Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 577: 576. Magic Sound's Great Opportunity! Documentary Negotiations! (Subscribe please)


The night view of Shanghai is very charming and prosperous.

Sophie came out of the hotel and wanted to take a walk on the beach.

She remembered that when Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong first met, it seemed that they met in a bar by the sea

I was attracted by Wang Qian because he sang two songs at that time.

Afterwards, Qin Xuerong took the initiative to pursue Wang Qian for a period of time, and finally Wang Qian was moved, and the two officially became a couple!

This information is no longer a secret on the Internet. It has long been dug up and exposed by nosy media and self-media.

After all, the video of Wang Qian singing two songs for the first time in the bar was uploaded to the Internet and can still be found. Qin Xuerong appeared at the scene at that time, and many people knew about it.

However, no one knew that Wang Qian was there discussing divorce with his ex-girlfriend Li Qingyao.

Because no one knew that Li Qingyao was there at that time.

All I can say is that Li Qingyao and Liu Lihua did a great job keeping secrets.

Sophie stood quietly on the beach, imagining that if she had met Wang Qian there first, would she have been able to establish a relationship with him first? Would she have become Wang Qian's close friend

With a hint of regret in her eyes, Sophie looked carefully at the city again.

This will be the city where she will settle for the rest of her life.

Buzz buzz buzz…

The phone vibrated.

Sophie picked up the phone with a little expectation. Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, she felt a little disappointed. Then she answered it. A voice with a more Chinese-style English came from the other end of the line: "Hello, is this Miss Sophie?"

Sophie: “Well, yes!”

The voice on the other end asked nervously: "Hello, are you from the Paris Conservatory?"

Sophie nodded and still answered: "Well, yes!"

The voice on the other end asked with some surprise: "So, if I may ask, are you Sophie who won the runner-up in the Voice World Competition?"

Sophie looked into the distance, recalling her conversation with her father yesterday, and nodded affirmatively: "Yes, yes!"

The person on the other end continued excitedly, "Hello, I'm a teacher at the Magic City Conservatory of Music. My last name is Zhang. Excuse me, is the resume you sent to our conservatory's mailbox real? Are you applying for the position of piano teacher at our conservatory?"

Sophie took a deep breath and said, "Well, yes, I want to find a job in Shanghai. I think I should be able to be a piano teacher."

In the principal's office of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, a middle-aged teacher was holding a phone, nodding and waving ecstatically at the principal next to him, indicating that it was true. The principal also waved his fists clenched, and hurriedly waved to the middle-aged teacher, making a gesture for a meeting.

Although, the other party on the phone admitted his identity and the voice sounded a bit similar.

However, they still couldn't believe it without meeting and confirming the identity.

Sophie, who is known as the number one musical genius in Europe and the United States, actually came to Moyin to apply for a position as a piano teacher

After all, Sophie was still in North America two days ago.

Moreover, he is an excellent student at the Paris Conservatory of Music and a piano genius. His attainments on the piano have already touched the master level and he may enter the realm of piano masters at any time.

How could such a young and talented pianist come to the small Shanghai Conservatory of Music to apply for a teaching position without any warning

With Sophie's talent and accomplishments, as long as she wanted, she could choose any top music school in the world, and any treatment she asked for would be granted.

And what is the magic sound in the world

It is a stretch to say that it is second-rate, it can only be considered a third-rate music college.

It is barely considered a first-class music school in the country.

Why did he, the second most talented young musician in the world, second only to Wang Qian, suddenly come to Moyin to apply for a job


Even if the other party admitted it over the phone.

However, we haven't met and confirmed yet.

The two still couldn't believe it.

So, the principal proposed the idea of meeting and talking.

After the middle-aged teacher understood, he immediately said, "Ms. Sophie, our school has always been eager to have a genius join us. Your joining makes our principal very happy. Would it be convenient for you to come to our school for an interview tomorrow? Also, do you have any requirements for your salary?"

Sophie said softly, "I don't have any requirements for treatment, whatever you want is fine. However, I hope to reduce my class time as much as possible. I need more time for myself to improve myself. I have half a day tomorrow to meet you."

The middle-aged teacher said happily, "That's great. We will definitely agree to all your requests. We will discuss the remaining details in person tomorrow. Everything will be based on your opinion."

