Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 624: 623. The deterrent power of the cultural mushroom egg. The bigwigs in the Beijing circle who were turned away. (Please subscribe)


The live broadcasts of the three major TV stations cover almost all areas in the world with TV signals!

That’s why it attracts so many people to watch…

The interview after the event also received high ratings.

Many people have seen the comments on Wang Qian by many world-class music and art masters, and almost all of them have given him extremely high praise. Even those who do not want to give him positive comments will use ambiguous tones and language to get around it, and no longer dare to publicly belittle and criticize Wang Qian as unscrupulously as they did before.

After all, Wang Qian has now truly proven himself to be the only music giant in the world today, and has been recognized by many European and American master-level music artists. This is an irreversible trend. Under such a trend, no one dares to stop him, as he will only be crushed to pieces and may not be able to make a living in this industry in the future.

This made all the audiences around the world recognize Wang Qian's identity and status...

The only musical master of our time who has achieved success.

There is a lot of heated discussion on online platforms in various countries at the moment.

This is a level of attention and highlight that the music and art world has never seen before.

Even leaders from various countries came out to express their congratulations...

"There is no doubt that Professor Wang has indeed become the only musical giant of our time. I hope he can perform at our National Theatre sometime."

"Professor Wang is the inheritor of contemporary music art and also the preacher of music art in the future. He will be one of the greatest music artists."

"Professor Wang does not belong to China, but to the world. Music and art have no borders, and Professor Wang should not be restricted by nationality. We hope that Professor Wang can come to our country to settle down. We will give him the best treatment and exempt him from all personal taxes..."

"Professor Wang should be called the son of miracle music. He is simply the embodiment of music art in the world. He can easily master and play any instrument. His achievement as a music master is just the beginning. I am looking forward to his symphony performance this afternoon! I heard that several Chinese leaders will be there to watch. It's a pity that I can't go there in advance."

"Professor Wang..."

Many politicians have extended warm invitations to Wang Qian, and even hoped that Wang Qian could settle there without any nationality restrictions. Some have also offered to exempt Wang Qian from personal taxes. They certainly know how amazing Wang Qian's personal wealth is, so they have offered such attractive conditions.

In today's world, competition between the East and the West has gradually become fierce, with constant frictions in areas ranging from science and technology to economy and culture.

Therefore, artists who were useless in the past have become important today, especially super geniuses like Wang Qian, the only master-level music artist in contemporary times. In the eyes of many countries, he is simply a nobody in the field of cultural war, and the only nobody at that. The deterrent effect will be amazing.

When they saw how many people in their country admired Wang Qian and had a strong interest in Chinese culture, they knew that the power of this cultural lone wolf Wang Qian was extremely amazing.

In time, the more people in Europe and the United States understand Chinese culture, the more they will be influenced by Chinese values, and their boycott and sanctions against China will become weaker and weaker.

Therefore, they all had to stand up and publicly recruit a Chinese music artist.

This has never happened in the past hundreds of years of history.

Even those scientists with amazing achievements have not been openly recruited by national leaders, but only done in secret.

The presence of so many political leaders openly recruited Wang Qian, which further influenced the enthusiasm of many people in his country.

have a look…

Since the leaders all praised Wang Qian so much, they were of course more interested in him. Many people who had not paid much attention to him before also suddenly became interested.

Therefore, Wang Qian's popularity in the world has further increased, even surpassing his peak moment during the Voice of China World Championships.

Most of the hot topics on social platforms in various countries are about Wang Qian.

"I watched Professor Wang's performance and lectures throughout the whole process. It was really a pleasure. This was the most enjoyable music and art performance I have ever seen! He is the only music master who deserves it."

"Can I see the replay now? I just missed the live broadcast, damn it!"

"It would be great if Professor Wang could come to our country. I would transfer to another school to take his class. I want to become a musician."

"I hope Professor Wang can come to our school to perform."

"It was Professor Wang who made me realize that music is so beautiful."

"Professor Wang is the greatest artist of our time, bar none."

"Wow, they clearly said that Professor Wang would surpass several music masters such as Sterry and become the one second only to Gampphis today? Just relying on a performance in the afternoon? To be honest, I don't believe it, but I am looking forward to it."

