Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 629: 満灊橋628. Crazy signature! The only person sitting in that photo. (Subscribe)貺潿熃


The applause lasted for more than half an hour, but everyone's enthusiasm seemed to remain unabated. The applause was still like thunder, and everyone's face was still filled with excitement. Their eyes were still fixed on Wang Qian with a hint of fanaticism!

However, Wang Qian was tired of standing, so he gently pressed his palms to everyone, indicating that enough was enough and they could stop.

At this time, the enthusiasm of many people gradually faded and the applause began to fade away.

But many people still didn't want to stop clapping, and most of them were Chinese audiences. Whether they were Chinese music artists or other audiences who were not in the field of music and art, they couldn't help but still applaud and didn't want to stop...

Many Chinese music artists were the most excited. Everyone's face was flushed with excitement. Most people could not understand their excitement.

They are all sure that Wang Qian's symphony will go down in history. It is also China's first symphony that is powerful enough to conquer the world. It is a milestone event for the development of Chinese music and art.

Each of them was a witness to the scene and also a witness to history, so they were naturally extremely excited.

What's more, this work itself is full of the sense of Chinese epic that Wang Qian incorporated into it, which is something that each of them has always wanted to do but has not yet done.


Many people could not understand their excitement at that moment, and they just wanted to keep clapping to express their admiration and respect for Wang Qian.

As for other Chinese audiences who were not in the field of music and art, they simply expressed their admiration for Wang Qian, because many of them were either rich or noble, and had heard concerts of some of the most famous symphonies in the world. They could all intuitively feel that the classic European and American symphonies performed by those world-class bands did not seem to be as good as the one Wang Qian was playing now, nor as shocking as this work of Wang Qian.

Therefore, they also know that Wang Qian's work may have significant significance.

The applause continued for a few minutes before finally settling into complete silence.

Wang Qian walked back and forth several times to relieve the numbness in his legs. Now he faced everyone casually and said softly: "Thank you for appreciating my Shenzhou Symphony. Today's performance is over. Thank you..."

No excessive nonsense, no in-depth explanation and analysis, just announcing the end of the show—and then, goodbye!

After Wang Qian finished speaking, the performers from the national music scene behind him all bowed slightly in greeting, then stood up and left with their instruments.

Everyone at the scene was a little dazed for a moment, not fully awake yet, still feeling unsatisfied, as if they were still intoxicated by the climax of the music, and had not yet accepted that the reality was completely over...

Everyone stared at Wang Qian in confusion, not knowing what was going on.

It was not until the performers left one by one that everyone came to their senses and realized that the performance was truly over.

Wang Qian will not perform anymore and will not say anything.

Today, it’s over!

Wang Qian’s days of preaching to the world in China have also come to an end.


Applause broke out again.


The applause quickly ended, and then the scene became chaotic.

First of all, many people raised their hands, wanting to interact with Wang Qian and raise some of their own questions.

At the same time, many people learned from the lesson when Wang Qian went up to sign autographs. The moment the applause ended, they quickly rushed out of their seats and ran through the aisle to the front of Wang Qian's stage, wanting to stand at the front of the line to ensure that they could get the signatures of the first 100 people.

After all, it was well known to the world how popular and sought-after Wang Qian's autograph was that morning. The news that someone's autograph was sold for three or four million US dollars off the field had also spread to everyone's ears.

So, whether it is out of pure love for Wang Qian and wanting to get an autograph for collection, or wanting to get an autograph to resell for money to achieve financial freedom like ordinary people, they all quickly ran to the front and wanted to stand in front!

Red and Aisha were well prepared, and left their seats and walked towards the aisle while the applause was going on.

However, they still underestimated everyone's enthusiasm and overestimated their speed.

Because their seats were really at the back, the moment the applause stopped, many young and middle-aged people in the field of music and art in the front and middle rows rushed to the front frantically, leaving no chance for people in the back rows to grab seats.

In an instant...

Thousands of people stood under the stage, facing the podium where Wang Qian was standing.

At the same time, thousands of people in the audience raised their hands, wanting to interact with Wang Qian.

The scene seemed a bit chaotic for a moment, which was totally inconsistent with the style of a high-end event that gathered most of the world's music artists and celebrities and wealthy people.

