
Chapter 43: The old beauty's reaction



Since it appeared, the world has N monitoring eyes.

In fact, everyone is under surveillance, but most ordinary people don't feel anything, because it doesn't matter, they can't reach world events, and world events won't find them, and some people don't even know they're being watched.

Of course, if any country is so powerful that it can block other people's satellites, that's what it does.

Obviously, Hua Guo's skills are not enough, so he covered his face.

Many countries have launched satellites into space, and the ones that China has blocked are not of very high quality, but they have excellent quality and good technology... but they still cannot be shielded.

Therefore, the dragon appeared in China, and the rogue country naturally discovered it.

When the satellite was presented truthfully for the first time, the rogue country thought that Huaguo was filming and playing, but it was a satellite synchronization picture, how could it be false? If it's fake, and they just can't see the fake, doesn't it prove that they are worse than Huaguo? That is impossible.

So, really, the dragon? !

"Shet! The Chinese people claim to be the descendants of the dragon, is it true?" The general of the top hegemon of the rogue country, Lao Mei, slapped the table.

Dragon ah, flying to the ground, you can also change shape, the legendary god, the dragon... in the country of China.

This is definitely not a good thing for them!

"General, I feel a little chill." The hacker in front of the huge LCD computer wall had blue eyes.

Lao Mei was not so good to China at the beginning. Lao Mei's museum still has treasures from Hua Guo... Robbers, mortal enemies... Don't look at Hua Guo and Lao Mei as good brothers now, everyone knows that as long as there is a chance , both sides will kill each other.

So... can Lao Mei not be afraid

"No wonder, no wonder there are always legends that China is indestructible and that the oriental mystical culture is extensive and profound. It turns out that it is true." Laomei's own culture is not enough, so she especially worships countries with strong cultural traditions. Whether they admit it or not, China is their envy. jealous country. The folks, especially, don't have as many hearts as politicians. They feel from the bottom of their hearts that the Chinese people know martial arts, the Chinese people know how to cook, and the Chinese people know Chinese medicine... Hua Guo Shen, what's wrong? Isn't it normal

"Don't let people know about this, block it." The general's face was ashen.

The hacker snorted: "I'm afraid it's too late." He fluttered his fingers, and the topic about dragons on Twitter appeared on the screen... The ability of netizens in Huaguo to climb the wall is too awesome, they have already occupied the Twitter trend, all kinds of brushes To brush the topic, the people of Laomei have already seen it.

The general Xie Te once again, he has already learned the greatness of Chinese netizens - when Lao Mei secretly supported the independence of a certain island, the warship sailed to the sea of Huaguo, but the Chinese people did not go to war, but the netizens of Huaguo Not happy anymore, they went over the wall directly and spent a whole month on the old American Twitter trend-the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, an island has been the territory of China since ancient times-really, after a month, Chinese netizens All of them are gentle, gentle, humorous and lovely, and tell you: a certain island belongs to China, you must keep in mind the principles of international communication, and we will help you remember what you don’t know.

A nightmare, a real nightmare! ! !

The people in the old beauty are dying of anger. They can't win the netizens of Huaguo no matter how they brush, and they are almost desperate. As a result, Lao Mei had to withdraw from this farce under the pressure of the people. And Chinese netizens also became famous in the first battle and made a big splash on the world stage. Every country knows that China has such a group of people who cannot afford to be offended.

And Chinese netizens, who have deep hidden merit and fame, are still addicted to the second dimension, and they are still otaku and otaku, as if the bloody patriotic battle had nothing to do with them.

Now, the nightmare reappears.

This time to brush the dragon... how long will it take

The general held his forehead: "Forget it, forget it, if you can't control it, forget it. I'll report to the president first. You guys continue to monitor this... this Tianshan?"

The hacker nodded, moved his fingers, bang bang bang - the computer wall blew up!

The hackers are stunned, the generals and the staff in the house are stunned, how come Huaguo's methods are getting stronger and stronger? Their satellites were scrapped? Shet, that's billions! !

"General, that general, China has discovered us." The hacker was sweating coldly. He was very afraid of China. They were not good hackers, but there were many hackers. Like endless ants, it's terrifying.

The general snorted: "Destroy the clues, don't worry, everyone knows it." China will only protest and protest. But now, the general is worried, will the country of China, with the dragon, rise

The general ran to meet the president with a heavy face.

The current president of the old United States is black... At least half black, but as a black president, the life of the old American black man was not better during his tenure.

It can be seen that the slogan of equality for all at the time of the election was just a slogan.

Politicians can never be trusted.

After the general briefed, he went to the president's office and saw the Twitter trending on the computer. He immediately understood that the president already knew about it.

"Robert, how about the Huaguo Shenlong?" The president seemed to say to himself.

General Robert also knew that the President did not want his answer.

"Huaguo, Huaguo, that is really a terrible country. No matter what, it can't be suppressed." Lao Meixiao knew heroes, and at first glance knew that the future enemy was this seemingly weak country, so it took All means tried to kill Huaguo... But Huaguo still grew into a handsome man with a deep heart, attracting the attention of countless countries.

As an old American president, he has a good understanding of China.

"Robert, choose the most capable spy and go to China to collect information. We need... to control the dragon." Only Lao Mei is qualified to have such a dragon. In the case of Hua, in terms of technological development, we are not qualified to fight against them for the time being. .

Robert lowered his eyes: "Shenlong is the totem of China." If they really got their dragon, Huaguo won't go crazy, right? And, can they really... control the dragon

The president said: "So we need spies, so start the Chinese spies."

Robert nodded, sighed inwardly, and said, "China has a dragon, what does our country have?"

The president sneered, what does the old beauty have? If it is territory, then the gods should belong to the Indians, and it must be a deep hatred for them. If it's the origin, then they should be the angel Zeus like Ou... But will the gods over there be willing to cross the ocean

So, old beauty, don't expect any gods.