Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 554: 553. How much is the value of an artist's work that can represent an era? (Subscribe please)


The moment when Lao Xie stood up and spoke Chinese!

The program director quickly shouted backstage: "Notify the Chinese translator at the station immediately and start simultaneous interpretation immediately!"

Because the protagonist of this live broadcast is Wang Qian, and Wang Qian is a native Chinese, although he also speaks fluent American English.

However, the program crew still made some preparations in advance. What would they do if Wang Qian spoke Chinese during the live broadcast

Prepare simultaneous interpretation in advance!


The moment when the program director called out.

All the viewers in front of the TV heard the simultaneous translation and understood what Lao Xie said.

It’s just a pity that the simultaneous interpretation was not delivered to the lecture site.

This is because the Juilliard School rejected the arrangement of the program team and said that there was no need for on-site simultaneous interpretation.

The people who came to the scene were all top music artists, and everyone claimed to be a top cultural figure. Most of them knew several languages, and felt that listening to the simultaneous interpretation was an insult to them...

So, some people who know Chinese at the scene could understand it, but they were only a very small minority. After all, Chinese is known as the most difficult language to learn in Europe and the United States, almost without exception.

There are very few Europeans and Americans who can master Chinese. Even among the many top European and American music artists at the scene, most of them have learned Chinese and can only use a few daily expressions. Only a few can really understand what Lao Xie says.

Dawson was not polite and asked Taylor beside him directly: "Taylor, what did he say?"

Taylor translated it and finally said, "I know this old man."

Dawson was curious: "Oh? You know him? Who is he?"

Dawson knew that the Chinese people Taylor knew were not ordinary Chinese, but were definitely at the top of the Chinese circle in North America.

Taylor whispered, "He was a friend of my grandfather. I met him several times when I was a child. Until now, our family and their family still have some cooperation. My father and his son often meet..."

Dawson nodded his understanding and did not delve into it further. It was enough for him to know that this person was also one of the Chinese consortiums behind North America.

Chinese financial groups in North America are more low-key than Jewish financial groups, and of course, their development scale is far less than that of Jewish financial groups.

Dawson frowned and said, "So, he wants to talk to Professor Wang about literature?"

Taylor shook his head. "I don't know, but I know that this old man is a crazy fan of Chinese classics. His family has collected many authentic literary works of ancient Chinese people, and he spent at least hundreds of millions of dollars on this."

A collection worth hundreds of millions of dollars

That’s a lot!

Dawson said regretfully: "In this case, this music class is completely over! Max and the others may not be in a good mood right now."

Taylor and Hoffman both smiled slightly.

Wang Qian started the journey of preaching for the music master. Naturally, they did not want Wang Qian's journey to leave too many traces at Juilliard School, as that would bring too many benefits to Juilliard School.

Max and other senior executives of the Juilliard School were indeed in a bad mood at the moment.

Of course, they hope most that Wang Qian can complete the entire journey of preaching as a music master at Juilliard School, and leave all traces of the entire musical art of preaching intact at Juilliard School. Then, Juilliard School will hopefully become a holy place in the field of classical music and art in China and the United States in the next few decades.


Now it's completely over.

When the topic shifted to literature, they knew there was no going back.

Several people from the Juilliard School turned around and looked at Lao Xie with unfriendly expressions.

Old Xie ignored the various looks around him, only looked at Wang Qian and continued, "So, I, an old man, shamelessly hope that Professor Wang can leave a calligraphy work here for our Xie family! I am willing to give Professor Wang anything..."

Old Xie’s words quickly spread throughout the world.

Many people at the scene understood it, and those who didn't understand asked people around them, and soon they were able to understand the general meaning.

All of a sudden, the audience at the scene and around the world were amazed and started talking about it.

The biggest explosion happened on Chinese social platforms.

"This old Xie is so proud that he asked Professor Wang for a piece of calligraphy in front of so many people? Doesn't he know the value of Professor Wang's calligraphy?"

"Last week, I heard that a wealthy man was looking to buy Professor Wang's calligraphy again. He offered a price of five million for one of his paintings, but no one has sold it yet."

"Five million? Haha, do you know that painting, The Knight's Journey? A super-rich man offered 20 million to buy it, but was rejected."

