Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 606: 605. The pianist's violin opens the show! Reality is more magical than fantasy! (Subscribe please)


He Dongming took advantage of the opportunity this time and served as the on-site director of the live broadcast program.

This is the first time he has taken on such a big responsibility.

The biggest factor that enabled him to get such an opportunity was his relationship with Wang Qian!

This is something that is almost known to everyone in the entire Chinese entertainment industry.

Wang Qian graduated from the Performance Department of Beijing Film Academy. Every classmate in his class has been exposed, and many of them have been visited by the media for brief interviews.

He Dongming refused the interview and just quietly did his own thing.

However, the TV station would not let him work behind the scenes in obscurity, and he was quickly promoted after returning to China.

The work experience in the Voice of China program crew was in itself the biggest gilding, giving He Dongming extraordinary qualifications. Coupled with his own strength and experience, he was pushed out to serve as the on-site director of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV live broadcast.

However, the assistant director arranged was a senior assistant director from Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV station, who could provide great assistance to He Dongming.

He Dongming stood in front of the monitor in the backstage studio with a solemn expression, staring at the TV screen as Wang Qian appeared. Everyone in the audience applauded, and he couldn't help but clap his hands along with them. His eyes were fixed on Wang Qian, and there was a trace of sincere admiration and worship in his heart.

The more you understand Wang Qian and the longer you have known him, the more you admire him!

Because He Dongming knew best how content Wang Qian was with being ordinary and how hard he worked for a living over the years.

Although he possesses such amazing talent, he has been content with being ordinary for many years, quietly struggling for life like an ordinary person, unwilling to release his talent in exchange for a better life.

How precious is such persistence

Who else in history has been like this

Therefore, He Dongming was not willing to use the identity of Wang Qian's friend to seek his own development. After returning to China, he also wanted to rely on his own efforts quietly and move up step by step behind the scenes.

Wang Qian himself has such amazing talent, but he is willing to be ordinary.

He Dongming himself is not a genius, so how can he take it for granted that he can rely on his good friends to develop himself


He Dongming refused at first.

However, the station persuaded him several times, and even the station director personally persuaded him twice, and He Dongming knew that he had to agree.

Otherwise, he won't be able to stay in the studio anymore.

Then, he brought the program crew to the Central Conservatory of Music to conduct live broadcast shooting and coordinate the scene.

Assistant Director Yang Wendi is a senior variety show director who has worked in the station for more than ten years. He has participated in the shooting and recording of almost all variety shows of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV in the past ten years. He has long been capable of leading a team independently. Unfortunately, he does not have a strong enough background to support him, and his strength and talent are not amazing enough, so he still sits in the position of assistant director and can only serve as the second in command every time.

This time, it's the same.

However, the reason why Yang Wendi has been able to stay on Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV for so long is because he has a very stable mentality.

If you want to work in the system, you can’t just think of yourself as a person in the entertainment industry. You have to have the heart to work in the system!

If you can go, go. If you can’t, don’t worry.

Otherwise, it may not be a question of whether to go up or not, but a question of whether you can stand firm.

This time, Yang Wendi once again serves as assistant to a newcomer, He Dongming. He is very serious and responsible, without any complaints. He does whatever He Dongming says. If there are any shortcomings, he will also make suggestions, which He Dongming will adopt.

The two of them worked well together.

Yang Wendi looked at the live footage and exclaimed, "Professor Wang is truly a rare talent that only appears once in a thousand years. It's worth it for me to be able to participate in Professor Wang's work in my lifetime. However, I'm still not as lucky as you, Director He, who can participate in the production team of The Voice World Competition. That's enough to brag about for the rest of my life."

He Dongming smiled slightly and said, "That's all in the past. How is the data now? Has the station reported back? How is the situation at CCTV and North American TV stations?"

Three TV stations broadcast live together!

The central bank is aloof from the world and does not care about data. It only cares about its responsibilities. Whether the ratings are high or low, it does not affect its profits.

North American TV is the only live TV station outside of China, so its ratings will naturally not be bad because there is no competitor.

