Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 609: 608. Protect every word, this will be a national treasure. (Subscribe please)


The complete version of Liang Zhu Concerto, the performance ends.


Wang Qian did not give any explanation, and not a single note of the piece was written on the blackboard.

Once the performance is over, it's over.

The applause gradually died down, and everyone sat down one after another, staring at Wang Qian and the piano that had just been placed there.

Everyone knows.

Today's main show has officially begun.

After Wang Qian’s last lecture at the Juilliard School, everyone got used to Wang Qian’s teaching method and accepted it.

There is no detailed explanation, only the score and the performance!

Everything depends on your own understanding.

Can't understand

That's because you don't understand art, or you don't have enough understanding, you are so stupid.

This is art!

Those who understand will understand, and those who don’t understand will be automatically filtered out.

This is the momentum and style that a music master should have!

What is a lecturer who talks about everything in detail

Music artists, teachers and students from top universities, and many art lovers all looked at Wang Qian with admiration at this moment, and they admired and recognized Wang Qian's lofty attitude.

This is the attitude that Wang Qian should have.

Many ordinary people who were watching the live broadcast, as well as general music lovers, students, teachers, etc., were a little confused and dissatisfied, and expressed their dissatisfaction on major social platforms.

"The performance is over. Won't you explain it to me? I didn't understand a lot of it."

"There is a profound oriental culture in this piece. Shouldn't Professor Wang explain it in detail? Otherwise, I can't fully understand the ideas expressed in this piece of music."

"Professor Wang, why don't you explain the structure of this piece and the role of the concerto instruments in detail? I really want to hear it..."

"Professor Wang, you just started playing the piano without saying a word? But I'm still in the violin piece just now."

"Professor Wang, let's talk about the song Liang Zhu first. I like it very much, but there are some parts I don't understand that need your explanation..."

"Professor Wang..."

There are many such questions and requests on social platforms in various countries, even in China.

And several music artists spoke bluntly.

"Music art requires a threshold. If you don't understand, then listen to it several times, dozens of times, after the end, and then look up the detailed information behind the piece, and you will understand it. If you still don't understand, then give up music art and change another subject."

"Professor Wang's works are aimed at the top masters in the field of music and art. Ordinary people can't understand them, so let's wait for other masters to explain them in detail. Don't bother Professor Wang to explain them."

"Those who understand will understand, and those who don't understand should shut up."

“Art, if it is stated so clearly, is it still art?”

In the minds of many artists, art is difficult to explain.

It’s not like science formulas which are certain, one plus one equals two!

If art is explained as clearly as a scientific formula, it is no longer art.

After teaching at the Juilliard School, Wang Qian was quickly recognized by many world-class masters of music and art. This was because the way Wang Qian taught at Juilliard was what an artist should have. From that time on, they recognized that Wang Qian was a master of music and art, a genius who was truly qualified to be a musical giant.

Although Wang Qian's lectures at Curtis were extremely detailed and benefited many music students with average talent and ability, and were called the most beneficial classes in the field of music, they were not recognized by many masters of music art.

It’s because Wang Qian’s lectures at Curtis are so down-to-earth!

Today, Wang Qian continued the style of his last lecture at Juilliard.

It’s not because he thinks this is the style that a music master should have, but because he doesn’t want to be so tired anymore and just wants to relax and finish things in the field of music and art as soon as possible.

Later he will give lectures at Kyoto University and Mizuki University.

He wanted to finish his work in Beijing as soon as possible, and then go back to Shanghai to start working and produce his first pop music album...

After the release of his first album, he will be able to take a good rest for a while.


Teaching like this is just for laziness.

As for whether everyone can understand it.

Wang Qian has no control over it.

If you don't understand, it means you don't understand the beauty of my art.

In the audience, Christine's eyes sparkled, and she whispered to Green and Ellie beside her, "It looks like Professor Wang is wrapping up today. Maybe today is the day he becomes a music giant and is crowned the king of world music art."

Green didn't take his eyes off Wang Qian and nodded in agreement: "I'm looking forward to it!"

Once he became a musical master, the only musical master in the last one or two hundred years, Wang Qian said that he was the only king of musical art in the world today, and no one could object.