"To be honest, the poem "Xia Ke Xing" is a real treasure. It is my favorite poem so far, no doubt about it. Whenever I feel bad, I read it and it makes me feel refreshed!"

"As far as I know, the collectors and wealthy people in China are all praising Professor Wang's works. All works of Professor Wang are priced at less than five million yuan, and those first-run unique works are priced at tens of millions."

"You want to buy Professor Wang's authentic copy of The Knight-errant for 20 million? You're dreaming! This work will definitely be a national treasure in a hundred years. I'm writing this as proof!"

There was also a lot of discussion at the scene.

Murong Yue said bluntly: "Why should I give Professor Wang's calligraphy to him?"

He Chaohui glared at Murong Yue and said, "Don't say anything. This Mr. Xie is not an ordinary person!"

Murong Yue said "oh" and shut up.

Sisters Qin Xuerong and Qin Xuehong did not speak either, because they roughly knew the identity of this old man Xie. Perhaps he was from the North American Xie family that they knew.

This is a patriotic overseas Chinese family that has never stopped providing assistance to the country for decades.

In the past, the Qin family had some cooperation with the Xie family. Although there is less cooperation now, there are still some private contacts.

Therefore, Qin Xuerong and Qin Xuehong knew that given Mr. Xie's status, it was reasonable for him to ask for a calligraphy work by Wang Qian. It just depended on whether Wang Qian himself was willing.


Red and Elsa widened their eyes, full of envy and jealousy.

Aisha: "God, is he just asking for Professor Wang Qian's work so straightforwardly? If it were me, I would definitely not give it to him."

Red sighed, "He should agree. Wang Qian is quite tolerant towards Chinese people. It's a pity that we can't get this most meaningful masterpiece."

As Elsa comes from a family of art collectors, she also knows that if Wang Qian wrote something on such an occasion, it would definitely be of great historical significance.

It is not only Wang Qian’s masterpiece after he conquered the world in North America, but also his literary masterpiece that opened the way for him to become a musical master in the field of music art!

Either of these two meanings is enough to engrave this work in history books so that future generations will know about it.

And now that the two important meanings are combined together, it has great representative significance!

Maybe this is the national treasure that both Elsa and Red desire...

Both of their eyes were a little red, and they stared at the back of Lao Xie who was standing in front of them.

They knew that once this valuable collection fell into the hands of the Xie family, they would not be able to buy it back with money, and it would have nothing to do with them forever.

The two of them felt as if they had lost the whole world.

Christine, Green and others were also disappointed.

Green: "I thought I had a chance to get a piece of Professor Wang's work."

Christine: "I also want to have a piece of his calligraphy and painting. I learned from Huaxia that he is now the greatest calligrapher and writer in contemporary China, and also the greatest music artist... His works are sought after collections by many people."

"Of course, I don't care how much his work is worth, I just want to have one of his works."

Green nodded: "Of course, me too! If I could, I would pay 10 million dollars for his work."

Both of them are people who don't care about money.

Unfortunately, they knew that even if they spent money now, they could not buy Wang Qian’s truly representative works.

Their eyes looked forward, also full of desire.

Many discerning wealthy people and celebrities at the scene looked at this scene with envy. They all wanted to have a work of Wang Qian to put in their own private collection.

Wang Qian, who was sitting on the podium, tapped his fingers lightly on the table. He looked at Old Xie and asked calmly, "How old are you, Old Xie?"

Old Xie, who was standing there, was very nervous. When he heard Wang Qian's culture, he immediately answered like a student answering a teacher's question: "Seventy-five..."

The young woman sitting next to Old Xie hurriedly supported her grandfather's body: "Grandpa, don't get excited."

Old Xie reached out and pushed his granddaughter's hand away, then stood up straight on his own.

The young woman sighed helplessly and looked at Wang Qian with amazement and admiration in her eyes. She was only three years younger than Wang Qian, but compared with Wang Qian, she was really nothing.

Wang Qian stared at Old Xie and could see that Old Xie had the unique character of a Chinese scholar. In addition, he grew up in North America and could still speak fluent Chinese. Wang Qian admired him very much and said, "I can agree to your request!"

The scene that had just been quiet suddenly became lively again.

