Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 627: 籱昣贆蟧626. The most amazing symphony opening in history - Shenzhou! (Subscribe)


Wang Qian's words instantly made the entire Chinese audience watching the live broadcast feel excited.

Many audience members jumped up from their seats and shouted, "Awesome! Professor Wang is awesome!"

Traffic on major domestic social platforms also surged instantly, and many viewers watching the live broadcast immediately expressed their excitement on various platforms.

Many foreign audiences also inexplicably felt a sense of grand epicness, but they did not feel much disgusted.

When many of Wang Qian's works became popular around the world, many people learned about Chinese culture specifically because of his works.

For example, the titles of several of Wang Qian's works are enough to make people understand the meaning behind the works.

For example, Magic City March and Magic City Rhapsody. In order to better understand these two works, many foreign pianists and listeners will have a deeper understanding of what happened in Magic City, so as to understand the inner meaning and various emotions expressed by Wang Qian in these two works.

This is a disguised form of cultural awareness output.

Not to mention, Wang Qian has performed unique Chinese folk music in front of the whole world several times, such as the pipa and guzheng, as well as the violin concerto "Butterfly Lovers" adapted from Chinese folk legends, which will attract hundreds of millions of listeners and music art lovers around the world to learn about the stories behind these works and instruments, and then they will slowly be attracted by Chinese culture.

This is also an important reason why domestic officials have spared no effort to support Wang Qian, which is much greater than the support given when he was famous in the world.

Because, although Mingming is also a world-class master pianist, he is almost just a pure performer. He only plays famous European and American classics. He does not have many unique creations of his own, and he has not integrated Chinese culture into his works to promote them to the world.

So, in comparison, Mingming's importance is several levels lower than Wang Qian's in every aspect.

And now!

Wang Qian just said the name of this symphony, Shenzhou!

All the Chinese audiences at the scene couldn't help but applaud.

Every Chinese audience has a strong feeling of pride brewing in their hearts, that is the pride of China.

Snap, snap…

The show hasn't started yet.

Just the name brought warm applause from the audience.

Many foreign audiences, even European and American music artists and others, could only applaud along with the Chinese audience. This was a polite response that had to be given.

However, Malone, Max, Dawson and other teachers and students from famous European and American music schools all know that if Wang Qian's symphony becomes a great success, it will definitely become a must-learn piece in the European and American music and art circles in the future. So in order to better understand the inner meaning of this piece of music, they must have a deep understanding of Chinese history!

Because, Wang Qian said, this work was inspired by his reading of Chinese history.

This is the foundation of artistic works. Behind every high-quality work of art, there is a moving background story, which can give the work a deeper artistic foundation and touching emotions.

In order to make the work more widely known, later generations may make up a story, or significantly adapt the original true story, changing it beyond recognition to attract more people.

Why do many Chinese people know the stories of European and American celebrities so well

Most of them are incidental to the introduction of their works into the country, which is a kind of cultural awareness output.

For example, the story of a great inventor is about something he invented, so his personal story became known, and it was a completely made-up story.

This time, Wang Qian directly named this work "Shenzhou" in order to convey the entire historical information of China to the world, so that the world can have a more comprehensive understanding of China's 5,000 years of history, which is far more brilliant and powerful than the history of Europe and the United States.

This will also help the field of historical academia, because in this field, the confrontation between the East and the West has never stopped!

Many so-called historians in Europe and the United States have been doing one thing for nearly a hundred years, that is, tampering with the history of their predecessors in Europe and the United States, integrating it with the history of ancient Rome and Egypt, turning it into their own history, and darkening and diluting Eastern history as much as possible, in order to prove their orthodoxy and strength.

The academic field of Chinese history has always been opposed to it, but its voice has not been heard much in the world because it has been suppressed and boycotted by them.

This has led to the fact that the Chinese history that many European and American people know is actually one-sided or distorted...

Wang Qian used a symphony called "Shenzhou" in the hope that more people in Europe and the United States can get to know the true history of China in detail!

The applause lasted for more than a minute before gradually stopping.

The scene returned to silence again.

However, almost all the Chinese audiences still had blushes on their faces and were even more looking forward to Wang Qian's performance.

Wang Qian picked up the baton and officially began the performance.

In the audience, Dawson whispered to Taylor, "Do you know why there is no piano in this symphony composed by Professor Wang?"

Wang Qiancai has just proved himself to be the only contemporary music master with his piano nocturne series.

But the symphony that was performed suddenly abandoned the piano performance.

This made many people feel a little uncomfortable for a while, and they felt that Wang Qian was too amazing!

It is not uncommon for music masters to compose symphonies. Every music master in history has a symphony that has been passed down to this day. It’s just that Gamphith’s works are the most classic and have the most circulated, so he is called the greatest music master. The works of the other masters are less circulated and are not highly praised.

However, every musical master who composed a symphony, or other master musician in history, started when he was older, had a certain amount of life experience, and had a deeper understanding of various musical instruments.

Wang Qian, who had just successfully proved his faith with the piano, abandoned the piano and used other instruments to compose symphonies. He was definitely the only person in history who dared to do this.

If successful, Wang Qian's evaluation will be further improved.

Under everyone's gaze.

Wang Qian stood on the podium, closed his eyes gently, and spent two seconds to calm his emotions. Many images flashed through his mind.

There were scenes from his past life of the master conductors conducting this piece, as well as many scenes about Chinese history in his mind.

He was not just talking nonsense; he really wanted to incorporate the development of Chinese history into this work.

This work, which is called Symphony of Fate in my memory, is actually quite consistent with the history of China.

