Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 560: 559. Tens of millions of North American fans signed to keep him! (Subscribe please)



The topic that most people around the world are discussing is Wang Qian's upcoming return to China, followed by the subsequent impact of this class at the Juilliard School.

On North American social platforms, many people have expressed their opinions on this.

"Is Wang Qian from China going back to China? I am a little reluctant to let him go, even though I spent millions of dollars to see his live performance in Los Angeles. However, I hope to continue to see his performances, which are really wonderful. After he returns to China, I may not be able to see his performances anymore."

"Why didn't Wang Qian, such an outstanding historical art genius, stay in North America? Can you think of a way to make him stay?"

"Looking at Wang Qian's expression, it's clear that he doesn't want to stay in North America and can't wait to go home."

"I watched his music and art class in its entirety, and for the first time I discovered how attractive music and art are. I heard that he will continue to give lectures after returning to China. Can the TV station continue to broadcast live?"

"Is it possible for Congress to issue an executive order to allow Wang Qian to stay in North America?"

"Hiss, delete this right now! Issuing an executive order to keep an artist? This has never happened in the history of the world, and it's even more impossible now."

"New York is the largest city in North America and the most prosperous metropolis in the world. If New York can't keep Wang Qian, then there is no way Wang Qian can stay here."

Many North American fans who like Wang Qian's works have expressed their desire for Wang Qian to stay in North America so that they will have more opportunities to watch Wang Qian's performances in person in the future.


It was obvious that Wang Qian didn't want to stay, and there was nothing they could do.

In China, the news that Wang Qian is about to return to China has topped the hot topic list on major social platforms, with hundreds of millions of people participating in the discussion across the entire network.

"Wow, wow, wow, I've waited so long that Professor Wang is finally going home."

"Professor Wang, don't keep your wonderful performance abroad. Hold a few concerts when you return to China to give your fans who support you a good time..."

"Hahaha, I've already used my connections to reserve a seat for Professor Wang's lecture at the Central Conservatory of Music. I can't wait."

"Everyone, Professor Wang is about to return home. Should we go to the airport to meet him?"

"No, Professor Wang doesn't like fans picking him up at the airport. That would disrupt public order."

"It's a pity that Professor Wang left a piece of poetry and calligraphy abroad. I wonder if there will be a chance to bring it back in the future..."

"I am waiting for Professor Wang to release his first album after returning to China. I am not interested in classical music, but only in his pop music album. Now I am only looking forward to Professor Wang's music."

"Professor Wang is returning to China, so Liu Shengnan, Ru Ke, Chen Xiaowen and others will all return to China, right? They will definitely release new works together. It's so exciting."

"Professor Wang, please come back and continue writing Romance of the Three Kingdoms. I read Romance of the Three Kingdoms every day, but I never get to the end. It's so frustrating. Please hurry up..."

Various celebrities, internet influencers and famous people have all participated in the discussion about Wang Qian.

Many celebrities and famous people expressed their welcome to Wang Qian's return to China.

A famous singer: "Professor Wang has returned to China. I really hope to have the opportunity to ask Professor Wang about music."

A famous actor: "It's a pity that I can't go to North America to see Professor Wang's performance, but I will definitely not miss Professor Wang's performance when he returns to China."

After Evan and Diana said goodbye to Wang Qian, they quickly took the program crew back to discuss with the group.

However, the group attached great importance to this cooperation, and the TV station boss quickly called Evan.

Boss directly asked: "How is the discussion with Wang Qian?"

Evan said seriously: "Boss, this is our first meeting, and it's not going well. There's a huge gap between our conditions and their requirements."

Boss said in a serious tone: "Tell me about the situation."

Immediately, Evan told his boss about the conversation he had just had with Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong.

The boss on the other end of the phone was also silent.

Even in his position, it was the first time he saw someone opening his mouth so high.

However, he did not refuse angrily.

Because he had just held a video conference with the board of directors of the media group’s headquarters, and determined that the focus of cooperation for the entire media group would be on Wang Qian!

Wang Qian will be the strategic center of the entire media group in the future.


This collaboration.

It must be negotiated.

