Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 581: 580. The conflict between the Jingquan and Wang Qian? The Internet master can only write in cursive script? (Please subscribe)


Although Zhang Yue was a little annoyed, he felt more helpless!

He knew that it was understandable that Wang Qian disliked them!

after all…

At the beginning, they were the most vicious group of people in the cultural circle who attacked Wang Qian.

This time, he came to visit with such a flattering attitude, hoping to resolve the past grudges with Wang Qian and improve their relationship.

The Northwest cultural circle is on the edge of the Chinese cultural circle, and its status is only slightly higher than that of the Southwest. Jia Fuqing and Zhang Yue want to lead the Northwest cultural circle to a higher level. Now is a rare opportunity!

They can all foresee that Wang Qian will definitely be a leader in the Chinese cultural circle in the future, and he will be an undisputed cultural leader both officially and privately.

Their Northwestern cultural circle is now building a good relationship with Wang Qian, and in the future it is possible that Wang Qian will give the Northwestern cultural circle an opportunity to rise.

But now...

Both Jia Fuqing and Zhang Yue, master and apprentice, knew that their idea might not be realized.

The two looked at each other, both helpless, and then looked at the car coming over!

The car stopped, the door opened, and four people got out of the car, two middle-aged men and two young women.

The two men are naturally Zhao Shuren and Xue Zhenguo, and the two women are Xue Man and Yan Zixin.

The four of them came together to hand the visiting card to Wang Qian, and were extremely solemn.

Jia Fuqing and Zhang Yue recognized Xue Zhenguo and Zhao Shuren at a glance. These two people are the backbone figures of the current Beijing circle and the southern cultural circle. They are likely to move to the upper echelons of the cultural circle in the future. Basically everyone in the circle knows them.

Jia Fuqing had known long ago that the southern master of Chinese studies, Lin Xizhan, had come to the capital, probably for Wang Qian.

However, he did not expect that Lin Xizhan actually sent Zhao Shuren to deliver a visiting card and visit Wang Qian in person!

This is treating Wang Qian on the same level as Lin Xizhan.

In other words, in the eyes of Lin Xizhan, Zhao Shuren, Xue Zhenguo and others, Wang Qian is already a leading figure in the field of Chinese studies.


There was a flash of shock in Jia Fuqing's eyes.

Zhang Yue was also slightly shocked.

The significance of Lin Xizhan's identity is much higher than that of Li Xiyan and Wen Cangjian.

Li Xiyan is just a newly-crowned calligraphy master. Although Buncang Ken is one of the three great literary masters of the island country and his status in the island country is also a leading figure, he is not recognized in China. At most, he is regarded as a master of Chinese studies at the same level as Li Xiyan.

However, Lin Xizhan is a local literary leader and a master of Chinese studies, and he stands at the top of the field of Chinese studies.

With Lin Xizhan's identity, he actually came to visit Wang Qian in person!

This is absolutely impossible in the Beijing circle where seniority is extremely important.

Lin Xizhan acknowledges Wang Qian's status and position, but the leading figures in the Beijing circle will not acknowledge it.

Both Jia Fuqing and Zhang Yue have encountered this.

No matter how great or talented you are, if you are young, have no background, and no qualifications, in the eyes of the elders in the Beijing circle with a long history, you will have to rank behind them.

"It is said that the South is more open-minded and pragmatic, and it is indeed true."

Zhang Yue muttered to himself in a low voice.

Jia Fuqing also nodded.

Zhao Shuren had handed a visiting card to Jiang Yu and said with a smile: "Miss Jiang, thank you for your help. Tomorrow morning, my teacher Lin Xizhan will personally visit Professor Wang..."

Jiang Yu took it with both hands solemnly. She naturally knew the identities of the people in front of her, as well as the significance of Lin Xizhan behind them, so she did not dare to be negligent in the slightest. She took the visiting card and said seriously, "Okay, I will pass it to Professor Wang."

She only said that she would give it to Wang Qian, but did not promise anything on Wang Qian's behalf.

Xue Zhenguo didn't say anything, he just represented his identity as a landlord.

However, Yan Zixin stepped forward and handed a scroll with a table to Jiang Yu with both hands, and said seriously: "Miss Jiang, this is my humble work. I hope you can pass it to Professor Wang. Tomorrow I will go to your house with my master to ask for advice..."

Jiang Yu also took it and said calmly: "Okay, I will pass it to Professor Wang."

She looked at Yan Zixin carefully and knew that she was another literary talent like Xiao Dongmei, and she was also a little conceited and wanted to compete with Wang Qian in literature. She felt a little amused in her heart.

Only those who have personally witnessed and experienced Wang Qian’s talent will know how presumptuous it is to want to compete with Wang Qian in Chinese studies!

Xue Zhenguo said: "Well, thank you for troubling Miss Jiang. We will come again tomorrow. I won't bother Professor Wang today. Goodbye..."

