Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 588: 587. National treasure, fresh! (Subscribe please)


The subject title appears first above.

Looking at Lushan Waterfall!

Several elegant and graceful thin gold fonts appeared, with a temperament as if they were out of this world and as if they were immortal. Looking at Wang Qian who was writing, it was as if he was looking at a banished immortal who was about to fly.

Several people who witnessed Wang Qian, the only contemporary calligraphy master, display his calligraphy realm for the first time, such as Wen Cangjian, Lin Xizhan, Zhao Shuren, Yan Zixin, Jia Fuqing and Zhang Yue, had even more shock in their eyes than Wang Qian, who had just displayed the realm of traditional Chinese painting like a master of painting.

This kind of master-level artistic conception was beyond their imagination.

He has truly reached the state where his handwriting reflects his personality and the person is like his handwriting.

Every word is Wang Qian, and Wang Qian is every word.

Still no one spoke, even the breathing became more subtle, and everyone's eyes were staring at Wang Qian's every move.

One by one, the fairy-like characters gradually appeared, and everyone was even more shocked.

"The sun shines on the incense burner, producing purple smoke, and in the distance I see a waterfall hanging in front of the river."

"The waterfall drops three thousand feet straight down, like the Milky Way falling from the sky."

A seven-character quatrain ancient poem appeared, and Wang Qian wrote it in one go without any hesitation, as if every word had been thought of long ago.

Finally, Wang Qian slowly wrote a line of words under the signature at the bottom corner: This was created during an exchange of Chinese paintings with Wen Cangjian, and witnessed by friends Lin Xizhan, Li Xiyan, and Tao Zhishan. Finally, there were the two words "Wang Qian".

Several people mentioned by Wang Qian had their faces flushed with excitement and their bodies trembled slightly with excitement.

Wen Cangjian and Lin Xizhan were the oldest. Their bodies swayed with excitement and they almost fell down. Fortunately, they were supported by Qianyu Zhenzhu and Yan Zixin beside them.

The others who were not included in Wang Qian's paintings were slightly disappointed, but they felt relieved after being disappointed.

If they asked themselves, they were all a level lower than Wen Cangjian, Lin Xizhan, Li Xiyan, and Tao Zhishan in terms of status and realm.

Of course, Tao Zhishan was the most excited, because he was just a bystander, he was not even from the field of Chinese studies, he was a master in the field of classical music, and he was recorded in the painting by Wang Qian this time purely because his qualifications and status were at the same level as Li Xiyan, so Wang Qian wrote down his name.

Jia Fuqing was the most depressed. A hint of gloom flashed across his face, but then he returned to normal.

He had previously brought people to discredit Wang Qian, but Wang Qian ignored him just now. He had forced his way in to join in the fun. It would be abnormal if Wang Qian still recorded him in his painting.

Therefore, Jia Fuqing quickly understood and tried his best to dispel the little bit of resentment that was growing in his heart and to calm himself down.

It's not that he has a change of heart...

Rather, as he looked at the painting, he knew that once the painting became circulated, Wang Qian’s status in the domestic literary field would naturally rise again to an unparalleled position.

How could he be an enemy of such a person

Putting this aside, from a purely literati's perspective, his admiration for Wang Qian was elevated to a higher level.

Such a monster!

Even during the most developed period of Tang and Song literature, there were definitely many great writers who dominated the world. Those great writers who have been passed down through the ages may even be inferior to Wang Qian.

Those great writers who have been passed down through the ages, although their achievements in literature can be regarded as among the best of all time, but they are not masters of calligraphy, nor are they masters of painting, nor are they great musicians!

And Wang Qian is all of them!

How could Jia Fuqing become an enemy of such a person

Zhang Yue's face was filled with shock and admiration, as well as a hint of pride. He was proud to have witnessed this scene. This might be a qualification he could brag about for the rest of his life.

After Wang Qian finished writing the last signature, he looked at it again to make sure that he had made no mistakes. Then he slowly put down the brush, breaking the long silence and said softly, "I haven't painted for a year or two, so my hands are a little rusty. This painting was inspired by the Lushan Waterfall when I visited Lushan a few years ago. At that time, I kept it in my mind and didn't express it."

"I just saw Mr. Ken Bunkura's painting of Mount Fuji in snow, and I was inspired and drew it. Sorry for the joke."

A word!

The others all smiled bitterly.

Are you still new to this

Haven't painted in a few years

What if you draw every day

Wen Cangjian, one of the parties involved, smiled bitterly and shook his head. He bowed to Wang Qian and said seriously, "No, Professor Wang, I overestimated my own abilities. Your painting is the highest level of artistic painting I have ever seen in my life. Even the national treasures I have seen in the Forbidden City are not as good as your painting."

The others were slightly surprised by Ken Bunkura's reaction, but they generally agreed with what he said.

