Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 613: 612. The majesty of master musicians, new traditional instruments? (Subscribe please)


Backstage, the heads of the three major TV stations all smiled.


The ratings of the three major TV stations have increased significantly at this moment.

Of course, the increase in China's CCTV and Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV is not very significant, because their ratings were already very high before, almost catching all the domestic audiences.

The most obvious improvement was in North American TV stations, where staff members excitedly said, "The global audience has now exceeded 1.5 billion, and there is still a significant increase. The subsequent peak period may exceed 2 billion! And this is without taking into account the audience in China..."

Because the live broadcast rights for the Chinese region were given to CCTV and Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV, their ratings data certainly did not include the number of viewers in China.

Therefore, the number of viewers outside of China exceeded 1.5 billion, which is already an extremely terrifying number. According to the number of viewers that Wang Qian can contribute every time in China, the global number of viewers has now reached about 2.5 billion, which is approaching the extremely high viewership data created by Wang Qian during the Voice of China World Championships.

When the news reached the North American TV station headquarters and the top management of the media group behind it, everyone was very excited. They felt that giving up such a huge benefit to Wang Qian had finally paid off.

If they can maintain such viewership data every time, they will really make a fortune, and can use this influence to drive other businesses of the entire media group forward by a big step, and step by step become the world's media hegemon.

Immediately, the senior executives of the media group behind the scenes called Diana.

Diana was still watching Wang Qian at the side door. After receiving the call, she quickly walked to the studio and answered the call: "Anna, you did a great job! Wang Qian may have several more live broadcasts in the future. If you can maintain a billion viewers each time, I will propose that you join the decision-making level at the end of the year at the board meeting."

"I have passed the news to your father. He is very pleased with your vision and courage. He believes that you will be able to take on more responsibilities in the future."

Diana smiled slightly when she heard the news. This was what she had been striving for, to join the board of directors of the media group, and then accumulate experience and control the board step by step, thus bringing the entire media group under her own control.

This is her long-term plan, and her greatest reliance is this program produced with Wang Qian as the core, which will be her long-term support in the future.

The further development of the entire media group depends on this trump card resource in her hands, so she can use it to gain more resources and power step by step.

By then, no one else in the family will be able to stop her from rising to the top, and she may have the opportunity to become the helmsman of the entire family consortium in the future!

A glimmer of longing and motivation flashed in Diana's eyes. Wang Qian's figure appeared in her mind, and she only wanted to be closer to Wang Qian when the time comes.

"Uncle, I understand. I will continue to work hard."

Diana acted very calm, as if everything was under control.

The senior executive on the other end of the phone said cheerfully: "I believe you can do it!"

Hang up the phone.

Diana took a deep breath, then looked at the data again, and contacted acquaintances in the TV station and other businesses under the media group, such as print media, online media, etc., to cooperate and hype up Wang Qian's lecture!

The resources invested this time are no less than those used by the world competition program team to build momentum for the finals between Wang Qian and Sophie.

This is the power of the world's largest media group today, far exceeding the combined power of several major copyright holders of the world competition program team.

Many comments supporting Wang Qian can be seen on major social platforms in Europe and the United States, and many of the world's top media outlets quickly published real-time comments to express their admiration for Wang Qian's performance at the moment.

"Professor Wang is indeed the only genius in the past century who has the opportunity to prove himself as a music master. Watching him play the piano is like watching the art of piano itself. He is the god of music."

"Who is that Japanese guy? He wants to provoke Professor Wang? He overestimates his own abilities!"

"Old man, get out of here."

"I really want to see how Professor Wang can embarrass this old man. Professor Wang is not afraid of this kind of provocation at all."

"Old man, you also want to be Professor Wang's disciple? You wish... How many people in the world want to be Professor Wang's disciple?"

"Professor Wang's piano skills seem to be more refined and improved than when he was at Juilliard School. This is simply a miracle. No matter how strong he is, it seems that he can go further next time. There is no limit to his performance..."

Many media and self-media took action under the influence of Diana's resources, further boosting Wang Qian's popularity in countries around the world, thereby increasing the ratings again.

