Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel

Chapter 77: 77. Professor of Central Conservatory of Music? Highly anticipated!


This time.

Wang Qian was almost becoming the focus of the whole audience.

Thousands of eyes were focused on him, and in comparison, Dawson, Carl and the others seemed less dazzling.

Almost every pair of eyes looked at Wang Qian with curiosity and confusion.

This person...

Who is…

Why are these pianists and geniuses from famous foreign schools attracted to take the initiative to make friends with them in a humble manner

Chen Xiaowen's mind was full of questions and she wanted to know the answers. Looking at Wang Qian's figure, she felt something mysterious.

Jiang Yu and Murong Yue sat in the fourth row and had little presence.

Murong Yue whispered, "Jiang Jiang, Director Yang of Mo Yin invited you to teach at Mo Yin. What do you think?"

Jiang Yu looked at his mother's back with a confused look, then looked at Wang Qian's back who was sitting next to his mother, and shook his head gently: "I don't know, let's think about it for now!"

Murong Yue: "This opportunity is rare. You rejected the invitations from those second- and third-tier schools because you were waiting for this opportunity."

Jiang Yu casually said, "It's not an invitation from Curtis or Berkeley, so it's not that rare."

Murong Yue smiled and said, "Do you think you are Wang Qian? Curtis and Berkeley invited you to teach? Why?"

Jiang Yu turned around and glared at Murong Yue: "What about you? Didn't Director Peng also invite you to teach at Zhejiang Conservatory of Music?"

Murong Yue raised her chin and turned her right wrist: "I have already rejected it. My current dream is to become a rock girl. I will follow Wang Qian for a few days to see if I can perform on stage. If not, I will find a few people to form a band and try."

Jiang Yu said calmly: "Boring!"

Murong Yue: "Tsk, this is my current dream, I will definitely succeed. My previous dream was to be admitted to Berklee to study violin, I have succeeded. Now I want to become a rock and roll beauty, I will definitely succeed. Just don't be so obsessed with it in the future."

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Jiang Yu said, "What's the point of learning the violin? I haven't seen you play it since I came back." Then he ignored Murong Yue and stared at Professor Dawson who was walking onto the stage. He whispered, "Professor Dawson is indeed a world-class pianist. I watched the video recording my mom brought back yesterday. Professor Dawson has already mastered the essence of Wang Qian's two pieces and plays much better than me."

Murong Yue: "But it's still a little bit behind Wang Qian's performance. Although this guy is arrogant, his strength and talent are really amazing."

Jiang Yu nodded without saying anything. Although he didn't say anything, he acknowledged this point.

Murong Yue: "I wonder if Wang Qian will come on stage later."

After the host came on stage and said a few words, he handed the stage over to today's protagonists.

First, Taylor and Mike represented Curtis and Berkeley and went on stage to play their own specialties. Then they played To Xuerong and Magic City March respectively, which was a tribute to these two songs!

After the performance, Taylor and Mike both bowed slightly in the direction of Wang Qian!

The audience burst into thunderous applause.

Wang Qian also clapped along with everyone else and said to He Chaohui, "These two are indeed North American geniuses. They are very strong and talented, even better than Jiang Yu."

He Chaohui nodded: "Of course! Jiang Yu is top in China, but internationally, he is not top, he can only be considered an ordinary genius. But aren't you better than them?"

Wang Qian shook his head: "I'm different!"

He Chaohui: "Yes, you are different. You have already entered the mainstream. What do you think of my last proposal? In a few days, I will return to the capital."

Wang Qian thought about it and said, "If there are no restrictions, I can agree in principle."

He Chaohui smiled elegantly: "Don't worry, there is no restriction. We are not a fraud gang. We are a pure academic art school. Our purpose is very simple, which is to develop the art of piano."

Wang Qian said indifferently: "Oh!"

He Chaohui: "Lao Yang and Lao Peng may come to you again, but you have already promised me."

Wang Qian: "I know! I'm not that interested in being a professor. I agreed to your offer only for Xue'er and Jiang Jiang's sake. I can only reject the invitations from Moyin and Zhejiang Yin."

He Chaohui glanced at Yang Jiansen and Peng Donghu with a proud look on her face. She kept smiling and said to Wang Qian, "Okay! Before the next semester starts, I will help you complete the college entry procedures. If you have time, you can come and complete the procedures. If you don't have time, I will send it to you, and you can just sign it and send it back to me!"

Wang Qian: "No problem. Thank you, Director He."

He Chaohui: "No trouble! I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation in the future."

Wang Qian: “I hope so too!”

Qin Xuerong listened at the side without saying anything. When she heard that Wang Qian and He Chaohui had agreed to join the Central Conservatory of Music so quickly, she was sincerely happy for Wang Qian!

This is a professor from a serious music college.

Once you tell others about it, your status and identity will immediately change!

Although Qin Xuerong is not vain and likes Wang Qian sincerely.

But who doesn’t want the person they like to be better

Bang bang bang!

Amidst the applause.

Professor Dawson walked onto the stage and sat down in front of the piano. He did not play the music right away, but spoke into the microphone: "I have gained a lot from coming to Magic Sound this time. It has given me many surprises. Mr. Wang Qian is the most gifted pianist I have ever seen. The two pieces he composed are the best piano pieces I have ever seen in the past ten years."

"Now, I present to you the performance of these two songs. To Xue Rong, the Demon City March!"

