Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 561: 560. Music artist, calligrapher, writer, singer... (Please subscribe)


I have been live streaming on Feiyue for a while.

Although Wang Qian's popularity is exaggerated, it is shockingly stable.

Each live broadcast has at least 200 million viewers online, and the audience comes from all over the world, not just from a specific region.

This is an important reason why all capital in the world is extremely fond of Feiyue and Wang Qian.

Wang Qian’s fans and audiences are not fixed in a specific group or region, but are of all ages and distributed around the world...

Wang Qian looked at the number of people online. He was used to it. He was touched by the tens of millions of fans in North America who signed for him. He said sincerely to the camera: "Thank you to all the fans in North America. I feel your enthusiasm and sincerity towards me."

"However, I may still have to refuse your sincere request to stay. I'm sorry, but I have already booked a flight back home. I can't stay in North America forever."

"Of course, don't be too sad, because in more than a month, I may come to Los Angeles again. Yes, many people still remember that I promised to perform at the Grammy and Oscar parties, and I will definitely come then."

Seeing Wang Qian's sincere words, many North American fans in the live broadcast room felt sad and disappointed.

"I knew you would refuse, but it still makes me sad to hear you say it yourself."

"To be honest, because of Professor Wang Qian, I now have the urge to immigrate to China."

"I have always believed that chasing stars is a very irrational behavior, but I have to say that I am also doing this irrational thing now. Professor, I hope to see your performance in Los Angeles as soon as possible."

"Professor, I respect your choice, but I hope you don't forget that there are a large group of fans supporting you in North America. I hope that you will come to hold a real concert in the future, and I hope that the concert can last a whole day..."

"professor… "

The entire screen was filled with blessings and requests for Wang Qian to stay, as well as numerous reward messages.

The wealthy people in North America are also willing to spend money on Wang Qian.

Every time Wang Qian broadcasts live, he can earn at least millions of dollars in tips.

Today, without any tips from those two super-rich fans, the tip income is rapidly rushing towards the 10 million US dollar mark.

And this was only shortly after the show started.

Of course, Wang Qian’s live broadcast time will not be too long.

Moreover, no matter how much the reward income is, Wang Qian will count it all, and when he returns to China, he will inject it all into the charity fund he established and use it to do charity.

At this moment, many media and investors from all over the world are also watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room.

This live broadcast is also the first one Wang Qian broadcast after leaving the World Championship. It does not have the influence of the World Championship and the bonus of publicity resources from the World Championship program team.

Many people in the entertainment industry and professionals in the capital market want to accurately grasp Wang Qian’s popularity again.


Wang Qian’s popularity at this moment still makes them frightened.

In just five minutes of live broadcast, the maximum number of online users in the live broadcast room exceeded 410 million, and the total income from rewards exceeded 30 million US dollars. Among them, there were more than 20 wealthy people who gave rewards of more than one million. The money-making ability still shocked everyone in the world.

You know.

Many Hollywood superstars only earn more than 20 million US dollars for making a blockbuster movie, and their annual endorsement income will not exceed 50 million US dollars.

Wang Qian can earn 30 million US dollars in just five minutes, and the key point is that this is not Wang Qian’s peak income.

The attraction of Feiyue platform to many people in the entertainment industry and capital has once again increased a lot.

Many celebrities and internet celebrities continue to increase their investment in the Feiyue platform to increase their influence and income...

It is predicted in the capital circle that if the healthy development continues, the Feiyue platform may surpass Facebook within half a year and become the world's largest social platform.

The future value of this Feiyue platform will be immeasurable.

You know, Facebook is now a super giant with a market value of trillions of dollars.

The Feiyue platform is a short video platform. If its user scale and number of active users exceed that of Facebook, then its potential is still higher than that of Facebook.

After all, the information that short videos can convey and the benefits they can bring are definitely beyond the text-based Facebook platform.

Wang Qian waved to the camera: "Goodbye, everyone. When I return to China, I will occasionally broadcast live and chat with you all..."

The screen is full of densely packed professors, goodbye!

