Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 607: 606. The whole world pricks up its ears and listens quietly. (Please subscribe)


In the audience.

Many world-class violinists share a strange feeling.

Looking forward to it.

Because Wang Qian's Liang Zhu violin piece has a distinct oriental style and is very pleasant to the ear. This is a novel experience for them, and it also provides a glimmer of opportunity for the development of the violin field, which has also been stagnant for many years.

So, most violinists look forward to this.

Just as the many piano pieces released by Wang Qian in the past six months have given many pianists the opportunity to make a living, many violinists also hope that Wang Qian can give the same opportunity to many other players who make a living by playing the violin.

But at the same time, Wang Qian made his debut in pop music and started out as a piano player, but now he has to play the violin in front of the world's highest music and art gathering.

This makes many master violinists feel dissatisfied.

It seems that Wang Qian has become the spokesperson for the violin in front of the whole world.

How can these violinists, who have devoted their entire lives to playing the violin, accept this and deal with it

If Wang Qian was also a professional violinist who had been focusing on playing the violin for decades, they wouldn't care.

But Wang Qian is not like that!

Not to mention a violinist, he's not even a serious musician.

Many of the younger violinists were dissatisfied and looked at him unfriendlyly, thinking in their hearts that they would try their best to create as much trouble for Wang Qian when he gave a lecture later.

However, those truly top-level master violinists have long seen through these secular prejudices and only focus on the work itself and the performer's own abilities.

Therefore, many violin masters are looking forward to Wang Qian.

People like Hoffman hope that Wang Qian can perform this violin piece again in Curtis next time.

"I have always believed that Professor Wang was born for the violin and his violin playing is seriously underestimated."

Hoffman said to Dawson.

Dawson shrugged. "That's not important. Just enjoy today's class. Perhaps this is the pinnacle of music art in this century."

Hoffman and several musicians from the Curtis Institute nodded slightly in agreement.

Originally, Wang Qian's lecture at the Juilliard School had become one of the most pinnacle music and art classes of this century.

But in the blink of an eye, Wang Qian broke that peak again!

In the class at the Juilliard School, Wang Qian only formally launched a charge towards becoming a music master and gained initial recognition, but he did not truly become a world-class music master.

At this time, in the classroom of the Central Conservatory of Music, Wang Qian not only had to prove his status as a true music master, but also faced almost all the well-known musicians in the world, as well as representatives from famous schools.

More importantly, Wang Qian will also perform a symphony of his own composition here!

It is of extraordinary significance to hear a music master preach in the morning and to play a symphony in the afternoon.

If the preaching in the morning is successful, then the symphony performance in the afternoon will be Wang Qian's first public symphony performance since he became a music master. This represents Wang Qian's attack on the true crown of musical art. If successful, he will be truly qualified to challenge Gampphis.

At that point, the meaning of everything changes.

Wang Qian, who represents the pinnacle of Eastern music and art, is about to challenge the number one figure in the history of Western music and art, which may cause a blockade in the entire field of Western music and art!

But the problem is…

How to contain

Why should we blockade it

The world's top music artists, including Hoffman and Dawson, are already considering what might happen next.

Once that happens, Wang Qian will become the world's first great musician in a hundred years. His status will be unmatched in the world. Then who in the world is qualified to stop Wang Qian

If they resist the blockade purely in the name of region, then what is the meaning of music and art? Wouldn't they immediately slap themselves in the face? How can they survive in the future

The most important thing is, now that Wang Qian’s music and art works have attracted worldwide attention and are about to become the mainstream of the world’s music and art world, how can one possibly go back to the so-called artist’s life of being ignored and struggling to make ends meet in the past


Many world-class universities and top music artists have seen that Wang Qian’s future is almost related to the development path of music and art in the world, and even to the lives of every music and art practitioner in the world.

Its importance today is such that it is no exaggeration to say that it has influenced the future direction of world music and art. It is well-deserved to be called the most important music lesson in a hundred years.

Hoffman, Dawson, Max, Malone and other representatives from top music schools around the world were all on standby, looking extremely expectant and serious.

The atmosphere in the area with many music artists in front is quite solemn.

The middle and back rows are where celebrities and wealthy people from all over the world gather, including many top entertainment stars, singers, and sports stars from all over the world. Any one of them can attract a lot of attention and traffic when standing in front of the media.

This was the first time that so many world-class celebrities and wealthy people gathered together. The scale was even more terrifying than the last lecture at the Juilliard School and the final of the Voice of China World Competition!

Therefore, although they were sitting in the middle and back rows, the cameras of the three major TV stations all focused their long lenses more on the area where they were.

Obviously, media people know what the audience likes to watch most.

Even if any of the faces mentioned above are masters or top talents in the field of music and art, if no one explains them, most ordinary people really don’t know who they are.

However, most people can recognize many of the world's top celebrities in the middle and back rows at a glance.

For example, the No. 1 queen in Europe and America, Christine, as well as several world-class superstars, and super new singers Adam, Elizabeth Yin and others.

For example, the North American super rich celebrity Mark, and several other world-class rich people Zack, Gates. And several world-class rich people in China, Shuang Ma, Xiao Zhang, etc.!

For example, several Hollywood Oscar winners and several world-class superstars!

For example, there are more than a dozen basketball superstars, both active and retired, who are among the top players in basketball history.

For example, there are more than a dozen football superstars, both active and retired, who are also top-ranked superstars in football history. Each of them has tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of fans around the world.

Of course, there are also some of the country’s top star singers!

The number of places for domestic and foreign students is almost equal.

This is also to avoid gossip!

Yu Jingruo and Li Qingyao still came together.