Old Xie also bowed to Wang Qian excitedly: "Thank you, Professor Wang..."

As he spoke, Old Xie took a suitcase from his granddaughter and walked towards the podium with steady steps.

The people around looked at Lao Xie with envy in their eyes.

“He actually agreed.”

"God, if I had known I would have told you so."

"I want it, too."

"Professor Wang is really easy to talk to. How about I try again later?"

"I heard that Wang Qian is now China's top writer and calligrapher, and the world's top music artist... His works are very collectible."

"Oh, I regret it!"

The one who regretted the most was Mark, who had just stepped down from the stage and sat down not long ago.

Mark then remembered the detailed information he knew about Wang Qian...

It is no exaggeration to say that Wang Qian is the world's number one literary and artistic figure!

How could the works of literary and artistic artists who represent an era not have collection value

Mark's private collection includes many treasures, including a national treasure-level collection worth hundreds of millions of dollars. It is a representative work of one of the top three painters in European history. He bought it at an auction for 130 million US dollars. It is his most proud collection.

And now, as he watched Old Xie walk onto the stage, he suddenly felt that his collection, which was worth 130 million US dollars, was not so attractive...

With Wang Qian's current achievements, the value of his works in a few hundred years will definitely be higher than his current collection of calligraphy and paintings.

after all…

Wang Qian is now almost a super artist who can represent this era.

In the ancient history of all countries in the world, no literary or musical artist has ever reached the level of such a person representing an entire era.

Therefore, Wang Qian's works are more representative of history and have collection value.

Mark narrowed his eyes and looked at Old Xie in his mind, thinking about visiting the Xie family after a while and trying to see if he could buy this work.

Of course, he knew that it would be impossible to buy it simply with money.

When it comes to a consortium’s level of existence, money has no practical meaning and is just a string of numbers. What really matters are the resources and voice that are controlled!

Therefore, if he is willing to give up enough benefits and voice to the Xie family.

He believed he could still get it back.


He still had some doubts in his mind.

Is this really worth it

Old Xie walked up to the podium step by step, came to Wang Qian, looked at him with respect, smiled and said, "Professor Wang, I like your calligraphy very much. I asked my granddaughter to find all your public lectures and calligraphy videos in Hua Xia on the Internet, and she will practice copying them when she has time."

"Among all your poems, my favorite is the one you wrote before leaving for the Magic City!"

"Kill one person every 10 steps, and leave no trace in a thousand miles. It sounds exciting enough."

Old Xie was like a fan of his idol. Facing Wang Qian, he excitedly expressed his love and opinion of Wang Qian's works...

Wang Qian nodded: "Thank you."

Old Xie stopped talking nonsense and gently opened his box. Inside were the pens, inks, paper and inkstones that he had prepared in advance. Each one was carefully prepared by him and was better than the ones he usually used.

Old Xie skillfully and gently placed the items neatly on the desk, ground ink for Wang Qian himself, and said softly, "Professor Wang, I only hope to collect a copy of the Chivalrous Ode written by you personally."

He really liked the poem "Xia Ke Xing".

He also secretly sent people to try to acquire the original copy of Xiake Xing from Liu Shengnan.

Unfortunately, it also failed. Even though he instructed to offer a price of tens of millions of dollars, it was rejected.

He knew that the other party was determined to keep it for himself, and no amount of money would be of any use.

So, he gave up.

This time, he hoped to ask for a copy of "Xia Ke Xing" written by Wang Qian himself.

In this way, even if he died suddenly, he would have no regrets.

Although this is not the first chivalrous poem written by Wang Qian, its representative significance is much weaker and its value has naturally dropped significantly.

However, he didn't care about these, he just simply liked Wang Qian's calligraphy and this work.

Everyone at the scene stretched their heads to look at the scene on the podium.

The program team also thoughtfully projected the image on the table onto the wall behind so that everyone could see it clearly.

Wang Qian saw Liu Shengnan and the others looking at him from behind, smiled at them, and said softly, "Mr. Xie, I'm sorry. There is only one copy of "Xia Ke Xing", and I won't write another one."

Old Xie, who was grinding ink, was stunned for a moment, then a little disappointed. He was about to say that it would be OK to publish other works before writing about Wang Qian...

Wang Qian spoke again.