Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 623: 622. He surpassed all other great musicians in history in just one day! (Subscribe please)


Diana in action.

China's two major live TV stations are also taking action, interviewing many audiences on the scene, all wanting to dig out today's details and materials more thoroughly.

The central bank sent its ace host Zhou Yun to conduct an on-site interview. It first stopped several Chinese music artists for interviews to give its own people some opportunities to show their faces.

Obviously, the most representative one now is Mingming, the youngest world-class piano master before Wang Qian!

Mingming had been notified in advance that he would be interviewed, so he couldn't refuse the interview.

Of course, Mingming, who has been developing into a variety show star in the past two years, has no intention of rejecting such an opportunity to show his face in front of the whole world. Whether he develops variety shows in the future or continues to enter the field of music and art, it will be of great help to him.

Before, many Chinese music and art professionals hoped that Mingming could carry the banner of Chinese music and art like Wang Qian and make a name for himself internationally. However, the ending was disappointing, which was also inevitable.

He can obviously lead a small number of people to make money, so everyone recognizes and praises him, but he has not been able to lead everyone to make money. Therefore, when he wants to represent the Chinese music and art world in the international arena, he will naturally be resisted and opposed by the vast majority of European and American music and art professionals, and will not be given any chance at all.

Moreover, it is obviously not that difficult to achieve such a great achievement that one can bring the Chinese music and art world to the world level on one's own.

Therefore, Mingming received less and less official support resources, until the authorities stopped paying attention to him and allowed him to develop on his own.

Now, Wang Qian has achieved what the government and the music and art circles expected of Mingming back then, and has far exceeded their expectations.

So, Mingming's mood at this moment was a bit complicated. Facing the camera, his eyes were full of thought and seriousness.

Zhou Yun asked with an extremely dignified smile, "Mingming, how many times have you attended Professor Wang's class?"

Mingming thought for a moment and said, "Maybe three or four times. When Professor Wang gave lectures in China, I would go as long as I had time. At that time, I knew that Professor Wang would achieve amazing success in the future. Later, I also went to his lectures at Juilliard. Unfortunately, I didn't make it to Curtis's lectures because it was too rushed and I couldn't make it in time."

Mingming looked regretful, as if he suffered a huge loss for missing Wang Qian's class.

Zhou Yun continued to ask: "What do you think Professor Wang's class today means? Is he the only music master in the world now?"

Mingming nodded affirmatively: "Of course, he is the only music master in the world today. In fact, in my opinion, the nocturne series he released has extremely significant breakthroughs in artistic achievements and technical discoveries. Several European and American music masters and other music masters have not made new discoveries in this area."

“Even Sterry, who is known as a master of piano skills in Europe, did not make this new discovery.”

The reviews are also very high.

Strie is also one of the few music masters in European history. He is known as a technical maniac. His representative work is a series of highly difficult piano pieces, which were known as the forbidden zone of piano at that time. Each piece is difficult and challenges the upper limit of human piano playing skills, while also taking into account a certain artistry.

Of course, as piano skills developed further, basically all master pianists could perform their works in their entirety.

Now, all of Sterry's works are considered to be must-learn repertoires for pianists, and playing Sterry's works is also a display of skill.

Mingming compared Wang Qian's Nocturne series to be comparable to Stree's works, which is a very high evaluation.

After all, Wang Qian’s Nocturne series is not that difficult.

Mingming continued, "Of course, the difficulty of the Nocturne series is not high. However, Professor Wang was able to find such a representative and artistic work in a specific note range. This is rare today, after hundreds of years of piano development. It is more difficult than the proof of those music masters back then."

Zhou Yun's eyes flashed with surprise, and she continued to ask, "What are your expectations for Professor Wang's symphony performance this afternoon?"

Mingming's eyes flashed with surprise and admiration, and he said, "In fact, I came to the Central Conservatory of Music to watch a rehearsal two days ago. It was a relatively complete rehearsal. I stood there for several hours without moving. It was very shocking and very beautiful! I can't imagine that this is Professor Wang's first symphony. It is not inferior to the well-known historical works that are often performed in the world."

"I can predict this in advance. Once Professor Wang's work is published, his position in history will instantly move up several places."