Moreover, the deal must be concluded as soon as possible without giving other media groups any chance.

Wang Qian's popularity remains unabated, and he has a huge and tempting profit chain. All corporate groups related to the entertainment industry are watching Wang Qian, and they all want to get a piece of the pie from him.

However, they have not taken any action yet and are still investigating more detailed information.

They had been cooperating with the world competition production team before, so they were close to the water and could act faster.

But if they cannot reach an agreement quickly, other media groups will not give them the opportunity for one-on-one contact, and it may quickly turn into a capital war.


The situation could get out of control.

Once Wang Qian was persuaded by others.

They would lose Wang Qian, the trump card that would push them to become the world's number one TV station and the world's number one media group. However, the party that could cooperate with Wang Qian would have the opportunity to become the world's number one in the future.

For media groups, this is a lifeline.

After a moment of silence, the boss said seriously, "We can give them a portion of the copyright, but not half. We would lose control of the program. Moreover, we can't give them half of the copyright and then give them dividends or copyright fees."

Evan smiled bitterly and said, "Boss, they said that these three conditions are the most basic and they will not make any concessions. If we don't agree to any point, they will not discuss other details with us."

All right.

Boss was silent again, and said with a wry smile: "Well, you and Diana come back as soon as possible, and we will go to the group's board meeting and discuss it together."

Evan: "Boss, it's best to finalize the cooperation within three days. They said that after they return to China, they will give a class at the Central Conservatory of Music within a week. This is another class that the whole world is paying attention to. If we miss it, the subsequent cooperation will become incomplete."

Evan wanted to make a documentary about Wang Qian's artistic journey, so he didn't want to miss any of Wang Qian's public lectures and performances.

Therefore, if you miss this class, even if you can continue to broadcast other public lectures live later, that class will be missing, making the entire documentary incomplete.

In particular, this lesson is related to Wang Qian's journey to becoming a musical master, which has special significance.

The boss didn't think about the meaning behind it, but felt that if he missed it once, he would lose a lot of money, so he said: "Okay, I will convince them within three days."

Evan: "Diana and I will go back first, and the others will handle the follow-up matters here."

Boss: "Okay!"

Los Angeles!

The world competition program crew had disbanded at this time. Instead of watching the subsequent highlights on the live TV screen, they all left to deal with their own affairs.

The North American copyright representative did not care about the late time. Instead, he followed his promise and quickly contacted the media reporter he was most familiar with. He sent the apology statement he had written to Wang Qian to the other party, asking it to be published in a newspaper tomorrow. This newspaper was the famous Los Angeles Times!

After Zhou Qinghua left the meeting room, he sent a brief message to Wang Qian to explain the situation, and then asked again if there was any possibility of cooperation!

From the perspective of interests, Zhou Qinghua certainly still hopes that Wang Qian can continue to cooperate with the program team on new programs. He doesn't care at all that the program team will lose control of the program. Anyway, he is not the controller of the program team. He only cares about whether he can make more profits.

Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong returned to their hotel room to rest and pack their things.

Everyone else also went back to their rooms to prepare to return home.

Wang Qian sat on the sofa and casually looked at the information about himself on the Internet.

Qin Xuerong packed up her things and then checked her phone messages. She said to Wang Qian, "Director Zhou said that the production team will publicly apologize to you and ask if there is any possibility of cooperation. He said that the production team is willing to agree to all our conditions as long as you are willing to cooperate."

Wang Qian lay on the sofa, resting his head on Qin Xuerong's calves, and shook his head gently, saying, "Forget it. I'm not very interested in variety shows now, so let's turn it down. As for the apology, they can apologize if they want to. I won't comment on it."

Wang Qian knew that European and American copyright representatives were boycotting and suppressing him, but he didn't care.

In the face of absolute strength and talent, those petty actions are meaningless.

It is impossible for them to give up their huge interests, nor is it possible for them to risk a worldwide boycott to forcibly hack Wang Qian's ranking and championship, so it is impossible for them to stop Wang Qian's progress.

So, now Wang Qian no longer cares about it.

He also knew that he was lucky as he happened to encounter the first world competition, and the production team did not dare to do anything too extreme.

