Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 582: 581. Double-line preaching, impacting the first in music history? (Please subscribe)


The news of Wang Qian's arrival in Beijing became hot news both at home and abroad.

In China, it is the top trending news on major social platforms, and many media, fans and passers-by are paying close attention to it.

Because this was Wang Qian’s first public appearance after returning to China.

Many people were still immersed in the surprise that Wang Qian had finished writing The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. At this time, Wang Qian went to the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing to give lectures, which made them even more surprised.

Many foreign media and passers-by, as well as Wang Qian's fans, were also paying close attention.

Because they also know what Wang Qian is doing at this moment—becoming a music master.

The world's first musical master in a hundred years.

At the same time, he is also the first music master in the Chinese music circle to be recognized by the world.

Once Wang Qian succeeds in proving his truth, it will have great significance both at home and abroad.

Therefore, the news that Wang Qian has arrived in Beijing and is about to give lectures at the Central Conservatory of Music is still the hottest news both at home and abroad.

Los Angeles Times: "Professor Wang Qian has officially entered the Central Conservatory of Music to make final preparations for his lectures. According to our reporters who were sent to the local area, many famous music masters from all over the world have arrived at the Central Conservatory of Music. And famous music schools around the world are ready to leave."

"It's hard to buy tickets to China's capital these days. The whole world will see whether Wang Qian can prove himself as the first great musician in a century, and also the first great musician in China."

“We all look forward to being witnesses of history.”

Hollywood Times: "Professor Wang Qian perfectly interprets what music art is. His music class will be the highest temple of world music art."

The New York Times: "According to the latest news, the Juilliard School and the Curtis Institute have reached a preliminary agreement with the Central Conservatory of Music. The two most famous world music schools in North America will soon offer Chinese folk music courses on their campuses. We look forward to the wonderful sparks created by the fusion of Eastern and Western music."

Wall Street Journal: "The latest news is that due to Professor Wang Qian's departure from North America and the end of the World Championship, the market value of the largest TV station in North America has dropped by 10%, and it almost fell from the throne of the world's number one TV station. However, they have just reached a lifetime cooperation agreement with Professor Wang Qian, which has caused its market value to soar by 30% again, and it has completely secured the throne of the world's number one TV station. The overall market value of its parent company has also soared by 20%."

"Even if the profits they can earn from the cooperation agreement with Professor Wang Qian are very small, the other benefits they can earn from the news of their cooperation with Professor Wang Qian will be huge. It is initially estimated to be at least $100 billion. This is a classic example of business cooperation..."

World Music News: "The capital of China has become the focal city of the world's music field. It is also the place where all the musicians in the world, whether they are pop musicians or classical musicians, gather. The scale of this gathering may even exceed the scale of the gathering at the Juilliard School in New York a few days ago..."

"The latest news is that after Professor Wang Qian returned to China, he did not immediately start producing a new album, nor did he start to delve into his path to becoming a musical master. Instead, he continued writing a Chinese historical epic novel he had written before, and quickly completed it, which received extremely positive reviews."

"We don't know if it's right for him to do this, but I think if his path to becoming a music superstar fails, or if his first album fails, then this must be one of the reasons!"

"He should focus on doing one thing, like music."

Domestic coverage was even more positive.

This is positive news that is in line with the world. It is definitely the news that many people are most concerned about and the news that all media like to hype the most. It has strong official support and can attract huge traffic!

Just like when the two sprinters broke the world record in the world-class competition and set a precedent in the field of Asian sports, it was absolutely positive news that could boost national confidence, and all kinds of media reported it extensively.

At this time, the information on Wang Qian was even more exaggerated than that of the two flying men.

The official media also adhered to its usual habit: the fewer words, the bigger the matter.

"Mr. Wang Qian, a Chinese writer, music artist, calligrapher, and singer, arrived at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing today and will soon begin giving lectures to the world!"

It was a very brief report, but every industry insider who saw it could see the important information contained in it, as well as the official's absolute support for Wang Qian.

Other media naturally followed suit and followed suit in reporting the news.

"Professor Wang Qian arrived in Beijing, and the city was almost paralyzed."

