Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 594: 593. The first person in the island nation’s culture? The first person in the history of world music? (Please subscribe)


Li Xiyan and He Chaohui were each holding a piece of music score and looking at it carefully, and from time to time they looked up at the orchestra members in front of them who were preparing to try to perform.

Of course, this orchestra was put together by them at a stroke. Only a few of them are official members of the National Orchestra, and most of the others are strong teachers temporarily brought from the school, or top domestic performers who came from other schools and temporarily live in the Central Conservatory of Music.

With the strength and appeal of the Central Conservatory of Music, it would be easy to put together a top domestic orchestra.

Li Xiyan looked at the score and waved his hands in the air, trying to play out the beats. After trying a few times, he looked at the old man standing in front of him as the temporary conductor and said softly, "Old Wang hasn't been on stage to conduct for ten years. I didn't expect that he would come over immediately after hearing Professor Wang's score."

He Chaohui nodded and said, "Of course. Who can refuse to play Professor Wang's work now? When the news spread, several top domestic conductors contacted the school and wanted to come and try. We discussed it and decided to temporarily choose Professor Wang... After all, Professor Wang is the most familiar with the National Orchestra and has the most experience. He retired from the National Orchestra, and the main conductors of the National Orchestra are all students of Professor Wang."

Li Xiyan's eyes revealed a halo: "Old Wang may only be able to try it here. If we really perform on stage, maybe Professor Wang will conduct it himself."

"Professor Wang is in charge personally?"

He Chaohui's eyes widened in surprise: "Can Professor Wang conduct? One can learn to play a musical instrument by oneself, and Professor Wang is gifted, so that's understandable. But how can he conduct without systematic training and practice as a conductor in an orchestra? Moreover, this performance is of great importance and there can be no mistakes. He can't use this performance to practice, right?"

Li Xiyan smiled and said, "So, he is the greatest genius in history! If he says he can do it, then we should believe him."

He Chaohui fell silent for a moment.

Indeed, when it comes to music, as long as Wang Qian says he can do it.

Even if it is something that any ordinary genius cannot do, she will choose to give some trust.

This is the trust that Wang Qian has earned in the world through his incredible performances.

He Chaohui then asked, "Professor Li, what do you think of this piece of music?"

Li Xiyan looked at the score, rubbed his eyes, and said, "How would I know if it wasn't played? I was just a pianist before. Let's see the results of Lao Wang and the others' attempts later..."

He Chaohui nodded and looked again at the person not far away who was still studying the music score. At the same time, the various instrumentalists began to try to play their parts intermittently, but no unified piece of music had yet been formed.

Li Xiyan said again with certainty: "But, the same thing. As long as Professor Wang wants to do it, I believe he can do it. I believe this piece of music is definitely a work that is worth our support."

After a pause, Li Xiyan said with a longing look, "After returning from Professor Wang this morning, Wen Cangjian and I discussed and exchanged ideas for the entire afternoon regarding Professor Wang's painting. To be honest, we didn't come to a conclusion. That painting is truly the highest-level masterpiece we have ever seen in our lives. It will definitely be collected by the National Museum in the future and will be treated as the museum's treasure."

"Of course, it will depend on whether Professor Wang's descendants are willing to hand it over to the country."

"If I can take it home and study it carefully, my calligraphy and Chinese painting skills may be able to reach a higher level."

"Wen Cangjian asserted that if he could look at the paintings for a month, his Chinese painting skills would reach the level of a master, and his calligraphy skills would reach the peak of a master..."

“If he doesn’t get it, he can do this in three to five years.”

"Unfortunately, you know his health. He may not live for more than three to five years!"

Li Xiyan's tone was full of regret, regret for Wen Cangjian.

A master of painting, a top calligraphy master second only to the grand master of calligraphy!

This is the realm that countless scholars have pursued for thousands of years. It can be said to be the ultimate realm in terms of Chinese studies skills.

Over the past thousand years, the number of people who could do either of these two things has never exceeded the number of hands.

In the past hundred years, there has only been one master painter who appeared during the Republic of China period.