The ups and downs and excitement in this story fit perfectly with Chinese history.

There will be lows, ups and downs, and decline, but you will eventually rise to stand on top of the world.

This is China!

Emotions brew.

No one in the audience dared to utter a word and stared at Wang Qian quietly.

At this moment, Wang Qian suddenly opened his eyes, and his whole demeanor changed, as if he had suddenly become a general commanding a huge army. He was full of energy and vigor, and he waved his baton vigorously and rhythmically...

All the performers in the orchestra had been ready to go, and had also been brewing a lot of emotions in their hearts, which burst out in an instant at this moment!

Dang… Dang… Dang… Dang… …


The short, short, short, long rhythm at the beginning immediately made all emotions tense, as if danger would happen in the next moment.

All the audience at the scene became tense again. Their hearts seemed to be hanging in the air and they were always on edge. However, there was also a kind of fearlessness in them.

Many music artists had sparkling eyes.

This opening alone attracted them all.

This is something that many musical artists have never achieved in all the classic symphonies in history that they have performed or listened to in their lifetime.

Just the opening alone aroused everyone's emotions, which is something that many classic works of Gumphi, the first musical master in history, could not achieve.

Everyone was touched by the emotions and couldn't help but immerse themselves in the music, and couldn't help wanting to know the stories behind the music...

Just from the first few syllables, all the music artists present knew in their hearts that Wang Qian had succeeded.

With such talent, such strength, and such a monster, they really felt a sense of submission. Any resistance and prejudice seemed so insignificant.

Many people who had previously taken advantage of what Mingming said in the interview to start a boycott of Wang Qian now felt a little ridiculous.


Wang Qian's performance continued without any pause!

After the exciting opening rhythm, Wang Qian's movements were still crisp and sharp, as if he was going into battle to kill the enemy.

Every performer was fully focused and put their heart and soul into the performance, releasing all the emotions that had been brewing and accumulated during recent rehearsals at once. It seemed as if every note was released with all their strength.

The overall rhythm is more grand and exciting, as if a page of epic painting is unfolding.

Just like in Chinese history, many ancestors did not fear hardships or enemies and kept moving forward. No matter what difficulties or enemies we encounter, we will move forward bravely...

Many Chinese audiences at the scene clenched their fists excitedly, and their emotions became even more excited.

Li Qingyao and Yu Jingruo's clenched fists turned pale.

Not far away, Christine, Garbo, and Ally were so excited that their faces flushed. They were all people with profound musical and artistic accomplishments, and they knew that Wang Qian's performance at this moment was indeed a stunning start.

Christine couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: "This opening is so exciting. It's the most exciting opening I've ever heard. Even many metal rock performances are not as exciting as this."

The opening of metal rock is not as good as a symphony...

If we say this to others, many rock fans may jump up and object.

But at this time, many pop musicians around heard what Kristen said, and no one thought there was anything wrong with what she said, because that was how they felt at the moment.

Many ordinary viewers in front of the TV were very excited when listening to the song, as if they were listening to an extremely beautiful pop song. They felt the same impact as when they heard Wang Qian singing exciting rock songs on the Voice of China stage.

Social media platforms in various countries have become much quieter at this moment.

Many people were attracted by the music. Even if they were extremely excited, they did not send messages because they were afraid of missing the touching moment in the music.

This is an extremely rare occurrence, and it can even be said that it has never happened.

No other symphony has ever been so appealing, attracting so many viewers around the world who are reluctant to leave the TV screen, reluctant to divert their attention for a moment, for fear of missing out on the excitement.

Diana and Sophie, Qin Xuerong, Qin Xuehong, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, and Juliet were still standing by the side door, able to watch Wang Qian performing on the stage from the closest distance.

However, there were two more people this time, they were CCTV's interview host Zhou Yun, and Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV's interview host Wang Bing. They both came here shamelessly. Originally, they were not qualified to stand here and watch Wang Qian's performance.

However, after getting close to Wang Qian, they were all impressed by his artistic and personal charm, so they wanted to see his performance up close.

Fortunately, no one chased them away, and they just stood aside and watched quietly!

The excited voice of the program staff rang through Diana's earphone: "Ward, God, I was prepared for the ratings to drop in the afternoon. This is just a symphony performance, and few people are interested in a long and boring symphony performance..."

"But God played a joke on us. The ratings have been rising. I can't believe it. Now our viewership has exceeded 2.5 billion and is still rising rapidly. It will soon surpass the highest record of the World Championship..."

Diana just listened quietly, and that was enough for her to understand. Most of her attention was still on Wang Qian on the stage, but knowing that Wang Qian's symphony performance was so attractive, a smile still appeared on her face.

Jiang Yu whispered beside him, "I've watched Professor Wang rehearse several times, and I couldn't help but get excited every time. Watching their official performance this time was even more exciting. Professor Wang used this piece to further explain how to use music to stir emotions, and how to get everyone excited with just a few beats..."

Sophie intertwined her hands, which trembled slightly with excitement. She nodded and said softly, "This is the most amazing opening of a symphony I have ever heard! It is so exciting..."

Juliet recalled the first time she met Wang Qian at Mo Yin, and proposed that Wang Qian compose a symphony. At that time, she was ignorant of the immensity of the world. Now, looking back, she realized that she had always underestimated her teacher.

Even in orchestra conducting, Wang Qian has surpassed her father Zhu Fenghe!

On the stage, Wang Qian waved his hands excitedly.

The exciting and thrilling music followed, striking everyone's ears and stirring everyone's heartstrings...

Just like the thousands of years of history of China.