"Shocking, one person almost drove 20 million people crazy."

"The capital city runs for him alone..."

"The latest news is that Professor Wang Qian arrived in Beijing, attracting more than 100,000 people to watch."

"Professor Wang Qian's first contact with the Central Conservatory of Music..."

I haven't heard any such reports in one night.

Because, as long as it is a similar report, it will get a lot of attention and traffic.

Naturally, various media and self-media never get tired of this.

Such a traffic feast is rare, so they naturally don’t want to miss any opportunity to get some traffic.

The next day, when Wang Qian got up, it was already late.

He was indeed quite tired these past few days. He had not rested since returning home from New York. He was busy finishing Romance of the Three Kingdoms. After that, he negotiated a documentary contract with the TV station. In between, he also had some crazy time with Diana and Bella. After the contract was confirmed, he flew to Beijing without stopping.

Almost never stopped for a moment.

So, he was really just resting last night, and Qin Xuerong was also tired yesterday and didn't stick to him.

The young couple slept peacefully until dawn.

When Wang Qian opened his eyes, Qin Xuerong was still sleeping.

The accommodation on campus is indeed quieter and has a good atmosphere, which makes them feel more at ease.

Wang Qian got up quietly, walked out of the bedroom, closed the door gently, washed up quickly, and was about to go to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

There was a soft knock on the door.

Wang Qian walked over in his pajamas. He saw through the peephole that it was Jiang Yu carrying breakfast, so he opened the door casually: "You came so early? And you brought us food? What, did you get a mission from school?"

Jiang Yu blushed, and then smiled easily: "Yes, my mother said that I am half your student, and now I also represent the identity of the Central Conservatory of Music, so I naturally have the obligation to take care of your daily life. I brought you breakfast. If there are any daily chores that need to be taken care of, you can just tell me."

As he spoke, Jiang Yu walked in, took out the breakfasts one by one, and placed them neatly on the dining table, inviting them, "Eat quickly. Where's Xuerong? Haven't you gotten up yet?"

Wang Qian smiled and did not refuse Jiang Yu's service. He sat down and casually picked up a fried dough stick and started eating: "Well, she is still sleeping. Don't call her, let her sleep for a while. Save breakfast for her..."

Jiang Yu nodded, collected Qin Xuerong's portion again, put it in the thermos cup, then sat opposite Wang Qian, quietly watching Wang Qian eat breakfast, suddenly a sense of happiness welled up in his heart, and said with a smile: "Director He said that when you come here, don't be shy, just treat this place as your own home, we will follow your arrangements in everything. You can tell us directly what you want to arrange in the Central Conservatory of Music, and everyone will cooperate with you."

Many leaders of the Central Conservatory of Music secretly received some instructions from above, that is, they must cooperate well with Wang Qian to ensure the success of this lecture to the world.

With such an important cultural output, they certainly don’t want any mistakes to happen, so they hand it over to the person who is most capable of success and is already the most successful.

That’s Wang Qian!

Many leaders, teachers and students of CAF also know their own weight. It is no problem for them to dominate the country, but in the world, they are really nothing. If they want to succeed, they can only rely on Wang Qian, who has already achieved success.

So, it was enough for them to follow Wang Qian and drink the soup.

If they want to be in the limelight and end up failing, then the blame will be so heavy that no one in the Central Conservatory of Music can bear it. By then, countless people will be in trouble, and their reputation among the people will definitely collapse. They may become a pariah like a certain art academy now, and become synonymous with cultural traitors.


Cooperate with Wang Qian in everything.

That’s their consensus.

How does Wang Qian arrange it

They just do it.

Not only the Central Conservatory of Music, but also the teachers and students from several other music schools and many folk music masters who came to participate expressed their willingness to cooperate with all the arrangements made by Wang Qian.

After so much preparation and internal discussion, the colleges and universities as well as folk masters in the field of Chinese music and art have reached a consensus and put it into action.

Wang Qian has now become a leader in the field of Chinese music and art.

After hearing this, Wang Qian knew that there must be official power behind this, and his achievements in the world could overwhelm everyone, which led to such unification.

