Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 617: 616. I have talent and ability, why can't I be the best in history? (Please subscribe)


The applause continued throughout the hall for more than ten minutes, and only gradually subsided when Wang Qian spoke.

Many people's hands were slightly swollen and painful from clapping, but they seemed to not notice anything. They still stared at Wang Qian with excitement, looking forward to his performance.

Although the applause stopped, no one sat down.

Everyone in the audience was still standing, facing Wang Qian.

It seemed that they couldn't sit down unless Wang Qian asked them to.

One by one, no matter they were music artists from the world's top music schools or top celebrities and wealthy people in other fields, they all seemed to become students in front of Wang Qian and did not dare to sit down without the teacher's order.

He Chaohui, Tao Zhishan, Peng Donghu, Yang Jiansen and other teachers and students from the delegations of major Chinese universities all have faces filled with pride and honor at this moment.

Many bigwigs in the cultural field of Beijing circle did not show any condescending attitude towards Wang Qian at this moment. Some of them were just full of admiration.

The higher up one stands in the cultural field, the more one knows how shocking what Wang Qian is doing at the moment.

Han Zhao and other cultural leaders in the Beijing circle also had a lot of expectations when they looked at Wang Qian.

Wang Qian looked at the pairs of eager and expectant eyes, picked up the ocarina in his hand and showed it to everyone again, saying: "This instrument is very good, the sound is what I like, and the pronunciation is relatively easy to master! I just tried it, and suddenly I had some inspiration in my mind, so I tried to play it out."

"That's the song! At the time, I thought of this instrument returning to its hometown. So there is a clear sense of homesickness in the song, and it incorporates the scenery of my hometown that I remember from my childhood."

There was some discussion again, and everyone's eyes were filled with excitement.

Each of them knew that they were witnessing a scene that would be remembered by history, and that each of them present might appear in the historical records of today's performance in future generations.

Only Taro Shinno and other members of the island nation delegation looked unhappy. They knew that they would definitely be recorded in history, but they would definitely not play a glorious role and would definitely serve as a negative background to prove Wang Qian's greatness.

Taro Shinno sighed. His body, which had been standing straight before, was now a little hunched. His expression suddenly became older, and his energy and spirit weakened a lot, and he almost couldn't stand steadily.

"Professor Wang, what is the name of this piece of music?"

A middle-aged white man below asked loudly.

Wang Qian turned around and wrote a few words on the blackboard: "The scenery of my hometown!"

He said loudly: "Let's call it the Scenery of Hometown. I will sort out the score later and send it to everyone. Those who like it can try to play it by themselves! I will also record a studio version and upload it to the online platform for everyone to download..."

Applause broke out again.

Wang Qian waved his hand and said, "Okay, everyone, please sit down. If you all stand, I won't be able to continue teaching."

The atmosphere became relaxed, everyone sat down one after another, and the buzz of discussions began again.

"This piece of work is so beautiful and memorable. I want to listen to it again now."

“I don’t know if this effect can be achieved with other instruments.”

"Ordinary musical instruments may not have such clean and clear sounds. I will wait for Professor Wang's own studio version and will download it when it comes."

"Another day to witness Professor Wang's invincibility."

"I want to buy the ocarina that Professor Wang just played. Where can I buy it?"

"Isn't it said that this instrument was made by musicians from an island country?"

"It was made by musicians from the island country, but they stole it from China."

"So, is there any production in China?"

"I don't know, wait a minute..."

Amidst the discussions.

The sound reached the ears of the island nation delegation, making Taro Shinno and others almost vomit blood.

Wang Qian's influence finally played a role and affected the perceptions of the whole world.

Now, most people regard these island musicians as thieves, stealing traditional Chinese instruments and making them as their own...

The most painful thing is that Taro Shinno and others have no way to refute or explain at this moment.

No one will listen to their explanation.

Because, just now Taro Shinno himself admitted that they made the instrument based on Chinese historical records, which clearly means they acknowledged that it is a traditional Chinese instrument.