Diana looked and saw that the number of viewers outside of China had risen to 1.6 billion, an increase of about 100 million in a short period of time.

Of course, she knew that this was mainly due to the live broadcast effect.

Most ordinary people still like to watch conflicts...

This is also the core of all film and television dramas!

Without conflict, there is nothing to watch.

The conflict between Wang Qian and the island country's Taro Shinno has ignited the interest of many people around the world. In addition, the media group has mobilized resources to promote publicity, which naturally quickly attracted many viewers to watch the live broadcast, wanting to see what the outcome will be.

Diana left the studio with satisfaction and returned to the side door again. She looked at the silent scene, looked at Wang Qian standing on the podium, and then looked at Qin Xuerong, Qin Xuehong and others who were a little nervous beside her. She didn't say anything, but her eyes were full of expectation and trust.

She believes that Wang Qian is not afraid of any challenge.

Sophie, Qin Xuerong, Qin Xuehong, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, and Juliet also believed that Wang Qian was not afraid of challenges, but they were instinctively a little nervous.

After all, this was a musical master testifying before the whole world, and there was no room for even the slightest failure or mistake.

Thousands of eyes were fixed on Wang Qian and Taro Shinno. Many people who knew Taro Shinno were surprised that the most prestigious music artist in this island country would risk his entire life's reputation just to verify Wang Qian's miraculous musical talent on the spot.

Or maybe he had come prepared and wanted to deliberately embarrass Wang Qian in front of the whole world? To make him embarrassed

No one speaks!

They all stared at the two of them, waiting to see how Wang Qian would decide.

Wang Qian looked at Shinno Taro, tapped his fingers on the table, and said, "I'm not interested in taking you as my student. There are many people who want to be my student, but you're too old and don't qualify."

Taro Shinno and the people from the delegations of many island countries were all angry and dissatisfied, and Taro Shinno was about to speak.

Wang Qian continued, "However, there will definitely be more people like you. So, this is the last time I will accept a similar testimony. Here, I declare to everyone present and everyone in the world that I will never again prove any musical instrument to anyone."

"I have no such obligation!"

"This is the last time."

"I'm giving you this last chance, Mr. Shinno Taro."

Wang Qian's words caused the quiet scene to buzz with discussion again.

Many people thought that Wang Qian would refuse because this was an absolutely legitimate reason for refusal, and no one would use this to specifically criticize Wang Qian because that would be too unfair.

However, Wang Qian finally agreed.

However, this is the last time to prove this problem.

Many people regretted it.

Why didn't I raise my hand? Why wasn't I the one to raise this last chance

The old man from the island country was so lucky that he actually got the last chance.

A hint of joy flashed in Shinno Taro's eyes. He didn't expect Wang Qian to actually agree, and he didn't have to gamble his lifelong honor. This was his most ideal result. He immediately said loudly: "Well, this is your chance to prove yourself in front of the whole world, Professor Wang."

Wang Qian said calmly, "If you watched the live broadcast of my last lecture at the Juilliard School, you wouldn't have this doubt. In other words, you watched it but you didn't believe it, or you had other purposes. Mr. Shinno Taro, you don't need to say any other nonsense. Just tell me your request. What do you bring?"

Wang Qian's words made the old muscles on Shinno Taro's face tremble slightly, and his body shook.

He didn't expect that Wang Qian would be so disrespectful to him and speak so directly and clearly in front of the whole world, which made him very embarrassed.

Many other people around who had raised their hands just now were feeling fortunate at this moment, fortunate that they were not chosen by Wang Qian. Otherwise, if they were exposed by Wang Qian like this, they would be embarrassed in front of the whole world, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they would be ruined.

Wang Qian's performance in the classes at CAFA was more assertive and unquestionable than in those at Curtis and Juilliard.

Of course, this is also because Wang Qian has accumulated great momentum and his majesty is even greater.

As he was about to prove himself as the world's only musical master, Wang Qian also began to accumulate his own fame and status and would not allow others to challenge him at will.

