Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 543: 542. I don’t even know what I’m going to play! But it can shock the world! (Please subscribe)


It's obvious.

All the audience at the scene, as well as all the viewers around the world watching the live broadcast on TV, could see that Wang Qian was debugging and testing the sound of this brand new saxophone instrument on the spot.

Many professional masters in the fields of classical and popular music present at the scene felt powerless to complain at this moment.

Today's Wang Qian really made them feel helpless.

Several saxophone masters could see that Wang Qian was obviously very unfamiliar with this instrument.

Meilong quietly asked a saxophone master he knew behind him, "Mr. Rick, what do you think of his saxophone?"

Rick was wearing a suit and sitting in the third row with a calm expression. When he heard Meilon's question, he said in a slightly cold voice, "He looks like an apprentice who just picked up the saxophone."

Rick simply gave what he thought was a true evaluation and then stopped talking.

Meilong shrugged and said softly, "Maybe he just wants to have fun."

Rick said calmly, "The saxophone isn't that fun."

After hearing this, several top music artists around felt that Wang Qian was a little ridiculous, and there was obvious strangeness in their eyes when they looked at Wang Qian.

If Wang Qian's piano performance just now had not been so amazing, they would have been unable to resist getting up and leaving.

It is really too much of a joke to play a new piece of music you composed on a completely unfamiliar instrument in a live class.

Looking at the appearance of Wang Qian, a novice, it doesn't seem like he has the potential to create works in the early days!

Therefore, many music masters felt that Wang Qian was making fun of them!

As for…

Ononga brought up the panpipes!

They even feel that this is an insult to the art of music.

On the podium!

While adjusting the sound of the new saxophone, Wang Qian said softly: "In fact, I haven't touched a saxophone for a long time. So I'm a little rusty. Some saxophone players may be able to see it."

There were some chuckles.

"Wang Qian, if you can't do it, forget it!"

Someone started to cheer and shout.

However, no one showed up, so I didn't know who shouted.

Only a few people like Hans Lawson knew that it was the middle-aged man who suggested that Wang Qian play the saxophone who shouted.

Wang Qian glanced at her and continued, "Of course you won't just let it go. I am a man of my words. This instrument is very exquisite and very good. Doesn't it further illustrate the point I just made by using an unfamiliar or even completely unfamiliar instrument to play your own music?"

"As long as you master the trunk, it will be very easy to branch out!"

"In fact, I haven't created any pure saxophone music. I still haven't decided what I want to play with this instrument."

There were bursts of discussion and laughter at the scene.

"It's funny, he seems to be telling a joke."

"Haha, he can change his career and become a talk show host. He successfully made me laugh."

“I have no idea what he’s doing.”

"Prove what?"

"Come down!"

"Just skip this step and continue playing your piano. Don't ruin the perfect image you just created with the piano."

“I wonder, what can you play on the saxophone?”

"Maybe a nursery rhyme?"

Wang Qian ignored the mocking voices and tried to play the saxophone twice more. He became more and more familiar and proficient, like a veteran. He then said to himself, "The essence of music is the expression of emotions. I will use this saxophone to play out the deepest emotions in my heart in the past two days for everyone to hear!"

"I don't know what this piece of music is called, and I don't even know a single note of it right now!"

"Because... I didn't have any notes or rhythms in mind at all!"

Wang Qian's words spread throughout the venue and the world.

The discussions at the scene quieted down.

All pairs of eyes were still staring at Wang Qian.

Music is an expression of emotions. This is the view that Wang Qian has always insisted on and is recognized by many music masters. Wang Qian has also achieved this perfectly.

Whether it is classical music or pop music, Wang Qian has done this perfectly.

Each piece of work must have emotions so rich that they are almost overflowing, and be able to infect everyone who hears it.


What is Wang Qian going to do now

The whole audience fell silent.

