Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 592: 591. Symphony! The alliance of the entertainment industry giants! (Subscribe please)


Given Jiang Yu and He Chaohui's musical attainments, it is naturally not difficult for them to understand this score.

Both of them have participated in the symphony performances of the Central Conservatory of Music.

However, Wang Qian's score consists of dozens of pages, all densely written, and it is obvious that it was just completed, with almost no modifications, and was completed in one go.

Wang Qian sat down to rest, took the tea Qin Xuerong brought, took a sip, and said, "Director He, I hope that the first performance of this symphony can be before I leave the capital."

He Chaohui watched carefully, and immediately responded after hearing Wang Qian's words: "If there is no problem, we can arrange for someone to come and listen to your rehearsal tomorrow. Even if the National Orchestra does not pass, we at the Central Conservatory of Music will help you form a high-level orchestra to perform this symphony."

Jiang Yu looked at it carefully, frowned slightly and said, "It seems that there is no piano part?"

He Chaohui had obviously noticed this, and after flipping through a few sheets, he did not find any music for the piano part: "What's next?"

Wang Qian said calmly: "Isn't it normal for a symphony to have no piano part? For now, I have no intention of adding a piano to this piece. The whole piece is based on grandeur and heaviness!"

Jiang Yu was slightly disappointed. Her piano level had reached the international master level. If this piece had a piano part, she believed that she could win the position of principal pianist.


Wang Qian didn't join in the piano performance at all, so there was no way she could join in.

After all, it would be impossible for her to play any other instrument in the orchestra.

He Chaohui's hands gently waved a few times to the beat, and he hummed a few times, then said: "I can't see anything for now, but I feel that the beat is good and the flow is good. Then I'll show it to them first?"

Many of the National Orchestra's top performing masters naturally do not rehearse with the orchestra every day. Most of them are part-time workers and only rehearse and perform when there are performances. When there are no performances, they work in other places, such as the Central Conservatory of Music.

Several chief performers of the National Orchestra serve as professors at the Central Conservatory of Music.

Many professors from other top music schools in the country also work part-time in the national orchestra.

As long as there are signs, they will go to the performance immediately.

Wang Qian said casually, "Sure, go ahead. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me."

He Chaohui nodded: "It should be no problem to understand it, but as for the effect, maybe you still have to try it to know."

Wang Qian: "Haha, then you'd better hurry up, we don't have much time."

He Chaohui: "Okay, I'll leave first."

With that, He Chaohui stood up and said goodbye. She had been here for almost the entire day and got the score in advance. Of course, she had to show it to several leaders in the national music scene as soon as possible and give a reply as soon as possible.

Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong stood up and sent He Chaohui out the door, then came back and sat down.

Jiang Yu said softly, "Xiaoyue will also come tomorrow. She called me this afternoon and said she was traveling. She heard about what happened today and was afraid of missing out on something exciting. She immediately ended her vacation and booked a flight back in the evening. She will arrive early tomorrow morning."

Qin Xuerong was speechless: "Isn't she traveling in the southwest? Did she know what Wang Qian did in Beijing today?"

Jiang Yu said exaggeratedly: "Yes, they just left in the morning, and it didn't take long for the news to spread throughout the capital, and it spread throughout the national literary circles in half a day. Professor Wang's every move is now being watched by people in the music and literary circles, not to mention that what Professor Wang did today was earth-shattering."

"I heard someone say that Professor Wang has been named the country's top painter, calligrapher, poet, and novelist..."

Good job!

With so many firsts, what is left in the literary circle

Wang Qian shook his head and said, "Since ancient times, there has been no best writer. You are exaggerating. You are just bragging."

Jiang Yu blushed slightly, then looked at Wang Qian and said, "I didn't say this, it was spread by Wen Cangjian, Li Xiyan, Lin Xizhan, Jia Fuqing and others. With so many firsts, most people wouldn't dare to say this, it would offend people. But, Professor Wang, you really deserve the title, so naturally some people will say it."

"If anyone doesn't believe it or has doubts, then come and take a look at your painting. I guarantee that he will have nothing to say!"

Wang Qian smiled, said nothing, and sat on the sofa in the living room to rest.

Although I didn't leave the house today, I was very busy all day.

After meeting with several domestic and foreign masters of Chinese studies in the morning and having a confrontation with them, Wang Qian was very tired. To show such a high level in the painting, Wang Qian naturally needed to put in more effort.

