Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 576: 575. Such harsh conditions were agreed! Documentary copyright! (Please subscribe)


Evan had just arrived in Shanghai with the negotiation team. As soon as he got off the plane, he called Qin Xuerong to confirm the itinerary.

Up to now, Evan has been just a tool of the director.

Evan said to the phone, "Ms. Qin, we just arrived in Shanghai, so let's go to the hotel and stay there first. How about we meet and talk face to face tomorrow morning?"

Qin Xuerong was surprised again: "You guys are in the Magic City?"

Evan smiled tiredly, "Yes, this is my second time in Shanghai. It is indeed one of the most prosperous cities in the world. It is much better than when I came here ten years ago. We have made all the preparations this time. The entire production team has come with us. After we have agreed on the basis for cooperation, we will go to Beijing to start the live broadcast and discuss the follow-up cooperation with CCTV."

Qin Xuerong put the bowl down and walked towards the living room: "Then wait a moment, I will discuss it with Wang Qian. To be honest, Director Evan, Wang Qian himself is not so enthusiastic about your cooperation."

Evan said seriously, "Miss Qin, you must persuade Professor Wang Qian. His artistic achievements are not his alone, but the crystallization of art for all mankind. We should pass on all his artistic achievements and works to future generations. Let future generations know that in our era, there is such a great person as Professor Wang Qian."

Qin Xuerong felt very comfortable listening to this and said with a smile: "I'll try my best. I'll get back to you later."

Evan: “Okay, I’ll wait for you!”

Qin Xuerong: "Goodbye."

Evan: "Goodbye, Miss Qin!"

Hang up the phone.

Qin Xuerong started chatting with Wang Qian.

In principle, Wang Qian is indeed not so keen on making a documentary about himself.

However, he doesn't mind cooperating as long as it can make money and does not affect his normal life.

Although, this cooperation wrinkle is a bit long and will accompany him for the rest of his life.

"We can cooperate. You can bring some professionals to discuss the details with them. However, the principles remain the same. They are the conditions you proposed last time. Subsequent negotiations will be based on these conditions."

Wang Qian casually said, "Before each live broadcast, you need to pay in advance! The subsequent copyright dividends will be settled once every six months. As for the rest, you can do whatever you want."

Qin Xuerong nodded to show that he understood: "Okay, then I will reply to them and arrange a place tomorrow to discuss the details."

Wang Qian: “Sure.”

After Evan hung up the phone, he ran two steps and caught up with Diana in front of him. He smiled and said, "Diana, Miss Qin went to ask Professor Wang Qian for instructions. If nothing unexpected happens, we can discuss the details of cooperation tomorrow. At most, we can go to the capital of China in two days to prepare for the live broadcast."

Diana was wearing simple jeans and a shirt, looking pure and capable, with her golden hair casually draped behind her head. She looked curiously at the city where Wang Qian was born and raised, and nodded to Evan: "No problem. Evan, although I am the project leader now, you are still the director responsible for filming, and I will only occasionally guest host and interview reporters, do you understand?"

Evan nodded hastily: "Of course, I understand!"

Facing this rich daughter of the boss from the group headquarters, Evan did not dare to be negligent and spoke very carefully.

He knew that Diana played a decisive role in the success of this collaboration.

The conditions proposed by Qin Xuerong were too harsh.

Even if it is still profitable for their media group, there are still considerable benefits.

However, the group headquarters and the bigwigs of the consortium behind it did not seem to want to compromise too much with Wang Qian, the Chinese artist, so most people were reluctant to agree to Qin Xuerong's conditions.

In the end, it was Diana who persuaded several bigwigs from the consortium to move forward with this cooperation.

In addition, Diana was appointed as the project leader, and Evan was the executive director.

Evan is now certain that Diana is the daughter of a wealthy family behind the group.

Not to mention him, even his immediate superior, the general manager of the TV station, had to be careful when facing Diana. Diana could do whatever she wanted as long as she didn't bring down the TV station.

Evan's phone rang. He saw that it was Qin Xuerong's call and answered it immediately: "Hello, Miss Qin, is there any good news?"