He can be said to be the most amazing world-class music genius that Magic Sound has encountered since its establishment.

Neither the principal nor the teacher wanted to miss the opportunity, and they would agree to any condition proposed by Sophie. Even if Sophie, like Wang Qian, attended classes based on her mood, they would not have any objection. After all, Sophie was only in her early twenties and had just graduated. This was the best age for her to improve herself, and in the future she might become the second-ranked person in the history of Moyin School.

The first one is, of course, Wang Qian...

Sophie: "Okay, see you tomorrow."

Middle-aged teacher: "Okay, okay. Where do you live? We will send a car to pick you up tomorrow morning."

Sophie: "No need, I can just take a taxi."

Middle-aged teacher: "Well, you should go to bed early."

Hang up the phone!

The middle-aged teacher said happily: "I am 50% sure that it should be a real person."

The principal walked back and forth for a while, then said, "Notify Director Yang to come with me to meet him tomorrow. It would be best if he could inform Professor Wang in advance. Professor Wang and Sophie were opponents in the world competition, so they must know each other. He should know why Sophie came to our college."

The middle-aged teacher said softly, "Principal, Director Yang just came back. He said that Professor Wang is now concentrating on preparing for the lecture at the Central Conservatory of Music. This lecture is very important, so we should not disturb Professor Wang. I heard that when Professor Wang came back, someone from Shuangxing tried to intercept him at the airport and invited him to give a lecture. Later, Shuangxing was warned once."

The principal was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said, "I forgot about this. Professor Wang's lecture in Beijing is a major cultural event that has attracted worldwide attention. It is also an important opportunity to promote our culture. Its importance is no less than that of the 2008 Olympics! Forget it, don't bother Professor Wang, just notify Director Yang to come tomorrow."

"If the one who comes this time is really my Sophie, then our Moyin will rise in the future. I dare not say that we can compare with the Central Conservatory of Music, but it should not be difficult to be second only to the Central Conservatory of Music in China!"

The middle-aged teacher nodded, his expression full of longing and expectation: "Yes, Sophie is really a super musical genius. Her achievements in pop music are second only to Wang Qian, but she has also touched the threshold of a master pianist in piano. If it weren't for the young piano master Jiang Yu from the Central Conservatory of Music, Sophie would be considered one of the best young pianists."

The principal shook his head regretfully, "It's a pity that the people that Professor Wang led in the band at the time didn't have the talent of our Magic Sound. Otherwise, if our Magic Sound piano genius had studied with him for more than half a year, he might have been able to enter the realm of piano masters. Although Jiang Yu's talent is good, he is not as talented as Sophie and Taylor. He can only be regarded as the top in the country. Among our peers who graduated from Magic Sound, there are also one or two who can compare with Jiang Yu."

"What a shame, what a shame, this is just luck! Jiang Yu met Professor Wang and was taught by him for more than half a year! No one else in the world enjoys this kind of treatment..."

The principal and the middle-aged teacher both shook their heads with regret.

Because of Jiang Yu's existence, the Central Conservatory of Music became famous again in the world.

Jiang Yu is a world-class pianist truly cultivated by China, and he graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music, which proves the profound knowledge of the Central Conservatory of Music in the field of piano.

In the next year's ranking of world's famous music schools, the Central Conservatory of Music's ranking will inevitably move up.

If the folk music departments of Juilliard and Curtis, two of the world's top music schools, are successfully promoted to Europe and the United States in the future, and the European and American music and art fields accept Chinese folk music, the ranking of CACON will soar, and it will not be impossible for it to enter the top ten.

This is not only an opportunity for the Central Conservatory of Music, but also an opportunity for several other famous music schools in China.

The principal immediately said, "It is a great opportunity for the piano department to recruit Sophy Chen. However, we must not forget our roots and continue to increase our investment in folk music. How did the talks with those folk music masters go?"

The middle-aged teacher shook his head: "I don't know, but I know the competition is fierce. Now all the folk music masters in the country are in great demand, and all the major music schools are vying for them, and the conditions they offer are higher and higher... I even heard some gossip that several music schools in North America seem to be contacting several folk music masters in China, intending to recruit them."

