he was a child. The first time he went abroad was to Los Angeles to participate in the World Championships. This shows that Wang Qian has never been exposed to Indian culture...

Many people who know and support Wang Qian were filled with worry.

Wang Qian looked at the middle-aged chief and asked curiously, "Yes, I am calling you. Because you stand out among everyone, it is difficult for me to ignore you. So, what is your name?"

Surrounding me are many high-end European and American people wearing formal suits or dresses, with fair or dark skin.

In the middle there is a middle-aged man with rough and reddish skin, who looks like a tribal chief. It is hard not to see him!

Ononga smiled innocently and said, "Thank you professor for choosing me. My name is Ononga, and I come from an Indian tribe in South America!"

Wang Qian nodded to show that he understood, and then asked, "So, what instrument do you want me to play as my second instrument?"

The scene, which was bustling with discussion just now, instantly returned to silence.

Thousands of eyes were on Ononga.