Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 583: 582. National Orchestra's individual performance? A high-level gathering in the cultural field. (Subscribe please)


In fact, He Chaohui had no choice but to shout out.

The Central Conservatory of Music is the international academic leader in the field of Chinese music and art.

The national music scene is the face of Chinese classical music art in the international arena.

The European and American music and art fields have always believed that China is a desert of music and art!

The biggest reason, of course, is that they do not recognize China's own unique artistic heritage of national musical instruments. The second reason is that China's musical talents have limited development in European and American music arts.

So far, the China National Orchestra has performed several times internationally, all of which were famous European and American classic symphonies, which received relatively high praise. Only once did it perform a symphony composed by China's own music artists. That was a main theme symphony composed by a music master decades ago, but the response it received was very mediocre. Few people recognized it, and few people remembered it. It was as if it did not exist.

Symphony is the crown-level existence in the field of European and American music art, and is the essence of all musical arts.

Just as cars are the crystallization of industrial condensation, the manufacturing of a car covers almost all industrial fields, so the automobile industry is a representative symbol of a country's overall industrial level. There are not many countries in the world that can do this.

The same is true for symphonies. Symphonies involve almost all mainstream musical instruments. To bring so many instruments together, to embody a strong sense of artistry and thoughtfulness, and to gain recognition from almost everyone, is definitely not something that ordinary people can do. There are not many people in history who can do this.

Therefore, this is also the reason why several great music masters in the history of European music art have proved their status as great music masters through their classic symphonic works.

It was only after seeing this that China began to create its own symphonies, and these symphonies were all main melody works without exception. In the eyes of European and American music artists, these works were devoid of thought and artistry, so they were strongly disapproved of.

Of course, given the arrogance of those European and American music artists, they would not give much recognition even to classical music works created by Chinese musicians.

Just like Chinese movies, positive film and television works will never get much recognition abroad; however, several works that deeply exposed the ignorance and life difficulties of ordinary people at the bottom were a huge success overseas, winning various awards, and their directors and leading actors all achieved international status and their net worth skyrocketed.

But Wang Qian is different.

Wang Qian has proven himself internationally, and his status in the field of music and art in Europe and the United States can be said to be among the best. His hard power is the best in the world, and major music artists and prestigious schools have expressed their recognition of this.

Therefore, the symphonic works published by Wang Qian will definitely receive relatively fair treatment in the international music and art field. If they are truly good works, they will surely receive widespread recognition and response.

At that time, Wang Qian was not only able to achieve the feat of a music master through two channels, but also broke the zero breakthrough in the export of Chinese symphony, which also had great significance for the field of Chinese music and art.


If this happened at the Central Conservatory of Music, it would become a music mecca in China and would truly take steps to catch up with the world's top music schools internationally.


He Chaohui couldn't help but get excited: "Symphony? Forming an orchestra for rehearsal right away? Is this true?"

Jiang Yu's voice came from the phone: "Of course it's true, my Director He. When has Professor Wang ever lied? Besides, who would lie to you about this kind of thing, at this time?"

He Chaohui immediately stood up, put down his half-finished breakfast, picked up his coat and walked out, saying quickly: "Okay, tell Professor Wang that I'll be there right away. At the same time, I will notify the school. The school also has its own symphony orchestra, which is composed of the school's top students, as well as many outstanding graduates and teachers. The level is absolutely no problem."

After a pause, He Chaohui said uncertainly: "I can also discuss with the school leaders and inform the higher-ups of this news. Even the national orchestra may come to participate!"

He Chaohui did not say how good Wang Qian's symphony was, because he believed that with Wang Qian's practice and foundation of creating masterpieces, this symphony must be extraordinary. It might not reach the level of a masterpiece, but it was very likely to be excellent.


Wang Qian possesses all the conditions and factors to compose an excellent symphony, even better than Gampphis, the first musical master in the history of European and American music.

That is, Wang Qian's grasp and talent for musical instruments are unparalleled, and he is also a master performer of many instruments. So he must be able to easily handle the tone required for other symphonies!

Coupled with Wang Qian's musical talent, which is considered to be the best in history, composing a symphony is almost a natural thing.