"Goodbye, Professor."

"Professor, I will miss you."

"Professor, I have never been so obsessed with a star, and I have never felt sad because a star left. You did it."

"Professor, if you hold a concert in China, I will definitely go."

"Professor, I really wish I could go to China, but unfortunately my home is here and I can't leave."

"Goodbye, Professor. I really hope time can go back to the time when I went to see your performance and sang "We Will Rock You" with everyone in the audience."

"Goodbye, Professor..."

"Goodbye, Professor..."

The title of professor seems to have become the unanimous name everyone uses to address Wang Qian.

Because he is a real professor at Curtis and Juilliard School, two of the world's top music and art schools, and also a professor at three famous music schools in China.

Many people believe that calling Wang Qian Professor is a sign of respect for Wang Qian's identity.

Therefore, this name spread and was gradually accepted and recognized by most people.

Live broadcast closed!

Wang Qian relaxed and opened the DouYue live broadcast room again. After about three minutes of live broadcast, the number of people online in the room exceeded 300 million. Many people came to the room to see Wang Qian excitedly because he was about to return to China, and wanted to chat with him.

"Professor Wang, welcome home."

"Professor Wang, I have organized a group of fans to pick you up at the airport."

"Professor Wang, welcome home."

"Professor Wang, please come back soon. I'm really worried that you won't come back from North America. I feel really panicked when I think about that."

"Professor Wang..."

Wang Qian saw fans organizing airport pick-ups in the live broadcast room and immediately said, "Classmates, please don't organize people to pick up people at the airport. That will affect public order. I don't want others to be inconvenienced because of me. Classmates who support me, I hope you will also adhere to this principle and not affect other people's lives for your own selfish reasons."

Although Wang Qian was a veteran in the entertainment industry in his previous life, he has always been extremely disgusted with those crazy fans who surrounded celebrities in public places, seriously affecting the passage of other passers-by, and they still think they are very awesome. However, those celebrities let their public relations teams deliberately guide some crazy fans to do such things.

This will not only increase the fans' stupidity, but also make it easier for fans to pay for their idols, and it can also increase the popularity of the idols and make them appear on hot searches.

Therefore, he now does not want to become the initiator of such a thing.

Responses quickly appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Professor, rest assured, we will not affect public order..."

“We don’t enter the airport…”

"We have discussed the charter. We are not those brainless fans. We are enthusiastic citizens who support the professor's triumphant return."

"The professor defeated the Nine-Nation Alliance overseas. Shouldn't we welcome him?"

"Professor Wang, you have fought bravely overseas, and we must show our appreciation..."

"Professor Wang..."

Seeing that everyone had not given up, Wang Qian hurriedly said, "Let's just forget about it. I'll just go home quietly and rest."

After persuading them a few more times, Wang Qian had no other choice. It was impossible for him to control everyone by force.

After shutting down the live broadcast on Douyin, Wang Qian started a live broadcast on Tencent's Weishi for a while. The maximum number of online users reached more than 200 million, proving that his popularity in China is still at its peak.

Of course, there must be many duplicate viewers among the live broadcast audiences of DouYue and Weishi.

However, the two major platforms do not care about this. What they care about is whether their traffic has increased.

The live broadcast is over.

Wang Qian’s work for the day has come to an end, and this period of work has also come to an end.

The cooperation contracts he signed with several major domestic platforms basically last until he returns to China.

Many domestic giants are afraid that after the World Championship, Wang Qian’s popularity will drop significantly. Once he returns to China, his attention in the world will drop further, so they are reluctant to sign a long-term contract...

And now, seeing that Wang Qian’s live broadcast popularity is still terrifying after the end of the World Championship, many people are feeling a little regretful.

After closing the live broadcast room, Wang Qian posted another message on Weibo: "I will board the plane in two hours. Happy homecoming."

Click Send.

In an instant, the number of people who liked and forwarded the message reached one million, causing the Weibo page to become a little stuck.

