Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 556: 555. The most valuable music and art course in the world! The first person in music and art? (Subscribe please)


Everyone who understood what Lao Xie said was shocked!

This evaluation is too high!

Everyone present looked at Lao Xie and Wang Qian!

Looking at Wang Qian’s extremely young face, it was so incongruous.


Many upper-class people from China thought about it carefully and suddenly realized it!


What Mr. Xie said might be true.

after all.

Every poem and verse that Wang Qian has published over the past six months is a rare masterpiece. Even when compared with the masterpieces handed down from ancient literary masters, they are not much inferior. Some are even better and have reached the level of masterpieces handed down from ancient times.

Just relying on these poems and lyrics that are not inferior to the masterpieces handed down by the ancients, Wang Qian is actually enough to be famous for all time, and it is only a matter of time before he becomes a figure who can be compared with those great writers of all time!

At the same time, the calligraphy font created by Wang Qian has now been recognized by most masters in the calligraphy world. Many calligraphy masters are famous for learning Wang Qian's calligraphy, which has attracted more people to recognize and learn.

Therefore, it can now be almost confirmed that Wang Qian is the only contemporary master of calligraphy who has established a school of his own, and the only one in the past few hundred years!

Such calligraphy masters are rarer than great writers in history.

There are several great writers in every dynasty.

However, there are no more than one master calligrapher who founded a school of calligraphy in the entire history of China. They are even rarer than great writers, and their status and influence exceed that of many great writers.

The works of great writers are passed down from generation to generation, but they will not affect everyone.

However, once calligraphy is recognized, everyone will learn it, and its influence will be even deeper and wider.

And as Lao Xie said.

There has not been a single person in ancient China who has achieved immortal fame in both fields for thousands of years...

Of course, for a great writer of this level, his calligraphy is naturally not weak, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is one of the best in the world. However, he can only be regarded as a master of calligraphy, not a grandmaster who founded a new school of calligraphy.

So to speak.

Wang Qian's current achievements have made him the greatest figure in the history of Chinese literature.

In the future, when Wang Qian is older, he will produce more good works and have a wider influence...

It seems that it is only a matter of time before he becomes the greatest figure in Chinese literature!

Thinking about this...

Everyone at the scene who understood what was said took a deep breath.

Many Chinese viewers sitting in front of their TVs outside the stadium also took a deep breath of cool air, affecting global temperature changes...

This was the least expected by the many music masters at the scene.

The Chinese music artist they witnessed, who was about to become a music master, was actually the first person in Chinese literature? He might even become the first person in literature throughout the ages

If we add the achievements in music and art, does this mean that he has truly dominated the entire literary and art world

Moreover, it not only dominates the literary and artistic circles in Western China, but also dominates the entire world literary and artistic circles


Even after Mark understood this, he took a deep breath and looked at the figure standing on the podium who was much younger than himself. The figure became so tall that even he, who was always arrogant, couldn't help but look at him as a senior, and his eyes became full of respect, admiration, and fanaticism!

If you could collect a representative work of this super artist who may dominate the world's literary and artistic circles in the future, how much would it be worth after hundreds of years


Even with Mark's wealth and knowledge, he could not estimate the value of the work Wang Qian was writing on the podium at this moment.

He has seen all the top art collections in the world, including masterpieces by several top oil painting masters from the European Renaissance, each of which is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.


In his opinion, the representative works of those oil painting masters may not be comparable to Wang Qian's current works.

After all, those masters were just some of the representatives of the Renaissance, and none of them truly dominated an era.

At this time, Wang Qian not only dominated an era, but also dominated the world's literary and artistic field, and his works were popular all over the world.

Such an existence has never appeared in the history of the world.


Hundreds of years later, the value of Wang Qian's works may far exceed the masterpieces of today's top oil painting masters.

Mark looked at Lao Xie with even more burning eyes, and he made up his mind that he must pay any price to get the work that Wang Qian gave him.

The assistant beside Mark whispered, "Sir, I think the price is too high if you want to buy this work."

Mark said calmly, "How much do you think it will cost?"

The assistant whispered, "He won't sell it no matter how much money you offer. As far as I know, the Xie family also has assets worth tens of billions of dollars. They can't compare to you, sir, but they are not short of money. They have been developing in the family's hometown for hundreds of years and have close relationships with many politicians. They are not short of money. It is basically impossible for you to buy it with cash."