If it was a long-established show, they might have used tougher and darker methods...

Qin Xuerong nodded and continued, "Just now, Lao Xu said that a North American institution suddenly made an offer to Qian Qian Jingting, directly giving a valuation of $100 billion. They are willing to invest $20 billion and buy 20% of your shares. He used his connections to investigate the information behind it and found that it might be a fund under Mark."


Wang Qian thought of Mark's rebelliousness during the lecture just now, and his intention to deliberately embarrass himself, and immediately shook his head: "Reject... Continue with our plan, Qianqian Jingting will not raise funds for the time being."

Although the sudden valuation of $100 billion was too scary, it actually met Wang Qian's expectations.

Even if we succeed in expanding into the international market in the future, the number will be around this level.

However, Wang Qian still refused.

He didn't want Mark to join his company.

Given Mark's strong personality, if he were allowed to join the game, there might be a lot of trouble.

Qin Xuerong: "Also, ByteDance said that Feiyue has just received a new offer, also with a valuation of 100 billion US dollars... It is the same institution that contacted Lao Xu, and it should be Mark's fund... ByteDance said that it hopes to complete the contract with us as soon as possible..."

Wang Qian nodded: "Okay!"

Having said that, Wang Qian opened Feiyue and started today’s live broadcast.

As soon as the live broadcast room opened, millions of viewers poured in instantly, and then millions more viewers came in every second.

In the blink of an eye, the number of viewers exceeded 10 million, reaching tens of millions, and in less than a minute it reached hundreds of millions...

Such popularity and appeal are unique in the world.

The comments in the live broadcast room were so dense that it was difficult to see clearly, and the reward messages never stopped.

"Professor Wang, watching you play the piano is such a treat this week. It's a pity that I don't have the chance to see you perform live."

"Professor Wang, some people say you are the greatest musical genius in history. Do you think that's true?"

"Is there any need to doubt this? Wasn't what Professor Wang showed in today's class enough? He deserves the title of the greatest musical genius in history!"

"Professor Wang, when will you return to North America?"

"Professor Wang, when you return to China, don't forget our fans in North America who support you. I am your loyal fan and will follow you all my life."

"Professor Wang..."

Wang Qian casually glanced at the densely packed comments and said softly, "Thank you to all my friends who support me. After I return to China, I will have very little time to broadcast live, please forgive me. Maybe I can only broadcast live once a week, or even less."

Many viewers expressed their disapproval.

"Professor, is it because of China's network problems? Oh my God, I can't imagine my life without your music and without being able to see you!"

"Professor, don't go back to your country. North America welcomes you to stay. Everyone wants you to stay."

"Professor, check out the news on Facebook and Twitter. Millions of people across the United States have signed a petition hoping you will stay. There are just as many people supporting you here as there are in China..."

"professor… "

Wang Qian took a look at the information and happened to see these few messages, and was surprised.

Qin Xuerong also noticed it and immediately opened Facebook with her mobile phone. She immediately saw the news of the number one trending topic, which was a signature poll initiated by a North American internet celebrity who became famous for his cover songs: "I am a loyal fan of Professor Wang. I spent all my savings of the past ten years to watch his performances, but I have no regrets. I like every song of his and every performance of his. He drives me crazy."

"When I think about him going back to China, I feel heartbroken. I am launching another campaign, hoping that those who stayed behind by Professor Wang will sign below. No duplication is allowed."

"I'll be the first one!"

Then, the cover singer was the first to reply and wrote down her name - Catherine...

Below are signatures so dense that you can't see the bottom line. According to the numbers on the webpage, more than 30 million people have left their names here...

Qin Xuerong showed the message to Wang Qian, then clicked on the message on Twitter.

There is also another ordinary fan who is not a celebrity and has launched a signature campaign to retain Wang Qian, and the number of signatures is as high as tens of millions!

Qin Xuerong's eyes were full of surprise.

This was the first time she had seen a signing event of this scale.

And their purpose is to keep Wang Qian.

Wang Qian took a look and paid attention to the live broadcast room again. The number of people online had exceeded 200 million!