Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 563: 562. A long dragon of a hundred miles welcomes Professor Wang's triumphant return! (Subscribe please)


Two months later!

Wang Qian finally returned to China.

Many fans in China who have been eagerly waiting for his return are unwilling to miss the opportunity to welcome Wang Qian back to China...


Even though Wang Qian repeatedly called on people on Weibo, DouYue and Weishi Live not to pick him up at the airport, and not to disrupt public order and cause inconvenience to others because of him.


Many fans still couldn't hold back their excitement and anticipation, and came to the Shanghai airport one after another, wanting to be the first to see Wang Qian returning home, and to cheer for him as soon as possible.

How could so many internet celebrities and media miss such an eye-catching and traffic-grabbing event

As a result, almost all the well-known domestic media and many internet celebrities and bloggers who are trying to take advantage of the popularity have gathered near the Shanghai Airport.

Internet celebrities and bloggers have started live broadcasts one after another.

A live streamer with hundreds of thousands of fans was standing on the roadside more than a kilometer away from the airport, broadcasting live on his phone, and excitedly said to the camera: "My friends, I am at the Shanghai Airport to welcome Professor Wang back to China. There are so many people here... I came very early, and I can only stand one kilometer away from the airport. I am not allowed to go in. There are many uniformed staff here to maintain order. We can't let the airport be paralyzed because of too many people..."

The anchor looked at the backstage data and found that the number of online users had exceeded 10,000. This was his peak number, and it was only achieved occasionally.

In the anchor circle, the number of online people watching live broadcasts can reach tens of thousands. Even if you enter the circle of big anchors, many ordinary anchors only have thousands or tens of thousands of viewers, and ten thousand people is a threshold.

When the number of followers exceeds 10,000, you enter the big anchor circle, and it is easy to earn a million yuan a year. Once the number of followers exceeds 50,000, you enter the circle of top anchors!

As for hundreds of thousands of people

Even for the top anchors on major platforms, they can only reach that number occasionally with full support from the platforms and during special periods. If they can normally have a stable audience of more than 50,000, they are truly super top anchors and can firmly establish themselves as the mainstay of a major platform.

This anchor usually has only a few thousand people watching, and the number of viewers exceeds ten thousand once or twice a year. He has not yet entered the circle of big anchors.

And now, he supports to take advantage of the popularity of Wang Qian's return to China. As soon as the show started, the number of online viewers exceeded 10,000, which surprised him a lot. The number of viewers is growing steadily and is rising in a straight line.

The comments on the barrage were also full of curious questions.

"Oh my god, so many people? Can the anchor go inside and take a look?"

"Both sides of the road were filled with people, and the four-lane road instantly became a two-lane road..."

"He's just a star, is it worth it? So many people are chasing after him, aren't they crazy?"

"The people upstairs, please get out of here. Professor Wang is a celebrity? Did he just come back from Reach?"

"A star is far from enough to describe Professor Wang's identity and achievements! It is not an exaggeration to say that Professor Wang is the first person in the field of literature and art throughout history. In the field of culture and art, he is comparable to Wei Qing and Huo Qubing. If Professor Wang had not repeatedly asked everyone not to go, and the authorities had also limited the number of people, there would be even more people, and the airport would definitely be paralyzed..."

"Anchor, can you sing Professor Wang's songs?"

"Anchor, when Professor Wang comes out, can you go up and say a few words so that we can see Professor Wang up close?"

"Is the anchor a fan of Professor Wang? Follow him..."

"Anchor, can you take a photo with Professor Wang?"


The anchor looked at the dense barrage of comments, his mouth twitched, and he said with a slightly bitter smile: "It's true that I am a fan of Professor Wang. But I may not be able to take a photo and talk with Professor Wang up close. It's more than a kilometer away from the airport, and there are so many people. I can't get up to Professor Wang at all..."

"Besides, there are so many people. If Professor Wang takes photos with everyone, it may take until next year to finish."

"I just came to see Professor Wang and express my admiration for him!"

The number of people in the live broadcast room rose sharply again, quickly breaking through 20,000, reaching the highest number of online people since he started the live broadcast, which made him more cautious.

It seems that Wang Qian is indeed the biggest traffic password.

Just rub it.

