Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 544: 543. You have grasped the truth of music! You will become the greatest music artist! (Please subscribe)


Many people at the scene were very excited.


In the eyes of many of their professionals.

Everything that is happening to Wang Qian now is incredible and a miracle.

Among all those who are studying music here, who hasn’t started learning since childhood? Who hasn’t studied for decades, or even a lifetime

Who doesn't spend at least a year and a half to master a musical instrument? Some performers even spend several years, decades, and even their entire lives on this effort.

Who would have said before that someone could master a musical instrument to the level of a world-class master in just a few months

That will definitely be ridiculed!

But now, it was happening right here, in front of everyone’s eyes.

Even the saxophone master Rick stood up and applauded excitedly, completely shattering everyone's doubts.

Max, Dawson, Hoffman, Taylor and other teachers and students from Juilliard and Curtis Institute all clapped their hands vigorously, their faces flushed with excitement.

Meilon, Rodin, Hans Lawson, and the middle-aged man who suggested that Wang Qian play the saxophone, all applauded. Although their clapping was not as loud as that of the others, they still expressed their acknowledgement, and there was some shock in their eyes.

Elsa and Red raised their hands high and clapped vigorously.

Aisha stared at Wang Qian on the podium with sparkling eyes, and said loudly to Red: "Uncle Red, I have decided, I want to join the bidding! I must buy the masterpiece you mentioned. I have never seen a musical genius like him, he is like God, omnipotent."

Reid calmed down a bit, but his face was also a little flushed, and he was obviously very excited. He smiled and said, "You can bid, but we are family, don't bid maliciously, that will only benefit others."

Aisha calmed down and said in a low voice: "I haven't met the person you mentioned yet. But I'm afraid she is also a connoisseur, or a fan of Professor Wang Qian. Then, no matter how high the price we offer, she won't sell it..."

Reid was silent.

In fact, he knew that Liu Shengnan must be an admirer of Wang Qian and must understand Wang Qian's work better. After all, it was a Chinese poem and calligraphy work, and the Chinese people certainly liked it more and understood the beauty of it better!


If they want to acquire it, they will have to spend a higher price.

Reid stared at Wang Qian, looking at the young professor who remained calm in the face of applause from thousands of people. He made up his mind again to get the painting "Xia Ke Xing" from Liu Shengnan, no matter how high the price was. Even if it cost him half his life savings, or even if he had to sell half of his collection, he was willing to do it!


Reid was sure of it.

One hundred years later.

Wang Qian's calligraphy works are definitely one of the most valuable works of art in the world.

No matter how much you invest now, it is worth it.

"This piece of music is so beautiful, so nice that I can't imagine that he made it up on the spur of the moment."

Green, who was beside Christine, was speaking excitedly and incoherently.

Christine's hands were shaking as she clapped. As the most talented pop singer in North America before Wang Qian, she knew how incredible what Wang Qian was doing was. Her mind was still a little dazed at the moment, and she didn't hear what Green said at all. In her mind, there was only the image of Wang Qian playing the saxophone, and the clear, melodious, and slightly sad music...

Many pop singers and musicians around were also amazed.

“It’s really nice to hear.”

"Is it really a song he wrote on the spur of the moment?"

"He said that this was not written on the spur of the moment. Because when he was playing, he didn't have a specific tune, he just played according to the emotions in his heart. It's amazing."

"The magical Chinese people, the magical power of the East."

“Could it be that he really has grasped the true meaning of music?”

Many pop musicians are influenced by Wang Qian's works and are most impressed by his musical creation ability and emotional appeal.

Every pop song of Wang Qian can become popular all over the world. The core is that every song, every piece of music, and every line of lyrics have a strong appeal that can make everyone who hears it unable to help but move along with it.

In other words, Wang Qian really does what he says, using music to express his emotions and infect everyone's emotions!

That's all!

It's simple to say.

However, every professional knows that this is the hardest part.

Every writer says that the core of writing is immersion, and as long as the reader can be immersed in the book, then it is a success. However, only a few can do this.