Under everyone's gaze, Wang Qian did not immediately sit down at the piano to start playing. Instead, he slowly walked to the blackboard, picked up the chalk and began to write notes on it.

Of course, what Wang Qian wrote was not the music score of Liang Zhu.

Last time, Wang Qian had published the score of Liang Zhu.

Even if he didn't announce it, Liang Zhu had already been released for a month or two, and many music masters would have been able to extract the score from it.

When Wang Qian wrote down line by line of notes.

Everyone exclaimed slightly.

Many music artists and true lovers of music art were talking in low voices, with some excitement in their voices.

“It’s the Nocturne series!”

"Sure enough, the Nocturne series isn't over yet."

"That style is unique to Nocturne. I recognized it right away."

“This is such a classic series.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

"I have studied several nocturne series published by Professor Wang and have seen some patterns in them. To be honest, this is a great series of works."

"Several of my students like it very much. I have listed several nocturne series works released by Professor Wang as must-learn pieces for my students."

"Of course, I have listed all of Professor Wang's piano works as required repertoires for the Piano Academy."

"I really envy him. Professor Wang has a great memory. He has given several lectures without bringing any materials or lesson plans. He came to class alone and wrote all the music scores on the spot. But so far, he has not made a mistake in writing a single note. This is incredible."

"So, he is the number one genius in history, impeccable in every aspect, perfect."

"I really envy the teachers and students of Yangyin, Curtis, and Juilliard School for being able to meet Professor Wang."

In recent times, the world's top music schools have made significant changes.

First of all, all of Wang Qian’s piano pieces are listed as compulsory pieces for students, while other violin and saxophone pieces are listed as optional pieces.

There are also pieces for other instruments that Wang Qian has played, such as guzheng, pipa, pan flute, etc., which are recommended as practice pieces for interest or hobbies.

Wang Qian has officially entered the textbooks of major top music schools.

Therefore, teachers and students from major music schools all read it very carefully, knowing that the song Wang Qian was writing at the moment might be the song they must learn and play in a short period of time.

The Nocturne series is already a series of music being studied by all the world’s major music schools!

As the only series of sermons by music masters in the past one or two hundred years, its importance will definitely go down in history. They naturally have to master it thoroughly in a short period of time, otherwise how can they be called a top music school

Under the gaze of everyone, Wang Qian quickly wrote down the notes on the blackboard, stroke by stroke, and each word was clearly left on the blackboard.

He Chaohui left his seat, walked to the side door, and waved at Jiang Yu: "Jiang Yu, you will go up and replace the blackboard for Professor Wang later. The replaced blackboard must be preserved well. There must be no mistakes. Put it directly into the internal museum of the college for preservation. Got it?"

Wang Qian has taught at Curtis and Juilliard School, and everyone is familiar with him.

All artists in the field of music and art know that every blackboard written by Wang Qian is a treasure worth collecting.

Not only is Wang Qian a master of literature and calligraphy, his handwriting itself is also valuable, but each of these blackboards bears traces of Wang Qian's testimony to his status as a musical master. It has important significance and status in the history of the development of music art, and it is a major breakthrough for the field of Chinese music and art. Its significance and value far exceed all the collections of those European music and art masters.

Therefore, every word written by Wang Qian in today's class must not be damaged or lost, and must be preserved intact as the greatest foundation for the Central Conservatory of Music to become a world-class music and art school in the future.

Jiang Yu, Qin Xuerong, Qin Xuehong, Murong Yue, and Juliet all nodded vigorously to show their affirmation.

Qin Xuehong, as the oldest sister, smiled and said, "Don't worry, Aunt He, we will definitely keep it well and there won't be any mistakes."

He Chaohui was most confident in Qin Xuehong: "Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Qin Xuehong: "Okay!"

Sophie and Diana were standing nearby, both eager to help, but in the end they didn't say a word because they didn't know what to say.

He Chaohui looked at Sophie curiously, with some curiosity and pity in his eyes.