The island nation has been learning Chinese culture for more than a thousand years, but has not even produced a master of painting.

If Ken Bunkura can become a master of painting and a top-level calligrapher during his lifetime and leave behind masterpieces that represent his realm, then Ken Bunkura will become the greatest figure in the history of Japanese literature and will lead the culture of the Japanese country one step forward and one step closer to China.

Both Li Xiyan and He Chaohui hoped that Wen Cangjian could achieve such success.

If it were the literary masters from the other two island countries, they might have resistance and not want them to achieve too high achievements, thereby declaring war on the Chinese national studies circle.

However, since it was Ken Bunkura, they hoped that Ken Bunkura could achieve a level of vigilance that was unprecedented in the island nation.


Ken Buncang is a typical master of island literature who inherited Chinese culture. When he was young, he studied under a master of Chinese classics. He and Li Xiyan were brothers in the same school and both learned from a famous family.

In his later years, he discussed with Wang Qian and comprehended and learned the essence of Chinese painting and calligraphy from Wang Qian's Chinese paintings.

Therefore, no matter how far Wen Cangjian goes in the future, he will bear the deepest imprint of Chinese heritage, a mark that no one can erase, and it will influence many young people in the island countries in the future.

Many young people from the island countries who are studying ancient culture will certainly admire Wen Cang Jian, so they will naturally want to learn the most authentic Chinese cultural heritage from China like Wen Cang Jian...

The dispute over cultural heritage between China and the island countries may be eliminated without a trace.

Those island literary masters who want to stir up disputes over cultural heritage will be powerless.

After all, your most accomplished masters all learned from China and also studied in China in their later years. How dare you compete with the Chinese cultural heritage

What a pity.

Wen Cangjian doesn't have much time left, and his health is almost failing. For this reason, many people on the island country don't want Wen Cangjian to travel far to China, fearing that his body can't take it. If he dies in China, it will be a huge blow to the cultural heritage of the island country.

Only about five years at most.

Li Xiyan sighed.

He Chaohui also fell silent and stopped talking, looking at Wang Zhengjun who was standing on the stage in front of him.

After an hour or two of trial and error, Wang Zhengjun and other musicians had already gained a certain amount of experience and tacit understanding.

Wang Zhengjun placed the music score on the table in front of him, and then said seriously: "Okay, let's try a formal ensemble first."

All the musicians in the audience sat upright, looking extremely serious. They looked at the music score in front of them, and then looked at the conductor Wang Zhengjun in front of them.

The conductor's action of waving his hands while standing on the stage is not meaningless, but is directing the performers to play according to his own rhythm and style.

Different performers have different styles, and there will be obvious differences when different performers play the same piece of music.

Wang Zhengjun's style tends to be passionate and fast-paced, and he moves the baton in his hand.

The music started immediately.

Li Xiyan closed his eyes slightly, listened to the music being played with his ears, and felt it carefully.

He Chaohui also listened carefully.

Both of them could feel it, even though it was a hasty performance, with only an hour or two of music in hand.

However, everyone's level is very high, and it is relatively easy to become familiar with a piece of music, and they can play it quite skillfully, but the coordination is not quite so tacit.


It is impossible to play the entire piece of music, so everyone just played a section of it temporarily.

After all, there are dozens of scores, and it is impossible to play them all in such a short time.

The passage selected by Wang Zhengjun has a fast tempo, which makes people's blood boil, as if they are at the peak moment of their life.

The musicians were obviously very devoted in their performance and they really liked this section.

Li Xiyan said softly, "The National Orchestra should issue a call tonight and start practicing tomorrow. I just hope we can perform on stage soon. I have a feeling that this piece of music may become Professor Wang's representative work, or even the representative work of all Chinese classical music."

"Just hearing these few people play one of the passages has made an old man like me excited. If all the members of the orchestra were to play together in full strength, the effect would be even better. If it were played in a large auditorium, the effect would be even better, and it would definitely make the scene explode..."