Wang Qian spent the whole afternoon writing music. He racked his brains to recall the music deep in his memory and felt very tired.

Now I'm sitting on the sofa and don't want to move.

Jiang Yu and Qin Xuerong chatted in low voices.

Jiang Yu: "Xue Rong, how about giving me the painting that Professor Wang drew today? I have never asked you for anything since I was a child, right? Now it's just a small request, you won't refuse it, right?"

Qin Xuerong immediately distanced herself from Jiang Yu and said, "Go home and have a shower. I want to keep this painting for myself. No one can give it to me. My sister and my parents won't give it to me."

Jiang Yu curled his lips and said, "When Professor Wang goes to Beijing University and Shuimu gives lectures, things will be unsettled. Someone is creating topics to cause trouble for Wang Qian. They deliberately give Professor Wang so many first titles. How can others accept it? When they get a chance, they will attack Professor Wang..."

A trace of worry flashed across Qin Xuerong's face, and then he said, "I believe Wang Qian can handle it!"

Jiang Yu: “I hope so…”

Wang Qian also heard the voices of the two chatting, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. He just made a note of it in his mind. The most important thing at the moment was the lessons at the Central Conservatory of Music, which was the last step in becoming a music master.

As for literary matters, he had already thought about them.

Beijing is the cultural center of China, the ancient capital of three dynasties, and the core of the development of new culture in the past hundred years. The accumulated cultural heritage is unmatched by any other place. The many colleges and families with heritage and heritage here will naturally not sit idly by and watch Wang Qian rise. They will create some trouble for Wang Qian at the right opportunity, hoping to suppress the momentum of Wang Qian's rise.

With the current international environment so deteriorating, so many major events have occurred in the Beijing circle, and many people have been labeled as cultural traitors, but there has been no real sanctions or treatment, and the matter has been left unresolved with just a perfunctory response to public opinion. This shows how profound and huge the foundation and influence of the Beijing circle are.

Wang Qian thought about it for a moment and put it out of his mind.

From beginning to end, he never took those people who had forgotten their ancestors seriously, let alone took them to heart.

Wang Qian would only pay attention to a few masters of Chinese studies in Beijing who are truly dedicated to their studies.

Now, his focus is once again on pop music.

When Wang Qian opened the Qianqian Jingting page, he saw Qianqian Jingting promoting Liu Shengnan’s new song that had just been released today on the homepage.

It has only been released for half a day and its sales have exceeded 100 million. Although it is not as exaggerated as when Wang Qian released a new work, it is still second only to Wang Qian.

After all, Liu Shengnan has been relatively quiet in North America recently. Not to mention any works, she hasn't even posted any news on social media platforms. Xuehong Entertainment contacted her new agent several times, but Liu Shengnan turned them down and rejected the hype and resources arranged by the company.

After Liu Shengnan changed jobs, she only wanted to concentrate on making music, and the agency only needed to arrange the logistics for her.


She doesn't need it!


She was even more disdainful.


She released a song at noon today, and Qianqian Jingting promoted it on the homepage. The outside world also knew that she had finally released a song, so it was very commendable that she achieved sales of over 100 million in just one afternoon.

If she had promoted and hyped herself up for a few days in advance like other big-name singers, her current sales would probably at least double, and it would not be difficult for her to achieve sales of 200 million on the first day.

Wang Qian put on his headphones and clicked on Liu Shengnan's work. Just the prelude made him look a little bit enjoyable.

After Qin Xuerong chatted with Jiang Yu for a while, he sent Jiang Yu away and sat down next to Wang Qian. Seeing that Wang Qian was listening to Liu Shengnan's work and looking at Liu Shengnan's sales, he waited for Wang Qian to finish listening before asking, "How is Liu Shengnan's new song? It incorporates a lot of rock and electronic music! This is a new breakthrough for her, and a big change from her previous style. However, the reputation is still very good. For most people, the first element of pop songs is to listen to them."

"Liu Shengnan's song is very nice, and many people say it can be compared with your work."

Wang Qian nodded and said in agreement, "Liu Shengnan is talented and capable. Her musical talent is no worse than Sophie's. This song was created based on the inspiration she accumulated over a month or two, so it's naturally not bad. It may become one of her masterpieces."

Qin Xuerong: "Well, I have arranged for the record company and the agent at Xuehong Entertainment to contact Liu Shengnan, Chen Xiaowen, Ru Ke and others. However, for the time being, they are not cooperating with the promotion and have said that they do not need it. I asked the agent to follow the singers' opinions. If they don't want the promotion, then don't do it. We'll talk about it after their works come out."

