Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 562: 561. The future of music art lies in China! (Please subscribe)


Many TV station media reporters clearly recorded the scene of Wang Qian leaving New York and North America to return to China, and sent it to various TV stations and news platforms around the world.

"Dear audience, we are witnessing Professor Wang Qian's return to China. We can clearly see that countless fans of Professor Wang Qian gathered outside the hotel to see him off..."

"Professor Wang Qian resolutely chose to return to China after more than 50 million North American fans on Facebook and Twitter signed their names to persuade him to stay. We respect his decision, as music and art have no borders. Although he returned to China, he achieved greatness in North America and left his most wonderful and brilliant mark."

"We will always remember all of his public performances and lectures in North America over the past two months. They were all great images..."

"Professor Wang Qian, a musician, painter, literary artist, and singer from China, is about to leave North America and return to China. The brilliance he created in North America proves that Chinese culture is also capable of conquering the world. And our island country's contestant Miyuki Nakamori has also proved this point. She has also conquered the world with her music!"

"From the time Professor Wang Qian left the hotel to the several performances, he could see fans coming to see him off. There was a endless wall of people on the roadside, and the vehicles on the road also gave way to Professor Wang Qian's car and waved goodbye to him..."

"The enthusiasm of North America did not keep Wang Qian from China. He left under the gaze of tens of millions of people in New York..."

A banquet was taking place at the Juilliard School.

All the people from all over the world who came to listen to Wang Qian's lectures gathered at the banquet and talked together.

And in a small reception room.

Max, Dawson, Hoffman, Malone, Melon and several other world-class music artists gathered together, staring at a TV on the wall, which was broadcasting live footage of Wang Qian leaving the hotel and on his way to the hotel.

They all looked at it very seriously, without saying anything.

Looking at the picture, there are endless crowds of people gathered on both sides of the road, and vehicles of farewell can be seen everywhere on the road.

There was a glimmer of envy in the eyes of those present!

Studying the art of music.

Who doesn’t desire to be recognized and admired by the whole world


In the entire history of the world, the only person who can achieve this level is Wang Qian!

Even the first musical master in the history of musical art, Gampphis, was not so popular back then.

Dawson looked at Meilon and said with a smile, "Professor Meilon, in about a week, Professor Wang Qian will continue to teach music art classes at the Central Conservatory of Music. Will you go then?"

Meilon frowned slightly, withdrew his gaze from the TV screen, looked at Dawson and others, nodded slightly and said: "Of course, I think no one will miss it."

After witnessing Wang Qian's performance in class, Meilon had to admit that Wang Qian's talent and strength in music were beyond his imagination and understanding.

He has now completely let go of his prejudices and only wants to be a witness to history.

That's all!

Max said with a little regret: "It's a pity that Professor Wang Qian has been in North America for too long, so he wants to go home. Otherwise, he would definitely stay at Juilliard to give a few more classes, which would definitely be very exciting..."

Several people looked at Max, who was acting like a good kid, in strange looks.

You Julia have made a lot of money this time, and you still think it’s not enough

Dawson laughed and said, "If he wasn't in a hurry, Professor Wang Qian would definitely go to Curtis to give lectures first. Don't forget, he has been a professor in our college for a long time!"

Max immediately said: "Professor Wang Qian is not only a professor at our college, but will also soon become one of the vice presidents of our college. At that time, he will be in charge of the Chinese Folk Music Department! We will have in-depth cooperation with Professor Wang Qian and several Chinese folk music schools in China..."

"If you are interested in Chinese folk music in the future, you can come to our Julian College. Here we will have authentic folk music art that is not inferior to that of the Central Conservatory of Music of China."

Max gave a small advertisement to everyone present, and gave Wang Qian the title of vice president of Juilliard in advance, who would be in charge of the Chinese Folk Music Department.

He thought that Wang Qian would not refuse at that time.