Therefore, among the three live TV stations, only Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV is under pressure!

There is competition from the central bank domestically, but it cannot go outward, and it must also produce results to enhance the station’s influence and advertising indicators.

After all, it cost hundreds of millions of dollars, more than a billion Chinese yuan, to purchase the live broadcast rights!

Such a huge investment has created a record in the history of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV, and it is also the highest record among all TV stations in the country.

If there is not enough return by then, it will be a huge failure for Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV, and the people in the live broadcast program team will also share the blame!

Neither He Dongming nor Yang Wendi are afraid of taking the blame, but they also feel a little pressured.

Yang Wendi looked at the information synchronized by the station on his phone and replied, "Now, there are only two station logos on the TV screens of all ordinary people in China. One is CCTV, and the other is our Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV. So far, the ratings of our Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV are around 20%, which is already successful enough and has exceeded the expectations of the station!"

“After that, we have no pressure.”

The highest audience rating expected by Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV is 20%, which is enough for them to operate the program and recover their costs within a year. The long-term benefits are immeasurable.

He Dongming looked at the other two rooms outside the door: "Where are the other two?"

Yang Wendi looked at the news from the live broadcast team: "They just synchronized the news. CCTV's 40% viewership rate broke the highest record in the past 20 years. Diana's data just released is that the number of viewers outside of China has reached more than 500 million, and it is still growing steadily."

"They have a long-term cooperation with Professor Wang, and this live broadcast is just one part of it, so they are not afraid of losses."

He Dongming smiled bitterly: "Are we the only ones who are afraid of losing money?"

Yang Wendi nodded: "Yes!"

Inside the studio of a North American TV station.

Diana was wearing a green cheongsam in a very Chinese style, and she was a beautiful sight standing there.

However, she exudes the aura of a strong woman at this moment. Since taking control of the crew, she has been constantly building her own prestige, and now has complete control over the entire crew.

Diana stared at Wang Qian on the live screen with infatuation in her eyes, then looked at the staff and asked calmly, "How are the data?"

The staff member immediately replied, "Except for China, our global audience has reached 700 million, and it is growing rapidly every minute. It is expected to exceed 1 billion in five minutes. As long as more than 1 billion people watch it, we will make a profit."

Obviously, they also paid a huge price for this live broadcast, so the minimum number of viewers is one billion.

As long as a billion viewers around the world watch their shows, they will make a profit!

And this is only the immediate profit. The long-term profit cannot be calculated for the time being, but it will definitely not be small.

Of course, if the number of viewers exceeds one billion, then it will be a huge profit!


Diana thought of the contract signed between the program team and Wang Qian, and a smile appeared on her lips.

No matter how much you earn, it’s not as much as Wang Qian.

Because Wang Qian took most of the profits from the entire copyright!

The TV station can only get a small portion of the profits, so it is no exaggeration to say that it is working for Wang Qian.

But even so, the TV station still signed the contract.

That’s because the TV station values long-term benefits!

As long as the TV station has exclusive copyright, it will have countless operational means to create considerable profits, which will become a long-term and stable revenue chain for the TV station in the future.

Moreover, with such high ratings, the TV station's influence around the world will continue to rise, the TV station's overall revenue will also increase, and the advertising fees for other programs will increase significantly as a result.

Over time, the TV station will become a true world television media overlord. The media group behind it can build the entire industrial chain with this as the core, thus becoming the world media overlord step by step, gradually leaving the other major media groups far behind. Once it becomes the world's number one media overlord, its output value and influence will be unimaginable.

As one of the heirs to the consortium that controls the media group behind the scenes, Diana naturally had considerations in this regard.

Who knows, this media group will become her legacy in the future.

Thinking of the inheritance, Diana's face broke out into a smile again. She touched her belly, then turned and walked out.

She didn't want to see Wang Qian on the surveillance camera, she wanted to see Wang Qian up close and personal.

She knew the terrain here and knew that there was a side door not far away, right next to the central stage, and she could see Wang Qian on the stage at the closest distance.


