
Chapter 101: There is something going on in the East


"Master, why didn't you make an immortal mountain?" It's useless to just block the satellites. Humans are good at tracing, and they transmit information so fast.

Shen Huiyue's eyes are curved, her hands are constantly moving, the sea is calm, like a mirror, but there is a thick white mist rising from the water, with heat, it seems to be steam... Probably seabed magma? On the bottom of the sea that she couldn't see, she almost turned the bottom of the sea one by one: "I'm tired of always doing things in silence behind the scenes. As Shen Huiyue, I want to go to the front desk." South China Sea.

The people on the seashore seemed to have pressed the pause button, dumbfoundedly watching the fog rushing in, the mighty momentum, they thought the end of the world was coming, and after waking up, people were scared and ran into the city.

But the brave ones stopped before taking two steps, and kept taking pictures with their mobile phones and posting them on Weibo to attract fans - something happened again in the South China Sea! The white fog spreads like the end!

In the photo, white fog shrouded the ocean, but stopped at the junction of the ocean and the beach, like a wall, separating the two worlds. The white fog was so thick that no one could see through the fog.

"What's the matter? Where did the fog come from?"

"It feels horrible..."

"The South China Sea is an eventful place."

People pointed to the fog and talked a lot, with curiosity and fear in their eyes.

The Book of the World flew around: "Isn't the master worried?" After making such a big noise, isn't the master ready yet

Shen Huiyue was in a good mood: "What am I worried about?"

"I'm worried about identity disclosure or something." When there is a lot of movement, humans will try their best to find out the truth, which is not a good thing for the master. While muttering in a low voice, the Book of the World showed the master the holographic fairy mountain map, so that she could adjust it at any time.

Shen Huiyue smiled lightly: "Don't worry, humans can't check it. As for the puppet, if they dare to do anything, I can take it back." The karma line is very troublesome to use, but after using it, she is very relieved, and she can completely control the life of the puppet.

The Book of the World snorted: "Master finally understands, to become gods, you can't have the kindness of women, isn't it just puppets, why treat them as human beings."

The corner of Shen Huiyue's mouth twitched, thinking that she was so human, how could she not be seen as a human being. But she was a little soft on puppets before.

"Master, No. 1 is here by plane." The Book of the World set aside an area to live broadcast the scene of No. 1 plane. He was holding Xuanyuan sword and drinking hot tea.

Shen Huiyue raised her eyes for a moment, and there was a smile on the corner of her mouth. No. 1 likes Xuanyuanjian very much. No chance to explode.

"Look at it and monitor the situation in various countries at all times." Shen Huiyue thought about how to hold up the scene while digging the mountain. When the fairy mountain appeared, the scene should not be too shabby.

In the United Kingdom, Tolia helped train members for free in the special department. She politely defeated the proud soldiers with her sword, and successfully convinced the soldiers to obey her orders and honestly carry out her various tasks. training tasks. Currently sweating like a rain of sword swinging.

The handsome blond boyfriend has to follow him to train together, and the special department really doesn't dare to stop him because of his identity. This is King Arthur's boyfriend... Although King Arthur, who has recovered his memory, doesn't seem willing to admit it... But she didn't drive away this piece of candy after all. What if King Arthur has a little bit of Tolia's emotion? A woman's mind, who can guess it

In addition, the handsome blond guy is really so fierce, his arms are too tired to lift without any nonsense, he stares attentively in front of him, and stabs him viciously, as if he is the enemy of life and death in front of him! Such a hard-working and talented young man is nothing to be a team member, and the troops nodded silently.

Tolia swung the sword with the members, and her face remained unchanged after a few hundred strokes. After she closed her hands, she stroked her hair, which was as elegant and beautiful as freshly groomed.

"Don't you guys claim to be the most powerful army in the British Empire? This is the most powerful? I've seen it. Hehe." Tolia casually flipped her hair, which was quite sexy, but no one dared to appreciate this sexy, only Able to bow his head tremblingly and speed up the sword.

Tolia never likes nonsense during training. After training, she will evaluate the members' movements, strength, and tone... It's not very good. Only then did the soldiers understand that King Arthur turned out to be a poisonous tongue... It is said that in history, King Arthur was pushed by others. Is it because of the poisonous tongue? Cough, cough... But after the poisonous tongue, King Arthur will also encourage them and arouse their fighting spirit. People who have been kings are different. There is a degree of relaxation, rewards and punishments, which can combat your inflated ego and encourage you to fall. Emotions.

"You're not even as good as him." Tolia pointed to her blond boyfriend, but instead of calling her by name, she called after him.