Otherwise, how could this musical master become a master

Which of the great music masters in history did not dominate the world? Who in the field of music and art dared to question or oppose them

The doubts and oppositions directed against several music masters only gradually emerged after their deaths. There were almost no such doubts and oppositions when they were alive.

Wang Qian doesn't want to prove himself as a music master and then have anyone come out to ask him to prove something when he is giving lectures or performing in other places!

That's not a master, it's better to call him a monkey.

Wang Qian's aura was as heavy as a mountain, which was clearly felt by many people at the scene. They felt a lot of pressure and fear in their hearts, and re-examined this super music genius of the new century.

A layer of sweat appeared on Shinno Taro's forehead. He was extremely nervous. He adjusted himself a little and said quickly: "I'm sorry, Professor Wang. I didn't expect this to happen. I didn't deliberately take out an unfamiliar instrument to embarrass you. I just wanted to witness a miracle with my own eyes."

“This is the instrument I brought today.”

As he spoke, Taro Shinno walked out of his seat, carrying a box and walked towards the middle stage. He quickly walked in front of Wang Qian and opened the box in front of Wang Qian and everyone else. Lying quietly in the middle was a strangely shaped musical instrument, like a stone, but with several holes on it.

Those who came to the scene were teachers, students and talents from the world's top music schools. Naturally, they were all well-informed and many of them recognized the instrument at a glance.

"Is that an ocarina? It seems so."

"Yes, it's the ocarina. This is not really embarrassing Professor Wang, it's just an unpopular instrument."

"Isn't this a problem? How many people here can play such an unpopular instrument? No more than a hundred. The best of the world's music and art circles are gathered here, and there are less than a hundred people who can play it. Is this not unpopular?"

"But the ocarina is much better than those instruments that appeared on Julia last time, right? I've never seen that panpipe before. And that theremin, I don't even know what it is!"

"Ocarina can be considered a kind of Chinese folk music, but it's one of the least popular because it was lost hundreds of years ago. It has only been gradually restored in recent decades, but it has not yet fully recovered. Several Chinese folk music masters are still studying and figuring out how to play the Chinese ocarina."

"The ocarina this islander took out seems to be the traditional Chinese ocarina. It's not the popular ocarina in Europe."

"Sure enough, he has bad intentions. No one in China can play a complete song on the traditional Chinese ocarina. The Chinese folk music community is still groping and trying... How could Professor Wang be able to do it?"

Several masters of Chinese folk music recognized it as one of the traditional Chinese ocarinas.

Of course, it is not surprising that almost all of the island country’s traditional musical instruments were passed down from China.

Ocarina can be found in all major civilized regions of the world. It is not a very rare instrument. It is just a ceramic instrument. The ocarinas made by different civilizations are just in different shapes, but they are almost all called ocarinas.

There was a brand new ocarina in Taro Shinno's box. He looked at Wang Qian and showed the island nation's bowing culture. He bowed slightly to Wang Qian and said humbly, "Mr. Wang Qian, this is a new ocarina we made based on the traditional Chinese ocarina. I think with your godlike talent and strength, you should be able to play a piece with this instrument, right? Show us a lesson."

After saying that, Taro Shinno stood up and looked at Wang Qian with a slightly proud look.

A smile appeared on Wang Qian's lips.

To be honest, he was really worried that Taro Shinno would take out some musical instrument he had never seen before. Who knows what musical instruments no one has ever seen in some corner of this world

He was ready to do whatever he wanted.


Taro Shinno took out an ocarina that he was very familiar with.

He was very familiar with this instrument in his previous life, and some of his works were often used to soundtrack some film and television dramas.

However, in this world, China, the island countries, South Korea and other Asian countries have just begun to develop this instrument. A system has not yet been formed, and there are not many truly recognized complete works that have been spread. Many folk music masters who are interested in this are still making various attempts and want to gradually develop this instrument!

Although this is a traditional Chinese musical instrument, its history can be traced back to the tribal era thousands of years ago.

However, because the inheritance was interrupted in the middle, it can now be said to be a brand new instrument!