Every film director also says that the core of a film is also emotional substitution. As long as the audience can put themselves into the role of the film and generate emotions, then it is a success. There are also very few people who can do this!

The same is true in music.

Wang Qian has now achieved this almost perfectly.

The audience's enthusiastic applause lasted for more than five minutes.

Wang Qian waved his hand, signaling everyone to stop, and the applause gradually stopped.

But as soon as the applause stopped, arms were quickly raised.

This time, more people raised their hands, more than half of the thousands of people raised their hands.

Even many top music and art masters and world-famous wealthy people in the front and middle rows couldn't help but raise their hands, hoping that Wang Qian could answer some of their questions.

Wang Qian glanced around and saw that almost everyone he knew was raising their hands.

People like Max, Dawson, Hoffman, Taylor, Malone and others in the front row raised their hands, hoping to be selected.

The Chinese delegations at the back all raised their hands...

Hans Lawson, who had just talked with Wang Qian, and familiar faces such as Ononga also raised their hands.


Wang Qian saw an old man in the third row with a red face, almost half of his body standing up, arms raised high, looking at him eagerly.

Wang Qian remembered him because he was Rick, the first person to stand up and applaud.

Wang Qian immediately extended his hand to Rick and said, "Old man, please go ahead and speak."

Everyone looked at Rick curiously and lowered their arms, curious about the conversation between Rick, the real saxophone master, and Wang Qian.

Rick stood up, looking excited, and introduced himself first: "Hello, professor, my name is Rick. I have played the saxophone for more than 50 years, but I am ashamed in front of you."

Wang Qian was surprised. He didn't expect that the person he casually called was a saxophone master

What a coincidence.

Wang Qian smiled and said, "Mr. Rick, you don't have to say that. You are a true saxophone master and you know more about saxophone than I do. I am definitely not as good as you in some saxophone playing techniques. But you may not be as good as me in understanding music. What do you want to ask me?"

Everyone at the scene fell silent after hearing Wang Qian's words.

Because, if it was before this, if Wang Qian said such words to Rick, he would definitely be ridiculed and looked down upon, and people would think he was bragging.

But now no one thinks so.

Because Wang Qian proved this with real actions.

His understanding of music is indeed above all the masters of musical art present here, perhaps even higher by more than one level.

Even Rick himself did not feel displeased after hearing Wang Qian's words. Instead, he felt that this was the fact.

With a smile on his face, he was happy to be able to talk directly with Wang Qian, and quickly said, "Professor, what is the name of your piece? Do you have the score?"

Several saxophone players at the scene were listening carefully, looking forward to Wang Qian's answer.

The saxophone has been around for hundreds of years and is considered an instrument with a relatively rich history.

However, up to now it has not been truly known to the general public. Many people do not know about this instrument, and even some people who know about it do not know what it is used for.

The fundamental reason is that, so far, saxophone has not had a classic work that is popular all over the world and lasts forever.

There are many saxophone works handed down over the past hundreds of years, but they are all typical classical music works, circulated only in the field of classical music, and only known by very few people who like classical music works.

All saxophone players hope to promote the saxophone instrument throughout the world!

However, no one has achieved this in the past hundred years.


Several saxophone players at the scene, as well as some saxophone players from all over the world, seemed to see hope.

They all saw that the saxophone piece Wang Qian had just played had a trend towards becoming a popular piece in the world. Compared with the classical pieces they had been playing before, it sounded much better and had much stronger emotional appeal.

All saxophone players and people who like saxophone looked at Wang Qian with a hint of enthusiasm and expectation.

Wang Qian looked at Rick and said while thinking, "In fact, I still don't have a name for this piece of music. I just suddenly thought of playing it and haven't even written down a single note on the score. So, I'm sorry, I can't answer you for now."

There was no disappointment in Rick's eyes, but a more passionate look. He said, "Professor, then, can you win Saxophone and play another song?"

Everyone at the scene stared at Wang Qian.

Wang Qian smiled faintly and said with regret, "I'm sorry, Mr. Rick. My time today is very limited. I may not have time to continue playing the piece on the saxophone. Next, I will continue to explain the piano, and then play a piece on the pan flute brought by Mr. Ononga."