Zhao Shuren, Yan Zixin and Xue Man also bowed slightly.

Jiang Yu: "Okay, everyone, take care."

The four of them turned around and got into the car. When they saw Jia Fuqing and Zhang Yue, they just nodded and greeted them, as if they had met before. None of them came up to talk to them.

Obviously, Zhao Shuren and Xue Zhenguo were not interested in chatting with Jia Fuqing and Zhang Yue.

Jia Fuqing and Zhang Yue had just experienced this kind of differential treatment. Now that they experienced it again, they found it easier to accept and were not so angry.

Jiang Yu watched Zhao Shuren and Xue Zhenguo's car leave, then looked at Jia Fuqing and Zhang Yue and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, both of you, Professor Wang can't see you today. It's too late, Professor Wang needs to rest, and he has a lot of things to do tomorrow. If you want to see Professor Wang, you can come with them tomorrow."

Jia Fuqing was an experienced person after all. He had also experienced all kinds of cold stares when he was young. At this time, he had adjusted his mood and said to Jiang Yu: "Okay, let's come again tomorrow."

Zhang Yue: "Sorry to bother you Miss Jiang, bye!"

Jiang Yu said calmly: "Goodbye..."

Jia Fuqing and Zhang Yue immediately turned around and left, walking towards the parking lot over there without stopping at all, as they were afraid that someone else might come and give them a cold look, which would make them even more embarrassed.

Jiang Yu also turned around and walked into the campus.

As soon as Jia Fuqing got in the car and closed the door, his face became extremely gloomy and he said in a cold tone: "They don't take us seriously at all!"

Zhang Yue was sitting next to him. The car had already started. He looked at the media reporters and many fans who were still densely packed outside the school gate, and comforted the teacher, saying, "Teacher, I'm used to it. Let's talk about it when I see Wang Qian tomorrow. Then I can also meet Mr. Lin Xizhan and make friends with him."

Zhang Yue is one of the famous middle-aged writers in China. He has earned hundreds of millions of yuan from writing books and is considered a successful person in the writer circle, but his status in the literary circle is not very high. He has long been accustomed to this kind of treatment in the Beijing circle.

Jia Fuqing has not produced any works in recent years. He has been just scheming to improve his status and the status of the Northwest cultural circle, but the effect has been minimal.

Jia Fuqing said in a deep voice: "Those guys in the Beijing circle just want to get closer to the international community, and want to connect the Beijing circle with the international literary and artistic circles. They keep accepting Western literary and artistic standards and integrating them into themselves, making themselves weird, but people have never bothered to pay attention to them. This time, Wang Qian has achieved such success internationally, and he did not use any Western literary and artistic standards. He conquered the world with folk music and Chinese culture, and was officially recognized, which slapped the faces of those people in the Beijing circle. Therefore, those people now do not want Wang Qian to appear in Beijing."

"When Wang Qian gives lectures at Shuimu and Jingda, that's when they will attack Wang Qian."

This topic was too straightforward. Zhang Yue didn't dare to respond and could only remain silent.

After Jia Fuqing finished speaking, he realized that he had gone too far. If his words were to get out, they would definitely offend those cultural leaders in the Beijing circle who wanted to go global.

European and American culture and art have dominated the world for hundreds of years and have long since formed world standards.

If the Beijing literary and artistic circles want to go global and gain worldwide recognition, they must follow other people's literary and artistic standards, otherwise people will ignore them.

However, the Beijing circle has been humbly compromising with the European and American literary and art circles over the years, but still has not received much recognition. Instead, it has launched a boycott in the country, making them unpopular both inside and outside.

If this is the case, they will just keep silent and it will pass. After all, they have done a lot of shameless things.

But Wang Qian went international and conquered the world with his pure folk music, calligraphy and poetry, and was recognized by a large number of people and literary and art circles in Europe and the United States.

Isn't this a slap in the face of those Beijing bigwigs who claim to be international


This time Wang Qian came to the capital.

There are already undercurrents in the cultural circle of the capital, and the atmosphere is extremely tense.

Except Li Xiyan and Xue Zhenguo, no other Beijing literary and artistic figure would come to visit Wang Qian.

After Jia Fuqing calmed down, he said softly: "This time, it may be our chance. However, we need to fight correctly to get some benefits."

Zhang Yue said softly, "It's very simple, teacher, just follow the instructions above."

Jia Fuqing nodded. The core of his scheming over the years was to follow the orders from above.

Wang Qian has become a regular guest on the News Broadcast recently, and his appearance rate is almost catching up with several leaders. Is there still a need to choose him

Wang Qian originally wanted to just meet them tonight and go to the Central Conservatory of Music tomorrow to watch them rehearse the Liang Zhu piece.