Wang Qian seemed to be sitting there alone, tuning the instrument for another minute, then tried to play it a bit, and said with a smile, "It barely fits my idea. So, shall I start?"

The scene is still quiet!

No one spoke, and no one tried to talk to Wang Qian.

It seemed that talking to Wang Qian would destroy the weird atmosphere at the moment.

Under everyone's gaze.

Wang Qian gently picked up the saxophone with both hands, came to the center of the podium, gently closed his eyes, put the saxophone to his lips, and played it softly, pressing the syllables with both hands...

Then, a slow and sad piece of music sounded in the auditorium, instantly attracting everyone's ears and evoking some inexplicable sad emotions in their hearts.


All the classical music masters, pop music masters and big-name singers who understood music took a deep breath, making the already quiet scene even more deserted, and stared at Wang Qian with wide eyes.

Just these few notes at the beginning successfully infected everyone.

Saxophone master Rick sat up straight, staring at Wang Qian with sparkling eyes, and kept muttering in a low voice: "This is impossible, this is impossible. This is impossible..."

Rick seemed to have seen the most incredible thing.

Meilon in front of him also frowned and stared at Wang Qian with wide eyes, extremely shocked.

Although Meilon didn't know much about saxophone, he could understand that Wang Qian was not playing randomly and the performance was very good, maybe even not worse than the last time he listened to Rick's concert!

That is to say…

After just an opening, Meilon felt that Wang Qian’s playing level was not inferior to that of saxophone master Rick!


How is that possible

Meilon didn't believe it at all, so he stared intently at Wang Qian's movements and listened to the music he played, trying to find the flaws.

The others also stared at Wang Qian in disbelief.

Max and other people from the Juilliard School, and Dawson, Taylor and other people from the Curtis School were all so excited that they almost couldn't help but applaud.

He Chaohui and other members of the Chinese delegation were so excited that their faces turned red. Qin Xuehong, Qin Xuerong, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue and others clenched their fists tightly with excitement, and there were even traces of tears brewing in their eyes.

In the middle area, many people were speaking similar words.

"God, this is impossible."

"I don't believe this is true."

"Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible..."

"Is the production team playing pre-recorded music? I don't believe it."

“Is this fake?”

Many people don't believe that the music they hear is real.

Because this is really incredible.

Everyone could see and confirm that Wang Qian was really unfamiliar with the saxophone.

However, Wang Qian can really produce such wonderful live effects.

Most importantly…

All the classical music masters present at the scene could tell from the first few notes that they had never heard of this piece of music before.

With such a catchy prelude, if they have heard it, they will never forget it.

This shows!

Could this song really have been composed by Wang Qian himself

Or was it something Wang Qian created just now on the spur of the moment


As I quickly thought of all of this, all the sounds disappeared again, and silence returned.

No matter whether they believe it in their hearts or not, the most important thing now is to listen to Wang Qian's performance.

In the production crew's office far away in Los Angeles, everyone was shocked.

"God, it seems like he can."

"What kind of existence have we missed?"

“He is like a musical god.”

"Is he really playing live? Is there any other equipment?"

"We should maintain cooperation with him at all costs..."

Zhou Qinghua stared at Wang Qian, who was concentrating on playing the saxophone, with his eyes slightly widened, and murmured in a low voice: "What on earth did I bring to the world?"

Thinking that Wang Qian was discovered by him from China and brought to the world, Zhou Qinghua felt proud and shocked, and he still found it hard to believe that this was true.

He knew that Wang Qian had influenced the development of all music fields in the world, and it was no exaggeration to say that he was the leader in the development of music in the world today.

And he, the program director who discovered and introduced Wang Qian to the world, can be said to have indirectly or directly influenced the development of world music!


Perhaps, he can also go down in history along with Wang Qian

A bright smile appeared on Zhou Qinghua's face.

The copyright representatives from other countries fell silent at this moment. They didn't know what to say and did not continue to argue with Zhou Qinghua, as that would seem stupid.