Li Qingyao has been quite active recently because she took a lot of work off while she was in North America. This time she came back and worked overtime like crazy, releasing songs and participating in two popular variety shows. She has returned to the mainstream attention, but it is difficult for her to reproduce the popularity and traffic she had during that time.

Recently, a large number of new and old singers and actors have risen rapidly in the domestic entertainment industry, leaving even fewer opportunities for Li Qingyao.

However, Li Qingyao didn't care about it. She just dealt with the work casually. After finishing this busy period, she would take a break for a while. She was no longer busy with work every day like before. She was thinking about making further progress!

Yu Jingruo has the most free time. After returning to China, he still lives alone. He has not made his debut and is not busy with work. He just enjoys his life quietly!

The two of them appeared together at the Central Conservatory of Music, not at all noticeable, and there were countless people around them who were more dazzling than them.

"I've been busy for a while, so I'll come find you."

Li Qingyao whispered to Yu Jingruo, but her eyes never left Wang Qian who was in the front.

Yu Jingruo's eyes flickered as she stared at Wang Qian's figure, and she smiled, "Okay! Who knows, we may end up living alone together until the end of our lives."

Li Qingyao smiled bitterly and stopped talking. She looked at Wang Qian, looking forward to the performance that Wang Qian was about to begin, but her heart still felt a sharp pain.

This figure used to belong to her alone!

At this time.

The slight discussions in the audience disappeared instantly.


The orchestra conductor standing next to Wang Qian began to wave his baton.

The show is about to begin!

The conductor waved his baton gently, and a clear, melodious flute sound rang out amidst the slightly sad music, making people feel clear-headed, as if they were surrounded by green mountains and clear waters, and washed by the breath of nature.

Wang Qian, who was standing in the middle, was still holding the violin but had not started playing.

Some social figures behind this were a little confused by this.

However, this is taken for granted by many of the masters in the fields of music and art mentioned above.

This is completely different from Wang Qian's hasty performance of a violin solo at the Curtis Institute. This is a truly complete violin concerto that requires an entire orchestra to assist Wang Qian in the performance. The other instruments in the orchestra also have equally important roles, and the overall coordination with Wang Qian's violin fully displays all the details and artistic conception of the entire piece.

Therefore, Wang Qian is not the only protagonist of this performance, but because Wang Qian can only be the only protagonist today, everyone's attention and gaze will be focused on Wang Qian alone, unnaturally ignoring all other performers in the orchestra and this famous orchestra conductor from the National Orchestra.

Anyone standing in Wang Qian's position will automatically become a supporting role.

The musical instruments gradually appeared, and everyone's performance was eye-catching.

The overall tone of the song is very clear!

That's the tragedy.

Everyone has heard the solo piece played by Wang Qian before. It has sold hundreds of millions of copies worldwide and has been interpreted and analyzed countless times. Therefore, everyone is very familiar with the piece itself and its background story, and everyone knows that this is an extremely romantic and tragic love story.

However, everyone is still curious about what the effect will be like when Wang Qian cooperates with the orchestra to perform this concerto in its entirety.

Everyone is curious, whether Wang Qian's violin playing has truly reached the level of a world-class master

Amidst the concerto music, Wang Qian finally picked up the violin, placed it on his shoulder, and began to play softly!

Suddenly, a piece of clear and pleasant-to-the-ear violin music that made people tremble all over went straight into their hearts!

Many of the world's top music performers and many senior music art lovers could not help but close their eyes and prick up their ears to listen, so that they could better and more clearly understand Wang Qian's performance and the emotions in the music!

Everyone knows that Wang Qian's control over the emotions of music is unique in history. No matter whether it is the famous pop stars in history or the masters in the history of music art, they cannot compare with Wang Qian in this respect.

The emotions in every song and every piece of music are enough to infect every listener.

In the front row, several Chinese music artists gathered, and they all closed their eyes and gestured with their fingers. One of the elders closed his eyes and said softly, "This obviously incorporates the tune style of Yue Opera. It seems that Professor Wang also has a deep understanding of traditional opera."

“He combined Yue Opera and legends into one, and performed it as a violin concerto! Professor Wang is worthy of being a master… This piece is the best among all of Professor Wang’s works.”

Several other music artists listened and nodded in agreement with their eyes closed.

Although many of the piano pieces Wang Qian had played before were enough to be listed as world masterpieces, he even single-handedly supported half of the modern piano world and provided a living for many pianists.

However, in terms of difficulty, in the field of musical art, instrumental solo is definitely the simplest form of expression.

After all, playing one instrument is definitely much easier than playing multiple instruments together.

Therefore, the symphony is called the crown of musical art.

This violin concerto is also the most complex one among all the works Wang Qian has released so far.

At the same time, it is also the song that best combines Eastern and Western elements.

Therefore, many Chinese music artists at the scene liked this piece very much.

Many European and American music artists also felt novel and delighted, as if they had discovered new elements and had a deeper understanding of Wang Qian's talent.

This kind of work that combines different cultural elements is extremely difficult and can easily become something weird.

Of course, the most important thing is that the gradually successful concerto performances of Wang Qian and the orchestra at this time proved that Wang Qian had the ability to make multiple instruments work together to perform successfully.

So, many people have more expectations and more confidence for the symphony to be performed in the afternoon.

Of course, some people feel more uneasy and bitter.

Because the more successful Wang Qian's symphony is, the higher its status in the world and in history.

This is something many European and American musicians don’t want to see!


Whether they want to see it or not.

The development of things will not be affected by them.

Wang Qian closed his eyes slightly, concentrating on the artistic conception and world expressed by this violin concerto. Pictures emerged in his mind, and the whole sad love story was familiar to him. He used the instrument in his hand to convey the pictures in his mind completely and clearly.

At this moment, the whole world pricked up its ears and listened quietly.