As a retired main musician of the orchestra, Li Xiyan hopes that China can produce a world-class symphony masterpiece. In that way, when the national orchestra performs abroad in the future, it will no longer have to play classic European and American symphonies, but can play its own works.


Li Xiyan said with a little regret: "There is no place for piano in this symphony. I wonder if Professor Wang has any intention."

He Chaohui speculated: "In a true symphonic classical work, even the piano only plays a supporting role. No instrument is independent, otherwise it would become a concerto. I think Professor Wang may have two intentions."

Li Xiyan was surprised and smiled, "What's your intention?"

He Chaohui smiled and said, "I just guessed, Professor Li, just listen to it."

Li Xiyan: "Director He has known Professor Wang the longest, has dealt with him the most, and is the person who knows Professor Wang best. Even if it is a guess, it is based on evidence. I am all ears."

The two chatted while listening to the performance conducted by Wang Zhengjun.

He Chaohui said: "I guess that Professor Wang may want to face the world and become a true master musician in the Central Conservatory of Music this time. The Nocturne series is a typical series of piano music, with profound and unique ideas and its own unique melodic characteristics. As long as he persists and ends with a few good works, he will definitely be able to take Professor Wang to the status of a master musician, which is already recognized by the Western music and art circles."

"Professor Wang may have given up the piano to avoid those European and American music artists from finding fault with him, and used other orchestral instruments to create a symphony that would make him a music giant, leaving those people speechless. Without the influence of the piano!"

"Secondly, it may be that Professor Wang wanted to prove his musical talent once again. Instead of using the piano, which is the most influential instrument in the world, to compose a symphony with other instruments, he wanted to prove that his talent and strength are unique in history."

"If he really does that, then his position in the history of world music will temporarily be second only to Gumphius. If he continues to release influential works in the future, then it is inevitable that he will gradually surpass Gumphius and become the number one in the history of world music!"

After He Chaohui finished speaking, his expression was full of longing.

If Wang Qian really becomes the number one person in the history of world music in the future, both the Central Conservatory of Music and she herself will go down in history.

Because Wang Qian was the first musical genius she discovered, she will be prominently recorded in history.

At the same time, Wang Qian completed the dual-track achievement at CAFA. CAFA’s historical background will make it the world’s best, and it is almost certain that it will become a world-class prestigious university in the future!


He Chaohui hopes from the bottom of her heart that Wang Qian can really reach that step.

There was also a fiery glow in Li Xiyan's eyes. He had tasted too much disdain and discrimination from the European and American music and art circles internationally, so he hoped that Wang Qian could become the first person in history and completely bring Chinese music and art to the top international level, even surpassing Europe and the United States.

Li Xiyan said softly: "I hope so!"

At this time.

Wang Zhengjun and a dozen performers had been playing a preliminary ensemble for a few minutes, and everyone's face was filled with excitement.

They were sure that this piece of work was definitely an excellent one.

Wang Zhengjun turned and walked towards He Chaohui and Li Xiyan and said, "Old Li, Chaohui, let's go and find the orchestra now. This time, we must do our best to support Professor Wang!"

“I have a feeling that this piece will shock the world.”

The full score is very long. Even with Wang Zhengjun's ability and background, it is impossible for him to read and understand it all in just one or two hours, so I just chose a section to play with everyone.

Although they had not yet reached a tacit understanding and the effect was average, he quickly discovered the extraordinary nature of this work with his vision.

Li Xiyan and He Chaohui did not waste any time and immediately left with Wang Zhengjun.

The dozen or so performers left behind had complicated expressions.

They all hope to join the orchestra and perform this song by Wang Qian in front of the whole world.

However, only a few of them are official members of the national orchestra, and the others are not even substitutes, so they are naturally not qualified to join.

How can I not feel regretful

To them, it was like losing the most precious thing in the world.

And they will never encounter such an opportunity again in their lifetime.

At this time, they all regretted not working harder. Maybe they could have joined the national orchestra and seized this opportunity.

This night!

Many people didn't sleep.

Early the next morning.

The entire Chinese music industry became restless again.