Therefore, although Taro Shinno and others felt uncomfortable, they could only remain silent.

Many Chinese music artists were extremely excited, especially the folk music masters who studied the ocarina, who almost cried. Their achievements were finally recognized by the whole world. Now they just need to continue to carry forward their achievements and they will be successful.

With this in mind, they may have to thank Taro Shinno and others. If these people had not stolen their results and used them to deliberately embarrass Wang Qian, they might have had to grope for many more years before they could achieve anything.

Wang Qian continued seriously, "This will be the last time I accept such a boring so-called proof. From now on, I will never accept such a boring and rude request from anyone again!"

The discussions at the scene disappeared instantly, and everyone could see the firmness and unquestionableness in Wang Qian's tone and eyes.

Taro Shinno and others once again became the focus of the scene and the world. Several shots gave Taro Shinno a close-up, allowing him to be seen clearly by everyone in the world.

Wang Qian: "Okay, now I will continue with today's main content!"

After saying that, Wang Qian continued to write the music score on the blackboard.

Notes quickly appeared on the blackboard.

All the audience members immediately got into the mood and began to look intently at the score written by Wang Qian on the blackboard. Many music masters and top music performers could quickly see that the score written by Wang Qian had the characteristics of the previous nocturne series, and Wang Qian was still writing blindly.

Without looking at any notes or any other text, I just stood there with a pen and started writing.

Moreover, Wang Qian had just improvised a strange instrumental piece "Scenery of Hometown", and in the blink of an eye he continued to write another piano piece. This ability made everyone extremely admire him.

Whether people in the field of music and art or ordinary viewers in front of the TV, they all admire Wang Qian's extraordinary memory, thinking ability, and logical ability.

After the silence just now, social media platforms in various countries are now exploding again, and the popularity is soaring.

"The ocarina piece just now was so beautiful. Professor Wang, please don't break your promise. The pieces I played at the Juilliard School last time haven't been uploaded yet. I've been waiting for so long that the flowers have all withered."

"Professor Wang's memory is simply a bug! Not to mention his musical talent, with his memory and logical ability, Professor Wang can be the best in anything. If he concentrates on scientific research, he can definitely make some achievements. It's just that without the bonus of talent, it is impossible for him to achieve the current achievements in music and art."

"So, Professor Wang really pretended to be an ordinary person for thirty years? With his memory ability, couldn't he easily get into any famous school in the world? Why did he choose to study at the Beijing Film Academy's acting department? Isn't Mizuki University or Kyoto University good enough? Can't he easily get into any famous school in Europe or America? However, Professor Wang didn't use his extraordinary talent and ability just to be an ordinary person, and he has been doing this since he was a child. I have to say, he is indeed a natural performer, and he has been acting like an ordinary person since he was a child."

"No wonder he applied to the acting department of Beijing Film Academy. A genius has been playing an ordinary person since he was young, and has been doing so for thirty years. Isn't he a natural performer?"

"Now, have the little scoundrels calmed down? Hahaha, did you see the look on that little scoundrel's face just now? I really doubt if he will die suddenly on the spot."

"Have you started playing nocturnes again? This is really my favorite. Professor Wang's nocturne series really expresses sadness! At first glance, it seems to be just a faint sadness, but the more you listen, there is a kind of loneliness that goes deep into your bones, just like the eternal night..."

"Yes, our professor also said when he was explaining Professor Wang's nocturne that this is the most profound series of works that interpret sadness that he has ever heard, far surpassing all his previous works."

"In fact, Professor Wang is about to succeed."

"I declare that a new generation of music masters has been born..."

"Professor Wang, come on..."

"Professor Wang..."

On social media platforms in various countries, the dense comments at this moment are almost all about discussing Wang Qian, and the vast majority of them are in support of Wang Qian.

Some people previously tried to set Wang Qian and Ganfeisi against each other in order to influence everyone's perception and make many people boycott Wang Qian.

But at this time, after the ocarina performance just now, and the gradual success of the Nocturne series, many ordinary people in Europe and the United States have recognized Wang Qian very much.