In front, at the airport gate.

After a while of dressing up, Sophie was dressed very pure, looking no different from a girl who had just graduated from high school. Her appearance was also the ceiling level among anchors and internet celebrities. She pointed the camera of her mobile phone at herself and said nervously, "Professor Wang will arrive in an hour. I don't know if Professor Wang still remembers me."

The video of Sophie and Wang Qian's conversation during their initial encounter at Haidilao is still circulating on major short video websites and is hailed as a textbook for modern straight men.

As a result, Sophie has become the current top singing host.

Although her singing ability and talent are average, she has always relied on her looks to become a big anchor.

However, as Wang Qian became famous all over the world, her previous videos with Wang Qian were spread across all platforms again, which rapidly increased her popularity. Now she has become one of the top anchors, and occasionally a super anchor with more than 100,000 online users.

The barrage of comments also floated by densely.

"Fei'er will definitely not forget Professor Wang, right? If it were me, I probably would never forget it in my life."

"Fei'er's looks are really good, but compared to the girls Professor Wang has met, she is a little behind in temperament. Look at Su Fei, Miyuki Nakamori, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, Liu Shengnan, Ru Ke, Chen Xiaowen... and Professor Wang's real girlfriend Qin Xuerong. They are all top-notch goddesses. Fei'er's looks are not inferior to them, but she is really behind in temperament!"

"Fei'er, do you want to sing one of Professor Wang's songs live? I think it's not that simple."

"Fei'er, can you sing Professor Wang's song "Someone Like You"

"Fei'er, can we go up and take a photo with Professor Wang later?"


Sophie looked at the barrage, and she was a little dazed when she thought of the many people around Wang Qian whose looks and temperament were at the ceiling level.

She was extremely confident in her appearance, and was definitely not inferior to Qin Xuerong, Nakamori Miyuki, Jiang Yu and others. However, she knew that she came from an ordinary family and had no talent or talent, so she was definitely not as good as them in temperament.


She didn't have many thoughts about Wang Qian in her mind, she just thought about him privately occasionally before going to bed at night.

Sophie smiled at the camera: "When Professor Wang comes out later, I will call him and see if he still remembers me! It would be the best if we can take a photo together, but if not, it doesn't matter..."

She knew that the distance between her and Wang Qian was so great that it was impossible to calculate.

She looked at the number of people online, which had exceeded 200,000, far exceeding the maximum number of people online when she usually broadcast.

At the airport gate, several licensed television stations were broadcasting live.

A female reporter in a professional suit said seriously to the camera: "Hello everyone, I am at the Shanghai Airport, welcoming Professor Wang back to China. We can see that the place is full of people. We just got in with great difficulty, and the people welcoming Professor Wang have spread from the airport to more than 20 kilometers away, almost all the way to the city center, and the road is full of people..."

"At least more than 100,000 people gathered here!"

"Most of them are local fans in Shanghai, and many of them came from surrounding areas. According to our understanding, many of them flew here from all over the country just to give Professor Wang a shout of welcome as soon as possible!"

"Professor Wang is the greatest music artist, calligrapher, writer, poet, and singer in our country. He has made great achievements both at home and abroad, spreading Chinese culture to the world, and has shocked and attracted the attention of everyone in Europe and America..."

“This is the most important step that Chinese culture has taken towards the world…”

There weren't many people inside the airport.

A large number of uniformed personnel were maintaining order at the door and not allowing too many people to enter, which would disrupt the order inside.

Only a small number of people who had applied in advance were allowed to enter the airport. Most of them were teachers and students from several universities in Shanghai. There were less than a thousand people in total. They gathered in a specially designated area and waited for Wang Qian in an orderly manner!

Many teachers and students were discussing it with some excitement.

"I'm so excited. I'm about to meet Professor Wang."

"Wow, we are the only ones who can come in. If we can take a photo with Professor Wang later, we can brag about it for the rest of our lives."

"It would be nice to get an autograph. Someone on the Internet is buying Professor Wang's calligraphy for 10,000 yuan per character, including the signature. Unfortunately, Professor Wang's name is only two characters, so it can only be sold for 20,000 yuan..."

"Tsk, only a fool would sell it. Wouldn't it be better to keep it as a family heirloom? Then give it to your grandson. Maybe you can give him a house for his wedding and money for the bride price."