As for the subsequent ratings

They feel that none of it matters anymore.

In the face of such a genius, data can no longer reflect his status and importance.

In fact.

At this moment, there is also a heated discussion on social platforms in countries around the world.

Because there are really too many points to complain about and argue about in Wang Qian's class today.

On European and American social platforms, there was almost shock and praise at this moment.

“He actually plays the saxophone?”

"Very nice saxophone, better than any other saxophone piece I've ever heard."

“Is that a saxophone solo?”

"What is the name of this piece of music? Was it really composed by Wang Qian himself?"

"I think Wang Qian is like the god of music. He is a god."

"Now I just want time to pass faster. I want to see if he can play the instrument called pan flute."

"I'm sorry, I just thought he was bragging, but now I'm kneeling down to watch the live broadcast. He is really invincible."

“I want to ask, who in the entire history of music can do this?”

"So, he really has mastered the essence of music, so he can freely derive and master other instruments? That would be really cool."

On several major social media platforms in China, there was unanimous praise.

"Isn't Professor Wang too awesome?"

"Look at those foreigners, they are all terrified."

"I just thought that Professor Wang was fooling everyone, but it turns out that he is really awesome. Professor Wang is awesome..."

"If Professor Wang says it can be done, then it can really be done..."

"I said Professor Wang is now the world's number one musician. Who agrees and who disagrees?"

on site!

Wang Qian was still standing in the center of the podium, his ten fingers moving flexibly, and the music from the saxophone floated across the scene and entered everyone's ears.

The scene is even quieter at this moment!

No one spoke, not even anyone breathed loudly, for fear that their breathing would disturb the music coming from the podium.

The music is melodious and clear, and an extremely clear and lingering emotional mood enters everyone's heart, making everyone feel a little sad, but also with some sunny expectations!

It’s like the feeling when you are about to go home, sad, excited, and expectant!

Many people, listening to the music played by Wang Qian, felt homesick and wanted to go home immediately to meet their family members and see everything familiar at home...

A few minutes passed in a flash!

A burst of excited and rapid voices seemed to foreshadow the excitement of going home, or as if Wang Qian was showing off his skills.

Then there was another slow and melodious sound...

Slowly ending.

Wang Qian took a deep breath and then opened his eyes. He took the saxophone away from his lips with both hands and looked at the still silent scene without saying a word. He turned around and took two steps to the podium. He put the saxophone back into the box, then looked calmly at everyone present, still without saying a word.

This peaceful and harmonious scene lasted for more than ten seconds!

Everyone looked at Wang Qian, recalling the melodious and clear saxophone sound just now.

Wang Qian stood on the podium, looking at everyone quietly without saying a word.


Many people in the audience quickly came to their senses. They were all even more shocked, and their eyes looked at Wang Qian with even more energy.

Snap, snap, snap…


It rang directly.


It was the saxophone master Mr. Rick in the third row who stood up first and clapped vigorously with a slightly excited look on his face. He even raised his hands above his head to applaud, expressing his recognition and support for Wang Qian's saxophone performance.

Many people at the scene knew the saxophone master Mr. Rick.

After all, compared to the piano, the saxophone is an extremely niche instrument, and the group that learns it is very small. So there are very few saxophone masters in the world, only two or three, and each of them is a well-known figure in the field of classical music.

Unlike piano masters, there are probably dozens of piano masters in the world, and each of the world's top music schools must have several world-class piano masters.

Therefore, it is normal to meet an unknown piano master.

However, masters of small instruments like Rick are absolutely well-known and can almost be said to be one of the representatives of this instrument.

So, at this moment, many of Rick's people in the audience were shocked to see the saxophone master stand up and applaud, and then everyone else quickly stood up and applauded.

after all!

The existence of one of the few saxophone masters in the world has been recognized in this way.

Who dares to look down upon them

Thousands of people quickly rose to their feet.

Thunderous applause exploded again.