This was the first time Professor Dawson formally spoke to everyone present!

Although it speaks English.

However, the host quickly translated it for everyone.

The host introduced it in more detail: "The two piano pieces, To Xuerong and Magic City March, were composed by Mr. Wang Qian. They were recognized and praised by all the teachers and students who exchanged with them, including Professor Dawson and Professor Carl, when they were first performed at Magic City Conservatory of Music. They also studied and exchanged ideas with teachers and students from Magic City Conservatory of Music, Central Conservatory of Music, and Zhejiang Conservatory of Music for two days."

"Today, Professor Dawson will play these two songs as a closing act for his exchange performance at Magic Sound. Welcome everyone!"

Snap, snap, snap…

The applause rang out again!

Many people who did not belong to the major colleges only learned the detailed background information of these two songs at this time.

When Taylor and Mike were playing just now, neither of them gave a detailed introduction.

As everyone knows, there was a genius at Moyin who composed two master-level piano pieces.

However, no one knows the names of these two piano pieces, who composed them, or what they represent.


Everyone knows the name of the song and the author's name!

To Xue Rong.

Demonic March!


Wang Qian!

Applause, again!

That's what they're here for.

Many people couldn't help but discuss it in a low voice.

"The name "To Xuerong" tells me at first glance that this song is written for Xuerong. Who is Xuerong? I'm so happy..."

"The March of the Magic City, the author Wang Qian is a native of the Magic City? Don't let this song bring disgrace to the Magic City!"

Chen Xiaowen's eyes sparkled: "Xue Rong, it should be Qin Xue Rong!"

Chen Xiaowen immediately thought of Qin Xuerong, the tall, beautiful and strong girl standing next to Wang Qian.

Sun Jing: "Yes! It should be. I didn't expect that Wang Qian actually composed two piano pieces and was recognized by world-renowned pianists?"

She knew that she was just making a random guess.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the truth!

Sun Jing herself was also surprised.

Chen Xiaowen stared at the backs of Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong: "Amazing!"

At this moment, she really felt the huge gap between herself and Wang Qian.

That is a bigger gap than the gap between ordinary people and geniuses!

Professor Dawson's performance has begun.

To Xuerong, the Demonic City March.

During the two days of exchange and research, these two pieces have been played dozens or even hundreds of times by Professor Dawson, and he has become extremely familiar with them.

Technically, Professor Dawson's performance is almost impeccable.

It's just that the emotional expression is not so full, genuine and perfect.


This was seen by Wang Qian, He Chaohui, Yang Jiansen, Peng Donghu, Jiang Yu, Taylor and others.

In the eyes of others.

Professor Dawson's performance was almost perfect!

Sounds good!

There is a sense of immersion.

And almost everyone at the scene knows piano.

Many people can tell that these two songs are not difficult, but pleasant to listen to and express clear meanings.

They all have the urge to play it themselves!

"It's over. I must find a way to get the scores of the two songs."

This is an idea that everyone has.


Professor Dawson's performance ended.

The last few notes fell.

After Professor Dawson finished his performance, he was still immersed in the music for more than ten seconds before he slowly stood up and bowed to everyone.

Snap, snap, snap…

Applause broke out again.

Many people at the back stood up and applauded loudly.

Wang Qian also clapped his hands a little harder.

Professor Dawson did not leave the stage. Instead, he took the microphone handed to him by the host, looked at Wang Qian and said, "Next, I would like to invite Mr. Wang Qian to come on stage and play his own music. I hope that when I leave here, I can hear Mr. Wang Qian's wonderful performance again!"

The host translated Professor Dawson's words, and then excitedly said, "The day before yesterday, I was also fortunate enough to hear Mr. Wang Qian play his eleventh etude, the Magic City March, for the first time. These past two days, I have often recalled the wonderful scene of that day, and I remember it vividly. I think everyone would also like to hear Mr. Wang Qian play two of his own pieces for us, right?"

Many people at the scene shouted, “Yes!”

Seeing Professor Dawson's high praise for Wang Qian, others also praised him highly. Everyone present was extremely curious and eager to witness and hear Wang Qian's performance with their own eyes and ears.

Wang Qian sat in his seat, maintaining an awkward but polite smile.

He Chaohui's voice came from the side: "Haha, let's see how long you can sit there."

Wang Qian didn't say anything, fearing that he wouldn't be able to maintain his smile if he spoke.

Everyone's eyes were focused on him.

The host said loudly: "Then, let's give Mr. Wang Qian a warm round of applause."

Snap, snap, snap…

Applause broke out.

More passionate than any time before.

Many people raised their hands and clapped as hard as they could.

Chen Xiaowen, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, Sun Jing and others looked at Wang Qian expectantly, their palms turned red from clapping, but they were still clapping hard.

Yang Jiansen, Peng Donghu, Taylor, Mike, Professor Carl and others also applauded and looked at Wang Qian with expectant eyes!

Qin Xuerong didn't say anything, but she also clapped her hands. Her pretty face flushed with excitement and she was very emotional.

He's going to go on stage and play a song with my name on it!

It felt like I was confessing my love to her in front of the whole world!

Qin Xuerong felt very happy.

The stiff smile on Wang Qian's face slowly disappeared, and then he stood up amid the seemingly never-ending applause. With a calm expression, he gently bowed to the thousands of audiences behind him, and then walked onto the stage with steady steps.

Just play it.