Malone, Melon, Rodin, Rick and other top European and American music artists were all shocked when they heard it. They didn't expect that Julia would really give her all this time and not just do it perfunctorily.

Dawson immediately said, "In fact, we at Curtis have already started preparations. We have already reached a preliminary cooperation agreement with Professor Wang Qian, and we have been preparing for this period of time. We should be ready earlier than you at Julia... Perhaps, our Curtis will become the first true Chinese folk music art academy in North America."

Max frowned slightly as he looked at Dawson who didn't want to lose to him.

There were many famous professors and musicians from top music schools in Europe and America, and they looked at the two of them strangely.

Deep down in their hearts, they still have an instinctive aversion to Chinese folk music and do not want the mainstream values of world music and art, which they have guided and controlled for hundreds of years, to be invaded by Chinese folk music.

By then, their voice in the field of world music and art will be diluted!

Several Chinese folk music colleges will enter the world mainstream.

Someone immediately said, "Professor Dawson, Professor Max, will Chinese folk music be accepted by everyone? If we introduce it rashly, it may be resisted!"

Professor Dawson immediately said, "In fact, we have conducted a large-scale survey in Curtis College, and more than 60% of the students are very interested in Chinese folk music. In particular, more than 70% of the students said they wanted to learn the pipa and guzheng that Professor Wang Qian played during his lecture at our college last time..."

Curtis College has indeed done a lot of preliminary preparation work.

Max was stunned for a moment. He had not done any preparation work in the academy yet, but he knew that many students were interested in Chinese folk instruments and were learning them privately. He immediately said, "Many students in our academy are also willing to learn Chinese folk music... I think that music and art should not be divided by nationality or ethnicity, let alone skin color."

"We should return to the essence of music art. This is the core of Professor Wang Qian's lecture today. Only when we understand the essence of music can we master music art more deeply..."

“I wonder why there hasn’t been any great artist in the past hundred years?”

More than a dozen music artists fell silent, their faces full of thought.

Ma Long's eyes sparkled, and he said calmly: "Because of the war, because of the struggle, because we are no longer pure."

Max nodded affirmatively: "Yes, I think this is the reason. We are not as pure as those musicians hundreds of years ago. In the past hundred years, we have participated in wars and struggles. Our minds are not on the art of music itself. We just want to be superior..."

"With such ideas and environment, how could a pure master artist emerge?"

“So, I want to seek change, I want to break down these barriers, and I hope everyone will put aside all their prejudices and pursue the purest essence of music!”

"In this way, our musical art, which has been stagnant for hundreds of years, can continue to move forward."

"Otherwise, in a few decades or even hundreds of years, we will have no soil to survive..."

Max's words made everyone silent again.

Everyone looked at each other, thought about it carefully, and felt that what Max said made sense.

The few people who were dissatisfied with Julia and Curtis for opening the Chinese Folk Music Department just now kept silent.

Ma Long also agreed and said: "Yes, we have to change. Otherwise, music art will become more niche in the future, and it will be more difficult for everyone to survive! Incorporating new elements and introducing new audiences is what we need to do. It just so happens that... Professor Wang Qian appeared and he brought us a turning point."

“Incorporating new elements of Chinese folk music and bringing in the entire Chinese population will revitalize all of us!”

“The art of music is about to be reborn.”

Everyone was slightly surprised when they heard this. This was the highest praise Ma Long had ever given to Wang Qian.

In particular, Rodin, who also came from the Paris Conservatory of Music, and several European music artists all looked at Ma Long with slight surprise.

Ma Long shrugged and took a sip from his wine glass: "I'm just telling the truth..."

New York International Airport.

When Wang Qian arrived at the airport by car, he was also surprised by the lively scene.

There were so many crowded heads that you couldn't see the end of them.

The banners held high were clearly visible, with various characters written on them, of which Chinese characters were the most numerous. Most of them were crooked, and it was obvious that they were learned and imitated on the spot.

"Professor Wang, New York welcomes you."

"Goodbye, Professor Wang."