The question now is whether this symphony is good enough to be recognized by the world, and whether it can prove that it is a great musician...

Jiang Yu: "Okay, then come over. Professor Wang is having breakfast. Professor Li Xiyan and Mr. Wen Cangjian will come to visit later, and Principal Tao may also come. You can talk to them about this topic."

Although Li Xiyan and Tao Zhishan have both retired, Li Xiyan has now shifted his energy from music to calligraphy, becoming a master of calligraphy and a leading figure in the Beijing calligraphy circle. He wants to go one step further and truly leave his name in the history of calligraphy, let his works become cultural relics in the future, and have a second spring in a new field and find a new goal in life.

However, Li Xiyan still has a lot of influence in the National Orchestra.

Li Xiyan has always been upset about Wang Qian's refusal to join the National Orchestra.

In particular, as Wang Qian has become more famous and accomplished internationally recently, Li Xiyan has more ideas. He hopes that Wang Qian can carry the banner of his national orchestra and bring it to a truly world-class level, comparable to the world's famous top orchestras such as the Philharmonic Orchestra.

Hang up the phone.

Jiang Yu sat opposite Wang Qian again, watching Wang Qian still eating breakfast leisurely: "Professor Wang, Director He will be here soon. She will contact the leaders and try to persuade the National Orchestra to come to help. However, Professor Wang, your lecture at the Central Conservatory of Music is about to begin. There is not much time left for rehearsal. Do you want to postpone the performance?"

Wang Qian took a sip of soy milk and said softly, "The specific time of the performance depends on who the members of the orchestra are. If it is a national orchestra, I think it will be able to perform publicly within a week."

Jiang Yu smiled and said softly, "The National Orchestra has not yet accepted any invitations from the outside to perform. However, if it is Professor Wang's invitation, coupled with Professor Li Xiyan's persuasion, I think it will not be a problem."

The National Orchestra is different from the top orchestras in Europe and the United States. The National Orchestra is an institutional organization. Every performer in it receives a state salary and high subsidies. They also receive high salaries when they retire, and their treatment is better than that of civil servants.

The top orchestras in Europe and the United States are all for-profit organizations. They have to find ways to make money to be self-sufficient and then make as much profit as possible. Although they have not made a real profit for a long time and are relying on government subsidies and donations from wealthy people to survive, they are indeed for-profit organizations. It's just that the overall market environment is not good and they can't make a profit, so they can take on any legal and legitimate commercial performances.

However, the performances of the national orchestra are basically of a public welfare and policy nature.

It is impossible for outside social groups to be invited to perform at the national orchestra because they are not qualified.

It is even more impossible to be invited by an outside music artist to play for him alone.

But Wang Qian may be an exception.

The recent policy directions are almost all focused on Wang Qian.

Wang Qian smiled at Jiang Yu's words and said nothing.

In fact, he knew that with his current status and the importance of this performance to the world, if he asked the National Orchestra, there would be more than a 90% chance of success.

However, he would not take the initiative to ask for help.

The door opened and Qin Xuerong walked out of the bedroom: "Jiang Jiang, you personally delivered breakfast. We are so honored."

Jiang Yu smiled and threw a bun over. Qin Xuerong took it and started eating.

The atmosphere is very relaxed.

After a while...

He Chaohui rushed over and knocked on the door. Jiang Yu opened the door and walked in. The first thing he said when he entered the room was to look at Wang Qian and ask, "Professor Wang, are you sure about the symphony? Do you have the score? I just contacted the leader, retired Principal Tao and Professor Li. They all want to see the score. If the score is okay, they can guarantee to convince the National Orchestra to play your symphony."

He Chaohui has done a lot along the way.

Wang Qian had finished his breakfast and washed up. He was dressed neatly and sat on the sofa, reading a book on music theory in the room. When he heard what He Chaohui said, he continued to stare at the book and said calmly, "As for the score, I can give it to you tomorrow."

He Chaohui asked anxiously, "Professor Wang, have you finished writing it? If you have, it would be best if you give it to me now. I will go find them right away. We don't have much time..."

Wang Qian chuckled again and said, "Sorry, I haven't written it yet. I'll write it tonight so I can give it to you tomorrow."