Whether it is Lin Xizhan or Li Xiyan, even Xue Zhenguo, Zhao Shuren, Jia Fuqing and others, they have almost seen the treasures of all major museums in the country and some private collectors. Among them, there are about ten Chinese treasure-level paintings!

However, whether it is the most recent work by the last master of painting seventy or eighty years ago that was sold for hundreds of millions, or the work five hundred years ago that was also sold for hundreds of millions, as well as the work of the Tang Dynasty who was called the Saint of Painting, compared with Wang Qian's work, they are just older.

Whether it is painting skills or artistic conception, it is inferior.

Wang Qian's painting seems to have combined the advantages of the works of several ancient masters of painting into one, and is about to merge into one, reaching the realm of perfection.

Add to that Wang Qian’s excellent poem that perfectly matches the song and his master-level calligraphy!

It really raises those national treasure-level paintings to at least a higher level.

Wang Qian heard this and stepped forward to help Wen Cangjian up, saying, "Sir, there is no need to do this. It's just a communication. Your work is already excellent."

Wen Cangjian smiled bitterly, shook his head and stopped talking.

As the leading Chinese culture genius of the time, he knew that talent was something that was truly incomparable. He had also made a group of people despair back then, and it was only right that Wang Qian made him despair now.

Lin Xizhan took a step forward, bent down slightly, and looked carefully at every detail of Wang Qian's painting. The others looked at Lin Xizhan quietly, and Lin Xizhan praised earnestly: "The brush and ink are integrated, vigorous and elegant. The composition is simple and clear, the picture has clear layers, and the density is well-arranged. The brushwork is clear and elegant, delicate but not weak, powerful and rhythmic, and hard and soft."

The surroundings were extremely quiet again. Wang Qian and Wen Cangjian stopped talking and looked at Lin Xizhan's evaluation. The others held their breath and looked at Lin Xizhan.

Lin Xizhan paused for a moment and continued, "To be honest, when I was about ten years old, I saw the last great painter of the Republic of China painting live. At that time, the master was already about seventy years old, and his skills and realm had reached a mature state. His painting at that time shocked me greatly, and later I devoted myself to studying and practicing Chinese painting, but my talent was limited and I was unable to achieve anything."

"However, the shock Professor Wang gave me today was even greater and more impactful than the feeling that master gave me."

"I can't believe that Professor Wang is only in his early thirties this year."

"This painting can be regarded as the pinnacle of Chinese painting, a masterpiece that embodies all the pinnacle techniques and artistic conception of Chinese painting."

“The ink color is vivid and varied, harmonious and spiritual, the artistic conception is far-reaching, elegant and beautiful, extraordinary and otherworldly…”

The last four words: extraordinary.

Lin Xizhan spoke the most seriously and forcefully.

Everyone present was fascinated by what they heard.

Yan Zixin, who was standing at the back, was the most shocked when she heard this. Thinking about how she had asked someone to give her work to Wang Qian yesterday for appreciation, discussion and advice, her face couldn't help but blush, knowing that she was really overestimating her own abilities!

She is about the same age as Wang Qian, but their realms are at least several lifetimes apart.

Wang Qian couldn't help but blush slightly after hearing the words of Lin Xizhan, the master of Chinese studies in Hong Kong.

This painting he copied was the famous Viewing the Waterfall at Mount Lu by Tang Yin, whom he had seen in his previous life. This was the Chinese painting that was hyped up and auctioned for a whopping $600 million, but was later proved to be a hype rumor.

This painting is not Tang Yin's best, but it is no exaggeration to say that it is the best in the world.

This is because, in the history of China in this world, there has never been a super genius like Tang Yin, who could learn and integrate the specialties of the masters of painting who appeared in the Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties.

Several great painters in the history of this world all have their own characteristics and strengths, so each has their own unique features.

Wang Qian's painting integrates the characteristics of several great painters in history, and carries them forward, surpassing their predecessors. The artistic conception and expression after the integration are clearer and more distant, so it is no exaggeration to say that this painting is the culmination of Chinese traditional painting over the past thousand years.

If there is a disadvantage, there may be only one!

That is, the painting is too young—it was just completed.

Wang Qian is too young, just in his early thirties.

However, even so, the value and significance of this painting in the field of Chinese studies are extraordinary.

Everyone present opened their eyes to tears when looking at this painting.

If I could collect this painting.

They believe that this will truly be a family heirloom in the future, and definitely a national treasure.

It may not even take long, just a hundred years, when Wang Qian dies, this painting will become a national treasure.

Just like the works of the last master of painting during the Republic of China period, they are now national treasures worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Wang Qian's works surpass that master painter in both artistic value and technical skills. It is reasonable that after Wang Qian passes away, the value of his works will exceed that of that master painter, right

However, at this time, Lin Xizhan looked at the last line of the signature and said with a wry smile: "Professor Wang's words are really slapping the old man in the face."