“we will rock you…”

"Professor Wang, the greatest artist."

"Professor Wang, the greatest rock singer."

“The greatest singer.”

"Professor Wang, you must come to New York again."

The car slowly drove into the airport gate and the crowd automatically made way for it to exit.

Wang Qian got out of the car, waved to the crowd and media around him, and shouted again: "Goodbye, friends!"

This time, Wang Qian shouted loudly in Chinese.

Farewells were heard one after another at the scene.

Qin Xuerong, Qin Xuehong, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, Zhu Liye, Zhao Wei, He Fulin and others got out of the car and waved to everyone.

There were many clearly visible large signs at the scene, engraved with images of Wang Qian performing on stage, including Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, Juliet, Zhao Wei, He Fulin and all other band members.

This made Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, Juliet, Zhao Wei, He Fulin and others very surprised and proud.

Zhao Wei murmured in a low voice: "This may be the most awesome moment in my life."

He Fulin heard this and laughed, "This is enough for us to brag about for the rest of our lives."

The two raised their hands and waved to everyone.

Wang Qian did not stay for long. He ignored the many media microphones that were extended to him, waved goodbye to countless fans, and quickly entered the airport.

There were also many fans gathered in the airport. Because there was no room inside, more fans went outside to wait for Wang Qian.

Security personnel in many airports are busy and tense in maintaining order.

Wang Qian glanced over, waved with a smile, and shouted again: "Goodbye, friends..."

After saying that, Wang Qian walked in first.

Qin Xuerong, Qin Xuehong and others also waved goodbye to Wang Qian, and then went in together.

Many fans outside were staring at Wang Qian with reluctance.

And the media reporters were even more reluctant.

Wang Qian has returned to China, and many of their media reporters are unable to follow him to China, so they have lost an important source of traffic. The days of simply earning traffic by sitting back seem to be coming to an end.

Go to China to continue tracking and reporting on Wang Qian


It's different over there than in North America.

Many media outlets were not allowed to go.

They can only watch the world's largest traffic leave them.

The plane took off soon...

Many of the fans gathered at the airport still did not leave, but watched the plane Wang Qian was on take off and leave North America. Many people waved to the plane before sighing regretfully and turning to leave the airport.

Slightly sad comments can be seen everywhere on several major social platforms in North America.

"When I saw Professor Wang Qian leave the airport, I felt like I had lost something. God, I wasn't this sad when I broke up with my first girlfriend."

"Professor Wang Qian left, and I suddenly felt that staying in North America was meaningless."

"I'm about to leave North America. Even Professor Wang can't stay here. This is not the best place to live in the world. I want to immigrate to China."

"It was crazy, I actually cried. I was listening to his songs and remembering his crazy performances on stage, and I couldn't help but shed tears."

“When can I see his performance again? Can anyone answer me?”

"When I think about his performance in China and I can't watch it live, I feel so sad. The loss is too great."

Over in China, the major social platforms are also extremely lively.

"Professor Wang is going back to China. I have already set out to welcome the hero back."

"No one would object to Professor Wang being a national hero now, right? Heroes should be treated like heroes, right?"

"I'm from Shuangxing University, and our class teacher organized us to go to the airport to pick up Professor Wang... He said that the school had a mission and that we had to organize at least 30 people to go to the airport to welcome Professor Wang back to China. But I heard from my class teacher that there were more than 8,000 people who had signed up, but the school only allowed a maximum of 200 people to go, so I might not be able to get a spot."

"Moyin, all the teachers and students in our school are going crazy for the 150 spots to pick us up at the airport."

"Did you see the North American reports of hundreds of thousands of people in New York seeing Professor Wang off? Professor Wang is killing it like crazy in North America. We can't lose to a foreigner, right?"

"No problem. I drove 200 kilometers to the Magic City..."

What surprised and frustrated everyone was...

Wang Qian's plane is still a few hours away from landing.

Traffic at Shanghai International Airport has been paralyzed...