"At present, Liu Shengnan is the fastest, she released a song today. Chen Xiaowen and Ru Ke will not be too late to release songs either, they should release songs within a week. Moreover, they will only release one new song, and then they will start working on a new album. They are watching your performances in North America during this time, they are not just resting and having fun, they are also creating and accumulating experience."

"It is said that they all have enough works in hand to make a new album. As long as the first work is successful, they will immediately make a new album."

Qin Xuerong smiled proudly at this point, and looked at Wang Qian and said, "Do you know? Now, our record company under Xuehong Entertainment is almost becoming a public enemy in China. I have heard that several domestic entertainment groups are planning to snipe us. Recently, many big-name singers have started producing new albums, and they want to wait for Liu Shengnan, Chen Xiaowen, Ru Ke and their new albums to be released, and then release them together to suppress our sales."

Wang Qian raised his eyebrows, not feeling any pressure, and asked calmly, "Don't you want us to rise?"

Qin Xuerong smiled and said, "Of course, no one wants to see us rise. If we only act as a platform, no matter how successful Qianqian Jingting is, it won't pose much of a threat to them. They can cooperate with us, just like they did with Tengfei before. But we have our own record company with several top talents under our umbrella, so they are naturally afraid."

"Tengfei and the other three major music platforms, as well as several major entertainment groups, have secretly united. Just like they united to suppress you, now they are uniting again to suppress our company."

"Our company has great potential. Liu Shengnan has proven herself to be the No. 1 music genius in Chinese pop music. And you, the No. 1 music genius in the world, are in charge. Ru Ke is a popular rock singer in the new era, and Chen Xiaowen's talent and ability seem to be not much inferior to Liu Shengnan..."

“Not to mention the bosses of the entertainment groups, even the veteran singers under them don’t want us to fully rise.”

Wang Qian nodded to show that he understood.

He has been paying attention to the sales of the Chinese pop music market recently, and naturally can see that many veteran singers, especially those powerful superstars, have basically become popular again. Taking advantage of the current boom in the pop music market, they have released their carefully produced works, and their sales have exploded, becoming the mainstream of the current pop music market again.

Therefore, they naturally do not want Liu Shengnan, Ru Ke, Chen Xiaowen and others to rise again and seize the market and traffic they have already occupied.

Those entertainment groups do not want Xuehong Records to become bigger and stronger, and they do not want Xuehong Entertainment to become bigger and stronger and threaten their dominant position in the Chinese entertainment industry.

No matter how great Wang Qian's influence is internationally, or how many fans he has in China, they don't care whether Wang Qian has received official support.

They only cared about one thing: Wang Qian had affected their interests.

Then, Wang Qian will always be their enemy.

After two or three decades of development, the Chinese entertainment industry is almost catching up with the final model of Hollywood, which has been developing for nearly a hundred years!

That is, we are about to enter an era where giants will monopolize the market.

The giants are about to monopolize and divide up the market, so how can they share the profits with a new player


The contradiction is irreconcilable.

Wang Qian said softly, "Liu Shengnan, Ru Ke, and Chen Xiaowen are still the core support targets for our future development. Regardless of whether they cooperate with the promotion or not, we must provide them with the necessary resources. We cannot really stop promoting. Even if those giants want to suppress us together, we now have the power to protect ourselves and resist."

Qin Xuerong nodded, her face full of confidence.

If it was a few months ago, when several giants joined forces to suppress Wang Qian and Qian Qian Jingting, Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong really would not have any good solution.

Because Wang Qian himself has no traffic entrance, resources or distribution channels.

But now, after this period of development, Qianqian Jingting has finally become one of the top traffic channel giants in the country. It can serve as a backing for Wang Qian's development and will not be blocked at the traffic entrance.

At the same time, after a period of integration, Xuehong Entertainment's many distribution channels and resources have been reactivated. Although its scale is not as large as those of the major entertainment giants, its necessary foundation is not much different, and it only needs to spend money to catch up.

Is Wang Qian short of money

No shortage!

So, we really have to confront it head-on.

Wang Qian is not timid at all.

His companies and platforms are almost self-contained systems in the entertainment industry, and are not inferior to the major giants at all.

So, he also wants to join in and get a piece of the pie.

Buzz buzz buzz…

Qin Xuerong's phone rang.