Zhou Yun's eyes widened. As a journalist, she knew that Mingming's words were very explosive, so she immediately asked, "Oh? What ranking? Where do you think Professor Wang ranks now? After the performance this afternoon, what ranking will he rank?"

Several people who knew Mingming had gathered around and were listening to his answer. It was obvious that everyone was surprised by his evaluation of Wang Qian.

There was obvious suspicion and disbelief in the eyes of several European and American music artists.

Even though they admitted that Wang Qian had succeeded in his mission today, they still believed that Wang Qian could only be ranked at the bottom in the history of music art and would always be ranked at the bottom in the future and would never be able to surpass those European music masters.

But now, it is clearly said that Wang Qian is about to surpass those music masters

They cannot accept it and will not approve of it.

"Ming, be careful with your words!"

A middle-aged white man said to Mingming.

Mingming has not been making a living in Europe and the United States in recent years, so he didn't care about the other party's attitude and replied directly: "James, I am just telling the truth. You will know when you watch the performance this afternoon."

The middle-aged man snorted and turned away.

Zhou Yun is still waiting for Mingming.

Mingming continued, "Only now, Wang Qian has just become a music master. His historical ranking is definitely the lowest among several music masters. However, he has great potential. He is the youngest person in history to become a music master. In the future, he will definitely surpass his predecessors. However, I didn't expect him to do so so soon."

"On the same day, he will surpass his predecessors. After the performance in the afternoon, I think his ranking will move up four places and rank second in history! Surpassing Sterry and several others, second only to Gumpice..."

Mingming's words made everyone around who understood exclaim.

There were voices of discussion.

"What nonsense is he talking about? Damn it, Professor Wang may be a genius, but how is it possible that he surpassed four great masters of music art in one day and is second only to Gampphis? This is impossible. I will never admit it."

"He should have taken back what he said immediately, otherwise he would have become our public enemy."

"Oh, God, he doesn't understand how great Sterry and the others are. It's impossible to surpass them with just one piece of work. Even if Gampith is resurrected, he can't do it."

"It's clear that Ming has gone crazy and is talking nonsense."

"Haha, I will definitely go to the performance this afternoon to see what it is..."

"It is enough to acknowledge that Professor Wang is a musical master. He does not deserve more recognition, at least not now."

Mingming and Zhou Yun heard every word of objection and questioning from all around, but neither of them paid any attention.

Zhou Yun was a reporter sent by the central bank for on-site interviews. She had already received the official attitude in advance, which was of course to support and elevate Wang Qian's status as much as possible. There was no doubt about that.

This time it is a live broadcast to the world. The higher Wang Qian's status and the higher his recognition in the world, the further he will be able to bring Chinese culture and music art to the world in the future, allowing the world to re-recognize Chinese culture and thus more clearly understand the entire rising Chinese transition.

Mingming is obviously a smart man. He knows that Wang Qian is a super celebrity both at home and abroad. The recognition of Wang Qian by music artists all over the world is actually an act of currying favor with others.

Therefore, Mingming also decisively protected Wang Qian at this time.

Moreover, his words were actually what he really thought, and he was not afraid of being held accountable later.

Zhou Yun: "Thank you Mingming for accepting our interview. After the performance is over this afternoon, we will interview you again, is that ok?"

Mingming nodded affirmatively: "Of course..."

The interview is over.

Mingming was immediately surrounded by several people.

The old man in the lead said bluntly, "Mingming, you shouldn't say that. No one can surpass four great music artists in one day. No one, not even God, can do that. The four great music artists, including Sterry, spent their entire lives publishing many classic works to gradually establish their current status and ranking."

"It is impossible for Professor Wang Qian to surpass their lifetime efforts in just one day!"

Over the past hundreds of years, there have been five music masters in the history of music art. Each of them is a top genius of their time. With their lifelong efforts, they have published so many classic works that have been handed down to this day. Each of them has an infinite aura...

How was it possible that Wang Qian could surpass four such historical geniuses in just one day

"Mingming, you should take back what you just said!"

A middle-aged man also said seriously.

Mingming looked at them without showing any weakness. He knew them. They were professors from some of the top music schools in Europe. He smiled and said, "Everyone, come and talk to me after the performance this afternoon. If you still insist, I will apologize to you..."

