Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 579: 578. The bustling capital, come and visit! (Subscribe please)


Wang Qian went to the capital, bringing only Qin Xuerong with him!

Only one person was notified, He Chaohui, who wanted to go to Beijing in a low-key manner and stay in the Central Conservatory of Music for two days to make more preparations for the lectures.

After all, he was giving a lecture to the world in his own country, so Wang Qian felt a little nervous and solemn, not wanting to make any mistakes.

It must end with the most perfect ending...

Otherwise, it might not be able to overwhelm the many teachers and students from prestigious universities in Europe and the United States, as well as the top music and art masters in Europe and the United States.


When Wang Qian took Qin Xuerong off the plane, he looked at the dense crowds of people and media gathered at the airport and smiled bitterly.

It seems!

In the age of mobile information, it is indeed difficult to keep secrets.

He Chaohui, along with several leaders, teachers and students from the Central Conservatory of Music, quickly came over to greet them.

"Professor Wang, I didn't expect the news to be leaked."

He Chaohui came up and said apologetically, glancing casually at the school leaders, teachers and students around him.

Apart from her, these were the only ones who knew about Wang Qian's visit to the capital.

But there was nothing she could do.

She represents the Central Conservatory of Music. Wang Qian now holds such a high status in the domestic and international music and art fields that she cannot come alone to greet Wang Qian. If the news gets out, people will talk about it, and it will seem that the Central Conservatory of Music does not respect or value Wang Qian.

She could only inform the leaders and bring a few more important people from the school to welcome the event, in order to make the Central Conservatory of Music more solemn.

However, once the news spreads, there is no way to keep it secret.

Within half an hour, the news reached the ears of the media.

Once the media knows about it, the news will quickly spread to the world.

This is not...

More than an hour ago, hundreds of media outlets and hundreds of self-media influencers had arrived at the Beijing airport to take advantage of the popularity, and thousands of fans gathered.

This is the result of official control, otherwise the airport would have been paralyzed by now.

He Chaohui heard that a crowd of people had gathered on the road from the airport to the city. Although there might not be as many as the hundreds of thousands of people gathered when Wang Qian returned to China from Shanghai, there were at least more than 100,000 people.

He Chaohui sighed!

She was afraid that after the news spread, Wang Qian would not be able to come to Beijing and direct this performance at the Central Conservatory of Music with peace of mind.

Perhaps it will affect the effectiveness of this lecture to the world.

Several leaders around He Chaohui also came up enthusiastically to shake hands with Wang Qian.

Wang Qian calmly shook hands with several people.

These people are all big names in the field of education. After all, the level of Central Conservatory of Music is very high, not inferior to top comprehensive universities such as Mizuki University of Technology and Kyoto University.

However, Wang Qian was not impressed by them.

These people are too utilitarian.

Wang Qian dealt with it casually, and then quickly said, "Let's go first, otherwise more people will gather here. I don't want to cause trouble to others."

With so many people gathering, other travelers will definitely be affected.

He Chaohui smiled bitterly again.

She didn't say that the school leaders initially wanted to organize thousands of teachers and students to form a welcoming team.

She was forcibly stopped.

If she and Wang Qian had not maintained close contact, the school leaders' enthusiasm might not have been stopped.

Wang Qian held Qin Xuerong's hand, looked at Jiang Yu standing at the end of the crowd, and waved gently.

Jiang Yu also smiled bitterly. She was resting at home, but was notified by the school leaders and forced to come and participate in the welcoming of Wang Qian.

She knew that Wang Qian would definitely not like this.

However, due to my mother's status, the fact that she graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music, and her current position as a half-professor at the Central Conservatory of Music, I had to agree to the school leaders.

So, she stood quietly at the end to reduce her presence.

Wang Qian also saw her, smiled and nodded as a greeting.

Fortunately, the authorities prepared the car in advance and arrived at the airport gate through a dedicated channel, otherwise we might not be able to get in.

There were dense media cameras and self-media mobile phone cameras outside, as well as many fans holding fan signs to support Wang Qian. As soon as they saw Wang Qian appear, they all shouted loudly.

"Professor Wang, I love you."

"Professor Wang, you are number one in the world."

"Professor Wang..."

Many media outlets did not let Wang Qian go.

"Professor Wang, when you come to Beijing this time, how many schools will you accept to give lectures?"

"Professor Wang, as far as I know, many literary masters from many Asian countries and regions have come to Beijing and may challenge you in the near future. Have you thought of a way to deal with it?"