"Can a signature be exchanged for a house?"

"What do you think? The last time Professor Wang sent out two calligraphy works on Weibo, someone offered five million to buy them! This is just the current price. What about ten years later, twenty years later, or a hundred years later? His signature is worth twenty thousand now, but what about a hundred years later? Is it worth one million?"

"Hiss, one signature is worth one million?"

"Haha, Professor Wang won't give me an autograph easily now, so don't dream about it."

"The professor and the vice president are watching us from the front. We can't move around, and we can't rush forward to take a photo with Professor Wang or ask for his autograph..."

"Have you read the poem Professor Wang wrote for overseas Chinese at the Juilliard School? It's so majestic. If I could get the original copy of that poem, I would give you ten million, not to mention five million."

"Professor Wang is planning to give a lecture at the Central Conservatory of Music. Do you think our president will get in first and invite the professor to give a lecture at Shuangxing? I still remember the last time Professor Wang gave a lecture at Shuangxing. It was a memorable experience and I really saw how amazing talented people are."

"If the principal can get Professor Wang to give lectures at our school first, then he will be awesome."

Many teachers and students were discussing it.

The security guards and uniformed staff at the surrounding airports were acting as if they were facing a great enemy, nervously maintaining order at the scene for fear of any mistakes.

The higher-ups have issued important instructions for today's matter, and there must not be any mistakes.

When the plane is about to land.

The fans who came to welcome Wang Qian have already spread from the airport to the Magic City.

All major social media platforms were filled with discussions about Wang Qian's return to China and the bustle of the Shanghai airport.

"Brothers, I was shocked. I was standing fifty kilometers away from the airport waiting for Professor Wang, and there were endless crowds of people in front of me..."

"There are so many people! I've never seen so many people. Judging from the number of people in front, there may be more than 300,000 people gathered. Oh my God."

"Is everyone off work? Are you all here to join in the fun?"

"The streets are full of uniformed personnel. If no one takes care of this, the airport will definitely be paralyzed."

"Professor Wang's charm is irresistible. If it's not too far, I would also like to go there. Even if I can just stand on the side of the road and look at Professor Wang through the car window, I will be satisfied."

"It's time, has Professor Wang gotten off the plane?"

"There are so many people on this road. It will take a long time for Professor Wang to get out of the airport, right?"

"Wow, if I had known I would have come here yesterday, I would have definitely seen Professor Wang at the front, and maybe even had a chance to take a photo with Professor Wang..."

"Let's be honest, is there anyone in the world as charming as Professor Wang?"

Even on many foreign social media and news platforms, there were news and video images of Shanghai welcoming Wang Qian's team, which attracted a lot of attention from countries around the world.

Many people did not expect that the sensation Wang Qian caused in North America was shocking enough. He can almost be said to be the most popular and attractive superstar in North American history.

However, looking at the crowd and lineup that welcomed Wang Qian in Shanghai when he returned to China, they still underestimated Wang Qian's popularity.

The folks in my hometown are more enthusiastic than the fans in North America.

"I really want to go to Huaxia and join them."

"Professor Wang Qian deserves their efforts."

"No one in any country in the world can resist Professor Wang Qian's charm."

"Is this China? There are so many people."

"The Chinese authorities have dispatched thousands of uniformed personnel to maintain order..."

When the international flight from New York landed at the Magic City Airport.

The entire Demon City, and even the entire China seemed to be boiling.

Billions of eyes were focused on the Magic City and the airport.

Many fans who had been waiting outside the airport for a long time were already tired, but at this moment they suddenly became excited and stretched their necks to look inside the airport.

At this time, Wang Qian also slowly walked towards the plane.

Many passengers who got off the plane together greeted Wang Qian warmly.

"Professor Wang, so handsome..."

"Hello, Professor Wang. It's nice to meet you."

"Professor Wang..."

Wang Qian waved and smiled at everyone, politely declined several requests for photos and autographs, and quickly walked out under the protection of Qin Xuerong, Qin Xuehong, Zhao Wei, He Fulin, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, and Juliet.

The door for signing and taking photos cannot be opened.

Otherwise, don't even think about leaving the airport today.