"But if you use your resources to exchange for it, you will lose a lot. The resources you have now are all high-quality technology stocks, and there is a lot of room for appreciation in the future. It is not worth spending too much to exchange for a piece of Chinese calligraphy art with limited value in a short period of time."

The assistant analyzed the situation rationally.

Mark's eyes were still fixed on Wang Qian, Lao Xie, and the painting. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it and the more he wanted to get it. He said firmly, "Whether it's worth it depends on whether I want it! I want it very much now, so no matter how high the price is, it's worth it."

The assistant looked a little helpless, then said, "But, sir, you may not be the only one who wants this work."

Mark looked around, and then said confidently: "Yes, they all want it. But I will definitely defeat them."

Elsa and Red at the back had also agreed that they must contact Lao Xie later.

Aisha said with a look of heartache: "Such a collection with huge potential actually passed by us..."

Red said regretfully: "Let's see, talk to Lao Xie later, maybe there will be a chance!"

Both knew the chances were slim.

The main problem is that the Xie family is not short of money.

On the podium.

Wang Qian felt a little embarrassed after hearing Lao Xie's praise, but he still picked up the brush and slowly left his signature under the poem.

Then he put down the brush and said, "Mr. Xie, you are too serious. I am still young and have a long way to go."

Old Xie also knew that what he said just now was too excited and too much, so he smiled and said: "I believe that Professor Wang, you will definitely surpass what I said in the future. You are the pride of all of us Chinese..."

Wang Qian looked at the many eyes on the scene, and the pressure became even greater. He waved his hand gently to fan the air a little to make the ink on the paper dry faster, and said: "This work is given to you!"

Old Xie turned around and nodded to his granddaughter Xie Fanghua. Xie Fanghua hurriedly stood up and walked over excitedly. She bowed to Wang Qian and said thank you respectfully. Then she walked forward and slowly collected the papers on the desk, put them in the box, and said to Wang Qian: "Professor Wang, I will use the best materials to assemble the watch when I go back."

Wang Qian nodded, said nothing more, and watched the grandfather and grandson of the Xie family leave.

Immediately, everyone at the scene raised their hands again.

This time!

Without exception, every single one of the thousands of people in the audience raised their hands.

Whether it was the many top artists and top wealthy celebrities in the front row, the many college representatives in the middle area, or the social elites in the back row, they all raised their hands.

Everyone understood what had just happened and what Wang Qian had just given.

That is a national treasure that may be worth hundreds of millions of dollars in the next few hundred years.

Wang Qian just gave it away in public!

Who wouldn't want such an opportunity

Who doesn’t want to have such a high-end collection in his or her collection room

Even Taylor, Sophie, Jennifer, Miyuki Nakamori, Maou Chiba and others raised their hands... hoping to get a piece of Wang Qian's work to treasure.


Wang Qian put his hands behind his back and looked at everyone. He did not choose one person to interact with, but looked at everyone and said, "Sorry, everyone. Let's end today's class here. I'm a little tired. I don't want to continue... I think I have covered enough in today's class, right?"

Wang Qian's words disappointed everyone at the scene.

I am not only disappointed that I can no longer listen to Wang Qian’s performances and lectures, but I am also disappointed that I have lost the opportunity to get Wang Qian’s handwritten calligraphy works…

But Wang Qian said it was over.

Then the people at the scene couldn't say anything and could only obey.

The next moment.

All raised hands were lowered.

Then, applause gradually broke out and immediately spread throughout the audience.

Everyone gave their warmest applause to Wang Qian, and the thunderous applause lasted for a long time.

Everyone present recalled what had happened during Wang Qian's lecture and was slightly shocked. They became even more excited and the applause became even more enthusiastic.


The value of this class is that it is the best class that all the musicians present have ever taken in their lives.

Even Wang Qian’s last lecture at Curtis College was ranked second at this moment and was not as valuable as this one.

Because in this class, Wang Qian did not give detailed explanations or nonsense. It was all high-quality artistic creation, and on-site demonstrations of how to learn an unfamiliar musical instrument in a short period of time. This greatly broadened their horizons and understanding in the field of music and art, and was enough for them to study and research for a long time.

Many middle and upper-level music artists now have a deeper understanding of music art. What has troubled them for a long time seems to be about to be solved. They look at Wang Qian with more respect and truly regard Wang Qian as a teacher who guides them forward.

Teachers and students of all famous music and art schools have also benefited greatly from this.

Many top music artists and wealthy celebrities know it.