However, many music artists, celebrities and wealthy people lowered their status at this moment, and acted like ordinary fans in front of Wang Qian, appearing crazy and disorderly.

He Chaohui, who was standing in front of him, quickly came up to Wang Qian and whispered, "Professor Wang, the performance is over. Do you want to answer everyone's questions? Or do you want to just fulfill your promise this morning and sign 100 autographs and leave?"

He Chaohui reminded Wang Qian that one hundred signatures were agreed upon in the morning, and given Wang Qian's current identity and status, it would be difficult for him to go back on his word, otherwise many people would definitely hype it up, and more work would be needed afterwards to recover the loss of reputation.

Wang Qian said softly, "I am too lazy to answer questions. I will go back to rest after I finish signing. Today's class and performance are officially over."

He Chaohui nodded, then waved to the security personnel on standby, signaling them to maintain order. Then she took the microphone and said loudly: "Ladies and gentlemen, Professor Wang's lecture and performance today are officially over. Next, Professor Wang will sign on the spot for the first 100 people in the team, and the others can leave and rest first. In the evening, the college will hold a cocktail party for everyone..."

Many people who stood up, raised their hands and looked at Wang Qian eagerly were instantly disappointed, including many music artists from all over the world.

After all, Wang Qian's work that has amazed the world has naturally had the greatest impact on music artists from all over the world. They also have the most questions at the moment and would like to have a close conversation with Wang Qian in order to get a deeper understanding of the information about Wang Qian's work.

Unfortunately, Wang Qian didn't want to communicate with them.

He now has the qualifications and status to refuse to communicate with everyone, and he also has the qualifications and strength to make everyone pay for his behavior and preferences.

I don't want to, I don't want to, so you have to endure it, go along with it, and say good things about me to others!

This is the status of the number one person in the field of world music and art, and temporarily the second person in the field of historical music and art!

At this time, the number of people in the queue had exceeded 5,000. Many people were unwilling to lose the opportunity to get Wang Qian's autograph, so they lined up at the back of the line, hoping to move Wang Qian and give him more autograph spots...

After all, Wang Qian’s performance this afternoon was of great historical significance, and was in no way inferior to the preaching performance in the morning. It was even more representative and legendary, and the records of it in history might also be more substantial.

Because, this one piece of work is enough to establish his position as the second best person in history, which is unique.

The more widely this work spreads and the higher the evaluation it receives, the more legendary today's first performance will be, and the signature left by Wang Qian today will have more collectible value and commemorative significance.

Because, there are only a hundred signatures.

Both Red and Aisha were very disappointed. They had tried very hard, but could only rank behind two thousand people. Many great artists in front had put aside their reserve and rushed out to grab spots, leaving no chance for those in the back row.

Red muttered to Elsa, "Damn it, it costs money again."

Aisha also smiled bitterly and said, "The price of your autograph this time may be more expensive than this morning. Even I think that Professor Wang's performance this time is incomparable and can be ranked as one of the most classic performances in the history of music art! Apart from several classic performances by Gumphius that have been recorded in history, the most representative performances of other music masters cannot compare to it..."

After all, Elsa was very knowledgeable about the field of music and art, and naturally knew many of the collections. She said softly, "During a representative performance of Gamphis at the Paris Conservatory of Music, a thousand people signed on the spot. Only two of them have survived to this day. At that time, many people did not have the awareness of collecting, so many were damaged. Three years ago, one was sold at a North American auction house for a super high price of 20 million US dollars..."

"Then, the collector who bought it announced that he had spent $30 million to buy another signature from the same performance a year ago. He tore up one signature in front of the whole world, and then there was only one signature left of the most classic musical performance in history."

"And the price of this autograph has now soared to $80 million, but he won't sell it."

After hearing this, Red remembered what the collector had done. Afterwards, he admired him very much and even visited him privately to see the signature with his own eyes.

To be honest, Red felt that Ganphis's signature was much uglier than Wang Qian's, and had no calligraphic artistic sense at all. It only had collection value for its identity.

The font of Wang Qian's signature itself has considerable calligraphy art value. It can be said to be the pinnacle of calligraphy art in China. He is one of the top super calligraphy artists in Chinese history, which far exceeds Gampphis.