"Hahaha, this is just bragging. In one day, he surpassed four music masters who have been famous for hundreds of years in history? How is that possible? But even if it's not possible, Professor Wang is still great enough."

"A symphony is not that simple, and this is Professor Wang's first symphony, right? How could his first symphony surpass so many predecessors? That's impossible..."

But on domestic social platforms, there is full of pride and honor.

The national confidence of many people was rebuilt at this moment.

"So many world-famous music masters have been conquered by Professor Wang. It's so cool to see. Professor Wang is awesome."

"I don't quite understand Professor Wang's piano series, but I know that Professor Wang has conquered the world, and that's enough. Professor Wang is awesome."

“Hahahaha, I wanted to laugh when I saw that Shinno Taro from the island country. I wanted to make Professor Wang look bad, but in the end he was the clown himself! But, to be honest, the ocarina piece "Scenery of Hometown" that Professor Wang played was really beautiful. It was so beautiful. I hope Professor Wang can upload it soon. I will definitely download it.”

"Professor Wang, I love the scenery of my hometown. Please download the studio version quickly."

"Professor Wang, I support you to release a pop album soon. We can't just conquer the world with classical music, we also have to conquer the world with pop music, so that foreigners know that they will live in Professor Wang's music world in the future!"

"Professor Wang's piano music will become a must-learn piece in the future."

"Personally, I still like the piano works that Professor Wang published before. To Xuerong, Rhapsody in the Magic City, and Wedding in a Dream are all my favorites!"

"Professor Wang..."

Many domestic audiences praised Wang Qian highly and spoke with great confidence. They no longer admired and looked up to foreign art masters as they did before.

They believe that Chinese artists can also conquer the world. We don't need to follow the fixed framework they give us, nor do we need to vilify ourselves. We can become the world's only master artists based on our own strength!

The official media even reported the event at length, and several CCTV channels carried out midday reports, detailing Wang Qian’s achievements today!

Central sound.

After Wang Qian finished signing, he left the classroom and went back to rest and prepare for the afternoon performance. At the same time, he notified all the performers of the National Orchestra to have a good rest and make the best preparations.

Originally, CCTV and North American TV stations were going to conduct a short interview with Wang Qian after class.

However, he was blocked by Qin Xuerong and Qin Xuehong.

Because the afternoon performance was too important, the two major TV stations did not force an interview with Wang Qian. They expressed their understanding and canceled the interview plan, and scheduled the interview after the afternoon performance.


Only then could Wang Qian return to his residence early to rest.

Sisters Qin Xuerong and Qin Xuehong immediately helped Wang Qian make lunch.

Jiang Yu, Murong Yue and Juliet helped Wang Qian with other chores. They tried their best to help Wang Qian deal with all other matters so that Wang Qian could focus all his energy and attention on the afternoon performance and not let any external factors affect him.

However, there was a constant stream of people who wanted to visit Wang Qian.

Jiang Yu and Murong Yue could only refuse one by one and said they would come again the next day or the day after tomorrow.

Among those who came to visit were many cultural figures and great artists in the Beijing circle who wanted to meet Wang Qian!

In the past few days, the cultural elders in the Beijing circle were still putting on airs, thinking that visiting Wang Qian would be a loss of status, and that Wang Qian was not qualified enough for them to condescend to visit him.

And now…

Wang Qian has become the world's only contemporary music master, and also the only world-class music master in Chinese history. His status and position can be said to be automatically one level higher than all the bigwigs in the domestic literary and art circles.

Many big names in the Beijing circle will automatically feel inferior in front of Wang Qian!

At the same time, the official support and publicity for Wang Qian was almost unremitting.

Now they are at the Central Conservatory of Music, so they have to come and meet Wang Qian, otherwise they would seem immature.


None of them saw Wang Qian, and several leading figures left with unhappy expressions. Then they all gathered in the small dining hall arranged for them by the Central Conservatory of Music to eat and rest.

Han Zhao walked into the small dining hall arranged for him by the Central Conservatory of Music and sat down with a calm expression.

An old man who had already sat down said calmly, "Old Han was also turned away? Professor Wang is really arrogant."