When she walked there, she immediately saw several figures, which made her frown slightly.

Among them was the one person she least wanted to face.

Qin Xuerong!

There was another one she didn't want to face.


These two people are here.

At the same time, there were several other people.

Qin Xuehong, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, and Juliet.

Several people were standing at the side door, which was more hidden and could not be seen from the audience outside, but it was one of the doors closest to the stage.

Diana hesitated for a moment. Although she didn't want to face Qin Xuerong and Sophie, her thoughts about Wang Qian overcame her reluctance, and she walked over with firm steps.


Diana took the initiative to say hello.

Qin Xuerong and the others obviously knew Diana.

Qin Xuerong and Diana met several times for negotiations, and Diana was the most active interviewing reporter during the world games, so she had met every player many times and was very well-known in the world.

If Diana continues to develop in her career as a reporter and host, she may become a world-famous host like Jennifer in the future.

However, after the World Championship, Diana ended her career as a reporter and host and began to become a behind-the-scenes director and producer.

This is the boring life of a super rich second-generation, and she has all the options she wants to choose.

Qin Xuerong, Sophie, Qin Xuehong, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, and Juliet also greeted Diana, and then looked at the stage in the middle together!

All the musicians of the performance orchestra are in place.

Amidst the warm applause, Wang Qian gradually came to the middle position, where a violin had been placed. It was the most comfortable violin Wang Qian had ever used.

Everyone knows that Wang Qian is about to play a violin piece at the opening. It is the violin piece that Wang Qian once played at the Curtis Institute and amazed the world!

This time, Wang Qian will perform it in its entirety for the first time. Everyone in the audience and all the classical music lovers around the world are looking forward to it.

Murong Yue was still the most active, and couldn't help but whispered at this time: "Use a piano series to prove the master musician, but the opening performance is a violin concerto, and the end of the afternoon is a symphony without a piano!"

"In the history of world music, there is only one like this! Only Professor Wang can play like this and be recognized and expected by the whole world."

After hearing this, the other people all smiled slightly, each with their own pride and pride on their faces.

It seems that they have contributed to Wang Qian's achievements.

Sophie said softly: "This violin piece has extraordinary significance. It is the first original violin piece by China that has been recognized in the world. It also contains the outstanding Chinese cultural heritage."

Jiang Yu: "Yes, so all the violinists in the country are willing to fully cooperate with Professor Wang's performance, and all other instrumentalists are also willing to cooperate with Professor Wang. The level of this concerto combination is no less than any top orchestra in the world."

Sophie, Diana and Juliet, three foreigners, all had their eyes light up when they heard this.

They all know that China has a large population, so it is common for there to be hidden talents among them.

Especially in the field of music and art, because it is difficult to make money, there are very few music and art performances. Many performers with extremely high performance levels, no less than world-class masters, may be teachers in various less famous music schools, or be civil servants in an art troupe, receiving a salary and waiting for retirement, unknown to outsiders.

This time, Wang Qian's performance to the world selected many of these people.

Therefore, many people on the stage are unfamiliar faces. Even domestic music masters feel unfamiliar with them, but they are actually real master-level performers.

Therefore, the strength of this hastily assembled performance team is no less than that of any top orchestra in the world. What it lacks may be the tacit understanding honed over a long period of time.

Amid the applause, Wang Qian walked step by step to the middle stage. Without saying a word, he picked up the violin under everyone's gaze and gently stroked it to get familiar with the feel.

The applause at the scene gradually disappeared at this time.

Everyone sat down slowly, looking at Wang Qian and the violin.

Teachers and students from major music and art schools, as well as successful music artists, were all a little dazed!

They had just witnessed with their own eyes at the Juilliard School how Wang Qian opened the door to becoming a music master with a series of piano works.


But they were sitting here, witnessing Wang Qian's violin performance.


Make them a little unreal.

It seems like I am watching a fantasy stage play!

Because, deep down in their hearts, they still couldn't believe the authenticity of what was happening at this moment.


This is what is real.