"Professor Wang, the island nation's literary master Mingze Jibu publicly said that your literary talent is bragging and that you were deliberately created by the Chinese government. How do you respond to this?"

"Professor Wang, Korean literature master Lee Jae-ji expressed his desire to discuss Chinese studies with you. He said that poetry first appeared in Korea and that you are the inheritor of Korean culture. What do you say?"

"Professor Wang, will your lecture at the Central Conservatory of Music officially make you a world music master?"

"Professor Wang..."

Many media reporters are eager to see the world in chaos, so they reported to Wang Qian the words of the masters of Chinese culture from various Asian countries and regions in recent days. Of course, there were no good words deliberately said to Wang Qian. Basically, they were all provocations and belittlements, hoping to arouse some emotions in Wang Qian on the spot and create news topics.


Faced with all the dense media voices, Wang Qian chose to ignore them all. He just waved to the many fans behind him who were holding signs to support him, and then quickly pulled Qin Xuerong into the car.

The car did not hesitate and, under the escort of security personnel, quickly left the scene and drove towards Yangon!

In recent days, Wang Qian will temporarily live in the Central Conservatory of Music.

The school leaders of the Central Conservatory of Music also prepared a villa specifically for Wang Qian, and replaced all the furniture and appliances in the villa with new ones, waiting for Wang Qian to move in.

The car left the airport and headed towards the Central Conservatory of Music campus. Both sides of the road were full of parked cars. Many people stood on the roofs of the cars and waved and cheered at Wang Qian's car. Most of them were fans who came to support Wang Qian.

Fans in Beijing are not as kind as those in Shanghai.

However, this is inevitable.

After all, the news of Wang Qian's coming had only been spread for a short time, and many people didn't know about it, or when they knew about it, they didn't have time to come.

Unlike the last time when Wang Qian returned to Shanghai from New York, the news had already been spread a day or two in advance, so many fans in Shanghai were naturally prepared and had time to come over.


Wang Qian is a native of Shanghai, so he is naturally more popular among the people of Shanghai.

"Professor Wang..."

"Professor Wang..."

"Professor Wang..."

The car was driving slowly, and although the windows were closed, Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong could still hear clear shouts coming from outside.

Qin Xuerong whispered, "This is the craziest scene I have ever seen in the capital."

Qin Xuerong, who grew up in Beijing, had never seen such a scene.

Even when the Olympics were held in Beijing, there was not such crazy enthusiasm.

Wang Qian did not draw the curtains, but sat in front of the window so that people outside could see him clearly, and said softly: "A few days ago, that kind of scene also appeared in the Magic City for the first time."

Qin Xuerong nodded, held Wang Qian's hand tightly, his eyes full of pride.

In a courtyard house in Beijing.

Xue Zhenguo and Xue Man, as well as Zhao Shuren, Lin Xizhan, and a young woman, sat in front of the TV, watching the lively scenes broadcast on the screen.

It was the scene of the huge crowds of people when Wang Qian came out of the airport.

Xue Man said softly: "Professor Wang should be staying at the Central Conservatory of Music. Should we go visit him in advance?"

Lin Xizhan was wearing a Tang suit and holding a cane in his hand. His palms were strong and powerful, and his face was covered with age spots, but he was energetic, his eyes were bright, his snow-white hair was combed meticulously, and he exuded a feeling of being as stable as a rock. He seemed not to be a scholar, but a warrior.

Zhao Shuren whispered to Lin Xizhan: "Teacher, this is Wang Qian, he is very popular."

Lin Xizhan nodded: "I know, he is not just a pure literati, but also a pop singer. I also like some of his works, which are very thought-provoking. Zhenguo..."

Xue Zhenguo immediately agreed: "Mr. Lin, you go ahead!"

Lin Xizhan: "Let's find a chance to visit him in the next two days. I want to discuss calligraphy with him in person and talk about Chinese studies."

Lin Xizhan's eyes were sparkling.

Obviously, he also had doubts about Wang Qian.

After all, Wang Qian is too young and too evil!

Without seeing it with his own eyes and practicing it, he still had doubts.

After a pause, he said to the young woman standing next to him: "Zixin, bring your work and talk to him when the time comes."

Xue Zhenguo looked at Yan Zixin who was standing next to Lin Xizhan, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Of course, he was not impressed by Yan Zixin's looks, but by her talent.

He had only met him for a short time, but he had seen two of Yan Zixin's works. In terms of conversation and knowledge, Yan Zixin was not inferior to him at all. His talent in poetry even shocked him. Several of his unpublished works were considered masterpieces in the field of poetry. Even if they were not as good as the several masterpieces published by Wang Qian, they were still good works second only to Wang Qian.