The people around had different expressions, and some of them sneered with disdain. One of them sneered and said, "He's just a musician. So what if he's a great musician? He's still in the field of foreigners. He has the ability to conquer the world with folk music, so I admire him."

Han Zhao picked up the teacup and took a sip, then said calmly, "Don't be so angry. The girl from the Murong family said that Professor Wang has to concentrate on preparing for the afternoon performance and won't see any guests. It's not targeting us. No one will see anyone..."

The dinner table fell silent.

Everyone knows that although Han Zhao said so, he was definitely not feeling so happy in his heart.

It is not just talk that intellectuals look down on each other.

Even though Wang Qian published many extremely excellent ancient poems in the field of literature, which are almost as good as those masterpieces that have been passed down through the ages, he also published the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which is comparable to the four great classics. At the same time, he is also the only master of calligraphy in the past few hundred years.


They still look down on Wang Qian!

Nothing else.

I just look down on it on purpose.

The fundamental reason is that Wang Qian is not from their circle, and his background has nothing to do with any of them. No matter how great his achievements or fame are, he cannot bring any benefits or advantages to any of them.

On the contrary, Wang Qian’s rise will only damage their interests and reputation!

Therefore, they would naturally deliberately look down on and suppress Wang Qian. They did not want Wang Qian's fame and status to be too high and did not want to overshadow them all.

In that case, how can they survive in this circle, how can they become famous in future historical materials, and how can they leave their names in history


at this time.

The dozen or so people present all had flickering eyes and began to think about something.

Among them, an old man said calmly: "I remember that Professor Wang will give a lecture at Peking University in a few days, right?"

Han Zhao nodded, looked at the old man and asked, "Why, Lao Zhou, do you have any ideas?"

The old man's name is Zhou Bingwen. He is also one of the cultural masters in the Beijing circle. He is quite accomplished in the field of poetry and has published several poetry collections. He is a representative figure in the country in both ancient and modern poetry. His works also appear in textbooks. He is one of the few living literary masters in contemporary times.

Zhou Bingwen looked calm, as if he was talking about something insignificant: "I don't have any ideas. It's just that it's rumored that Professor Wang is also overwhelming the world in the field of literature. I hope he can conquer the world with literature like classical music. Then, we will try to see how good Professor Wang's writing is in the literature class later..."

Another old man smiled and said, "For hundreds of years, no one has been able to leave the capital intact. It is impossible not to leave something behind."

For the past few hundred years, the capital has been the political and cultural center of China, gathering most of the talented writers and poets in China, and gradually forming a deep-rooted capital cultural circle. If people from other places want to come here to achieve something, they will inevitably be given some face or dignity by the people in the Beijing circle, so that they will be submissive, and then they will be recognized and accepted by the Beijing circle, and then become a member of the Beijing circle...

For hundreds of years!

No exceptions.

Even during the New Culture Movement, it was the same. Unless you didn't go to the capital, you would hang out in southern cities and engage in verbal battles with the Beijing circle.

Therefore, they have reason to be proud and they also have the capital to be proud. Behind each of the leading figures is a literary heritage that has been passed down for at least a hundred years, either through family inheritance or inheritance from a teacher. They are surrounded by a larger number of deep-rooted interest groups.

Han Zhao put down his teacup and said softly, "I really want to see Professor Wang's paintings. Director Li said that the painting of Mount Lu Waterfall has reached the pinnacle of Chinese painting and is the epitome of Chinese painting skills. When the time comes, I would like to ask for your advice..."

Everyone was shocked when they saw Han Zhao say this.

Zhou Bingwen smiled and said, "I really like his ancient poems, and Romance of the Three Kingdoms is also very good. So, I have always wanted to ask him for advice on ancient poems. It just so happens that I have a few works in recent years that I think are good, but I haven't published them yet. I will ask him to help me take a look at them when the time comes..."

Obviously, although they said they were asking for advice, in fact both of them wanted to intimidate Wang Qian.

Others also agreed!

After a while, the meal prepared by the chef of CAFA was served. Everyone's mood improved a lot. They began to imagine the scene of Wang Qian being embarrassed by them when he was giving a lecture at Peking University a few days later.