In addition, Wang Qian is now the only contemporary music master who rose to prominence in an era when music art was in decline. He successfully proved his status in just one day and surpassed Street and several others, catching up with Gampith. Therefore, the collection value of his signature in this performance is even higher than that of Gampith's signature that has been passed down to later generations.

Hundreds of years later, the market price of Wang Qian's signature will definitely surpass that of Ganphis!

This is Red's judgment.

So, he must collect a copy now.

Aisha's eyes flickered, and she whispered, "Uncle Red, have we collected Professor Wang's signatures from Curtis Institute and Juilliard School?"

Red nodded, then understood instantly, and said with a little excitement: "Yes, we have collected Professor Wang's signature after his lectures at Curtis and Juilliard School in North America. Now we have collected Professor Wang's two signatures at the Central Conservatory of Music. Then we have collected all the signatures of Professor Wang on his way to becoming a world-renowned music master."

“The value of all of them combined is far greater than that of each individual copy.”

Aisha also said excitedly: "That's right. In the field of music and art collection, the value of Gumphius's autograph sets has skyrocketed. The lowest three sets are worth more than 30 million US dollars, and those are ordinary autographs with no representative value. If you can collect the autographs of Gumphius' ten classic performances, it will be one of the most valuable collections in the field of music and art, worth at least more than 200 million US dollars!"

"Unfortunately, we now think it will be difficult to collect Professor Wang's signatures from his lectures in China. If we can collect all of Professor Wang's signatures, and continue to collect and compile them into a set, the value will be immeasurable..."

A glimmer of longing flashed in Elsa's eyes.

She is now a loyal fan of Wang Qian and really wants to complete this idea of collecting all of Wang Qian’s public autographs and compiling them into a set.

Red smiled and said, "It's not too late to act now!"

The two nodded and made up their minds to spend money and take action.

Wang Qian has only been famous for a short time. In less than a year, he has risen from obscurity to the second place in history. This is a miracle in itself.

However, this also shows that the things that Wang Qian passed down among the people are still easy to collect. As long as they are willing to spend money, they can definitely collect them.

Red immediately called Mingming over and ordered, "Go buy two more signatures. If each is less than $4 million, you don't have to report to me! If it's more than that, bring him to see me and I'll talk to him in person!"

The assistant nodded and did it immediately.

Not far away, Mark was saying the same thing to his assistant: "I need a signature with my name on it. Five million dollars, I think that's enough."

Mark's assistant also nodded and did it.

Wang Qian was already sitting there quietly, signing autographs for the first hundred people in a low-key manner.

Whether abroad or at home, Chinese signatures are required, and no one asked Wang Qian to write an English signature.

Because they have been in China for several days and have learned a lot about Wang Qian in China. They know that Wang Qian is one of the top calligraphy masters in Chinese history and his fonts are extremely artistic and collectible, so they naturally know how to choose.

The people in the queue are older than those in the morning.

Among them are many world-class music artists from Europe and the United States, as well as well-known senior professors from many famous music schools in Europe and the United States.

Standing in front of Wang Qian, they all behaved like ordinary fans.

Soon, only a hundred signatures were collected.

He Chaohui invited many world-class music artists and well-known figures from famous music schools present to take a photo together to commemorate today's grand gathering of the Central Conservatory of Music.

One hundred people were selected from many music artists. Each of them is a famous representative of music and art in various countries, and most of them are talented students who graduated from various famous universities...

Among them, there are naturally representatives from China, and Mingming is one of them.

Taro Shinno and another music master were also selected from the island country, while other music artists from the island country were not qualified. Although they were unhappy, they could do nothing about it because when they looked at the other people who were selected, they really were not qualified to squeeze out the others, as each of them was very famous.

Top music and art masters from all over the world took their seats on the stage!

And Wang Qian, without a doubt, is in the core position in the middle.

Everyone else was on either side of him and behind him.

The three major TV stations, together with people from the Central Conservatory of Music, took this group photo of a group of people who represent the highest status in the field of music and art in the world today!

Wang Qian, in the center position!

Moreover, Wang Qian was the only one sitting.

Everyone else was standing.