The old man snorted coldly: "Humph, then you'd better think of your apology in front of the camera now. I need you to apologize to the whole world and to those masters."

Mingming shrugged and said indifferently: "It's up to you! But I think, after you watch the performance, you will know how shallow your knowledge is. In front of a genius like Professor Wang, those masters will become ordinary people..."

Several people were shocked and filled with anger again.

But, Mingming just turned around and left, not wanting to continue talking to them, which was meaningless.

He has been dealing with these people for more than 20 years and already knows what to do.

In the face of their arrogance and prejudice, any explanation is meaningless.

Only after their true strength is demonstrated will they face it and talk to you properly.

He had clearly received such treatment in the past, but after his performances were very popular and tickets sold out, he gradually gained recognition. Most of the previous prejudices and arrogance disappeared, and were replaced by admiration and numerous requests for cooperation.

Zhou Yun’s interview did not end there. She also interviewed several Chinese music masters and received highly positive responses from all of them.

Then, she suddenly saw a group of middle-aged and elderly people in kimonos gathered together and walked slowly towards the school's accommodation area.

Zhou Yun hurriedly caught up and shouted, "Mr. Shinno Taro, can you accept our interview?"

Taro Shinno was chatting with several masters of music and art from the island countries when he suddenly heard Zhou Yun's shout. He immediately felt something was wrong and wanted to speed up and leave.

However, Zhou Yun and the program team were obviously faster.

The cameraman and two staff members had quickly walked to the front and blocked the road, with the camera aimed at Taro Shinno and others.

Zhou Yun also handed the microphone to Taro Shinno with a sincere smile on her face.

Shinno Taro felt bitter and helpless, and felt that Zhou Yun's smile was like the smile of a devil, but he had to force a smile and said, "Okay."

Zhou Yun could see that Shinno Taro was reluctant, but she wanted him to accept the interview even if he was reluctant. She asked immediately, "Mr. Shinno Taro, did you prepare the musical instrument you brought out for Professor Wang today in advance? Did you prepare it in advance to bring it out during Professor Wang's lecture and let Professor Wang perform it on the spot?"

Was it premeditated

Of course, Taro Shinno would not admit it, as that would greatly reduce his image as a master of musical art and turn him into a scheming villain who only knows how to attack others.

He immediately shook his head: "Of course not, it just happened. In fact, I brought this ocarina this time because I wanted to communicate with several folk music masters who study ocarina at the Central Conservatory of Music. I brought it with me, but when Professor Wang was giving a lecture, someone in our team suddenly suggested that Professor Wang try this instrument."

"We have been researching this instrument for nearly a year, but we haven't created a complete piece yet, so we would like to ask Professor Wang to give it a try. We believe that his godlike talent may help us..."

Obviously, no intelligent person would believe this explanation.

However, Taro Shinno didn't care whether others believed it or not. He and several island music masters around him nodded in agreement. That was it.

Zhou Yun said "oh" casually, not dwelling on it. After all, she had no solid evidence to expose the other party. She continued to ask: "So, Mr. Shinno Taro, what do you think of Professor Wang's ocarina performance?"

Taro Shinno tried to look as calm as possible, but his eyes were still filled with shock. He replied in a relaxed tone, "Very good, beyond our expectations. Obviously, Professor Wang's musical talent is beyond our imagination. That ocarina piece is the best ocarina piece I have ever heard in the world..."

Every region of the world has its own ocarina heritage, so there are many ocarina works circulating in the world. Taro Shinno praised the scenery of Wang Qian's hometown as the most beautiful ocarina music, which is also a very high evaluation.

After all, it was Wang Qian’s first time to play the ocarina, and he improvised on the spot, but he created the most beautiful ocarina piece in the world. This is the best compliment and recognition.

Zhou Yun: "Oh, then, Mr. Shinno Taro, do you think Professor Wang's lecture today was successful?"

Taro Shinno took a deep breath and nodded, "Of course he succeeded. His nocturne series is the greatest piano series in the past 100 years. No one in the world today can compare to him! There is no doubt that he is already a master of musical art. He is a great man of musical art."

At this moment, Taro Shinno could only praise Wang Qian as highly as possible, so that they would appear less stupid.