Qin Xuerong's voice came from the phone: "Of course it's good news. You can rent a meeting room in the hotel tomorrow. I will bring someone over to discuss the cooperation with you in detail."

Evan replied affirmatively: "Of course, see you tomorrow."

Qin Xuerong: "See you tomorrow!"

After hanging up the phone, Evan said to Diana with a little excitement: "They agreed to negotiate tomorrow."

Diana was already walking quickly towards the motorcade prepared by the program crew.

There are so many people in the entire production crew that even a bus can’t accommodate them all.

This is not even with the equipment.

They plan to buy a set of filming equipment in China.

After all, they could predict that Wang Qian would be in China recently, so their program team would also follow Wang Qian in China. Not to mention, Wang Qian himself is a Chinese and would definitely live in China for most of his life, so it was necessary to purchase a batch of equipment here for long-term use.

The program crew boarded several buses.

Diana took director Evan into a luxury business car and headed for the hotel they had booked in advance.

In the business car, Diana looked at the scenery outside the window and felt that the prosperity here was no less than New York and Los Angeles, and it was more modern, and the urban planning was more regular and scientific.

Turning around, Diana said to the middle-aged man in the passenger seat, "Hasen, help me buy a house in Shanghai that's quiet. You can arrange the other facilities."

The middle-aged man in the co-pilot seat agreed, "Okay, Miss Diana. If you need to live here for a long time, I suggest you hire a professional Chinese teacher. Learning the language here will be very helpful to you."

Diana: "Okay, you decide. It would be best if I could ask a teacher who understands Chinese culture to teach me this."

The middle-aged man, Hassan, took out his notebook and wrote it down carefully: "Okay, I will contact a famous Chinese professor at a nearby university."

Evan, sitting in the car, said nothing. He pretended to take out his cell phone and look at it to reduce his presence.

Diana ignored Evan and took out her phone to check. She saw that Wang Qian had written a novel called Romance of the Three Kingdoms in China. It had received great response and was called a historical literary masterpiece. She said, "Oh, by the way, find someone who knows literature and translate it for me. Professor Wang Qian just wrote a Chinese novel called Romance of the Three Kingdoms. It is said to be an extremely wonderful novel."

Hassan wrote it down again and said, "Okay, miss, I'll find someone to explain it to you."

Diana took out her cell phone and watched the video of herself interviewing Wang Qian and standing side by side with Wang Qian. Thinking about the several bold things she had done to Wang Qian, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

The convoy arrived at the hotel soon.

Diana's business car stopped at the door. Hassan quickly got out of the car and opened the door for Diana, then whispered, "Miss, you may have met someone you know."

Diana got out of the car gracefully and looked at a tall, young, beautiful woman who looked like a model standing in front of the hotel not far away. She walked over gracefully and smiled softly, "Bella, I didn't expect to meet you here. Why, are you coming to the Magic City to inspect your family's hotel?"

Bella hung up the phone and handed it to the assistant beside her, then walked over and gave Diana a gentle hug: "Yes, I came to China to inspect the market and plan to increase my investment in China. What about you? Diana, will you come to interview me?"

Bella made a small joke.

Diana smiled and said, "If you are willing, it would be my honor. Of course I am willing to give you an exclusive interview, which is something that all TV stations want to do but cannot do. However, I know that you are just joking."

As the sole heir and current helmsman of an ancient European aristocratic family consortium, Bella manages the world's largest hotel chain and winery, the world's second largest luxury goods business and fashion group, and is also involved in the Internet media field. In the past two years, she has also invested in two of the six major Hollywood groups, with assets calculated in hundreds of billions of US dollars.

If she is willing to be interviewed, she will definitely be the person most wanted to interview by all European and American TV stations and magazine media.

However, in the few years since Bella took office, she has only appeared in public at company meetings and has not appeared at other times. She is known as the most mysterious person at the helm of the consortium.

The two knew each other five or six years ago, when Bella had just come to power and Diana was still a student. They met at a high-end aristocratic cocktail party in Europe.

Facing Bella, Diana couldn't help but feel a head shorter than her.