He Chaohui was stunned for a moment. She thought that even if Wang Qian had not finished writing it, he should have almost finished it and might need to make the final touches to perfect it.

In the end, not a single word was written

Wang Qian added, "Don't worry, Director He. I have it all memorized. I have been thinking about this piece of music for several years, and only recently did I come up with a truly complete idea. Although I haven't played it yet, the appearance of the piece is already clearly engraved in my mind. I will write it tonight when I finish my work today, and you can come and get it tomorrow morning."

He Chaohui smiled bitterly, stared at Wang Qian and said, "I really don't understand the world of geniuses."

Even though he had witnessed a lot of crazy things done by Wang Qian, such as learning a strange instrument in front of the whole world and then performing it perfectly to conquer the world's music masters.

However, she felt that that was not as crazy as what Wang Qian was going to do now.

Which symphony by the great music masters in history was not the result of their long-term polishing, continuous composition, continuous revision, and continuous performance attempts before it was finally formed

How can you write something in one go without trying or revising it

That doesn't exist.

Most of the manuscripts of Gumphius that have been handed down to the world are fragmentary and intermittent notes. They are all his attempts to record inspiration and compose. Finally, he will try to write the song in one go. After writing it, he will continue to revise it to form the final work. Therefore, his most precious manuscripts are the manuscripts of his composing a complete song, which are worth tens of millions of dollars.

Wang Qian didn't even write a single word, but directly wrote the complete symphony score.

This is a crazy thing in the eyes of everyone who understands the art of music!

Symphony and pop music are completely different fields, and also a huge system that is more complex and systematic.

There are dozens of instruments and people involved...

The thinking and attempts required are so complicated that many ordinary people cannot imagine it.

So, it is impossible to get it done in one go.

If someone else said this, He Chaohui would definitely curse at them, thinking that they were lying to her and fooling her.

But when Wang Qian said this, she chose to believe it.

Because Wang Qian has proven to the world that he is the number one genius who surpasses everyone else, even all the geniuses in history, and his actions are unimaginable and unpredictable.

So, He Chaohui did not question it.

In particular, given He Chaohui's current position, it is impossible for her to question Wang Qian. She can only choose to believe in Wang Qian and support him all the way.


There was no time for her to think now.

There was a knock on the door.

Wang Qian, Jiang Yu, Qin Xuerong, and He Chaohui all looked outside the door.

They all know.

Today's guests are here!

That is, I don’t know which one came first

Just as Jiang Yu was about to open the door, Qin Xuerong grabbed Jiang Yu and walked out himself.

She is the hostess here now, so of course she should open the door.

Jiang Yu and He Chaohui both immediately straightened their appearance and made sure everything was fine before sitting down in their seats.

They all knew that the gathering held by Wang Qian today was the most high-level gathering in the cultural circle in recent years. They certainly couldn't let anything go wrong here, as that would not only bring shame to Wang Qian, but also to the Central Conservatory of Music and their families.

Qin Xuerong opened the door and saw that it was indeed Li Xiyan, Wen Cangjian and Tao Zhishan standing at the door. There were two young women behind them, one brought by Li Xiyan and the other brought by Wen Cangjian. Tao Zhishan was alone.

Open the door!

Qin Xuerong smiled and said, "Professor Li, Mr. Wen Cangjian, and Principal Tao are here. Please come in. Wang Qian knew you were coming and didn't go anywhere. He has been waiting for a long time."

Li Xiyan apologized, "I'm sorry to have kept Professor Wang waiting."

Wen Cangjian also spoke standard Mandarin and said, "I came here in a hurry and didn't prepare anything. I will give Professor Wang one of my works as a gift."

As he spoke, he said to the young woman behind him, "Pearl, bring it here!"

The young woman standing behind him was none other than Qianyu Zhenzhu.

Qianyu Zhenzhu was wearing a standard Tang suit, looking beautiful, dignified and elegant. After hearing Wen Cangjian's words, she held a long scroll in both hands and handed it to Qin Xuerong.

Qin Xuerong looked at the Thousand Feather Pearls curiously.

Naturally, she recognized Qianyu Zhenzhu at a glance.