These two points are indispensable.

Eat breakfast slowly and leisurely.

Wang Qian looked at Jiang Yu who was sitting opposite him and staring at him, and said softly, "Let them continue to rehearse Liang Zhu according to the score I gave them. They will perform it for the world to see. This violin concerto, which obviously has a strong Chinese style, is very important."

Jiang Yu and Wang Qian looked at each other for a few seconds, then quickly lowered his head, wrote down what Wang Qian said and sent it to He Chaohui: "Okay, they have been working on this for more than a month, and are waiting for you, the commander-in-chief, to review it."

Wang Qian smiled and continued, "Also, I want to form a symphony orchestra and play a symphony. It would be best if there is an existing, capable symphony orchestra to cooperate with me!"

Jiang Yu asked in surprise: "You composed a symphony? What style? What kind of symphony orchestra do you need? How about I play the piano?"

After all, Jiang Yu's heart is inclined towards classical music art. Rock is just her temporary job. If she has the opportunity to focus on classical music, she will definitely devote herself to classical music without hesitation.

Symphony orchestra, that was naturally what she wanted to do.

There is definitely no place for her in the national orchestra.

But if Wang Qian formed a band, she believed she could do it.

After all, her level has reached that of a world-class master, and she can be said to be among the top in the country. If it were not for her insufficient qualifications and grades, she could be a leading pianist in the national music scene.

She had been waiting for this day.

The ultimate masterpieces of all the great musical masters in history are embodied in symphonies.

Different from pop music and musical sketches.

In the field of music art, works with extremely high artistic value must be series and symphonies!

Because only a work that is long enough can fully express an artistic value similar to a life experience.

A pop song or a piano piece of several minutes like "To Xuerong" cannot reflect a complete core idea at all.


The representative work of a musical master is either a long series of works with a long tradition, consisting of many works connected together to express the same core idea; or a symphony lasting dozens of minutes or even one or two hours to express a complete core idea.

Only in this way can one truly prove himself as a music master.

The nocturne series previously published by Wang Qian was expressing an idea that if it succeeds, he will naturally become the first music master of the new era.

However, Jiang Yu, Juliet, Murong Yue and other musical geniuses who follow Wang Qian every day all know that Wang Qian will definitely compose a symphony sooner or later.

They have all been waiting for this day.

Jiang Yu didn't expect that this day would come so soon.

Moreover, it came at a time when Wang Qian had not yet truly proven himself as a musical master.

Jiang Yu looked at Wang Qian with slight shock, his eyes full of shock and admiration!

The Nocturne series has not yet been successfully proven, but its success is already visible to the naked eye.

At this time, Wang Qian published another symphony.

Could it be that he took a two-pronged approach and used two kinds of works to testify to the musical mastership

Jiang Yu, a musical genius, couldn't help but take a breath.

This way of preaching by a great music master has never been thought of before in the entire history of music.

Even Gumphius, the number one music master in the history of European and American classical music, used symphonies when he first preached, rather than symphonies and series together!

Several other music masters also preached a single sermon, either a symphony or a series!

If Wang Qian can do it, he can prove his truth through both methods.

Coupled with Wang Qian's many classic works that are worthy of being passed down through the ages, Wang Qian's position in the history of world music will be second to none in the future!

Jiang Yu's heart was filled with excitement and pride.

Wang Qian glanced at Jiang Yu, whose face suddenly turned red with excitement, and was somewhat puzzled by her thoughts.

He wanted to rehearse a symphony just to make this class more artistically valuable and have more weight and impact in the world.

Nodding slightly, Wang Qian said, "I've had some ideas for a long time, and recently I suddenly got inspiration and organized these ideas into a song. It just so happens that the Central Conservatory of Music has gathered a large number of music masters and talents from all over the country, so I want to borrow them to play this song."

Jiang Yu said excitedly: "Wait a minute, I'll talk to Director He, she will take care of it. Whoever you want, he must come!"

After saying that, Jiang Yu stood up and called his mother He Chaohui.

Wang Qian was standing more than ten meters away and could hear He Chaohui's shocked shout coming from the phone.