
Chapter 48: Soldiers catch wolf demons


Less than 200 meters away from this group of silly tourists, a group of black-clothed masked men walked sneakily. They walked slowly, wishing to land silently. . This group of people bypassed the silly and happy campers and went straight to the Chinese soldiers.

Shen Huiyue raised her eyebrows, did the foreigner finally react? It was quite amazing, and actually crossed the border and came to the heavily guarded Tianshan Mountain—well, for foreigners, after all, Tianshan prohibits foreign tourists.

The soldiers in charge of the search didn't have the heart to appreciate the scenery. They held the pills and moved forward slowly, with gentle footsteps.

The soldiers' search range started from the end of the battle between the wolf demon and Teacher Shen, and spread out in a circle.

After more than ten hours of searching, they found traces of the wounded wolf demon in a cave on another hill, and they fought.

Soldiers misunderstood the power of the wolf demon. The real fire can’t be extinguished once it is spit out. It will stop only when people die. The casualties are relatively tragic, and the wolf demon is not aware of the power of modern weapons, and was hit by guns.

Both lose.

The soldiers who heard the news arrived in unison, standing outside the attack range of the wolf demon flame, with tears in their eyes and enduring the pain, they carefully surrounded the wolf demon with their guns. Behind them was the charred corpse of the fallen comrade.

The wolf demon lay on the ground with scars all over its body. It exhaled, and from time to time a mass of sparks appeared in its mouth, igniting the dry leaves of the grass, and the fire circle surrounded the wolf demon in the center, like a protective barrier.

It's not that the soldiers can't kill the wolf demon, but the above order is to catch them alive. So they tied their hands and hurt themselves.

Shen Huiyue came to Tianshan in an instant, sat on the cloud and rubbed her forehead.


because of her…

This is probably the first time.

Shen Huiyue couldn't bear it in her heart, these heroic soldiers died because of her designs... their families... their comrades...

However, after thinking about it, Shen Huiyue began to spurn herself, saying that she wanted to become a god, how could she not even have the courage to do so? ?

To change the world, if the world is really mythicalized, people begin to have the ability, and death events are inevitable. What should we do then? Are you monitoring people every day to kill people? So, what kind of god? What kind of fairy

Shen Huiyue sighed, held her forehead, and waved her hand to collect the soul of the deceased who was about to dissipate. There seems to be no place for reincarnation in this world. Good people and bad people are almost the same, and they will dissipate when time is up. Therefore, any kind of good will be rewarded with good and evil will be returned is false...

Maybe she can give the righteous a good home in the future, but not now, not to stop the plan, in short, let it go.

The man with a few stars on his military uniform waved his hand, and the soldiers all backed up a little. He himself took a step forward and said gently, "Wolf Demon, I don't know if you can understand me. I have something to discuss on behalf of the country." The order was to catch the live one, but the general who injured the soldier wanted to kill the wolf demon. But what can be done? He had to obey the order, no matter how sad he was, he had to take the wolf demon back safely.

The first monster ever discovered.

The wolf demon looked up at him, roaring full of anger. From the wolf demon's point of view, this group of people ran to his house and disturbed him to recuperate, with ulterior motives.

The general had no choice but to add the amount of intoxicant and shoot at the wolf demon. In an instant, the wolf demon was full of fine needles.

The wolf demon roared unwillingly to the sky, extremely ferocious, the moon hid in the clouds, and seemed to be afraid of this scene.

Shen Huiyue raised her eyes and looked not far away.

A group of sneaky masked men approached.

Here comes the fisherman...

No matter how angry the wolf demon roared, it was controlled.

After all, it is just a newly formed monster, and its body is not particularly hard, and it has not reached the level of invulnerability. Shen Huiyue had no intention at all when transforming the wolf demon, she only gave it real fire skills, but did not strengthen its physical fitness. If it was not taken into account at the beginning, the soldiers would not be so miserable.

Under the anesthesia, the wolf demon lay dying on the ground, his eyelids were about to be pulled down, but he looked at the soldiers with a fierce gleam, as if warning them - whoever dares to approach will bite you to death! !

The general's expression was indifferent, staring at the wolf demon, motionless, until the wolf demon fell into a coma under anesthesia, and then moved cautiously, preparing to put the wolf demon in a cage.

The cage is made of special material and can definitely withstand the blow. Without the password and key, it cannot be opened at all. The soldiers held the cock and stood guard behind the general. Once the wolf demon moved, he would immediately shoot at it.


The general held his breath, stepped on it quietly, stretched out his hands slowly, and touched the fur of the wolf demon. The smooth fur had been stained with blood and solidified, making it very thorny.

But before the general could act, the gunshots sounded, da da da... The bullets went straight to the Chinese soldiers, and someone attacked!

The attackers did not have any nonsense, and the enhanced version of the machine gun sent bullets without money.

The Chinese soldiers reacted immediately and began to fight back.

The soldiers who came to Tianshan to catch the monsters must be all elites, evading the shooting in one go, and the attackers screaming incessantly.

The soldiers moved quickly, using the trees and bushes to avoid gunfire sharply, while moving forward quickly, they saw the attackers - a group of strong and bloody men wearing masks, from the appearance, it may be Lao Maozi. The big bear on the side may be a mercenary.

This is the Tianshan Mountains, and there are too many places where you can sneak in, so it is hard to prevent. This group of attackers are veterans. Apart from the military, there is no such person in China.

There was no nonsense on both sides, it was just an exchange of fire, and both sides suffered casualties, but the Chinese soldiers seemed to be at a disadvantage. They had a fight with the wolf demon just now, and many people were injured, and because they came to deal with the wolf demon, there were more anaesthetics in their guns, and the firepower was really not as fierce as a foreigner.

Of course Shen Huiyue didn't want the Huaguo soldiers to fail, not to mention, Liu Gongzi should have really appeared. Liu Gongzi in the live broadcast looks like the sky and the moon, illusory and unreachable, and it doesn't feel so real. What Shen Huiyue has to do is to make Young Master Liu become real.

Shen Huiyue looked at Young Master Liu who was on standby beside her, and smiled.

The man in white clothes like snow has an unparalleled face, and the moonlight falls on him, making him look a little immortal.

Shen Huiyue touched Liu Gongzi's cheek, the warm and smooth skin was very tactile. Shen Huiyue closed her eyes and used a trace of spiritual power to control Young Master Liu. The two looked at each other and smiled, tacit understanding as one person.

Liu Gongzi's figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, it was very dreamy.