This kind of incredible talent is far beyond any musical master in history. Even Gampphis cannot do it.

So, what's wrong with Wang Qian surpassing Ganphis

Many people gradually began to accept that Wang Qian had the potential and talent to surpass Gampphis and had the potential to become the greatest music master in history.

Therefore, each of these viewers may be a witness to history at this moment.

As reflected in the data, the ratings are even better.

Diana listened to the voice coming from the headset: "Except for China, the audience data has increased again. There are about 2.3 billion people watching at this time, and the peak may exceed 2.5 billion. If the audience in China is included, today's live broadcast may set a historical record again."

"Half the world is watching this live!"

Diana didn't answer, knowing was enough, and she didn't need an answer or any instructions.

Because they are just content porters, and they only need to ensure that the live broadcast signal is stable and normal. They can't affect anything else.

Brush, brush, brush…

Wang Qian wrote down the notes on the blackboard steadily and quickly.

As with the previous nocturne piece, there are no modifications.

Once you’ve written it, you’re done!

There was no explanation either.

Wang Qian sat directly in front of the piano. After a second of preparation, he got into the mood and started playing!

It is still the same faint sadness as the night, but it is deeper than the previous one, as if it is late at night, the feeling of loneliness is more intense, it is a sadness that comes from the bones.

Everyone listened to Wang Qian's performance in great silence again.

Many people, just like they had just listened to the scenery of their hometown while listening to the ocarina performance, slowly closed their eyes and listened attentively to Wang Qian's piano performance.

The feeling of the late night scene suddenly came to everyone's mind, making everyone feel more deeply, as if they were in the darkness, walking alone, with many sorrows and loneliness in their hearts, making them even sadder!

Malone closed his eyes and whispered, "It didn't talk about people, scenery, or sadness. It just told us what the night is! This kind of sadness is like a hurricane wave, which is irresistible."

Then, Ma Long opened his eyes, looked at Wang Qian, and exclaimed with a smile: "Each song is more progressive than the last, perfectly interpreting what true sadness is. This is the nocturne... This is Wang Qian!"

"He is the only great musician of our time!"

For the first time, Ma Long admitted that Wang Qian is the music master of this era.

This shows that he has recognized Wang Qian's success.

Many other teachers, students and music artists from the Paris Conservatory of Music listened to what Malone said, and no one refuted. Most people agreed with him. Even the few who were dissatisfied could not say anything to refute him, because Malone's words were also their personal feelings.

Teachers, students and alumni music artists from other colleges and universities also praised and looked at Wang Qian's face with recognition.

Even if Wang Qian stopped now, they would directly admit that Wang Qian succeeded in proving the truth...

The many music and art lovers, as well as celebrities and wealthy people who followed behind him, all had expressions of recognition on their faces. Many of them did not have such a deep understanding, but simply followed their own moods and emotions. They instinctively felt that Wang Qian had conquered them, and they should publicly express their recognition of Wang Qian.

It is still music as cool as water at night!

It seems that there is not much difference from the previous nocturne series.

However, many senior music artists and enthusiasts can feel the deeper artistic connotation and more profound loneliness and sadness from it.

This is the role of a series of works, which progresses layer by layer and expresses the artistic level and connotation more deeply.

Therefore, it is impossible to achieve such an effect with just a musical sketch.

Several great masters of music who have made history have either relied on such series of works to achieve the same effect, or have used a symphony lasting one to two hours, or even three to four hours, to express their complete artistic ideas!

A few minutes passed quickly.

Wang Qian finished playing another nocturne.

A moment of quiet enjoyment on site.

Qin Xuerong, Qin Xuehong and others quickly went forward to replace the blackboard. They carefully put away the blackboard that Wang Qian had just written on and replaced it with a new one.

Many people were filled with envy and helplessness when they saw this scene.

Wang Qian didn't wait for everyone's applause. After the blackboard was replaced, he started writing on it...


Many people at the scene finally came to their senses and couldn't help but admire Wang Qian's figure.