The blond boyfriend looked up, very upset, but what can he do? Girlfriend is King Arthur now, hehe! Is it possible for his dear Tolia to recover? Yes, in the eyes of her boyfriend, Tolia is sick, otherwise what can he expect

"Look, you still know shame, it's good, and there is salvation." Tolia smiled slightly, "I will teach you the sword of knights, and it's up to you how much you can learn."

Soldiers look frantic, knight's sword? Knights? Great! Every man has a knight's dream in his heart. They are willing to protect King Arthur.

Tolia raised the sword, and was about to demonstrate it, when she suddenly looked up at the east.

There, it seemed that something was about to appear, but she didn't know what was going on. The eastern world is always so mysterious, just like Alexander, who was killed even when he arrived in India... It is said that China is more terrifying than India.

She must go.

"Minister, the training is suspended, I need to go to the East immediately." Tolia was about to leave after saying that, her boyfriend stared at her silently, and the minister stopped her.

"King Arthur, what must go to the East? The Queen will want to know." King Arthur used the word "must". What will happen to the East

King Arthur said indifferently: "I don't know." That's why I wanted to go and see it. What she was expecting in the dark was no small matter.

The minister frowned, King Arthur didn't know or didn't want to say it

Tolia was about to leave, she turned around, her hair was flying, and she stepped out of the square.

The minister said solemnly, "You guys continue to train." Then he left in a hurry and called the queen, Dongfang? Must go and see.

At the same time, Indian Feather Serpent also felt something, but he didn't care about anything, silently, preparing to build a new kingdom.

Shen Huiyue was thoughtful, Feathered Serpent God seemed to have lost control in his obsession, and could resist her will... This is not acceptable.

The Indian Feathered Serpent God closed his eyes and rested. An ordinary young man suddenly became the spokesperson of the Indians, confronting the white people in words, self-confidence, and outstanding demeanor. No one thought that an ordinary Indian would become what he is today, and he would attract the world's attention!

The founding of the Indian state is very formal. In front of countless media around the world, they announced—“The Indian state is established today! Louisianian City is our capital! Any outsider entering must obtain our consent, otherwise it is an invasion!”

Kacha Kacha, the flashing lights don't stop, the reporters are excited, and what they encounter is a big event about the world pattern.

The self-confidence on the young man's face was hated by the white people, but they didn't speak. The president and the consortium had already agreed. Their opposition was useless, not to mention, Feathered Serpent God and his Bone Legion really couldn't afford to offend.

"What the white people owe us will always be paid back." The young man looked solemn.

The white man snorted coldly, whispered and complained, and when countless small voices gathered together, it became noisy.

The young man glanced off the stage and said solemnly, "Please keep quiet, the Feather Snake God is listening."

Is this a threat? Of course this is a threat.

The white man gritted his teeth, but really, shut his mouth.

The Dragon Girl was in the Arctic Ocean and quickly dealt with the base, she released all the monsters. Of course, she took away the monster with fish genes. Although it looked like a human, the fish genes in her body accounted for most of it. The monster itself was in confusion, and she didn't know what she belonged to. Therefore, after feeling the attractiveness of the dragon girl, she has to follow. The dragon girl took one step, the monster followed one step, and even death threats could not make her give up.

In the end, the dragon girl compromised, and her aquarium has not yet opened its intelligence. It is better to keep this half-human half-fish and deal with her some things that she does not want to come forward.

"Listen, you will only be responsible for me in the future..." Long Nu didn't turn her head back, and said her principle of keeping people.

The blond beauty stared at the dragon girl, her naked body covered with tiny scales, phosphorescent flashing.

Behind the fish monster, some monsters followed carefully, not daring to disturb the dragon girl at all. How brutal and powerful this man's methods are, I'm afraid.

When the dragon girl turned back, the daring stood still, and the timid fled into the forest or water and hid.

They are all adult experiments, and they know how cruel human beings are to aliens. How dare they show it to others? The only woman who could save them and ignored them... Where do they go

The world is in a certain unease.

This unease stems from inexplicable changes.

Soon, not only the country of China, but other countries also knew about the changes in the South China Sea... What does the Dragon King want to do

Yes, the foreigners didn't know that the Dragon King was out. As soon as they saw the issue of the South China Sea, they thought that the Dragon King was going to cause trouble.

Warships... That's why they don't dare to come, and planes, they still don't dare to come. No country dared to step into the South China Sea, so they had to desperately mobilize satellites to monitor the South China Sea.

Then they found that the South China Sea was empty, as if it was covered with a thick white fog, and they couldn't see anything.

what happened? Something happened

Everyone was full of doubts.

The leaders headed by Laomei called Huaguo No. 1 one after another, wanting to know what Huaguo was doing, and No. 1 said very calmly-winter is coming, it must be foggy.