As a conglomerate family that has only developed in North America in the past hundred years, it is naturally at a disadvantage in status when facing the ancient European aristocratic conglomerates.

European and American aristocratic consortiums all regard North American consortiums as nouveau riche.

Diana was somewhat envious of Bella's noble temperament, which she had developed since childhood in an ancient aristocratic family. This was something she could not acquire even if she had deliberately learned it since childhood.

Bella looked at the large group of people Diana brought with her and smiled faintly, "You know, I don't want to be a well-known public figure. I see there are so many of you. Is this a big business? Are you leading the team independently?"

Diana nodded: "It is a big business. I will be responsible for the entire project in the future. It may last for many years."

Bella was curious: "What project? Come to China specifically?"

China has developed rapidly in recent years and is showing a trend of catching up with North America. Everyone knows that there are many opportunities to make money in China.

Bella plans to focus its development in China for the next ten years. Whether it is the hotel business, the luxury goods business, or the fashion group, great progress and development will be achieved in China.

However, it is different from before.

Bella had only seen this place as an area to make money, without any other emotions.

However, after coming into contact with Wang Qian, she also developed some feelings for this place, so she came here in person to inspect it this time. She decided to change her attitude towards China in the future, integrate more of China's local culture and policies, and take more care of the preferences and attitudes of local Chinese consumers.

She thought, if Wang Qian knew about her changes, he would be happy, right

However, she did not think that the media group run by Diana's family could develop in China.

China has extremely strict control over the media industry, and it is basically impossible for foreign media capital to develop in China.

Because your media group is not allowed to control and guide public opinion here, which cuts off the most powerful weapon and foundation of European and American media groups.

Diana shrugged: "It's a project that's still under negotiation. I'll tell you when I'm done. Have you been in China recently?"

Bella nodded, "Yeah, I'll probably stay for a while."

She has already booked a place to attend classes at the Central Conservatory of Music and several other prestigious universities in the north. She is also looking forward to an encounter with Wang Qian and something else happening between them.

Diana: "Okay, then we still have a lot of time to meet. I'm going to take a break now, and we'll talk next time."

Bella: "Okay, go and rest."

Diana waved and turned to go into the hotel.

Bella waved and watched Diana and a large group of people enter several elevators one after another.

Bella thought about the assistant beside her and asked, "Check the purpose of Diana's coming here. I want to know what project she is talking about."

The assistant immediately picked up his cell phone and made a call to check.

Bella turned and walked towards the prepared car, but after taking two steps, her eyes fixed on a figure walking out of the hotel, and she murmured in a low voice: "She's here too."

Bella felt a little pressured. Looking at the figure who walked out, got into the car and left, she felt a little pressured!

Even she felt a lot of pressure when facing Sophie, who was known as the number one musical and artistic genius in Europe. She had to admit that Sophie had a strong charm that she did not possess.

Most importantly, she knew very well what had definitely happened between Wang Qian and Sophie.

Bella watched Sophie get into the car, and she felt more anxious as she wanted to see Wang Qian as soon as possible.

Bella turned and got into her car.

The assistant got in the car, hung up the phone immediately, and reported the situation: "Boss, I found out. North America's No. 1 TV station and Professor Wang Qian are going to cooperate on a documentary project. They are going to shoot a long-term documentary about Professor Wang Qian, which can be broadcast to future generations in the future."

"The cooperation has not been confirmed yet and is still under negotiation. Diana is the person in charge of this project and the executive director is Evan!"

Bella's eyes revealed a serious look, and then she said, "Call Uncle Amos and ask him to contact the TV station. I want to invest in cooperation. However, I want part of the copyright of this documentary, and it is permanent copyright."

The assistant nodded, immediately picked up the phone and dialed again.

Amos is an uncle in Bella's family. He is in charge of media business in North America and is one of the family's spokespersons in North America.

It would be best to let Amos, who is in charge of the media field, negotiate cooperation with the TV station, and the success rate will be higher.

Bella doesn't care how much money she invests, she just wants to own part of the copyright of Wang Qian's documentary!

In reality, she cannot have Wang Qian.

Then, she will try her best to own a part of Wang Qian's life copyright permanently.