When others saw this, they couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Wen Cangjian shook his head and said, "This makes me seem even more arrogant. Professor Wang is a scholar, I really admire him."

Li Xiyan also shook his head and said nothing, not knowing what to say for a moment.

The others were even more so, they remained silent as they looked at the line of words.

Because, this line of words was not written by Wang Qian in the Slender Gold calligraphy he created, but in authentic running script.

The level displayed by this line of running script calligraphy has reached the level of a master, and is even better than Lin Xizhan, who is known as the number one running script calligrapher in the south, and is more than one level ahead of Wen Cangjian.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is the best running script calligrapher in contemporary times. Even compared with several ancient calligraphy masters who focused on running script, he is not much worse.

This line of running script was written by Wang Qian when he imitated Wang Xizhi's calligraphy. Since his rebirth, he has reached 99% of Wang Xizhi's calligraphy level. He is only one step away from becoming the best running script writer of all time. Unfortunately, this point is the most difficult to overcome.

Otherwise, Wang Xizhi would not be called the Saint of Calligraphy.

This line of words further adds great value to the painting.

This is the first masterpiece of Chinese painting throughout the ages. It also incorporates a masterpiece of ancient poetry that will be passed down through the ages, written in the Slender Gold style of calligraphy by the only contemporary calligraphy master, as well as a line of running script that is comparable to that of the ancient running script masters of calligraphy.

And what this gathering today represents.

All are gathered in this one painting.

In the eyes of several people who focus on the field of Chinese studies, such as Lin Xizhan, Wen Cangjian, Li Xiyan, Xue Zhenguo, Zhao Shuren, and Yan Zixin, this painting is simply a super artifact shining with colorful rays of light.

Whoever can obtain it will have his status and qualifications in the field of Chinese classics elevated to a higher level, and will become the focus when participating in Chinese classics exchange gatherings in other places in the future.

Pairs of burning eyes looked at Wang Qian.

Wen Cangjian, Lin Xizhan, Li Xiyan, and Jia Fuqing had the most eager looks in their eyes.


Wang Qian seemed not to notice. This painting was the most carefully copied one he had ever made in this world, and it was also the most meaningful one. Of course, he would not give it to anyone else. He smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, you are overpraising me. This is just a work I created on a whim. Xuerong, keep it."

Qin Xuerong, who had been looking at Wang Qian anxiously, immediately breathed a sigh of relief. She was really afraid that Wang Qian would give the painting away.

Although she was not an expert in Chinese studies, she also knew the significance of the painting and its future value, so she naturally wanted to speak about it herself. After hearing Wang Qian's words, she was not afraid of other people's opinions. She called Jiang Yu, and together they carefully took the painting aside and put it away, waiting for the ink to dry before quickly putting it on the watch for collection.

She plans to build a special collection room for Wang Qian's works in the future to collect Wang Qian's works, which will surely shock the world in the future!

Seeing that Wang Qian had no intention of giving the person away, everyone present felt a little regretful.

They have watched all of Wang Qian's videos and seen Wang Qian publicly giving away his works to others several times, so they had some hope just now.

After all, Wang Qian could even give away the chivalrous painting that shocked the Chinese cultural circle in Asia.

Unfortunately, they did not succeed.

Wen Cangjian calmed down and said to Qianyu Zhenzhu, "Zhenzhu, please keep my work and give it to you. Originally, I wanted to give this work, which I worked hard on for several years, to Professor Wang, but compared with Professor Wang's work, my work is too ordinary and not worth showing off, so I'll give it to you."

Ken Bunkura's words made the others smile bitterly.

Indeed, in the face of Wang Qian’s painting, what qualifications do they have to speak

Calligraphy? He is a master of calligraphy, and even a master of running script.

Chinese painting? He is the master of Chinese painting.

Ancient poetry

Stop kidding!

Who in modern times can compare with him

The so-called communication is like the feeling of students meeting a master, it has turned into a pure consultation. They now dare not speak or show off casually, as that would be purely a embarrassment.

Wang Qian also smiled but said nothing.

Qianyu Zhenzhu agreed, looked at Wang Qian with admiration, and then carefully and slowly put away her teacher Wen Cangjian's paintings.

Although compared with Wang Qian's painting, Wen Cangjian's work does seem ordinary, but it is also a sought-after work in the outside world, especially in the island country, and it is a collection that many upper classes want to get.

It is a good choice to take the Thousand Feather Pearls back for your own collection or as a gift to others.

What a pity!

Qianyu Zhenzhu looked at the transformations that Qin Xuerong and Jiang Yu had taken away, her eyes full of desire and regret.

If we can get this painting and bring it back to the island country, I'm afraid it will shock the entire island country's cultural community? It will also open their eyes, right