From today on, Wang Qian becomes the number one in the world of music and art, which is undisputed and unstoppable.

More and more people's musical and artistic paths will be influenced by Wang Qian. When they make breakthroughs in the future, they will be more grateful to Wang Qian, which will also increase Wang Qian's status.

The applause became even louder.

It continued for several minutes again before gradually subsiding.

Max and others from the Juilliard School quickly took action.

Max said, "Everyone, the academy will hold a cocktail party tonight, and everyone who attends the class will be automatically invited."

The cocktail party in the college is almost a routine. No one present was surprised and most people said they would go.

However, Wang Qian had no time and no interest in participating, as they had already booked flights back to China that evening.

After the lecture, Wang Qian packed up his pan flute, saxophone, and the therem.

The saxophone still has to be returned to the Juilliard School.

Ononga had already given the panflute to Wang Qian, who also liked it very much. He also recognized and appreciated Ononga as an Indian music artist, so he planned to keep it.

Wang Qian will definitely return the Tremqin to Mark.

"Professor, can you give me an autograph?"

An anxious voice sounded.

Wang Qian raised his head and gave a bitter smile.

A long queue had automatically formed under the podium. There was no end in sight and it extended all the way to the exit. I had no idea how many people there were.

The person standing in the first place was Sophia, an opera student at the Juilliard School whom Wang Qian knew.

Wang Qian looked at Sophia in surprise, wearing the school uniform. She was a little stunned. That kind of European classical beauty came to him. He asked softly, "Didn't I sign it for you?"

Sophia felt embarrassed by Wang Qian's gaze. She lowered her head slightly and said with a blushing face, "Professor, that was your signature before the lecture. I would like to get another one after the lecture. It would be more meaningful, okay?"

After Sophia finished speaking, she looked at Wang Qian expectantly, her eyes full of anticipation.

Wang Qian looked at Sophia, and then saw the many expectant eyes and faces behind him, including some familiar faces he had just remembered.

Because, Ononga and Mark were among them, and it was impossible for him not to remember these two people.

There is also Mr. Xie’s granddaughter Xie Fanghua.

And there are more familiar faces behind...

Max walked up to Wang Qian and whispered, "Professor, if you don't want to sign, you can refuse and leave immediately. The college will make arrangements..."

Wang Qian thought for a few seconds, then nodded and said, "Signatures are fine. However, there are only 100 people. Let the people behind leave!"

Max nodded: "Okay, I'll arrange it right away, Professor!"

Max was standing in front of Wang Qian at this moment, and he also appeared to be very low-key and respectful, as if he was facing an elder teacher, and addressed him as professor.

But you have to know that Max is already in his seventies or eighties, and he had previously achieved the achievement of being one of the top ten piano masters in the world, but now he faces Wang Qian like a student.

This shows how influential Wang Qian’s class is.

After listening to the conversation between Wang Qian and Max, Sophia breathed a sigh of relief. She handed the prepared notebook to Wang Qian with a smile on her face and said hopefully: "Professor, can you write the same Chinese characters you just wrote? You write so beautifully, I like it very much..."

Wang Qian asked, "Are you talking about Chinese calligraphy?"

Sophia nodded quickly. "Yes, Professor! Your Chinese calligraphy is so beautiful. It would be my greatest honor to get your autograph."

Wang Qian did not refuse. This is also one of the channels to promote Chinese culture to the world.

However, it was impossible for him to write a hundred signatures with a brush; that would be too tiring.

He was already very tired today and couldn't hold on any longer, so he said, "Okay. But only the first ten will have it, there will be no more after that."

Sophia jumped excitedly, like a little girl who had found a treasure, and said excitedly: "Okay, Professor! You are the greatest musician in the world."

Wang Qian smiled and waved to Old Xie: "Old Xie, can you lend me your four treasures of the study?"

Old Xie was still sitting there thinking about the poem Wang Qian had just written. When he heard Wang Qian's words, he quickly came over again with the box, personally placed everything in it for Wang Qian, and then just stood beside Wang Qian without leaving.

For him, being able to watch Wang Qian write calligraphy up close is the most enjoyable thing.

Sisters Qin Xuerong and Qin Xuehong also quickly came over to help Wang Qian.

The people queuing up for autographs were all very excited when they heard that the first ten people would get Wang Qian’s calligraphy…

But after ten, there were no more, and everyone's face was filled with disappointment.

Especially Mark...

He happened to be in the eleventh...