Qin Xuerong suggested that it would be best to set aside half a day tomorrow to have a formal meeting: "They are very particular about rules. If they hand in a formal visiting card, then we should meet them formally to entertain them. You are so tired today and you are not in good shape. Have a good rest tonight and have enough energy. See you tomorrow."

Wang Qian accepted it, so he asked Jiang Yu to go out and deal with it.

Jiang Yu came back soon and handed two visiting cards and Yan Zixin's scroll to Wang Qian: "This is the visiting card from Mr. Li Xiyan and Wen Cangjian from the island country. This is the visiting card from Mr. Lin Xizhan and Mr. Xue Zhenguo. This scroll is the work of Mr. Lin Xizhan's last disciple. I want you to take a look and discuss it with you tomorrow."

"Oh, Jia Fuqing and Zhang Yue are here too. They wanted to see you right now, but I sent them away. Let them come back tomorrow... They slandered you so much in the beginning, but now they are trying to please you. They are really fence-sitters who change their minds with the wind."

Jiang Yu obviously dislikes Jia Fuqing and Zhang Yue.

Qin Xuerong took the two visiting cards and the scroll and looked at them, then said, "I didn't expect that Mr. Lin Xizhan would come to visit in person. Wang Qian, you must be well prepared. He is a cultural leader in the south, and his status is so high that no one in the country can compare to him."

Wang Qian nodded, glanced at the two visiting cards casually, then curiously took Yan Zixin's work and said with a smile: "If Jia Fuqing and Zhang Yue want to come, then they can come. It doesn't matter."

Having lived two lives, he has seen through all of this. All the people in this world are seeking profit.

They belittled and slandered him in various ways at the beginning, but he didn't say anything. He thought it wouldn't have any impact anyway, so didn't he quietly delete it in the end

However, he was still quite curious about Lin Xizhan and Wen Cangjian.

"Bunkura Ken, is he from Japan?"

Wang Qian asked curiously.

Jiang Yu nodded: "Yes, he is one of the three great literary masters of the island country. He is a fellow apprentice of Mr. Li Xiyan. After completing his studies, he returned to China and became one of the three great literary masters. He is now one of the three people with the highest status in the cultural circle of the island country."

Wang Qian said "oh" and was not impressed by the Japanese people. He opened Yan Zixin's work and his eyes lit up slightly.

This is an ancient poem written in running script calligraphy that is almost at the level of a master.

The quality of the ancient poems can be considered above average, and they are rare masterpieces in modern times. However, compared with the several masterpieces published by Wang Qian, they are not on the same level.

However, Wang Qian will not look down on others because he knows where his works come from.

Yan Zixin is obviously a talented woman like Xiao Dongmei. She is not well-known and not as well-known as those masters who are famous on the Internet.

However, their talents are far superior to those of Internet masters.

Just one thing!

Those online calligraphy masters all exhibited cursive scripts, which were so confusing that I couldn’t understand them…

Whenever someone questions something, there will be people who say that cursive writing expresses artistic conception, and it is normal not to understand it!

So why don't they practice regular script or running script, but only cursive script

Obviously, it’s because cursive writing is easy to fool people.

It’s not easy to fool people with regular script and running script.

However, talented young people like Yan Zixin and Xiao Dongmei, as well as middle-aged and young backbones like Li Xiyan and Xue Zhenguo, have neither the time nor the energy to hype themselves on the Internet.

People who truly study are always very low-key. They usually spend their time either reading books, studying, or practicing calligraphy.

Where is the time and energy to shoot videos for hype

Qin Xuerong looked at Yan Zixin's works and whispered, "I heard my father mention Yan Zixin's name. He said she is the most talented young woman in Hong Kong Island. She is well-known in the South and even in the entire Nanyang Chinese Studies circle. One reason is that she is Lin Xizhan's last disciple, and the other is that she is incredibly talented. She has published several ancient poems and lyrics, which are very popular and recognized in the southern cultural circle."

"Some people say that she may take over Lin Xizhan's legacy in the future and become one of the representatives of southern Chinese studies."

"Oh, by the way, my sister also talked about her. She said that she once attended a cocktail party in Hong Kong Island and met Yan Zixin once. She said she was inferior to Yan. "

Qin Xuerong smiled.

She knew that her sister Qin Xuehong was also an extremely proud person. The fact that she admitted that she was inferior to Yan Zixin showed Qin Xuerong's recognition of Yan Zixin.

Wang Qian took a look at Yan Zixin's ancient poem and handed it to Qin Xuerong: "Put it away and take it out tomorrow."

Qin Xuerong put it away.

Jiang Yu stood up and said goodbye: "It's getting late, you guys should take a rest, I'll come again tomorrow!"

Tomorrow Wang Qian will meet Li Xiyan, Wen Cangjian, Lin Xizhan, Xue Zhenguo, Jia Fuqing and others.

This kind of gathering is one of the highest-level in the domestic cultural circle.

Jiang Yu won't miss it.