The principal frowned: "After meeting Sophie tomorrow, we will hold a meeting and set the tone. We must recruit folk music masters at all costs. Except for the Central Conservatory of Music, our salary is higher than that of other colleges. I don't believe they won't be tempted..."

The middle-aged teacher nodded: "Then I will notify everyone to hold a meeting tomorrow afternoon?"

The principal nodded: "Yes, let's have a meeting! All the teachers and leaders of the Department of Traditional Chinese Music and the Department of Human Resources must be present!"

the next day.

It was almost noon.

Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong brought the negotiation team to the hotel where they had an appointment with Evan.

When walking into the hotel, Wang Qian looked at the name of the hotel and Bella's figure appeared involuntarily in his mind.

He knew that this hotel and the hotel he stayed in Los Angeles were both owned by the same hotel chain, which was part of the world's largest hotel chain.

As Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong and their group entered the elevator, Bella put down the newspaper on the sofa in the corner of the hall, stared at the elevator door, and whispered, "What a pity, there will be no chance to meet today."

She knew that Wang Qian would be inseparable from Qin Xuerong during the negotiations with Diana's team, so she would not have the opportunity to meet with Wang Qian alone.

When she was in Los Angeles, she often went in and out of Wang Qian's room to deliver meals, and always waited for Wang Qian in the lobby. Qin Xuerong had already remembered her.

She didn't want to appear in front of Qin Xuerong and be recognized, as that would make Qin Xuerong suspicious.

She didn't want to add any troubles or burdens to Wang Qian.

This is not something a smart woman would do.

A smart woman will try her best to make the man she loves live more easily and freely, so that she can get more from him.

If a woman only becomes a trouble and burden to a man, no matter who you are or how amazing your appearance and temperament are, you will only be hated and stayed away from.

Bella was doing what a smart woman should do at this moment.

Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong led their team into the hotel's luxurious conference room, where the program's negotiation team was already waiting.

When they saw Wang Qian, everyone in the program crew stood up.

Diana, Evan, and others stood up and came forward to shake hands with Wang Qian.

Diana held Wang Qian's hand tightly, not wanting to let go, and said with a smile: "Professor Wang, it's a pleasure to work with you. I am the project leader now, and I may be with you for a long time in the future. I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation."

Wang Qian stared at Diana's eyes and smiled: "Of course, I think we will get along very happily."

As a program crew that is going to film a documentary about his life, they will indeed be dealing with him for a long time in the next few decades.

And Diana also stayed in Wang Qian's life for a long time in disguise, under the pretext of work.

Qin Xuerong also shook hands with Diana, and both of them greeted each other in a friendly manner.

Meeting is over!

The negotiations officially began.

Wang Qian just showed up and then sat quietly aside, leaving the negotiations to professionals.

The same thing happened to Diana. She and Wang Qian sat quietly aside, watching the professionals from both sides negotiate and fight over the details of the cooperation bit by bit, striving for any bit of benefit!

Because everyone present is an insider, and they all know that any tiny bit of profit after the decimal point at this moment may represent a huge fortune in the future, a fortune calculated in billions of dollars.

Therefore, no one will take any tiny detail lightly; every detail and every number will be discussed and contested in detail.


All negotiations were conducted within the framework originally set by Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong.

Diana and Wang Qian sat aside and chatted: "When are we going to Beijing? Many of us have already gone there to discuss the live broadcast with the Central Conservatory of Music. The Central Conservatory of Music should also ask for some money."

Wang Qian: "Let's set off tomorrow at the latest. If the negotiations go well today, we'll leave for Beijing in the afternoon. Will you go?"

Diana said affirmatively: "Of course, I am the person in charge of the program. From now on, wherever you go, I will go there!"

As she said this, Diana's eyes were clearly burning.

Wang Qian smiled bitterly in his heart, and then said: "Of course, but I hope the program team will not affect my life."

Diana understood what Wang Qian meant, and a hint of sadness flashed across her eyes, but she still said seriously: "Of course, the program team will not affect any of your private life, including mine!"

Wang Qian nodded in approval.

After looking at Diana's burning eyes, Wang Qian stood up, said something to Qin Xuerong who was presiding over the negotiations, and went out to the bathroom.

Then after a while, Diana also got up and walked out.

As soon as Wang Qian came out of the conference room and appeared in the corridor, Bella from upstairs quickly came down in the elevator.