She knew that Sophie had joined Magic Sound as a professor of piano, and thought that Magic Sound had gotten a great bargain. She was also very curious about why Sophie suddenly left the Paris Conservatory of Music and came to Hua Xia Magic Sound to be an ordinary piano professor. With Sophie's talent, strength, and current fame, she could teach at any top university in the world and would receive treatment second only to Wang Qian.

However, Sophie came to China quietly and joined Moyin without giving any chance to other schools. It was obvious that she had already decided on Moyin. This made everyone curious, what on earth attracted Sophie to Moyin

If Sophie can enter CAAC, then He Chaohui is confident that he can make CAAC one of the top ten music schools in the world during his lifetime.

If Wang Qian succeeds in his certification at the Central Conservatory of Music today, it will be an announcement to the world that the Central Conservatory of Music has produced a musical giant, who is also the only musical giant in the world today. The Central Conservatory of Music's status in the field of world music and art will soar. Although it cannot yet become one of the top three prestigious universities, it should have no problem getting into the top 20.

After some more development, with Jiang Yu gradually coming to the fore, and Wang Qian cultivating some more musical talents, and Juliet staying at the Central Conservatory of Music, then the Central Conservatory of Music may become one of the top ten music schools in the world within ten to twenty years.

If Sophie could be included in the Central Conservatory of Music, He Chaohui's ambition would be even greater. She would no longer be satisfied with the top ten, and the top three would become her goal!

The world's top universities rely on their foundation, so He Chaohui needs to spend his entire life to manage it. At the same time, he also needs to rely on top talents to raise the ceiling and lay the foundation.

Therefore, He Chaohui hopes to recruit two world-class music talents, Juliet and Sophie, into the Central Conservatory of Music. In addition, Wang Qian has gradually cultivated and discovered local music talents over the years. Then, the Central Conservatory of Music will almost certainly become one of the top three top schools in the world within a few decades...

He Chaohui looked at Sophie, his eyes moved, his lips moved, and he wanted to say something to poach her, but when he thought about his good relationship with Moyin and the fact that Wang Qian was still working at Moyin, he didn't open his mouth in the end.

If it was just an ordinary professor, Moyin might not care too much and would just complain a few words and forget about it.

However, if they lose a world-class genius like Sophie, Moyin might become enemies with Yangyin.

After standing and thinking for a while, He Chaohui finally did not speak. She just smiled at Sophie, then turned and walked back to her seat.

Qin Xuehong made some arrangements and took Qin Xuerong, Jiang Yu and Murong Yue with him. The four of them would go up to help Wang Qian replace the blackboard. Juliet would help out, but Sophie and Diana did not get involved.

As soon as He Chaohui sat down, several school leaders asked about it. After confirming that everything had been arranged, they felt relieved.

The leaders of several other domestic music schools were all eager to make a move. There was a hint of greed in their eyes as they looked at every word written by Wang Qian. They obviously hoped to get a blackboard with music scores written by Wang Qian himself. If they put it back in their own school, it would immediately raise the status of the school in the country to a higher level.

Other music and art schools in the world are somewhat envious.

Even Curtis and Julia, the two schools that have preserved the blackboards with Wang Qian's handwriting, are envious.

Because today may be the day when Wang Qian proves his success as a musical master. Every score he writes is his final work, which is more representative, more valuable for collection, and can enhance the heritage of the academy.


The two antique dealers, Red and Aisha, are the most eager to make a move.

Although he had just spent a huge price to purchase a piece of calligraphy work that Wang Qian had donated to the public, Red still longed to collect more of Wang Qian's works.

Although we cannot acquire Wang Qian’s representative works of calligraphy and painting, if we can acquire Wang Qian’s representative works in the field of music and art, then the collection value and significance will be absolutely significant, and its future value may not be inferior to Wang Qian’s painting of View of the Waterfall at Mount Lu!

Reid said softly, "When this is over, let's contact the leaders of the Central Conservatory of Music and see if we can buy all the blackboards that Professor Wang wrote on today at a high price."

Aisha frowned: "Will they sell it? Curtis and Julia both refused the high price."

Red: "We have to try it. If it works, then we will have achieved some success. The value of these blackboards today may not be inferior to the Knight's Path and that painting..."

Elsa was slightly surprised.

Will these blackboards become national treasures in the future