In contemporary society, this is an extremely rare talent in ancient poetry.

Xue Zhenguo thought for a moment and said, "I will go to the Central Conservatory of Music in person and give Professor Wang a visiting card!"

Lin Xizhan nodded: "Just write my name."

Xue Zhenguo was stunned for a moment, then he solemnly agreed: "Okay!"

Writing Lin Xizhan's name means visiting Wang Qian in the name of Lin Xizhan.

This is the greatest face given to Wang Qian.

Given Lin Xizhan's status as a leader in the field of southern Chinese studies, there are few people in the entire Chinese, or even in the entire Asian literature field, who are qualified to be visited by him.

Generally speaking, if Lin Xizhan wants to see someone, he can ask Zhao Shuren to notify them, and the other party will come over to meet him quickly!

There is no need for Lin Xizhan to write a visiting card and come in person.

This almost puts himself at a level lower than Wang Qian.

However, no one present objected to this.

Because, whether it was Zhao Shuren, Yan Zixin, or Xue Man, they all knew that this did not mean that Lin Xizhan really recognized Wang Qian and acknowledged Wang Qian's strength, talent, and status.

This is just Lin Xizhan's recognition of the works published by Wang Qian and his status as the only contemporary calligraphy master!

Regardless of whether Wang Qian’s ability and talent are real.


The status of the master of Slender Gold calligraphy is worthy of Lin Xizhan lowering his status to visit him.

Regardless of whether the works published by Wang Qian are his own works.

However, those works are handed down from generation to generation in the family and will surely be passed down through the ages.

Such an inherited family is worthy of Lin Xizhan lowering his status to visit.

Yan Zixin looked at Wang Qian on TV, who remained calm in the face of the huge crowds, and muttered words under his breath. If you listen carefully, you can hear they are the words of Zui Hua Yin.

Similarly, in another quaint villa in the capital.

Li Xiyan also sat on the pearwood chair and watched the TV.

Next to him, Wen Cangjian also stared at Wang Qian with a scrutinizing look, and said softly: "Brother, this boy has a calm temperament. His eyes seem to see through the world... I believe it a little bit."

Li Xiyan nodded. "I met him once in Shanghai, when I asked him about calligraphy. Professor Wang didn't look like a 30-year-old at all. He looked like he was already in his 70s or 80s. He had seen through everything in time, and some things seemed indifferent to him. Whether it was a poem or calligraphy, he could do it effortlessly, as if he had practiced it all his life."

There was a gleam in Wen Cangjian's eyes, and it was unknown what he was thinking about.

Li Xiyan continued, "He is half my teacher. When I come to Beijing, I have to visit him. Tomorrow, I will go to visit Professor Wang in person. Do you want to go?"

Wen Cangjian was stunned for a moment, then he realized that this was what Li Xiyan had to do.

Li Xiyan is now considered the second calligraphy master in the field of Chinese calligraphy, second only to Wang Qian in his attainments in the Slender Gold style of calligraphy. He is considered a calligraphy master who directly inherited the lineage from Wang Qian.

When Wang Qian came to the capital, as a landlord, Li Xiyan had to pay him a visit to show respect and fulfill his duty as a host.

Wen Cangjian thought about it and said, "Then I will go with you, to meet this legendary genius and exchange some experiences."

Li Xiyan: "Then I will go to the Central Conservatory of Music to hand in the visiting card later, and pay a formal visit tomorrow. I also need to prepare some gifts, which cannot be tacky or shabby."

Things related to intellectuals are troublesome!

Li Xiyan said this and stood up quickly to prepare.

It's getting late now.

The car Wang Qian was riding in was moving slowly but never stopped. When he arrived at the Central Conservatory of Music, it was already very late.

The school also prepared dinner in advance. Several leaders had a meal with Wang Qian. Then they completed their mission and left, leaving He Chaohui and Jiang Yu, mother and daughter, to receive Wang Qian.

“So tired!”

Jiang Yu complained helplessly: "It's more tiring than performing on stage in Los Angeles!"

Wang Qian laughed and said, “So, those artists are all super homebodies, otherwise they don’t have the time and energy to create and research art.”

He Chaohui led the way and walked towards a single-family villa in front. The phone rang. After answering it, he turned back to Wang Qian with a strange look on his face and said, "Professor Wang, someone is here to visit you..."

Wang Qian shrugged, expressing helplessness, with an expression on his face that said, "I knew it would be like this."

He hasn't even entered the house yet and hasn't sat down.

Here it comes.