"So far, I know nothing about pan flutes."

Rick's expression darkened for a moment, and then he said, "Sorry, I went too far."

Wang Qian said calmly, "No need to apologize, I understand your feelings. The saxophone piece I just played was an outlet for my recent emotions. Emotions are expressed in any music. Each instrument has its own unique timbre and range. As long as you understand the essence of music, understand which timbre and notes are more suitable for expressing which emotions, and then combine them in a suitable way, it is a work of art."

“This is how I create… it’s so simple!”

Wang Qian's words once again made all the classical and pop musicians present smile bitterly.

Each of them understands the truth, and can even explain it more and more deeply than Wang Qian.

But who can really do this

Very simple

No one at the scene dared to say that.

But Wang Qian said so.

They didn't dare to stand up and refute, even though each of them felt offended.

Wang Qian looked at Rick and continued, "Mr. Rick, what did you hear just now? What did you think of?"

Rick thought about it and said, "I thought about my family, and I had an urge to go home!"

The others quickly nodded, agreeing with Rick's statement.

“I also thought about going home.”

"Yes, I thought of my wife and children. Today is over. I want to go home and spend a few more days with them."

"I feel like crying because my father just passed away..."

Wang Qian also nodded: "Yes, you are right. This trip to Los Angeles is the first time I have been away from China for so long. So, I have been wanting to go home early recently. I vented the emotions in my heart through the saxophone, and now I feel much better."

Rick said solemnly: "Professor, you are a true music artist, or you will become the greatest music artist in the future. Because you have seen through the essence of music and grasped all the truths of music in your hands!"

Rick's words shocked the top music artists in the front rows, as well as many big-name producers and singers in the pop music circle in the back.

This is the highest praise Wang Qian has received in the field of classical music so far.

Moreover, this is a sincere evaluation from a saxophone master.

This also represents the recognition of the mainstream classical music circles in Europe and the United States.

After all, Rick has a high status in the European and American classical music circles. He also graduated from the Vienna Conservatory of Music, and his position can explain some issues.

Even Meilon and others beside him were shocked for a moment when they heard his words, but they quickly regained their composure.

Although, Meilon and others do not quite agree with Rick's high evaluation of Wang Qian.

But they knew that now was not the time to refute!

Meilon glanced at another musical instrument on the desk, a pan flute that even he had never heard of, and looked forward to Wang Qian's next performance.

Others such as Max and others from the Juilliard School, Dawson and others from the Curtis School, and everyone in the Chinese delegation, all recognized this and immediately applauded.

The applause quickly spread throughout the audience and lasted for more than ten seconds. With Wang Qian's intervention, it slowly subsided.

Wang Qian looked at Rick who had already sat down and said, "So, I'm going to name this saxophone piece "Go Home". Fortunately, my memory is pretty good, so I'll write out the score now, and those who like it can practice it."

After hearing Wang Qian's words, there was applause again.

Most people agree with the name Huijia. Although it is not so classical, it is easy to understand.

Max quickly waved to Sophia and others from the Juilliard School, and the others immediately understood and went on stage to replace the blackboard for Wang Qian. They collected all the notes Wang Qian had just written again, and at the same time looked forward to the notes of the saxophone works that Wang Qian would leave next!

Max looked proudly at Dawson and other people from Curtis College, then looked at Wang Qian again, his eyes full of shock and pride, as well as a hint of admiration!

Even Max began to admire Wang Qian a little at this time.

Because Wang Qian is proving himself that he is truly omnipotent in the world of music.

Dawson, Hoffman, and Taylor all saw Max's eyes.

Hoffman said calmly: "Max must be very proud now!"

Dawson nodded. "Yes, these pieces were all performed and released for the first time by Professor Wang Qian. Therefore, the notes he wrote at the Juilliard School are the first drafts of these pieces. In the future, when Professor Wang Qian becomes a great musician, or perhaps even more so, these will be invaluable collections!"

Taylor's eyes flickered, and he murmured in a low voice: "Maybe I can find my father and try to buy these blackboards from Juilliard School!"