Wang Qian no longer paid attention to everyone's comments. After completing this task, he closed his Weibo page and took a short rest before boarding the plane.

Qin Xuerong showed Wang Qian the page on her phone: "This time when we return to China, it may not be so simple and peaceful. The official media have publicly reported the news that you are about to return to China. All official media have forwarded it, and other entertainment media, celebrities and internet celebrities have also followed suit..."

Wang Qian took a look and smiled bitterly.

Obviously, he realized that the authorities wanted to push him again, push him to the front, and establish his image again.

See what others say

"Professor Wang Qian, a world-renowned Chinese folk music artist, calligrapher, writer, and singer, is about to return from New York..."

All of a sudden, Wang Qian had four more titles.

If he had more film and television works, he might even have the title of a performing artist!

"This time, Professor Wang has achieved significant musical and artistic achievements in North America. He has received sincere invitations from the world-renowned music and art schools Curtis Institute and Juilliard School, and has reached cooperation in the future development of music and art. He has made significant contributions to the development of Chinese folk music art..."

"Professor Wang participated in the World Singing Contest, defeated representatives from nine countries, won the world championship, and became the world's most famous and best-selling singer..."

"This time, Professor Wang made the whole world realize the power of Chinese music and art, as well as the charm of Chinese culture..."

The official media highly praised and affirmed Wang Qian.

This is an endorsement of Wang Qian.

From now on, Wang Qian will become the first person in the fields of music, art, calligraphy, and literature in China...

No matter how dissatisfied the others were, they had no way to refute it.

Want to refute

Then go and refute what the official media says.

Then you can go out into the world and tell foreigners about Chinese culture, and you can get their recognition!

If you can't do it, then you have no right to speak.

There has been no number one in literature since ancient times. That's because there will always be someone whose achievements are not much different from yours, and who has a similar number of supporters. So as long as the other party keeps opposing and refusing to accept, there is really no way for you to become number one.

However, Wang Qian’s achievements and supporters are now far ahead of others, not only in China, but also around the world.

Therefore, no one can object to this title of first place!

I want to oppose it, but I don't have enough confidence. Once I offend the authorities and the many fans who support Wang Qian, I will not be able to survive in the circle.

Wang Qian read it and felt a little pressured.

Qin Xuerong continued, "Moreover, the official media is intentionally or unintentionally guiding everyone to pick you up at the airport..."

Wang Qian took a look and understood.

It seems to be true.

Perhaps he wanted to add another fire to thoroughly establish Wang Qian's image and at the same time ignite the cultural confidence in everyone's hearts!

After all, Wang Qian has shown the charm of Chinese folk music and culture in North America this time, and has won recognition from many people. This is all real promotion of Chinese culture, not just slogans.

This is exactly what the authorities have always wanted to do, but unfortunately they have not been able to do it.

Now Wang Qian suddenly emerged and succeeded.

How could we not surprise everyone, how could we not publicize and take advantage of it

Wang Qian shook his head, not caring about what was behind it, but just thinking about how he should deal with it.

After a while...

Time is up.

Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong immediately went out with their things.

When we arrived at the hotel lobby, everyone had already gathered and was ready to set off.

Qin Xuehong, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, Juliet, Zhao Wei, He Fulin and others were all waiting for Wang Qian.

Outside the hotel, there was a crowd so dense that it was impossible to see clearly.

Among them were many media from all over the world, but even more were countless fans in New York.

The car has stopped at the door.

Wang Qian walked out first, and many media cameras, cameras, mobile phones, etc. were running at full speed to capture this scene clearly.

Many fans in the crowd waved goodbye to Wang Qian.

"Bye, Professor..."

"Bye, Professor..."

Some people even shouted in strange Chinese.

"Goodbye, Professor..."

"Goodbye, Professor..."

Wang Qian took a deep breath, feeling deeply moved. Looking at the arguing eyes, he waved his hands in front of the car door and shouted, "Goodbye, my friends. I will miss you."

After saying that, Wang Qian got into the car resolutely.

The others also waved to everyone and got on the bus one after another.

The car started slowly.